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Showing posts with label BABYLONIAN SLAVE SYSTEM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BABYLONIAN SLAVE SYSTEM. Show all posts

03 August 2023

Overcoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth


July 31, 2023

Sacha Stone is a former rock musician and artist who decided to focus on global humanitarian initiatives for a New Earth with sustainable technologies that would protect the global environment and unlock human potential. In 1999, he established his first non-government organization, Humanidad, which quickly gained international prominence. This led to him being given a senior position within the United Nations to coordinate international humanitarian efforts by non-government organizations. After two years, however, he resigned from his position due to incompetence and high-level corruption within the UN system.

Stone has ever since worked tirelessly to expose corruption and global manipulation by a satanic group of elites; to bring about a more ethical, peaceful world; and to stop all forms of child and human trafficking. He is dedicated to empowering the latent “God-King” potential in human DNA connected to humanity’s Anunnaki creators, particularly the Enki faction. In this Exopolitics Today Interview, Stone discusses how his research and activism relate to extraterrestrial life and technology both in the ancient and modern world.

Watch on Bitchute

Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google

Sacha Stone’s Website is:

Related Interviews/Reading 

Epstein Murdered to Hide Satanic Pedophile Network Manipulating Global Elites

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QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

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24 April 2023

Cobra Interview With Sisterhood of the Rose about the Portal of Light

April 23, 2023

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light activation by the Sisterhood of the Rose has just been released:

You can listen to the video version here:

It has been translated into several languages.














And Vietnamese:

Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

16 April 2023

Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW!

You’d be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary “Event” we’re concluding to will wash it all away. But you’d also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It’s the greatest opportunity of existence. Here’s how.

A Terraforming World: how to Cope?

The world is terraforming around us day by day. As one karmic veil after another gets activated and manifested in the external, it feels at times like a veritable assault-course of pushback, challenge and turmoil. Take now, for example, the major changes happening in the financial sector, that which underpins the old karmic construct and plenty of our lives. You might well wonder, how do I cope?

In these kinds of situations, it’s utterly essential to intuit the movement of the quantum field itself, and to align yourself with it. That will ALWAYS be the resolution.

So what’s going on exactly?

What we’ve incarnated into is a karmic construct going back to Atlantean times when Homo Sapiens was hybridised by an interdimensional intervention to be enslaved within a civilisation of an alien agenda and purpose. 11,700 years ago it was obliterated in a solar nova event that blasted the casing off the pyramids and sent a deluge of meltwater from the last ice age around the globe. It spawned a zillion planetary myths, but all were built upon this underlying truth. The evidence is abound.

Check out this video by the Egyptologist Robert Shock

Don’t miss the heavenly glory!

Since then the intervention has gathered itself back together, reformulated its strategy and rebuilt itself into the high-tech agenda we’re moving rapidly into today. Just like before it will fail, due to another 12000-year convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole-shift cycles. Based on experience, these intervention powers know what’s coming. That’s why they’re now ramping up their various machinations of the metaverse to go off-planet with a swathe of humanity encapsulated within it. It’s seen what’s coming and is desperate. That’s why its measures are becoming increasingly extreme and outlandish – just look at the current White House incumbent to see the ridiculousness of the situation!

But it is essential for evolving people to realise this is just one side of the coin.

We must be aware of it, yes, because it can impact daily life. But if that’s all we focus on, then we’ll miss the other side of the coin and the enormous opportunity the times present. In short, we’ll miss all the heavenly glory!

The intervention is ramping up its efforts BECAUSE of the tremendous infusion of galactic energy. It’s trying to dumb swathes of humanity down BECAUSE of the tremendous widespread awakening.

What we also need to hoist on board, is that we now exist within a hybrid reality. The controllers are ushering in new measures in the 3D daily. But the light is also breaking through. Take cryptocurrency for example. Despite all the shadow’s attempts to repress and control, new developments are springing up daily. It matters not whether you’re tech literate – there’s a veritable army of developers all beavering away at the liberation of humanity as we transition the storm; from which, we’ll all get to benefit, providing we stay tuned in and go with this emergent flow. They will not fail. Just like you, they were seeded for this. The shadow will not be able to put this genie back in the bottle.

The Grand Galactic Convergence

Many now realise we’re moving toward to an extraordinary “Event” – the culmination of Grand Galactic Cycles which will set the planet free into a New Paradigm. BUT, what I witness is that too many are waiting for it to happen, not realising that this Shift is now. And in order to go with this gigantic wave, is to flow with it now, as much as you can, in each daily activity and action.

In any given day you’ll need to appreciate you’re likely seeing reality through a karmic veil. Perhaps that of poverty consciousness, as the way you’ve created life from the old version of you gets progressively unravelled. Many try to hunker down, or go into fear and anxiety about what the future may bring – like the realignments in the current financial system for example.

You are much more than these fears and anxieties. You’re an extraordinary being of expansive consciousness. But where you go into fear and contraction you artificially limit this limitless possibility. You don’t even realise you’re doing it to yourself. But that’s where the massive opportunity exists – providing your orientation in these times is aligned. Providing you’re turning into the karmic contractions and expanding through.

By that I mean you’ve got to own the internal impact of the contraction. This is where you’re identifying with the physicality of the world – whether a challenge in resources or in transforming relationships for example. This is where we can inadvertently choose to be small. We must turn into these fears and contractions, express them out around us so we can illuminate the attachment. Then work to unravel through and out. This is the spiritual gym we’re each being invited to occupy on a daily basis now.

You might at first resent it and hunker down again, go into fear about the terraforming 3D. But at some point you catch yourself, realise this smallness isn’t you, and work diligently to process through – where’s your attachment? Where’s your fear? How are you identifying? Work in and let it go.

The Extraordinary Illuminescence of You

That’s when you’ll experience the tremendous revelation of the next iteration of you. Sometimes that will come as a simple sense of knowing. Sometimes it will come as a peak experience. Each time you’re peeling back a layer, integrating a new aspect of soul and expanding out into a world of new possibilty.

THIS is how we transform our reality. THIS is the extraordinary power we hold within. Reality crystallises around this new emergent beingess by what you express and unleash out in the world. It’s high time to stop holding our light under a bushel!

Yes, the playground bully is getting increasingly loud. But it’s all bluff and BS. Don’t focus on that, it’s designed to distract and contract. Instead, use every daily situation that presents, in relationships, at work and general living, to unleash the next grandest version of you – that which is being invited and called for.

And wait not for the culminating Event, sometime when. The Event is now. The energy is shifting now. It’s impacting you now, on multiple levels. So in any given day, seize the moment, work with what density is coming up, then unravel through. Now you’re infusing amazing new energies of the shift. What’s more, you’re being supported by the proximity of the Star Being Nations positively willing you on to your emergence and freedom.

The Times of the Merkabah

You have the capacity to create differently now, from your infusing higher consciousness and your establishing Merkabah. It’s built for transformation through terraforming multidimensional landscapes like this one. It’s built to thrive.

When you catch yourself for a moment and contemplate all the different civilisations you must have incarnated in, all the challenges, all the break downs, and all the Shifts through – then you just have to pinch yourself and realise the enormity of your being. Not in a grandiose or arrogant way. But the deep inner knowing of your existential capacity to thrive.

Now is the time to pay daily attention to these immaculate aspects of you; to outstretch your wings, and positively soar through these incredible times of transformation.

If you’d like to seize the opportunity these extraordinary times present, if you’d like to unleash your soul from the old karmic construct, then get involved with the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It was purposefully crafted for these times…

Dive into the Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings to all


26 December 2020

We Are In The Times of Prophesy

25 December 2020

There have been so many prophesies about these times it is not as if we were not warned. No rock shall be left unturned, all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops, the world of opposites where who we thought were the good guys turn out to be the dark hearts. Some call this end time madness. As we move into the Age of Aquarius the consciousness and energy shift will reveal everything. There is a lot of in house fighting within the UFO and Spiritual communities some with merit others venting their own personal problems within the communities. Still others are succumbing to some very dark divisive energies. There are those going off in their own personal crusade to make a name for themselves trying to take down others avoiding their own shadow side projecting it on others. This is not a new problem it is a very old problem.

I personally have so many knives in my back there is no more room for another. Now it has become well earned armor where I don’t even take the time to listen to those who believe they are my advisaries. I have been accused of sorcery by sorcerers, those using black magic on myself and others, fakery by the fakers, deception by the deceivers. In the past those who have participated in the character assasinations in most cases were people who were not successful in their own manipulations, coups, stole money from the Sanctuary or were tossed off for breaking the no drug or alcohol rules. In some cases this opened the door to unseen negative entities which created havoc at the ranch. When all is said and done all I have been is a divine mirror to the accusers own iniquities and actions. To be honest this is really getting old. What is surfacing now is a war between the posers and the authentic. Those with self-serving agendas in it for the fame and money verses those in service to others ushering in the greater family of man. Those truly in contact and working with our spiritually and technologically advanced off world brothers and sisters. We all have to keep a constant vigil concerning personal motives and agendas keeping the spiritual ego in check. There is some very ancient wisdom true today as it was in the past. Many use these bits of ancient wisdom in their teachings today. Before spreading any rumors or gossip ask yourself do you have personal firsthand knowledge. What is the source of your information? Is it beneficial or harmful? We cannot depend on the mainstream news or social media to form opinions. They have been proven to be social engineering programs using tactics learned and administered by MK Ultra and other agencies with devious agendas.

Sad to say the UFO community is replete with shills, planned opposition, ego driven competitive people. Those who are authentic are far and few between. The spiritual community has the same problem. Both communities are filled with posers and unfortunately those who are not authentic with self-serving agendas rise to the top. They have the support of an extremely compromised system set up to control the narrative. This will change in the very near future. There are some who have fallen so far as to participate in Satanic and Luciferian rituals so decadent we will not go there. They claim power over others, seek fame and wealth often through ritual in ignorance of Universal Law. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect and some have connected to some very dark, trespassing abusive entities. In their desire for fame and wealth, the ability to control and manipulate others they themselves have lost control and are manipulated by the very entities they called in. Of course they be lie ve they are on the side of good. Anyone that does not blindly follow, questions their motives or align with their goals becomes the enemy. Spiritual ego gives way to narcissist behavior followed by possession if not checked.

What is sad is some have deadly charisma utilize magic, unseen entities to have their way. There are many gullible even innocent people that fall into their web. These dark hearted misguided people are at war with the ones who are authentic, the truth tellers and light bearers. They are threatened by those who are authentic’s knowledge of who they are and their true agendas They have their minions in league with some very dark unseen negative influences spreading rumors and gossip, falsehoods to undermine the character of the authentic lightworkers.

This is all going to change and there will be a lot of _hit slinging during the process. This is not aligned with Universal Law nor is it frequency specific to the awakening and healing process well underway as we speak. By pointing this out many will say you are not enlightened this is judgement, fear porn. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of, all of it, both sides of the coin. The ability to observe without attachment knowing as an eternal soul you have been all of it. We all have a shadow side, self-mastery is knowing our shadow, keeping it in check. Look up the Cherokee story about the two wolves fighting.

It is extremely important to not allow your own spiritual evolution to get derailed during this process. We have to drop into the heart, use our own inner sensitivity to discern what is true for us.

There are three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and Gods business. Other people’s business is Gods business. Karma works don’t let victim patterns pull you into other people’s business. The only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. Be it love, acceptance, approval all of this needs to be found from within. This is also true with security. Security does not come with dependency. Security comes from sovereignty.

On another note one of the problems with today’s society is they do not know their history. There are those who want to be taken care of, come from a sense of entitlement and will gladly give their power away to others. The false promises of security, freebies, utopia always come with a price. Someone has to pay that price and eventually when the money they have taken from others who have lost all incentive runs out guess what history has proven will be the outcome? Poverty, loss of freedom, then riots followed by genocide. You will have no way of protecting yourself because socialists took your guns. Sound unspiritual? Is it spiritual to watch a civilization fall, decline into poverty disease, lose all freedoms and say nothing? What if things devolved to something like Road Warrior and you never said nothing. What if George Orwell’s 1984 was not fiction but a warning? How about Fahrenheit 451? These should be standard reading. Socialism is Orwellian, always easy going in hard getting out, “alive”.

This is another major division playing out and it is playing out in every field. Did you ever wonder why the movie industry, music industry, political, business, educational and religious institutions have become so anti America? Do you think Antifa, BLM other anti-American groups were organized and funded organically? They were funded by the global elite and CCP, Communist China. Look at all the ties to China now with politicians, the honey traps CCP members which have infiltrated every institution. Have the democrats ever denounced the violence? Which politicians have accepted the most money and have the greatest ties to China? Soros and China are working hand in hand to take down America. They are responsible for most of the division and unrest in America and now America is waking up.

The question so many have not asked is why are the global elite and China so threatened by America. Is it not obvious? America stands in the way of the socialist and communist dictators plans for world domination. They want total domination, total control. Why would they call the voting machines used in the latest election dominion, allegedly used in banana republics to insure socialist dictators remained in control? The global elite were using global warming to control the world, that failed. Now they are using covid with an average 99.98% survival rate, most people asymptomatic to shut down Americas thriving economy.

In order to control the people, you have to keep them sick, stupid and in poverty. There is no science behind the lockdowns, other countries that did not enforce masks or lockdowns faired well, they are back in business. Most of the people who died during the Spanish flu died of secondary bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks, not from the flu. Other countries that had malaria and dengue fever problems used hydro chlori quil and other over the counter inexpensive methods on a regular basis. They had little or no problem at all. Check out Africa.

What is the real agenda behind the disease and the heavy handed measures? All you need to know is the agenda of the global elite and China. This will also expose those who have sold their souls and America to the global elite and China. This is not a democrat or republican thing it affects all of us. It is an American thing.

I fully support those who have been exposing and fighting against this agenda. Now you know why I root for Trump. He may not be perfect but he is the perfect man for the job. The global elite, CCP, mainstream and social media owned by the global elite and corrupt politicians all hate him. Why? Because a strong America is the exact opposite and in direct opposition to their plans for global dominion. They are not after him, they are after you. Trump, the military and the white hats are only standing in the way. Best to stand with them and don’t sweat the small stuff. Especially the character assassinations and demonization of the corporate main stream media. If you knew who you are it is all small stuff. The cry for freedom and the end to tyranny is being heard around the world. The rest of the world will follow America. Some countries are actually out in front as far as taking a stand.

The greatest weapon against tyranny is knowledge and unity.

Apply critical thinking, do your own research, stay away from the lame stream, social highly compromised media controlled by the global elite. Unify do not allow the division games to separate you from friends and family. Transend all cultural and religious boundaries into Unity Consciousness. It is where the universe is going. We all have a choice.

Merry Christmas, Happy Soltice etc etc.

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate Youtube

07 May 2020

Off-world chip implants in the human body

Every ‘appearance’ in this temporal holographic universe is made up of waveforms of coagulated energies — what we term electromagnetics. The appearance of various states of solidity are merely waveforms that are interpreted by our brain and five sense mechanisms as form. This is why when we are able to raise our vibrational frequency consciousness above the lower frequencies, these lower waveforms cannot perceive us. We term lower frequencies as demonic, service-to-self, evil, slothful, depressed, pain, etc. But they are simply part of this polarity based universe.

The Draco Reptilian and Zeta Reticuli Grey Invasion Agenda is very much a service-to-self enterprise. In Sanskrit we call this TAMASIC. Tamas is the realm used by Shiva, the Destroyer. What we are experiencing now is the end of a cycle of time and the destruction of centuries of corruption, not only in the American Empire, but around the planet.

When in written history has there not been war?

Millennia ago the Reptilians began to take incarnations in human bodies. They are Draco Incarnates and they have been generating war, death and disease to please their blood-thirsty warrior might-makes-right culture throughout history. They feed of fear and suffering. The Sanskrit epic the Ramayana calls the Reptilians the Rakshasas. They also are represented by the side of the family that seeks to overthrow the Bharata heroes like Arjuna, in the epic Mahabharata and Bhagavad Gita.

The same Draco Incarnates are now in the bodies of the usual suspects: Gates, the Rothshields, Rockerfeller’s, Soros, Kissinger, and many more. Fauci is one of their minions and he is assisting the depopulation agenda by fast-tracking the Virus vaccine. This untested vaccine will be forced on the unwitting populations of the world without their knowing how deadly it will in fact be. Not only will the Big Pharma corporations make billions, many more will die. Fauci has a history of fast-tracking virus vaccinations and profiting.

I will not take this vaccine.  
There are metaphysical implications to having their off-world chip technology implanted in the human body. Beyond mind control, the chip generates lower frequency waveforms that can potentially ‘trap’ us in a specific lower frequency.

A higher consciousness is our Refuge.

E.M. Nicolay has said that the Draco Reptilians seek to conquer and control not only the Third Dimensional Planet Earth, but also her astral planes. In an esoteric occult understanding, this means we could find ourselves entrapped — perhaps even unaware — in a Draco generated heaven or hell for centuries, while they feed off our energies.

Read every story from the Invader’s point-of-view — and everything that is bewildering will begin to make perfect sense.

This story (below) has been virtually silenced, which shows you that the mainstream media is completely own and controlled by the same ratzoids who are implementing this virus pandemic for the purpose of genocide. The virus is an engineered bioweapon and very real, very dangerous. Be aware.

The Draco/Zeta Agenda is to get rid of those of us who cannot be entrained into the hive mind and enslave the rest. They are also using ubiquitous DNA testing to locate any Human Angelics who are able to access the PORTALS that are inaccessible – except through a limited technology – to lower frequency entities.

Newsweek: Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with Millions of U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research

In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.

Many scientists have criticized gain of function research, which involves manipulating viruses in the lab to explore their potential for infecting humans, because it creates a risk of starting a pandemic from accidental release.

FDA Grants Gilead Emergency Approval For Remdesivir As US Cases Spike

… President Trump has announced that he has ordered the FDA to grant emergency approval to Gilead for the drug, a decision that was widely expected – the White House task force already announced the decision to grant emergency approval during a press conference earlier this week – and unfortunately for the president, the decision didn’t have much of an impact on shares of Gilead or the broader market.

by Susan Ferguson on May 2, 2020

Metaphysical Musing – Susan's Blog

16 January 2018

Has Extraterrestrial Manipulation Ended making possible 1000 years of Human Freedom?

A consortium of extraterrestrial races conducting long term genetic engineering of humanity has been told to end its historic interference according to Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode. As a result of this, and related “galactic diplomacy” developments, he says that humanity is about to embark on a thousand years of uninterrupted peaceful development as a fully autonomous member of the galactic community.

Goode has just released an extensive update with his latest experiences involving extraterrestrials, Inner Earth entities and secret space programs in a joint article written with New York Times best selling author David Wilcock. While Goode’s update may read like a science fiction space opera, his Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV interview series with Wilcock has generated hundreds of thousands of views, and a devoted following convinced of the veracity of his claims.

In my own research of Goode’s claims since March 2015, I have not found any evidence of fraud or deception. Instead there has been much circumstantial evidence supporting his claims which have been detailed in a number of articles, and more extensively in a 2015 book comprehensively examining his claims in light of such evidence along with corroborating witness testimony.

The most recent examples of circumstantial evidence concern Goode’s revelations of extensive underground facilities in the Moon where large bases had been secretly built. In 2017, scientists confirmed the existence of massive lava tubes in the Moon which could support large cities. The size of the Moon’s caverns were large enough to fit a large metropolitan city, as illustrated in the following diagram showing how Philadelphia could easily fit inside one of them.

The city of Philadelphia is shown inside a theoretical lunar lava tube. A Purdue University team of researchers explored whether lava tubes more than 1 kilometer wide could remain structurally stable on the moon. (Purdue University/courtesy of David Blair)

In his latest update, Goode discusses being taken into the Moon where he traveled through its network of lava tubes.

There is an extensive amount of information in Goode’s portion of the joint article which is over 10,000 words. Given the extensive material, I will focus on arguably the most significant event, which concerns what he was told about the extraterrestrial consortium, the “Super Federation”, being compelled to end its long term genetic experiments.

To read the other issues raised by Goode in his update, you can visit the latest post by Wilcock on his Divine Cosmos website. All quotes that follow are extracted from the joint Goode and Wilcock article.

Goode begins by describing how he was taken to a Super Federation meeting:

In one of these dream-state communications I was told that I should prepare for a series of meetings with the Super Federation and the “Council at Saturn” in the next few days.

On Saturday, December 16, 2017, at a little after 3:30 AM, a blue orb appeared in my room. I got up and put on the nice clothes that I had laid out next to my bed the night before….

I then faced the orb and indicated that I was ready to be transported.

Goode described being taken to a temporal anomaly near Jupiter housing a large diplomatic facility where the Super Federation conducts its regular Assembly. He has previously discussed participating in various roles as part of an Earth delegation in the Assembly.

In his update, Goode discussed his new role where he would address the entire Assembly as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance, a recently arrived group of higher density extraterrestrials (6th-9th) whose abilities and technologies far exceed those of the extraterrestrials running the long term genetic programs on Earth.

I was starting to get a bit shaky when I figured I would just get it over with. I thought to myself, “I am ready.” Immediately, Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle Being were standing behind me, very much in the same manner as when they had first appeared with me in front of the SSP Alliance at the LOC.

Goode has previously described Tear-Eir as a 6th density being who has mentored him since 2013, and appointed him to play the critical role as the Sphere Being Alliance’s delegate at a meeting at Lunar Operations Command (LOC) in March 2015, before a consortium of human space programs called the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance.

Corey Goode as he appeared at LOC in March 2015. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance.

Goode states that the process of appointing a normal citizen to represent the Sphere Being Alliance in diplomatic negotiations with the major space powers and extraterrestrial groups in a solar system has been repeatedly followed in our local stellar cluster of 52 star systems.

It appears that this diplomatic formula has been used to overcome the usual power disparity where the will of normal planetary citizens are ignored by planetary elites and their extraterrestrial patrons. Goode certainly appears to be a good choice for such delegate as he has a common touch that appeals to many watching his interviews.

Goode was chosen by the Sphere Being Alliance, to overcome this power disparity on Earth, and give the normal citizenry of our planet a voice in diplomatic negotiations concerning their future:

Tear-Eir addressed me and said “Repeat everything exactly as I communicate it to you,” to which I nodded in agreement. I then turned to the delegation once more and began to speak.

I then spoke the words “We greet you in the love and light of the one infinite creator” at which time both Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle being put their palms forward and bowed. I mimicked what they did. I felt a very deliberate yet loving energy coming from Tear-Eir….

He was having me address groups of beings by both their name and where they came from. Tear-Eir began to discuss cosmic agreements over these programs that have been made and broken over oceans of time. It seems that each of the 52 stars in our local star cluster have gone through similar programs.

Tear-Eir then announced that the Super Federation as they knew it would soon be disbanded, as had been done in countless other star systems in accordance with Comic Law.

Tear-Eir further stated that soon 2 more Guardian Races would come to replace the Blue Avians and Golden Triangle Beings. At that point, the new Guardians would guide the Super Federation through consolidating and closing down these programs.

Goode then described a vehement protest by the extraterrestrial races in the Assembly, who were then reminded of the superior technological power possessed by the Sphere Being Alliance (aka Guardian Group) that had been militarily exercised in previous past situations:

Tear-Eir then had me say “remember the Ponce System.” I had a flash of some sort of military conflict between a few of the Super Federation groups and a Guardian group that was enforcing a similar situation in a far-away star system, long ago.

The incident seemed significant to everyone present, except the Earth Delegation and myself. The delegates returned to their seats and waited for me to address them again.

What Goode just described appeared to be a veiled threat by the Sphere Being Alliance/Guardians that basically forced the Super Federation to accept the terms that had been laid before them. He went on:

Tear-Eir then had me state, “Humanity has had much to overcome. In this new phase, this council will soon disband.

“Humanity’s “Cosmic Family” will assist them in healing and guiding them through the management of their own genetic and spiritual growth.

“This council will attend to its members incarnated on Earth, until which time humanity requests that you remove them.

“Humanity will be offered an official seat at a new Super Federation Council.

“These Cosmic Family members will use their experiences as a part of these programs to help guide this council in further ongoing programs across this Galaxy.”

Soon after, “Gonzales”, a pseudonym for a U.S. Navy officer that has worked closely with Goode in his space encounters since 2015, spoke about the significance of the development:

He said “Do you know what this means?” I looked at him and said, “Humanity will not be controlled and experimented on by dozens of ET races who think they are gods?”

He smiled and said, “They are the gods from our myths…. But, yes. And it means that the Galactic Federation, which the Sphere Being Alliance is a part of, will now assist us with the Draco Empire.

“They will not remove them for us, but will provide support that allows us to clean up our own house. We will really only have to contend with the AI threat until the series of solar events clear them from the Sol System.”

Goode was next informed about a 1000 year galactic energy anomaly that will make possible an era of unprecedented human evolution and development:

I was shocked and said, “The Sphere Being Alliance is non-violent; how will they confront the reptilians?” He said, “I think we will have to watch that play out together. After the series of solar events, the Draco will be energetically expelled from this system.

“An incompatible energy will emanate from the Sun for about a thousand years.

“Many reptilians will try to remain hidden on Earth in temporal fields and within heavily shielded bases deep in the Earth, as they have for prior cycles.

“Humans will be responsible for rooting them out of their hiding places.

“During that time, the Draco will be unable to return to this system.” …

I asked, “Why for only a thousand years?” Gonzales looked at me and said, “Sounds Biblical, doesn’t it?

“The Earth is near a Super Gate. Those are quite special. The only alternative is to block their access to a system the super-gate is near. After Humanity has been through disclosure and the solar events, the reptilians will be of little threat.”

I asked “Who manages this energy field for the thousand-year period?”

He stated, “The thousand-year energy fields seem to be a natural part of the cosmic web’s cycles and energy flow.”

He stated that according to his info, this thousand-year cycle is “not something set up by Galactic Federation assets.”

Goode has not offered any hard evidence to support his claims. Aside from some circumstantial evidence and corroborating claims by insiders such as the recently deceased William Tompkins, Dr. Pete Peterson, and others known to David Wilcock, there appears little to corroborate his incredible claims.

The lack of hard evidence has led to some critics claiming Goode is a fraud, and even led to an extreme form of character assassination against him and his closest associates. However, a close examination of two of the most well-known critics shows they deliberately omitted and skewed important background data that supported Goode’s professional background. This doesn’t prove Goode’s testimony to be genuine, only that persistent efforts to discredit or debunk him fail to be persuasive.

Goode’s testimony is ground breaking and until there is clear evidence showing him misrepresenting or concocting events, he deserves to be taken seriously given the strong public interest in his case, and growing fan base. If his testimony is accurate, as I continue to believe is the case, then he may just have participated in major off-planet diplomatic meetings that directly impact humanity’s future, and ushers in an unprecedented 1000 year age of freedom from extraterrestrial interference.

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on January 12, 2018.

Further Reading

Military Abduction & Extraterrestrial Contact Treaty – Corey Goode Briefing Pt 2

US Air Force Officials Investigate Claims of Secret Navy Space Program

Illegal Military Research and Development in Antarctica

Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized as Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts & New Weapons Heats Up

Antarctica’s Secret History – Extraterrestrial Colony Created Elite Bloodline Rulers

Astropolitics and the Exopolitics of Unacknowledged Space Activities

04 January 2018

Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications

January 3, 2018

Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications

The internet has been buzzing with rumors that high level VIP members of the Deep State (aka Cabal/Illuminati/Global Elite) are being detained for human rights abuses and corruption, and are being taken by U.S. Special Forces to military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) as a result of thousands of sealed indictments. Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there.

While these are still only rumors, recent events point to their plausibility. If accurate, these secret investigations, arrests and extractions to Gitmo where they face extended detention and military justice has enormous political implications, and makes possible the release of suppressed information previously withheld by the Deep State.

One source of such rumors comes from David Todeschini, a former USAF veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Vietnam War. He describes what he learned from a reliable FBI source about recent events at Guantanamo in a December 24, 2017 Youtube video, which he summarized as follows:

High-level confidential sources tell this reporter that the U.S. Military prison at Guantanamo Bay has been alerted to expect high-profile prisoners shortly – possibly as a result of over 10,000 Sealed FEDERAL indictments. 1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for “special prisoners”.…

Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi who tweeted:

#QAnon #Qanon8chan Something is happening at GITMO — flight records being shared on Subreddit post CBTS_stream HERE: Related to @realDonaldTrump executive order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses

— Jerome Corsi (@jerome_corsi) December 29, 2017

A third source is Brenden Dilley, a radio host running for the US Congress, who received information from another anonymous whistleblower who has a track record for reliability. The whistleblower’s information appeared in a December 27 post that was mistakenly attributed to QAnon [see update below for discussion of misattribution to QAnon] The post refers to recent VIP arrivals at Gitmo discussion:

What is worth emphasizing in the above post is that new residents began arriving at Gitmo on December 26, 2017, and more were expected. This was after President Trump had issued his Executive Order on December 21 declaring a “national emergency” in response to human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world.

Finally, we have former Forbes Magazine correspondent, Benjamin Fulford, who wrote on January 1, 2018:

In a historic moment of poetic justice, most of the U.S.-based top perpetrators of the fake “war on terror” have now themselves been renditioned to the U.S. Navy camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Pentagon sources say. “The Rothschild assets George Soros, Peter Munk, Peter Sutherland, the Bushes, the Podestas, and many others may have been airlifted to Gitmo for military tribunals, as the Department of Defense spends $500M to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines,” the sources say.

What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high level Deep State members, many of whom are part of a Pedophile Satanic global network, are being detained by U.S. Special Forces and taken to Gitmo where they are to be held indefinitely, while military justice is applied to their cases. In the process, Gitmo’s holding facilities are being significantly upgraded with expansions and more guards to accommodate an infusion of VIP prisoners.

Among the first to refer to U.S. Special Forces being used to investigate and detain Deep State figures under the authority of sealed indictments was Secret Space Program whistleblower Corey Goode. He referred to such military investigations back on August 9, 2017 after being briefed by a source he described as retired FBI and career military:

[T]here were teams of US Special Forces that were conducting “domestic surveillance and investigations of a Satanic group that had infiltrated all aspects of government agencies and the military. These Special Forces teams have been in place since the middle of the election cycle…. I was informed that a secret report on how pervasive these infiltrations are is more shocking than what was expected. Strangely, this report also had notes from several secret grand juries that are active right now in D.C.

The report states that the conspiracy involves the majority of powerful people in within the UN, EU, US, State and local (City) power structures. These government organization are completely complicit in what is going on. All the way down to local Post Offices and Police Offices.

More recently, Goode says that his sources have told him that Gitmo is being upgraded to host VIP detainees, and includes wheelchair access for some of them, who are being detained by Special Forces working around the globe He explained in a November 5 communication with best selling author David Wilcock:

Secret Grand Juries were almost totally complete with their investigations when everything changed. They had sealed indictments being prepared when they received a cache of new info that gave them a wider net to cast.

Their investigation has since expanded dramatically. So much about the plans of a coup is known about by the Cabal that I don’t know how much longer the Alliance can wait to act and prevent the Cabal from sneaking out of the country.

Some of the really bad ones have already left. Our SF [Special Forces] teams are planning on going in to some of these countries that are hiding these Cabal members and taking them by force.

Are such claims true? In scrutinizing public records what is known fact is that James Mattis, Secretary of Defense, did visit Gitmo on December 21 becoming the first Secretary of Defense to do so since 2002. It was the same day that Trump issued his “Executive Order Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”, where he declared:

I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

The timing suggests that this was more than coincidence, and raised a possible link between Mattis’ visit and the Executive Order. Such a link is strengthened by an earlier visit to Gitmo in July 2017 by Attorney General Jeff Sessions who called Gitmo:

a “perfectly acceptable” place to detain new terrorist suspects, as opposed to holding them in the US and having his own Justice Department try them in civilian courts.

It is quite feasible that Gitmo would be used to house detainees under Trump’s Executive Order. They could be treated similarly to terrorists under the Executive Order’s “national emergency” which delegated authority to any US agency capable of enforcing the Order’s primary function of cutting off the financial assets of targeted individuals and groups:

Sec. 8. … The Secretary of the Treasury may, consistent with applicable law, redelegate any of these functions to other officers and agencies of the United States. All agencies shall take all appropriate measures within their authority to implement this order.

Consequently, Trump’s Executive Order provided a firm legal foundation for U.S. Special Forces to physically detain targeted individuals in the U.S. mainland and anywhere around the planet, and have them relocated to Gitmo when necessary.

Military law rather than US domestic law would apply those detained by U.S. Special Forces acting under the authority of Sealed Indictments and the December 21, Executive Order. This would be powerful leverage that could be used to gain confessions and cooperation from lower level Deep State operatives against their superiors who are being taken to Gitmo.

Another pertinent fact is that Todeschini claims that 1000 marines accompanied Mattis and will remain to provide special security for the VIP prisoners. Similarly, Fulford refers to both Marines and National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo.

As far as USMC personnel being taken to Gitmo, a Miami Herald news story refers to a proposed upgrade at Gitmo that includes barracks for 848 prison troops to be ready in four years. This is very close to the alleged 1000 marines that Todeschini (and Fulford) claim have been sent there to guard the VIP prisoners.

There is also corroboration for the claim regarding National Guard military police being taken to Gitmo. On December 29, 2017, it was reported that the Arizona National Guard was deploying over four dozen military police to Gitmo for a nine month term.

A Department of Defense Report cited in a May 24, 2016 US Congressional statement, described the peak prison population at Gitmo was 684 prisoners in June of 2003, and this had been reduced to about 80 by 2016. More recent estimates of the Gitmo prison population is roughly 40 Islamic terrorists

The Miami Herald story from August 21, 2017 revealed that the Trump administration was planning to spend up to $500 million on upgrading Gitmo facilities. This included a Navy proposal to build a five bed hospital at a total cost of $250 million.

The fact that a five bed hospital is to be built at such significant cost does suggest that Trump plans to significantly expand the number of prisoners at Gitmo. These would not be suspected Islamic terrorists, however, but VIP prisoners behind international human rights abuses and corruption who will not be allowed medical treatment on the U.S. mainland.

Finally, we arrive at the key claim that thousands of sealed indictments have been prepared which have been used to authorize the detention and extraction of Deep State personnel. The Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system was scrutinized to confirm the existence of 4289 sealed Federal indictments by November 22, 2017, according to former FBI agent Hal Turner.

More recently, sources claim that this has risen to over 9000 sealed indictments as of December 24, 2017. This figure has not yet been substantiated, but it would be reasonable to conclude that the November figure may have significantly increased during December.

In conclusion, there is compelling evidence to support claims that leading figures from a Deep State international network of VIPs that are involved in child trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and Satanic rituals are being investigated, detained and extracted to Gitmo via sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces.

The implications of these unfolding events for disclosure of classified technologies related to secret space programs, Antarctic bases hidden under the ice sheets and extraterrestrial life, all previously suppressed by the Deep State, are profound.

There is grounds for cautious optimism that the prospects of “full disclosure” will substantially increase as more corrupt Deep State officials are taken to Gitmo. Their removal from powerful global leadership positions will help greatly in ending their decades-long policies of denying the rest of humanity the benefits of advanced technologies that will revolutionize life all over the planet.

[Update, Jan 3, 2018: I received the following comment on my Facebook page about an alleged Q post on December 27, 2017. The commenter, Ann Schrock says that it is a misattribution since Q Anon has not posted since Dec 25. She says she transcribed the anonymous source for the December 27 quote and wrote:

“That info came from a ‘source’ who has/had been feeding Brenden Dilley, who was doing a Periscope on his personal twitter page. I watched and transcribed as I listened. I have no idea if this info is true, I simply wrote what I heard. It is for you to keep in mind…or don’t.”

Ann Schrock posted additional material which can be read here. While there is reason to believe the Brendan Dilley source is legitimate, the December 27 post was misattributed to QAnon. I have henceforth corrected the article and added this update to clarify the situation. Thanks to Ann Schrock for pointing out the error. M.S.]

Further Reading