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Showing posts with label CREATOR SOURCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CREATOR SOURCE. Show all posts

24 April 2023

Cobra Interview With Sisterhood of the Rose about the Portal of Light

April 23, 2023

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light activation by the Sisterhood of the Rose has just been released:

You can listen to the video version here:

It has been translated into several languages.














And Vietnamese:

Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

16 April 2023

Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW!

You’d be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary “Event” we’re concluding to will wash it all away. But you’d also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It’s the greatest opportunity of existence. Here’s how.

A Terraforming World: how to Cope?

The world is terraforming around us day by day. As one karmic veil after another gets activated and manifested in the external, it feels at times like a veritable assault-course of pushback, challenge and turmoil. Take now, for example, the major changes happening in the financial sector, that which underpins the old karmic construct and plenty of our lives. You might well wonder, how do I cope?

In these kinds of situations, it’s utterly essential to intuit the movement of the quantum field itself, and to align yourself with it. That will ALWAYS be the resolution.

So what’s going on exactly?

What we’ve incarnated into is a karmic construct going back to Atlantean times when Homo Sapiens was hybridised by an interdimensional intervention to be enslaved within a civilisation of an alien agenda and purpose. 11,700 years ago it was obliterated in a solar nova event that blasted the casing off the pyramids and sent a deluge of meltwater from the last ice age around the globe. It spawned a zillion planetary myths, but all were built upon this underlying truth. The evidence is abound.

Check out this video by the Egyptologist Robert Shock

Don’t miss the heavenly glory!

Since then the intervention has gathered itself back together, reformulated its strategy and rebuilt itself into the high-tech agenda we’re moving rapidly into today. Just like before it will fail, due to another 12000-year convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole-shift cycles. Based on experience, these intervention powers know what’s coming. That’s why they’re now ramping up their various machinations of the metaverse to go off-planet with a swathe of humanity encapsulated within it. It’s seen what’s coming and is desperate. That’s why its measures are becoming increasingly extreme and outlandish – just look at the current White House incumbent to see the ridiculousness of the situation!

But it is essential for evolving people to realise this is just one side of the coin.

We must be aware of it, yes, because it can impact daily life. But if that’s all we focus on, then we’ll miss the other side of the coin and the enormous opportunity the times present. In short, we’ll miss all the heavenly glory!

The intervention is ramping up its efforts BECAUSE of the tremendous infusion of galactic energy. It’s trying to dumb swathes of humanity down BECAUSE of the tremendous widespread awakening.

What we also need to hoist on board, is that we now exist within a hybrid reality. The controllers are ushering in new measures in the 3D daily. But the light is also breaking through. Take cryptocurrency for example. Despite all the shadow’s attempts to repress and control, new developments are springing up daily. It matters not whether you’re tech literate – there’s a veritable army of developers all beavering away at the liberation of humanity as we transition the storm; from which, we’ll all get to benefit, providing we stay tuned in and go with this emergent flow. They will not fail. Just like you, they were seeded for this. The shadow will not be able to put this genie back in the bottle.

The Grand Galactic Convergence

Many now realise we’re moving toward to an extraordinary “Event” – the culmination of Grand Galactic Cycles which will set the planet free into a New Paradigm. BUT, what I witness is that too many are waiting for it to happen, not realising that this Shift is now. And in order to go with this gigantic wave, is to flow with it now, as much as you can, in each daily activity and action.

In any given day you’ll need to appreciate you’re likely seeing reality through a karmic veil. Perhaps that of poverty consciousness, as the way you’ve created life from the old version of you gets progressively unravelled. Many try to hunker down, or go into fear and anxiety about what the future may bring – like the realignments in the current financial system for example.

You are much more than these fears and anxieties. You’re an extraordinary being of expansive consciousness. But where you go into fear and contraction you artificially limit this limitless possibility. You don’t even realise you’re doing it to yourself. But that’s where the massive opportunity exists – providing your orientation in these times is aligned. Providing you’re turning into the karmic contractions and expanding through.

By that I mean you’ve got to own the internal impact of the contraction. This is where you’re identifying with the physicality of the world – whether a challenge in resources or in transforming relationships for example. This is where we can inadvertently choose to be small. We must turn into these fears and contractions, express them out around us so we can illuminate the attachment. Then work to unravel through and out. This is the spiritual gym we’re each being invited to occupy on a daily basis now.

You might at first resent it and hunker down again, go into fear about the terraforming 3D. But at some point you catch yourself, realise this smallness isn’t you, and work diligently to process through – where’s your attachment? Where’s your fear? How are you identifying? Work in and let it go.

The Extraordinary Illuminescence of You

That’s when you’ll experience the tremendous revelation of the next iteration of you. Sometimes that will come as a simple sense of knowing. Sometimes it will come as a peak experience. Each time you’re peeling back a layer, integrating a new aspect of soul and expanding out into a world of new possibilty.

THIS is how we transform our reality. THIS is the extraordinary power we hold within. Reality crystallises around this new emergent beingess by what you express and unleash out in the world. It’s high time to stop holding our light under a bushel!

Yes, the playground bully is getting increasingly loud. But it’s all bluff and BS. Don’t focus on that, it’s designed to distract and contract. Instead, use every daily situation that presents, in relationships, at work and general living, to unleash the next grandest version of you – that which is being invited and called for.

And wait not for the culminating Event, sometime when. The Event is now. The energy is shifting now. It’s impacting you now, on multiple levels. So in any given day, seize the moment, work with what density is coming up, then unravel through. Now you’re infusing amazing new energies of the shift. What’s more, you’re being supported by the proximity of the Star Being Nations positively willing you on to your emergence and freedom.

The Times of the Merkabah

You have the capacity to create differently now, from your infusing higher consciousness and your establishing Merkabah. It’s built for transformation through terraforming multidimensional landscapes like this one. It’s built to thrive.

When you catch yourself for a moment and contemplate all the different civilisations you must have incarnated in, all the challenges, all the break downs, and all the Shifts through – then you just have to pinch yourself and realise the enormity of your being. Not in a grandiose or arrogant way. But the deep inner knowing of your existential capacity to thrive.

Now is the time to pay daily attention to these immaculate aspects of you; to outstretch your wings, and positively soar through these incredible times of transformation.

If you’d like to seize the opportunity these extraordinary times present, if you’d like to unleash your soul from the old karmic construct, then get involved with the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It was purposefully crafted for these times…

Dive into the Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings to all


18 February 2021

Multidimensional Theater

We have often referred to what is happening on Earth as a multidimensional war. In the simplest explanation it is Good verses evil or the absence of love and straying from Universal Law. This takes many forms. There is a hierarchy to the dark and the light. The dark which we can refer to as self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service to the Creator within all Creation operating within Universal Law. There is a lot of disinformation perpetuated by think tanks that evil does not exist and if you see it the evil is within you. Those in the new age community who be lie ve this will remind you when you get close to exposing the evil self-serving deeds of the dark hearts. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of both sides of the coin anything else is a half-truth.

The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels. The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension. The light hierarchy goes all the way back to the source referred to as Creator/God/Great Spirit. Love is the ultimate power, it is the wellspring of all sound, vibration and light, all that is, the cosmic glue that holds all things together. There is a unified field in which we all reside, the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d. Masters, Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution. These descriptions of polarities have nothing to do with culture or skin color and we are using the words dark heart due to the diminishing or absence of light which can also be referred to as higher consciousness and energy. The soul sits next to the heart. You access Creator through the heart. Those who are in self-service have very little access and light. They feed off the consciousness and energy of others. They cannot create they can only manipulate and distort what has already been created. With this understanding you can see why through the heart and love you connect to higher dimensional beings. Through the intellect and ego operating from self-service you connect with lower dimensional beings. You can have a contact, see a ship yet who is on the ship and what are their intentions? The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect. Those who demand physical proof for what in most cases is a non-physical event, those who are self-serving locked in the intellect trapped in the egos and self-importance in truth are a detriment to contact. This is why disclosure has completely stalled. 99% of contact is with higher dimensional beings, they are in service to Creation, benevolent and spiritually advanced. We have to rise spiritually to the occasion.

We can apply this to what is happening on the global scale. If you go to self-serving people trapped in their egos and self-importance for your information like the main stream press and other outlets the information is limited with an agenda and that agenda is not to educate, inform and empower the individual. It is a controlled narrative, a distraction designed to control and dominate the forgotten gods through their own minds. The educational system is the same. We do not say this lightly. You have the genes of the Gods of old, the bearded Gods who actually in truth were extremely advanced off world visitors who colonized Earth on many occasions. They had to start over as primitives due to great cataclysms, wars, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and pole shifts. This explains your megalithic structures and the prediluvian races buried under the Arctic. In truth humans, Hu meaning God, man/woman is an appropriate name. We are not talking about the big G we are talking about the little g, gods on ancient times and their offspring the demigods with more alien DNA than Earth Human. There is a greater consciousness and energy, higher realms beyond the bearded gods and goddesses. We have to ask the question who created them. How big is your God.

There are fallen beings due to their consciousness that cannot return from whence they originated. They are trapped in the mid levels on down of the 4thdimension. There are other beings not part of the human experience existing there as well. This is where the stories of reptillians, greys, demons, grossly disfigured beings originate. In ancient times Marduk actually made an alliance with the reptillians for total supremacy of the Earth. He turned on his own people. For those with the eyes to see it is written in stone within ancient temples. We are in the process of being liberated from that ancient agreement and other agreements made since by higher dimensional beings residing in the upper 4th, 5th, all the way to the 13thdimension. The ground crew are those who incarnated from these higher dimensions and those who are awakening to their true identities, aligned with Universal Law. There is more to this story this is the main outline.

There are those in high positions who incarnated to be a part of the awakening and healing or planetary liberation. Some are aware of this some are not. They still have their personalities to overcome and when the time is right they are initiated. We will talk about just a few playing pivotal roles in the highest levels of leadership. Your present leadership is on the other side of the spectrum along with most of your major institutions. By their fruits you will know them. The Pleiadians, Orion Council of Light, Sirians-felines, Arcturians, Andromedans and the Inner Earth, those who survived the great flood 12000 years ago and went inward continuing their evolution are all part of the Great Awakening. The collapse of Atlantis and Lemuria, Pleiadian colonies were the civilizations that were destroyed. We are repeating the same cycle hopefully with a different outcome.

The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians, we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old, some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution. Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface. These races, most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation. The fallen gods, and other self-serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from. This is written about in the Nag Hamadi, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and on the walls of ancient temples. The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years. An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here, have been here a very long time who will be held accountable. The great war is a war between good and evil or those who are self-serving operating outside of Universal Law verses those in service operating within Universal Law. In Christianity they refer to this as the War between Satan and God or demons and angels. In truth it is a bit more complicated many shades of grey and light in between.

Now this is where it gets tricky, we might lose a few. In truth you are all multidimensional beings. You are not just a meat suit and a personality. There are aspects of yourself on other dimensions all the way back to source, your original conception which was the original big bang where God chose to bend inward contemplate self upon which there was a tremendous explosion of light. That was your original conception a consciousness born of and endowed with the same abilities of the Creator. This is what the enlightened masters have been telling you for thousands of years. You chose to lower yourself to explore the many dimensions of creation all the way to the physical. There you got a bit confused, identified with the base emotions of fear, survival, separation, guilt, unworthiness a whole host of baser emotions that did not allow you to return to the higher levels of consciousness and energy. More expanded states of awareness within the Unified Field. Now this is going to be a real mind screw. Those other aspects of yourself still exist. Time is not linear. From a higher dimension you can look down on any time line and choose to come in anywhere on that time line. Most choose to move forward on the liner timeline they left due to attachments, family, soul connections etc. The problem is there is a wash of identity, a new ego formed and you have to rise above the collective and environment to remember. Every existence is recorded in your soul, which again sits next to the heart and it is through the soul you access Creator and your many expressions within Creation. Accessing this and having this knowledge is a threat to your ego, everyone else who believes they are a body and personality and the herd or social consciousness. Before you go totally insane, we are all fractals of Creator as you expand in awareness and consciousness your identity expands and takes in your other identities on other planes and dimensions some existing simultaneously. This includes lives on other dimensions, in other civilizations some very advanced. As you expand further you realize it is all you as every enlightened Master, Saint and Sage has said throughout time. The whole universe lies within you. You have a choice to be a meat suit and a personality in reactionary mind controlled by self-serving beings operating outside of Universal Law or expand in awareness realizing you are a multidimensional being in creationary mind. You have a soul and a multidimensional spirit all the way back to the original conception. Some have to die to figure this out.

We are now going to get very Earthy. The multidimensional war is a war for your soul. A war to keep you trapped in the meat suit, sick, poor, and ignorant. That is the motto of the enslavers. They want to keep your nose to the grindstone with no time to be creative and explore your multidimensional self. They want to keep you in reactionary mind be lie ving you are just a body and a personality. They want to lock you into the first three chakras or power centers, survival, sex and power. Where does the news, Hollywood and the music industry take you? How long can they use the same formula, create a threat, make a victim then have a savior. Even love is a story of dependency. Where is the higher love? A love without fear, dependency, ownership, control, pure service? Why is happiness determined by an external love? Having someone of the opposite sex or any other person love approve and accept you. How free would you be if you conquered yourself, healed and released the wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences and loved, approved and accepted yourself? How about accepting your multidimensional self? These are the keys to self-mastery and freedom

“The only power anyone has over you is because you want something from them and that something can be found or created from within.”

An awakened master cannot be controlled or manipulated which is why such an effort is made by the controllers and enslavers to keep you ignorant of your true nature, your true origin and your divinity. There is no weapon powerful enough to enslave humanity over time other than their own minds. That is why they use every tactic possible to keep you sick, poor and ignorant. They have been behind the plagues, the wars, control your health, the world economy, the educational system, and choose what is allowed in your sciences. Yet only if you are asleep, lack critical thinking, to lazy to do your own researh and depend upon them.

The Great Awakening is the knowledge of who you really are, who they are and what they have done. That is the war for your soul, the war in consciousness, freedom verses continued enslavement. Those that operate in service aligned with Universal Law verses those who are in self-service, the controllers and enslavers operating outside of Universal Law. Considering the fact that the Masters, Saints and Sages, Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Extra and Ultraterrestrials, advanced civilizations all the way up to the 13thdimension are behind the Great Awakening, how do you think this will turn out? God wins. At most the dark hearts can create minor delays, they are on a downward spiral and will loose everything. Step into creationary mind, expand your awareness, know that love is the ultimate power and shift your energies into service to others. An open mind, loving heart and pure intent are mandatory in the days to come. Which brings us to the children, the real masters. Take care of them.


James Gilliland

26 December 2020

We Are In The Times of Prophesy

25 December 2020

There have been so many prophesies about these times it is not as if we were not warned. No rock shall be left unturned, all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops, the world of opposites where who we thought were the good guys turn out to be the dark hearts. Some call this end time madness. As we move into the Age of Aquarius the consciousness and energy shift will reveal everything. There is a lot of in house fighting within the UFO and Spiritual communities some with merit others venting their own personal problems within the communities. Still others are succumbing to some very dark divisive energies. There are those going off in their own personal crusade to make a name for themselves trying to take down others avoiding their own shadow side projecting it on others. This is not a new problem it is a very old problem.

I personally have so many knives in my back there is no more room for another. Now it has become well earned armor where I don’t even take the time to listen to those who believe they are my advisaries. I have been accused of sorcery by sorcerers, those using black magic on myself and others, fakery by the fakers, deception by the deceivers. In the past those who have participated in the character assasinations in most cases were people who were not successful in their own manipulations, coups, stole money from the Sanctuary or were tossed off for breaking the no drug or alcohol rules. In some cases this opened the door to unseen negative entities which created havoc at the ranch. When all is said and done all I have been is a divine mirror to the accusers own iniquities and actions. To be honest this is really getting old. What is surfacing now is a war between the posers and the authentic. Those with self-serving agendas in it for the fame and money verses those in service to others ushering in the greater family of man. Those truly in contact and working with our spiritually and technologically advanced off world brothers and sisters. We all have to keep a constant vigil concerning personal motives and agendas keeping the spiritual ego in check. There is some very ancient wisdom true today as it was in the past. Many use these bits of ancient wisdom in their teachings today. Before spreading any rumors or gossip ask yourself do you have personal firsthand knowledge. What is the source of your information? Is it beneficial or harmful? We cannot depend on the mainstream news or social media to form opinions. They have been proven to be social engineering programs using tactics learned and administered by MK Ultra and other agencies with devious agendas.

Sad to say the UFO community is replete with shills, planned opposition, ego driven competitive people. Those who are authentic are far and few between. The spiritual community has the same problem. Both communities are filled with posers and unfortunately those who are not authentic with self-serving agendas rise to the top. They have the support of an extremely compromised system set up to control the narrative. This will change in the very near future. There are some who have fallen so far as to participate in Satanic and Luciferian rituals so decadent we will not go there. They claim power over others, seek fame and wealth often through ritual in ignorance of Universal Law. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect and some have connected to some very dark, trespassing abusive entities. In their desire for fame and wealth, the ability to control and manipulate others they themselves have lost control and are manipulated by the very entities they called in. Of course they be lie ve they are on the side of good. Anyone that does not blindly follow, questions their motives or align with their goals becomes the enemy. Spiritual ego gives way to narcissist behavior followed by possession if not checked.

What is sad is some have deadly charisma utilize magic, unseen entities to have their way. There are many gullible even innocent people that fall into their web. These dark hearted misguided people are at war with the ones who are authentic, the truth tellers and light bearers. They are threatened by those who are authentic’s knowledge of who they are and their true agendas They have their minions in league with some very dark unseen negative influences spreading rumors and gossip, falsehoods to undermine the character of the authentic lightworkers.

This is all going to change and there will be a lot of _hit slinging during the process. This is not aligned with Universal Law nor is it frequency specific to the awakening and healing process well underway as we speak. By pointing this out many will say you are not enlightened this is judgement, fear porn. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of, all of it, both sides of the coin. The ability to observe without attachment knowing as an eternal soul you have been all of it. We all have a shadow side, self-mastery is knowing our shadow, keeping it in check. Look up the Cherokee story about the two wolves fighting.

It is extremely important to not allow your own spiritual evolution to get derailed during this process. We have to drop into the heart, use our own inner sensitivity to discern what is true for us.

There are three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and Gods business. Other people’s business is Gods business. Karma works don’t let victim patterns pull you into other people’s business. The only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. Be it love, acceptance, approval all of this needs to be found from within. This is also true with security. Security does not come with dependency. Security comes from sovereignty.

On another note one of the problems with today’s society is they do not know their history. There are those who want to be taken care of, come from a sense of entitlement and will gladly give their power away to others. The false promises of security, freebies, utopia always come with a price. Someone has to pay that price and eventually when the money they have taken from others who have lost all incentive runs out guess what history has proven will be the outcome? Poverty, loss of freedom, then riots followed by genocide. You will have no way of protecting yourself because socialists took your guns. Sound unspiritual? Is it spiritual to watch a civilization fall, decline into poverty disease, lose all freedoms and say nothing? What if things devolved to something like Road Warrior and you never said nothing. What if George Orwell’s 1984 was not fiction but a warning? How about Fahrenheit 451? These should be standard reading. Socialism is Orwellian, always easy going in hard getting out, “alive”.

This is another major division playing out and it is playing out in every field. Did you ever wonder why the movie industry, music industry, political, business, educational and religious institutions have become so anti America? Do you think Antifa, BLM other anti-American groups were organized and funded organically? They were funded by the global elite and CCP, Communist China. Look at all the ties to China now with politicians, the honey traps CCP members which have infiltrated every institution. Have the democrats ever denounced the violence? Which politicians have accepted the most money and have the greatest ties to China? Soros and China are working hand in hand to take down America. They are responsible for most of the division and unrest in America and now America is waking up.

The question so many have not asked is why are the global elite and China so threatened by America. Is it not obvious? America stands in the way of the socialist and communist dictators plans for world domination. They want total domination, total control. Why would they call the voting machines used in the latest election dominion, allegedly used in banana republics to insure socialist dictators remained in control? The global elite were using global warming to control the world, that failed. Now they are using covid with an average 99.98% survival rate, most people asymptomatic to shut down Americas thriving economy.

In order to control the people, you have to keep them sick, stupid and in poverty. There is no science behind the lockdowns, other countries that did not enforce masks or lockdowns faired well, they are back in business. Most of the people who died during the Spanish flu died of secondary bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks, not from the flu. Other countries that had malaria and dengue fever problems used hydro chlori quil and other over the counter inexpensive methods on a regular basis. They had little or no problem at all. Check out Africa.

What is the real agenda behind the disease and the heavy handed measures? All you need to know is the agenda of the global elite and China. This will also expose those who have sold their souls and America to the global elite and China. This is not a democrat or republican thing it affects all of us. It is an American thing.

I fully support those who have been exposing and fighting against this agenda. Now you know why I root for Trump. He may not be perfect but he is the perfect man for the job. The global elite, CCP, mainstream and social media owned by the global elite and corrupt politicians all hate him. Why? Because a strong America is the exact opposite and in direct opposition to their plans for global dominion. They are not after him, they are after you. Trump, the military and the white hats are only standing in the way. Best to stand with them and don’t sweat the small stuff. Especially the character assassinations and demonization of the corporate main stream media. If you knew who you are it is all small stuff. The cry for freedom and the end to tyranny is being heard around the world. The rest of the world will follow America. Some countries are actually out in front as far as taking a stand.

The greatest weapon against tyranny is knowledge and unity.

Apply critical thinking, do your own research, stay away from the lame stream, social highly compromised media controlled by the global elite. Unify do not allow the division games to separate you from friends and family. Transend all cultural and religious boundaries into Unity Consciousness. It is where the universe is going. We all have a choice.

Merry Christmas, Happy Soltice etc etc.

Be well,

James Gilliland

ECETI Stargate Youtube

09 June 2020


June 5, 2020

It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the powerful Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and trigger the process that will lead us into the Age of Aquarius.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations and activations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this activation can actually help bringing the Age of Aquarius closer to us:

This activation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to further stabilize the timeline that will lead into the long awaited Age of Aquarius. Number of people doing that activation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this activation! We can even reach one million! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide.

Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th is the turning point of the 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate which has opened on January 12th with Saturn Pluto conjunction, has its turning point on June 30th with Jupiter Pluto conjunction and will close on December 21th with Jupiter Saturn conjunction:

The purpose of the whole 2020 Age of Aquarius timeline stargate is to stabilize the Age of Aquarius positive timeline for the planet, and our activation on June 30th is the turning point of this process. This powerful activation point is located almost exactly in the middle of the whole 2020 process with 170 days between January 12th and June 30th, and another 174 days between June 30th and December 21st.

In astrology, Jupiter Pluto conjunction symbolizes great societal and spiritual reform which will bring abundance of spiritual and material wealth to humanity:

We will be doing our Age of Aquarius Part 2 meditation at the exact moment of Jupiter Pluto conjunction on June 30th , which will be at 7:48 am CEST in Paris. This equals 10:48 pm PDT on Monday June 29th in Los Angeles, 11:48 MDT on Monday June 29th in Denver, and then we cross into Tuesday June 30th for other time zones: 00:48 am CDT in Chicago, 01:48 am EDT in New York, 6:48 am BST in London, 7:48 am EET in Cairo, 1:48 pm CST in Taipei and Beijing, 2:48 pm JST in Tokyo and 3:48 pm AEST in Sydney.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius

3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light

4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

5. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize soft pink Light of the Goddess embracing all beings on planet Earth and healing their emotional bodies. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Suggested time for our meditation is 20 minutes.

Updates about the Age of Aquarius:

By COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

07 May 2020

Radical Change Coming

This is not a polemic: I am not saying that the world needs a radical change to avoid some dire consequences. I’m saying that a radical change is coming one way or another. Being pro-flash-and-blood human, I would rather that this change be directed by human beings to have the most favorable outcomes for human beings that is possible. But that may not be possible because of the dysfunction of the current terrestrial society. But in any case the change will happen, and so we should be prepared for it.

We have previously discussed the importance of midpoints involving the three outer planets — Uranus, Neptune,Pluto — in the outlook of the world. These midpoints happen usually three times per century, and they represent a major change in the perspective of the world, a zeitgeist (German for spirit of the age) change. After a midpoint, the world has changed so much that people born after have difficulty imagining that the world is any different that it currently is. Those who were born long enough before the midpoint can remember what it was like, but things have changed so much they are no longer sure if that memory is not just a dream.

Since Uranus is the fastest moving of these three planets, it is the planet either found at the apex of the other two planets, written as Uranus = Neptune/Pluto, or forming a midpoint with the slowest moving planet, Pluto, at the apex. Neptune is the least likely apex planet. At least for the last 500 years, Uranus-apex midpoints have alternated with Pluto-apex midpoints. The last time there was a Neptune-apex midpoint was in the third quarter of the Eighteenth Century — when the United States was being founded — but that was a special case since there was a grand trine involving the three outer planets in that period so that all three planets were taking turns as the apex planet. The previous Neptune apex midpoint was some 500 years ago in the first decade of the Sixteenth Century.

There were three midpoint configurations in the Twentieth Century, and we have discussed them previously here, here, and here. The first one occurred in the first decade of the Twentieth Century, with Uranus at the apex point. This decade represented a profound change in the world, especially the Western World, though in China they saw the end of the dynastic state that had lasted for millennia. Automobiles became popular, the airplane was invented, new music and art developed , and life stared to hustle. The second midpoint, with Pluto at the apex, was at the end of World War II; the most significant event at his time, and perhaps the most significant event of at least the last 500 years, was the dropping of two atomic bombs on the country of Japan. The is the first time in human history that it was possible to believe that the world could actually be ended by human intervention, This had profound implications for humanity and I don’t think that the ramifications have been fully recognized even 70 years later. Many former colonies got their freedom, and the Cold War, that shaped so much the last half of the Twentieth Century, and still shapes the world, saw its start. The third midpoint, again with Uranus at the apex, happened at the end of the Seventies. This midpoint saw the rise of market dominance, and an end to the previous 35 years when the well being of citizens was placed above the wants of the market.

Now that we have lived for 35 years under this zeitgeist we find it hard to remember a different time. Notice that each midpoint change does not wipe out the changes that the previous midpoint brought, but rather added to them. Thus the change at the end of WW II did no negate automobiles and airplanes, but rather added its own changes. And the midpoint at the end of the Seventies did not do away with the changes wrought by the atomic bomb, but added its own changes onto of those that already existed. Thus the world in the opening decades of the Twenty-First Century is an amalgam of the changes that happened under the previous three zeitgeist changes.

As one can imagine, sooner or later there will be a midpoint configuration in the 21st century, and we will wonder what it will bring . That is always a good guessing game, and we can make guesses based on what we see is the world as it is now. Also keep in mind, as has been discussed in in the About section of this blog, as well as here. we have reached the end of a 500 year cycle — the 500 Year Party — and so things are going to change in a very large way. The changes the world will see over the next 500 years are an end to capitalism, industrialism, and rationalism. The life the world has known for the last 500 years is going to come to an end. The last 500 years, half of a millennium, have seen the exploration and conquest of the world by European powers, the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions, the beginnings of leaving the planet, the atomic bomb, the massive growth of the world population, and all the concomitant changes that are summarized by the term 500 year party. Thus one would expect that the upcoming midpoint would represent a larger change — if that can be imagined — than the previous three zeitgeist changes of the Twentieth Century.

The upcoming midpoint configuration is Neptune at the apex point, and it is a long lasting one. This midpoint starts to get within orb in 2021 and is last within orb in 2029, so it lasts for most of the third decade of this century. This is unusual, since the midpoint of the previous century lasted three or four years. Uranus is the fastest moving planet, so when it is the apex planet the midpoint is quickly over.

Midpoint Start

The chart above shows the midpoint in 2023 when it has just started. We will see later, when we compare this midpoint to the United States chart, that it actually stated two years earlier but was only barely in orb during that period.

Mini-Grand Trine

But wait, there’s more. Not only are these three planet forming a midpoint, but they also form an aspect pattern, as seen in the next chart. The aspect pattern, with a trine, sextile, and sextile, has been called a “mini-grand trine” (a grand trine is an equilateral triangle consisting of three trines between the planets, which we last saw in the Eighteenth Century). This makes the midpoint patten even stronger, because not only is it a midpoint with Neptune at the apex, but it is a mini-grand trine with Neptune at the apex.

Neptune at Aries Point

But wait, there’s more. Not only is this a long lasting midpoint configuration, but for part of the time the apex planet — Neptune — is on the Aries point, as we can see in the next chart. The Aries point, and those points square or opposite it — 0 Cancer, 0 Libra, 0 Capricorn — are the connection points with the world at large. When a planet make a connection with the Aries point, whatever is represented by that planet, and in this case a midpoint, will affect the whole world. In this case, it makes the midpoint even more significant. I can speculate that Neptune on Aries represents the Reenchantment of the World (suggested, by among others, Morris Berman in the book of that name). It is something we have long needed.

Saturn Neptune Conjunction at Aries Point

But wait, there’s more. For a year, when the midpoint’s apex planet Neptune is on the Aries point, Saturn is conjunct Neptune, as shown in the next chart. Saturn-Neptune conjunctions (squares, oppositions) are very complex and important . We have discussed this combination over the last month. Briefly, Saturn-Neptune indicates a long time behavior that at one time seemed like a good idea, but now its failure is glaringly obvious. The fact that the conjunction takes place at the Aries point, and is the apex of the midpoint involving two of the outer planets makes it even more important. The entire world feels that its previous behavior is no longer worth pursuing.

But wait, there’s more. Because the planets are sextile Neptune at the time that Neptune changes sign — from Pisces to Aries — the other two outer planers are also changing signs at the same time, with Pluto changing from Capricorn, where it is now, into Aquarius, and Uranus changing from Taurus to Gemini, so that afterwards all the three outer planets are in positive signs. The change of an outer planet into a new sign is considered significant and books have been written about this phenomenon through the ages (for example, The Astrology of Sustainability by J. Lee Lehman, PH.D.) so one can expect that the changes of all three other planets to new signs at the same time would be triply noteworthy.

Four Outer Planets Change Signs

In this 5 years graphical ephemeris in harmonic 6, we can see that first Pluto changes sign — red arrow — and then Neptune changes sign — green arrow — and then Saturn and Uranus change signs — between blue and black arrows. You can see how the three outer planets maintain their dance during this period, with the last exact mini-grand trine shown by the yellow arrow.

Saturn Neptune with US

But wait, there’s more. Since the US is connected with the Aries point – -the IC is at 1 Aries and so the Midheaven is at 1 Libra, this whole configuration is thus connected to the IC and MC of the United States, so the US will be deeply involved in the changes signified by all these aspects and happening in the third decade, five years away, of the Twenty-First Century.This is shown in the above chart.

United States Midheaven Activity

In this magnified graphical ephemeris we can see how those three outer planets plus Saturn come close to the MC of the United States when they are all in aspect to each other. Remember that in this sixth harmonic graphical ephemeris, where the transiting lines are close together, either a conjunction, trine, or sextile is occurring, and when near the MC of the US these aspect are all less than one degree, as shown in the vertical scale.

Uranus-Pluto Midpoint over 10 Years

In this 10 year graphical ephemeris we can see how Neptune and the Uranus-Pluto midpoint are close together for the entire 10 years, with the closest at the center vertical line of 3/24/2025. At this point both lines also cross the Aries axis, the horizontal solid black line.

Midpoint Start on US Chart

Midpoint End on US Chart

But wait, there’s more. Here are two more charts illustrating the start and the end of the midpoint on the United States chart. Again, you can see that the midpoint lasts for nine years, from 2021 to 2029. As we mentioned above, Neptune transits the IC of the United States during this period. And as you can see from the second chart directly above, at the end of the period Uranus transits the Descendant of the US. As discussed many months ago when Neptune transits the Midheaven axis, either end, and Uranus transits the Descendant, the United States engages in war. I’ve suggested previously that the war in this case will be a world wide attempt to save the world. This is further evidence that this period — the third decade of the Twenty-First Century — will see a major change in the behavior of the world’s people.

Midpoints on the US MC

There is also a midpoint configuration with Uranus_Pluto to the Midheaven of the United States, with the Saturn-Nptune conjunction also making a midpoint to the MC.

Uranus Square US Moon

But wait, there’s more. There is one other idea we discussed previously that is relevant to this period. When Uranus make a quadrature aspect — conjunction, square, opposition — to the Moon of the United States, the people get agitated and often a war results. As can be see in the above chart, a square between Uranus and the US Moon occurs in the period 2024-25. This is one more indication that something interesting will happen in this period.

In The Year 2025

Finally, here is a chart with all the planets within the US chart, for August, 8, 2025. There is a kite — grand trine and mini-grand trine with Mars on the US MC and opposite Saturn-Neptune — the spine of the kite. The transiting Sun is semisquare Mars and sesquiquadrate Saturn-Neptune. Mercury is opposite the Moon-Pluto conjunction. There is a Venus-Jupiter conjunction and Jupiter is almost exactly conjunct the US Sun.

So the big question is “What will this change be?” Not being psychic, I don’t know, but we can make some educated guesses. One possibility is we would see a world controlled by major corporations, and the leader of the dominant military power in the world would be sending robot missiles around the world to kill people who he (or she) doesn’t like, possibly planning the kills for a week on each Thursday (and calling them Terror Thursdays) while spy agencies for major powers find a way to spy on every cell phone call, email, or computer, and the leader would make rhetoric for liberal sounding nostrums to cheers his (or her) supporters while he (or she) tried to pass a bill giving complete control of the world to the dominant corporations. Now I’m sure we can all agree that it is very difficult to imagine such a hopeless scenario, and that the citizens of the United States would never stand of such a thing, so let’s explore a more positive possibility.

As we discussed before, we are at the end of the 500-Year party. Many trends in the world are reaching a limit, or have already passed them. In the United States there are two dominant political parties that are weighing in on this situation. One, the realists, see the situation as so dangerous to their world view that they choose the ostrich outlook to the problems, just deny them. The other political faction thinks that there is something happening here, but what it is ain’t exactly clear, so they believe that market-based solutions will solve the problems and that the economy can continue to grow. This is the rearrange the deckchairs on the Titanic approach. Neither of these approaches will avoid radical changes, but I don’t think they will like the results of such a change.

As for what a radical changes will look like, here are three suggestion that will indicate the scope of the problem:

In the early part of the Twentieth Century, under the influence of a Uranus-Neptune opposition, the automobile was developed as a fixture of society. Its influence has only spread in the century since then. In the decade of the 1990s, under a Uranus-Neptune conjunction, another fascination was developed for the World Wide Web, and its influence has only spread since then. So imagine what the dilemma society will be in if they are offered the choice: Automobiles or the Internet, the world can only support one — your choice.

Some scientists suggests that we need to stop moving around as much as we have grown accustomed to. The airplane, which is becoming increasingly popular (also developed during the Uranus-Neptune opposition in the first decade of the Twentieth Century), is notorious from abusing the atmosphere. What if the world realized it must use dirigibles rather than airplanes for those trips that can not be accomplished by land or sea travel?

What if the United States were to split up into several separate countries, in which case each new country would have its own birthchart and Constitution to replace the terribly outmoded Constitution of the current United States, and a birthchart that damns us to certain behavior. We all realize that the United is already several separate countries, based on history and location. The Northeast and the South are different and fact fought a war over this difference. The West Coast states, the Midwest, the Rocky Mountain area, and the former industrial heartland south of the Great Lakes are also obviously different. Unfortunately they all have to work together, even though they see the world differently. These ideas are discuss in depth in The Nine Nations of North America (Joel Garreau) and American Nations (Colin Woodard).

Of course, there are other possible meanings of this configuration that is coming up in less than ten years, I merely suggested ones that seem reasonable at this time. But of course things can change in the next few year. Expect many black swans. We may see an invasion from outer space, a collision with an asteroid, a nuclear war. But whatever happens, the world will change radically in the next quarter century. I see an image of a runaway chariot and the riders — the people of the earth — must gain control of the reins and slow the runaway chariot. It won’t be easy, and will require a massive change in consciousness as well. We will look at indications of this for the next ten years at future dates.


07 June 2018

Breaking News: Israel did 9/11; Assassinated JFK and RFK all as a seamless war crimes policy

Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960.

John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations.

And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt.

As Lance deHaven-Smith has remarked in Conspiracy Theory in America:


John and Robert were bound by an unshakable loyalty. Kennedy biographers have stressed the absolute dedication of Robert to his elder brother. Robert had successfully managed John’s campaign for the Senate in 1952, then his presidential campaign in 1960. John made him not only his Attorney General, but also his most trusted adviser, even on matters of Foreign or Military affairs. What John appreciated most in Robert was his sense of justice and the rectitude of his moral judgment. It is Robert, for example, who encouraged John to fully endorse the cause of the Blacks’ civil rights movement.

Given this exceptional bond between the Kennedy brothers, what is the probability that the two Kennedy assassinations were unrelated? Rather, we should start with the assumption that they are related. Basic common sense suggests that the Kennedy brothers have been killed by the same force, and for the same motives. It is, at least, a logical working hypothesis that Robert was eliminated from the presidential race because he had to be prevented from reaching a position where he could reopen the case of his brother’s death. Both his loyalty to his brother’s memory, and his obsession with justice, made it predictable that, if he reached the White House, he would do just that. But was there, in 1968, any clear indication that he would?

Did Bobby plan to reopen the investigation on his brother’s assassination?


Breaking News: Israel did 9/11; Assassinated JFK & RFK all as a seamless war crimes policy
 Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?

by Laurent Guyénot, Unz Review

06 September 2017

Situation Update 5 September 2017

The Black Stone has been dissolved, and all primary anomaly that is associated with it is expected to be removed around the time of the September equinox.

What is remaining is whatever is left of the Yaldabaoth entity with toplet plasma bombs and plasma primary anomaly in its body.

Yaldabaoth entity is beginning to realize that its time is almost over and is reacting very strongly to the increasing incoming energies from the Galactic Center. This is the reason for extremely difficult energies and situations many are experiencing right now.

The Archons and the Cabal are misusing the excited plasma of the Yaldabaoth entity to increase the strength of plasma vortexes in order to trigger extreme weather.

In India:

In Hong Kong:


They have tried this with hurricane Harvey:

They were planning that hurricane to become another Katrina with thousands of casualties but thanks to the strength of the New Atlantis grid, the Light forces have managed to weaken the storm as it made landfall and thus casualties were reduced by more than 95% from what the Cabal has originally planned.

Unhappy with the results, the Cabal have modified another hurricane that is now affecting Caribbean islands and will almost certainly make landfall in Florida with potentially drastic consequences:

The Light forces have asked us to meditate to dissipate hurricane Irma each day from now on until it dissolves. We will be doing this meditation daily at 12:00 noon EDT. This equals 9:00 am PDT in Los Angeles, 10:00 am MDT in Denver, 11:00 am in CDT in Chicago, 5:00 pm BST in London, 6:00 pm CEST in Paris and midnight in Taipei:

Join us if you feel so guided.

Instructions :

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of dissolving hurricane Irma.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a soft pink light dissolving hurricane Irma, making it harmless. Visualize this soft pink light protecting all people and their property in the hurricane path. Visualize this situation resolving in the most positive way possible.

You need to understand that this planet is not liberated yet and planetary conditions will not significantly improve before the Event. Therefore it is still very important that we keep strengthening the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet with cintamani stones and meditations.

Before I finish this update, a little inspiration:

Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra on 5 September 2017