18 July 2024

Vatican’s Groundbreaking UFO Announcement

Ancient Documents Unveiled – Humanity’s Greatest Mysteries!

The Vatican has always been a fortress of secrets, safeguarding its ancient knowledge from prying eyes. But now, at this critical juncture in history, they are dropping bombshells about UFOs, aliens, and “apparitions” that could shake the very foundations of our understanding of the universe. Why now? What do they know that they’ve kept hidden for centuries?

This Thursday’s press conference is unprecedented—it’s the first time since 1978 that the Vatican has openly discussed these otherworldly topics. The announcement is not just about vague possibilities but about issuing new guidelines on how to handle potential encounters with aliens. Yes, the Vatican is preparing for contact with extraterrestrial life, a move that speaks volumes about what they might already know.

The press conference will feature three prominent Vatican figures: Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Messenger Armando Matteo, and Daniela Del Gaudio. Their agenda? To present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, focusing on discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena. The implication is clear: the Vatican believes encounters with aliens are not just a possibility, but an imminent reality. What secrets are they still holding back?

Consider the timing. The last major Vatican announcement on this topic was in February 1978, when Cardinal Franjo Seper issued norms for evaluating alleged apparitions and supernatural events. Back then, the spread of such news was primarily through mass media. Fast forward to today, and we live in a digital age where information can go viral in an instant. Why has the Vatican chosen this moment, amidst global turmoil and technological advancement, to revisit this issue?

Pope Francis, the current head of the Catholic Church, has shown a marked interest in the topic of aliens. In late 2023, he made a provocative statement comparing early Christian efforts to associate with Jews and Gentiles to potential interactions with aliens. He whimsically described Martians wanting to be baptized, and emphasized the Church’s inclusive mission: “It was never the ministry of the closed door, never.” This suggests a readiness to welcome alien beings into the fold, a stance that raises many questions about what the Vatican knows and anticipates.

The upcoming documentary “God Versus Aliens” by award-winning filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee sheds more light on this. Lee posits that the Vatican’s new guidance on apparitions is a step towards full disclosure about UFOs. According to Lee, the Vatican has been investigating UFOs for decades and even has a dedicated Cardinal for first contact scenarios. He believes that the Vatican’s acknowledgement of the paranormal aspects of UFOs indicates a deeper understanding than they have previously revealed.

For years, whispers about the Vatican’s advanced observatories and their focus on the skies have circulated among those in the know. The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) in Arizona is just one piece of this puzzle. This high-tech facility is dedicated to astronomical research, ostensibly for scientific purposes. But what if its real purpose is to monitor and prepare for extraterrestrial contact?

The Vatican’s keen interest in extraterrestrial life is not new. The Jesuit priest Father José Gabriel Funes, a former director of the Vatican Observatory, has spoken openly about the possibility of alien life. In 2008, he suggested that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God. This openness is startling for an institution known for its cautious and conservative stance on new ideas.

The Vatican’s actions hint at a larger, hidden agenda. Their preparation for potential alien encounters suggests they have knowledge that surpasses our common understanding. Are they in contact with extraterrestrial beings? Have they discovered evidence that we are not alone in the universe? The sudden urgency to issue guidelines and hold press conferences suggests they might have uncovered something monumental.

Furthermore, the Vatican’s historical archives are rumored to contain documents and artifacts related to extraterrestrial encounters dating back centuries. These archives are off-limits to the public, fueling speculation about what they might reveal. Are these ancient texts and relics evidence of past alien contact, hidden away to maintain control over human knowledge and belief systems?

The implications of the Vatican’s revelations are profound. If they are preparing for alien contact, what does that mean for the rest of humanity? The potential for social, religious, and scientific upheaval is enormous. The very fabric of our understanding of life, both on Earth and in the cosmos, could be torn apart and rewoven in the light of new truths.

The Vatican’s decision to bring these issues to the forefront now, after centuries of secrecy, is a bold move that cannot be ignored. It forces us to question what we think we know about the universe and our place in it. As they slowly peel back the layers of mystery, we must be prepared for the possibility that the answers they provide will challenge everything we hold to be true.

The Vatican has always been a master of secrets, but their latest move has set the world abuzz. Out of nowhere, they’ve decided to spill the beans on UFOs, aliens, and so-called “apparitions.” What are they hiding? Why now? This isn’t just another press release; it’s the first time since 1978 that the Vatican has openly addressed these topics. They’re not just talking in vague terms either—they’re laying out new guidelines on how to handle potential encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

On Thursday, the Vatican will hold a press conference, led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, Messenger Armando Matteo, and Daniela Del Gaudio, to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The subject? Discernment between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena. The subtext? The Vatican is preparing for alien contact. This isn’t a subtle hint; it’s a blatant statement. They know something we don’t, and they’re inching towards revealing it.

The timing is curious. The last major guidelines issued by the Vatican on this topic were in 1978 when Cardinal Franjo Seper set out norms for evaluating supernatural events, prompted by the rapid spread of such news through mass media. Today, with the digital age ensuring information spreads faster than ever, why has the Vatican chosen this precise moment to reopen the discussion? What’s changed?

Pope Francis himself has shown a peculiar interest in aliens. Late last year, he made comments comparing early Christian outreach to “Jews and Gentiles” to potential interactions with aliens. He painted a whimsical picture of Martians—green, with long noses and big ears—coming to Earth and seeking baptism. His message? The Church’s doors are always open, even to extraterrestrial beings. But what does this openness signify? Is the Vatican gearing up to integrate aliens into our religious framework?

Enter the documentary “God Versus Aliens” by award-winning filmmaker Mark Christopher Lee. Set to premiere at the Cannes Film Festival, it promises to reveal the Vatican’s secrets about UFOs. Lee argues that the Vatican’s new guidance on apparitions is a clear indicator of impending full disclosure on UFO phenomena. He claims the Vatican has been studying UFOs for decades and even has a Cardinal dedicated to managing first contact scenarios. According to Lee, the Vatican knows that UFOs aren’t just physical crafts from other worlds—they have a paranormal dimension as well.

For those who doubt the Vatican’s involvement in extraterrestrial research, consider this: the Vatican Observatory, a highly funded institution, has been around for centuries. More than fifty years ago, the Vatican established a research group at the Steward Observatory of the University of Arizona in Tucson, home to some of the most powerful astronomical equipment in the world. Why would a religious institution invest so heavily in astronomy if not to monitor potential extraterrestrial activity?

The Vatican’s interest in alien life is not new. Father José Gabriel Funes, a Jesuit priest and former director of the Vatican Observatory, has publicly entertained the possibility of alien life. In 2008, he stated that believing in aliens does not contradict faith in God, an astonishing stance for an institution known for its conservative views.

The Vatican’s actions suggest a hidden agenda. Their readiness to issue guidelines for potential alien encounters implies they possess knowledge far beyond our grasp. Are they in direct contact with extraterrestrial beings? Have they found undeniable evidence of alien existence? The urgency and specificity of their recent moves suggest they’ve uncovered something groundbreaking.

Historically, the Vatican’s archives have been rumored to contain documents and artifacts related to extraterrestrial encounters, locked away from public view. What secrets do these ancient texts and relics hold? Have we been visited before, and has this knowledge been deliberately concealed to maintain control over humanity’s belief systems?

The implications of the Vatican’s revelations are staggering. If they are indeed preparing for alien contact, the ripple effects on society, religion, and science will be enormous. The very essence of our understanding of life and our place in the cosmos could be radically transformed.

Author Tom Horn, before his death, observed that the Vatican’s deliberate course over recent years suggests they possess hidden knowledge with far-reaching implications. He warned that Rome might become an agent of mass deception, presenting aliens as saviors in times of distress. Humanity, desperate for salvation, might look to the skies for deliverance, and if a superior alien race offers solutions, many will embrace them without question.

This is the real danger. In times of crisis, people are vulnerable, yearning for a savior. If aliens, perceived as a superior race with all the answers, emerge on the scene, the world might welcome them with open arms, potentially leading to a deception of epic proportions.

The Vatican’s sudden openness about UFOs, aliens, and apparitions is not a random act of transparency. It’s a calculated move, steeped in ancient knowledge and centuries of guarded secrets. As they slowly reveal these truths, we must brace ourselves for revelations that could forever alter human history. The answers might be closer than we think, lurking just beyond the veil of the Vatican’s guarded gates.


Ethan White

15 July 2024

Nazca Mummies, Ancient Sites, Ultraterrestrials and the Urantia Book

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – July 13, 2024


  • The Nazca mummies case has scientific experts coming out on both sides of the debate.
  • Remote Viewing Ancient Sites and Extraterrestrial Contact: Interview with John Vivanco
  • UFO material has the fascinating property of levitating when exposed to specific THz frequencies
  • A global UAP Interparliamentary Alliance to study the UFO phenomenon has just been launched
  • The planned destruction of the International Space Station is a consequence of the Deep State using the ISS for nefarious purposes.
  • Verdant Extraterrestrials and Understanding the Urantia Book: Interview with Byron Belitsos
  • Only a few days away from predictions of a July 15-16 event involving UFOs in the US that captivates much of the world for the next six months.
  • A 2022 paper on Ultraterrestrials takes on new significance with recent predictions of a UFO event taking place
  • Trailer – Faking a Cryptoterrestrial Invasion.
  • Brad Olsen and Kerry Cassidy on prospects of a false flag alien invasion happening soon.

Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/michaelsalla

Previous Exopolitics Today – Week in Review Episodes

Next Webinar 


In a recent academic paper, Harvard University professors proposed the existence of cryptoterrestrials as a valid explanation for the origin of the UFO phenomenon. Rather than extraterrestrials arriving from distant exoplanets on superluminal spacecraft, the explanation for UFOs now shifts to cryptoterrestrials who are living under Earth’s surface and oceans. The authors speculate that cryptoterrestrials are survivors from very ancient civilizations that achieved a high-level of technological sophistication, before disappearing under the Earth’s surface during cataclysmic surface events.

There is abundant historical evidence pointing to the existence of crypoterrestrials and their interaction with surface humanity during cataclysmic events. One only has to consider Hopi legends of Ant People helping native Americans escape the transition from and into different worlds to appreciate the widespread nature of such legends. However, in the modern era, the emphasis has shifted to UAPs as an unknown national security threat. The US Congress, the military/intelligence community, and an increasing number of world officials go to great lengths to justify their interest in UAPs as an important national security concern, thereby avoiding the stigma from decades of earlier public ridicule over the topic.
Why the sudden shift in narrative to UFOs are a national security threat, and cryptoterrestrials are behind it?

Why has the US Congress taken steps to reintroduce the military draft for men between 18-26? In his next webinar, Dr. Michael Salla presents a disturbing picture of the Deep State preparing a false flag alien event using, not extraterrestrials from distant worlds, but cryptoterrestrials from beneath Earth’s surface as the culprit. Most alarmingly, he provides extensive data on many thousands, if not millions, of cloned alien life forms created in Deep Underground Military Bases that are likely to be used in staging a false flag alien event.

15 June 2024

The Truth About TRUMP


The Truth About TRUMP

Jun 4, 2024
0:00 Introduction  
2:07 Sharing Perspective and Channeling Experience 
4:31 Understanding Trump's Sole Contracts  
6:19 Channeled Conversation with Kinetic  
7:12 Trump as a Plant  
8:35 Strategic Actions and Bringing Change  
11:10 Humanity's Choice and Role  
12:47 Shifting Focus and Unity  
13:12 Closing Thoughts 
Want to explore the hidden layers of TRUMP's narrative? 
Keep an open mind as we dive into his mission, origins, and the chaos he brings. 
Prepare for a rollercoaster of conspiracy theories and interdimensional perspectives.

05 June 2024

The One World Tartarians

A more advanced world

What if the ‘Great Flood’ took place only 150 years ago, and the world of the past was far more advanced culturally and technologically than it is today?

The Deep State cabal created a cataclysm and used it and the resulting chaos to seize power. Apparently, between 1865 and 1876, our ancient civilisation was destroyed by waves over 300 metres high that swept across much of the planet, washing away the inhabitants of Australia and depopulating vast areas.

Today, buildings in many places have their first floor buried under metres of sand and mud, and remnants of this action can still be seen in cities around the world.

The Straits of Gibraltar, the Pillars of Hercules, the star fortress of Tartaria, is here to defend and control an important passage for merchant ships from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, v.v..

History and geology tell us nothing, but apparently there was a gradient between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, mechanically controlled by a system of locks to allow only one ship to pass at a time. The Deep State has dug secret tunnels. According to the official story, commissioned by the British admiralty.

Seawater entered the newly opened channels. The men in charge hid at the top of Mount Gibraltar, in a place called the Devil’s Tower. At the mouth of the strait they detonated bombs and broke the Rock of Gibraltar. The explosions were coordinated to create tsunamis in the North, Atlantic and Barents Seas.

This episode is known as the “Gibraltar Relief”. The tidal wave, 300 metres high, swept across Eurasia and especially the Americas. Billions of people, who had built the magnificent ancient civilisation of Tartaria, drowned.

That’s why there are so many old photos of St Petersburg and other great cities of the world, showing beautiful buildings, but completely deserted. Because the people are missing.

It seems that the destruction of our former civilisation is much more recent than we imagined.

The history of the most recent wars, which appears in more than five thousand Wikipedia pages, careful reading of biographies, examination of thousands of photographs and historical events, shows that these events certainly took place in the years 1860-1920, and that the Second World War served only as a cover for the final destruction of the Aryan-Tartar civilisation and the complete establishment of a new world power, the NWO, coordinated and led by a few corrupt Deep Staters.

New Chronology of History

This New Chronology is a brief summary of the history of Anatoly Fomenko and his colleagues, who claim;

  1. That different accounts of the same historical events are often ‘assigned’ different dates and places by historians and translators, creating multiple ‘phantom copies’ of these events; these ‘phantom copies’ are often misdated by centuries or even millennia and end up being incorporated into conventional chronology;
  1. That this chronology was largely manufactured by Joseph Justus Scaliger in his Opus Novum de emendation temporum (1583) and Thesaurus temporum (1606), and represents a vast array of dates produced without any justification, containing the repeating sequences of dates with shifts equal to multiples of the great Kabbalistic numbers 333 and 360;


  1. That this chronology was completed by the Jesuit Dionysius Petaviu in De Doctrine Temporum, 1627 (v.1) and 1632 (v.2);
  1. That archaeological dating, dendrochronological dating, palaeographic dating, numismatic dating, carbon dating, and other methods of dating ancient sources and artefacts known today are erroneous, inaccurate, or dependent on traditional chronology; that their use in conjunction as “confirming” each other is a statistical fallacy – probabilities can’t be added.
  1. That before the 11th century, no document exists that has been reliably dated; so that most ‘ancient’ artefacts can be explained other than by consensus;
  1. That the histories of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt were written during the Renaissance by humanists and clerics, mostly on the basis of documents of their own making;
  1. That the Old Testament is an account of the events of the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries AD in Europe and Byzantium, containing ‘prophecies’ of ‘future’ events reported in the New Testament, which is an account of the events of 1153 to 1186 AD;
  1. That the history of religions is as follows
  • The pre-Christian period (before the XI century and before Christ),
  • Bacchic Christianity (XI-XII centuries, before and after JC),
  • JC Christianity (XII-XVI centuries) and its subsequent mutations into,
  • Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism and Islam;
  1. That the most likely prototype of the historical Jesus was Andronicus (reputedly 1153 to 1186 AD), the Byzantine Emperor; known for his failed reforms, whose traits and deeds are reflected in the ‘biographies’ of many real and imaginary persons;
  1. That the Almagest of Claudius Ptolemy, traditionally dated around 150 AD and considered the cornerstone of classical history, was compiled in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries from astronomical data of the ninth to sixteenth centuries. The period of the One World Tartarians
  1. That 37 complete Egyptian horoscopes found at Denderah, Esna and other temples have uniquely valid astronomical solutions with dates ranging from 1000 AD to as late as 1700 AD;
  1. That the Book of Revelation as we know it contains a horoscope dated 25 September – 10 October 1486, compiled by the Kabbalist Johannes Reuchlin.
  1. That the horoscopes found in the Sumerian/Babylonian tablets do not contain sufficient astronomical data, so that they have solutions every 30-50 years on the time axis, and are therefore useless for dating purposes;
  1. That the Chinese eclipse tables are useless for dating because they contain too many eclipses that didn’t occur astronomically; that the Chinese comet tables, even if they were true, cannot be used for dating;
  1. That all the great inventions such as gunpowder and cannon, paper and printing were made in Europe in the tenth to sixteenth centuries;
  1. That ancient Roman and Greek statues showing perfect mastery of human anatomy are fakes made in the Renaissance when, according to Fomenko, such mastery was first achieved.

Wikipedia attempted to debunk Mr Fomenko’s work by stating;

“The New Chronology is a pseudo-historical Russian conspiracy theory which argues that events of antiquity, generally attributed to the civilisations of the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, actually took place in the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later.

The theory further proposes that world history prior to 1600 AD has been largely falsified to suit the interests of a number of different conspirators, including the Vatican, the Holy Roman Empire and the Russian House of Romanov, all working to obscure the ‘true’ history of the world, which revolves around a global empire called the ‘Russian Horde’.

Central to Mr Fomenko’s new chronology is his assertion of the existence of a vast Slav-Turk empire, which he calls the “Russian Horde”, and which he claims played the dominant role in Eurasian history before the 17th century.

The various peoples identified in ancient and medieval history, from the Scythians, Huns, Goths and Bulgars, through the Polyans, Duleby, Drevlians and Pechenegs, to the more recent Cossacks, Ukrainians and Belorussians, are nothing but elements of the single Russian Horde.

He claims that Jesus lived in the 12th century AD and was crucified on Joshua’s Hill;

He claims that Jesus lived in the 12th century AD and was crucified on Joshua’s Hill; that the Trojan War and the Crusades were the same historical event; that Genghis Khan and the Mongols were actually Russians; that the lands west of the 13 colonies that now make up the American West and Midwest were a far eastern part of the “Siberian-American Empire” before its dissolution in 1775; and many other theories that contradict conventional historiography, to say the least.

The historical Jesus is a composite figure and a reflection of the Old Testament prophet Elisha (850-800 BC?), Pope Gregory VII (1020?-1085), St Basil of Caesarea (330-379), and even Li Yuanhao (also known as Emperor Jingzong or “Son of Heaven” – Emperor of Western Xia).

Emperor of Western Xia, who reigned 1032-1048), Euclides, Bacchus and Dionysius. Fomenko explains the seemingly vast differences in the biographies of these figures as a result of the different languages, points of view and time frames of the authors of these accounts and biographies.

He claims that the historical Jesus was born on 25 December 1152 AD in Cape Violent, Crimea, and was crucified on 20 March 1185 AD on Joshua’s Hill overlooking the Bosporus.

Mr Fomenko also merges the cities and histories of Jerusalem, Rome and Troy into “New Rome” = Gospel Jerusalem (in the 12th and 13th centuries) = Troy = Yoros Castle. South of Yoros Castle is Joshua’s Hill, which Fomenko claims is Calvary as described in the Bible.

Fomenko claims that Hagia Sophia is actually the biblical Temple of Solomon. He identifies Solomon as Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1566).

However, according to Mr Fomenko, the word “Rome” is a placeholder and can refer to any one of several different cities and kingdoms. He claims that the “First Rome” or “Ancient Rome” or “Mizraim” is an ancient Egyptian kingdom in the Nile Delta with its capital in Alexandria, that the second and most famous “New Rome” is Constantinople, and that the third “Rome” consists of three different cities: Constantinople (again), Rome in Italy and Moscow. Also according to his claims.

Rome in Italy was founded by Aeneas around 1380 AD, and Moscow as the third Rome was the capital of the great “Russian Horde”.

Share this with everyone you know!

The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


Many will ask: when will change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!

To be continued as time will tell us more …

What is ether?

A history of the debate about the substance of the universe by Jeff Yee.

The universe is considered empty by scientists, but for many centuries it was thought to contain a material known as #aether – a medium for transporting waves such as #light and #gravity.

An experiment in 1887 changed all that. Aether is now thought not to exist.

Have we been misled by an experiment that failed to detect the ether? How else can we explain the interactions of waves travelling through the universe if there is nothing to allow them to ‘wave’ in empty space?

AETHER by Marcia Ramalho



The new edition of my Aether 2018 video presents its original content as well as exploring for the first time the technology related to electromagnetic field, ions, fusion reactor, resonator, capacitor, frequencies, sound waves, tuned circuits, torus, tokamak, vortex and coils used in the construction of star fortresses, airships, stargates, teleportation, and White Star Cities by the steam-powered civilization that I call our Previous Civilization or White Federation. 

A confederation of states destroyed by plasma weapons and floods carefully engineered by the Parasites. 

My text addresses our cutting edge technology, advanced architecture and lost White Star Cities. The video features more than 1000 images. The original chapters, starting by Berlin Zoo, are kept as they were in my 2018 edition. The first edition of my Aether video reached 245.000 views in its short career, starting a frantic race of Western youtubers to present videos on the same subject. Words like aether, Tartaria, star fortresses, 'healing pipe organs sound', power stations, free energy, antennas, or ‘glorious architecture’ instantly became recurrent talk on their newly created channels. A number of Facebook groups have also emerged. 

Suddenly everyone began looking at the architecture of their cities, realising that the magnificent structures could have been built long ago by a far more Advanced Civilization - known by many as Great Tartaria.


23 May 2024

Ancient Egypt, Extraterrestrial Visitors and Human Ascension

Sarah Breskman Cosme has worked with hundreds of QHHT clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. 

In this Exopolitics Today interview, she discusses why she began to organize tours to Egypt, the latest of which Dr. Michael Salla attended. They discuss her latest Egypt tour and what different temples they visited signify in terms of extraterrestrials teaching humanity advanced knowledge and healing modalities.

Breskman Cosme also covers controversial topics such as Coronal Mass Ejections; how human blood types related to ETs; how space arks have been used for planetary evacuations; and three timelines for humanity that emerge as a consequence of the rise of Artificial Intelligence and transhumanism. She believes that the optimum path for humanity is an organic ascension process that individuals undergo as they awaken to their roles in the ancient past, connecting with ET visitors, and what all this means for the future.


Sarah Breskman Cosme’s website is: 


Related Podcasts 

From the Trail of Tears to Extraterrestrial Contact

Past life Hypnotic Regression insights into Atlantis and Lemuria

Remembering Atlantis & Lemuria’s Final Days and their Extraterrestrial Origins

QHHT Insights into Secret Space Programs, ET Life, and The Event

By Dr Michael Salla on

29 April 2024

Nordics Training International Military Pilots to fly Flying Saucers

April 29, 2024

On April 15, 2024, JP traveled to an underground spaceport somewhere in Alabama that appeared very similar or the same as one he visited in May 2023. He again saw fleets of saucer shaped spacecraft being piloted by human-looking ‘Nordic’ extraterrestrials that were identical to ones he witnessed and photographed in 2018 while living in Orlando, Florida.

JP says that he and another witness were accompanied by 30 military pilots from many nations. When they arrived at the underground location all the pilots left and walked over to specific spacecraft and Nordics they were associated with to continue their training. The human pilots were being trained to use the advanced mind-technology interfaces that are part of the Nordic spacecraft. Finally, JP was told that the Nordic spacecraft flown by military pilots from different nations would soon start showing themselves in a worldwide disclosure initiative.


Watch on YouTube & Odysee

Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google

For more articles, photos and videos involving JP, visit:  


For photos of craft witnessed in Orlando, Florida go to:  


Related Articles/Interviews  

Nordic Extraterrestrial Assimilation Program – JP Update #30

Strange Medical Experiments & More on Nordics Taking Over Space Arks – JP Update #29

Nordics & Inner Earthers take control of Space Arks – JP’s 6th Mission to Atlantic Space Ark – JP Update 28

Nordics take control of Space Arks & Reveal Disturbing Timelines to Earth Alliance –JP Update No.27

JP Update 26 – Mission to Nordic Inner Earth Civilization for Life Extension Technology

US Military working with Nordic ETs in Time Travel research on Space Arks

Written by Dr Michael Salla

17 April 2024

Notes from the New Atlantis workshop by Cobra at Sedona on April 4, 2024

Welcome to the Sedona workshop. Make sure you’ve all signed NDAs and that your cell phones are turned off. You are free to take hand-written notes but don’t share the notes with those who are not open to receiving such information.

Is there anyone from Sedona (show of hands)? Please come and sit in the front row. And is there anyone from Arizona (show of hands)? Ok, there are lots of people from Arizona. This workshop is especially relevant for those people who are from Sedona and other parts of Arizona.

Since we all came from different energetic environments we need to align our energy fields with a short meditation.

Breathe white light into your physical body and breathe out any toxins from it.

Then, Breathe white light in and radiate white light outwards in all directions when you breathe out. Do this from your physical body.

Repeat the above steps for your plasma, etheric, astral (emotional), mental bodies. Finally, repeat the above steps for the totality of your being.

Now we realize that I AM a being of Light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

In this group, we all are beings of light and connected together as a being of light. WE ARE a being of light. We confirm this fact by chanting the sacred mantra ‘OM’ three times together.

We are connected to other beings of light everywhere. We are confirming the fact by saying the sacred word OM (chant OM 3 times).

Now we are ready to begin the workshop.

At the moment of the Solar Eclipse we will be making the decision to reactivate vortexes of Light and portals of Light in the US. There will be closure of many portals of darkness and reactivation of portals of Light. Saint Germain and other ascended beings from Ashtar Command are accelerating the Ascension process right now. There was a plan for humanity’s ascension before the Great forgetting of 1996. That plan got compromised, and as a result many ascension vortexes collapsed. There were 3 main Ascension vortexes pre 1996:

  1. Los Angeles. It is strongly connected with Ashtar’s energy
  2. Mt. Shasta
  3. Sedona

The Light Forces were sending huge amounts of Light to these places. They were the most promising places to accelerate Ascension for individuals and groups. In 1996 the Dark Forces collapsed these vortexes to prevent humanity’s Ascension. Those vortexes were then in a state of disarray. Though there was subsequently some energy work done near those vortexes, it was not enough.

1-2 weeks before April 4, 2024, the Light Forces began to close dark portals on the planet. These portals were between thousands to tens of thousands of years old. The Light Forces are using a very special technology to do this. The Dark Forces are losing a lot of power on the energetic planes. The Light Forces were able to anchor Light into the vortex in Sedona in the physical plane for the first time in 28 years, one day prior to the workshop. There was a 60% probability of this happening and it actually happened. This was a big success of the reactivation of Light in Sedona. Sedona is part of the Light Forces’ project.

This Solar Eclipse brings to you the energy of making your decision for the Light. You must make an unconditional strong decision to work for the Light. This eclipse will close dark portals and open light portals. One should go to the path of totality, the energy there will be very strong. This is the key moment for the US.

The Beings who were working closely with Sedona are:

  1. Archangel Metatron. He was working very strongly with this area. He is the guardian of the portal between duality and oneness, which is situated in Orion. He is also the guardian of the Galactic Central Sun and this solar system. Before 1996, He was sending Light codes from the Galactic Centre to people visiting and living in Sedona. This was happening for the first time in millions of years. Metatron will connect with the people of Sedona when he is ready to do so.
  2. Seraphims. Their Angelic presence was felt pre 1996 through music, art, meditation, etc. They will connect with the people of Sedona when they are ready. They will first begin to work with the artists living in Sedona. We can expect to see the rebirth of beautiful art in Sedona in the next 1-2 years.
  3. The Pleiadians. They are contacting people in Sedona both telepathically as well as physically. You can go to Bell Rock and Cathedral Rock at night and ask for Pleiadians to appear. The conditions are very favorable for contact. They will try to send telepathic messages as well. The Pleiadians are trying to open a central channel for communication with them here in Sedona. The people living in Sedona may expect to be contacted by the Pleiadians.

90% of channelings on the surface of the planet are BS. They are often just people’s own mental forms.

The conditions in Sedona pre 1996 were extremely favorable for First Contact. The Dark Forces filled the spaces between Sedona and Orion with darkness. They used dark magic and infiltrated with Draconions. The commercialization of the New Age movement was a result of the infection of the Sedona vortex since 1996. The Light Forces have been reversing this infection starting from a few months ago. The Light vortex in Sedona is beginning to reawaken again.

 Ashtar Command is planning to be active again in Sedona. They want to increase the concentration of people in Sedona who have spiritual potential.

Ashtar Command also plans to contact people living in the Phoenix and Tucson vortexes.

Apart from Sedona, Phoenix, and Tucson, there are two smaller vortexes in Arizona that also deserve attention:

 Flagstaff meteor crater

Grand Canyon

The Light Forces are working to reactivate these vortexes. The reactivation of these vortexes will be very intense till the Eclipse. After that the progress on them will be ongoing for the rest of the year.

Question: Someone saw a reddish orb in the sky. It was ellipsoid or spherical in shape.

Cobra answered that some Pleiadian ships can look like that.

First Contact has begun in Arizona and it’s now ongoing.

Question: A person with access to very high level intel from the Department of Defense asked whether in 1996 the National Socialist government in exile broke contact with the surface population.

Cobra: One part of the Illuminati went underground in 1996. There is no record of this anywhere

The Reich people had different religious identities. They were extremely negative. They cut all contact with the US military. Though they were heterogeneous in terms of ideology, they were forced to cooperate with each other. Their goal was to make an underground civilization (the 4th Reich) after which they could emerge from the underworld and conquer the surface of the Earth. Of course this was not allowed to happen.

Question: At around 3:30pm / 4pm on April 3, a lady felt a dip in her energy and had to lay down. Why did this happen.

Cobra: The Light Forces managed to send Light into the Sedona vortex in the physical plane from 1pm onwards on April 3. This continued for about 2 hours. The Dark Forces wanted to suppress the Light after that, and that’s when that lady might have felt that way.

Cobra: You can bring sick people to Sedona, there is huge healing potential here. But at the same time there also have to be enough number of healthy people here, you can’t just have sick people.

The Sedona vortex’s power is increasing. A Tachyon chamber was finally activated in Sedona last week. Sedona is more of a multidimensional vortex than Phoenix. Phoenix is a booster vortex which pushes energy into the grid. The Phoenix vortex is also very important and there needs to be a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix. Anybody interested in setting up a Tachyon chamber in Phoenix can email cobraresistance@gmail.com.

Question about the critical mass of 30,000 people for the meditation for the US total solar eclipse. Cobra said to visualize the 30K number being achieved.

Question about Morro Bay. IndigoAngel channel on YouTube was recommended by the person asking the question. The person said that this YouTube channel talks about leyline energy & tectonic plates. Cobra said that there are certain natural vortexes which are activated there but there are way more grids of the Earth.

Question about the Robinson family of Hawaii. Cobra said that they are building bunkers to try and survive the coming Solar Flash.

Question about whether there are still Reptilians in Skinwater Ranch. Cobra said that the Reptilians and Reticulans had bases there in 1993/1994. There is not enough healing work done in those areas, and this needs to be addressed.

Cobra: Feel it (shame? guilt?) and retreat into your energy field and connect with Light.

There is a lot of fear/drama around this solar eclipse, and the media is telling people not to even go outside. This eclipse is very powerful, and seeing it will be very beneficial. You just have to be careful about your eyes, so use solar glasses. Watching a total solar eclipse is one of the most beautiful moments you can have on this planet. There could be traffic jams and loss of cellular reception just because of so many people going to the same place at the same time, but we will all survive April 8.

The Galactic Central Sun is preparing to become more active. The energies from the Galactic Central Sun are beginning to reach the surface of the planet as the dark portals get closed.

Tachyons are the first particles created during the last cosmic cycle. They are thus the particles which are most closely aligned with Source. There are two uses of Tachyon energy:

  1. Healing chambers
  2. Chambers that tachyonize products/objects

The Dark Forces have their veil technology in the Earth’s ionosphere. This veil blocks high energy cosmic rays which the tachyons travel with. The tachyon chambers use a special hyperdimension wormhole technology to bring tachyons to the surface of the planet. This technology is able to bring tachyons to the Earth from a space station.

Emerald is a very important stone. It is the stone of true occult knowledge. It opens the portals to Agartha.

Question about connections that Anasazi people have with off worlders. Cobra answered that these people had ancient connections with beings from Sirius and the Galactic Central Sun. They are still maintaining that connection.

Question about the Yaldabaoth entity being the same as Yahweh. Cobra answered that they are different things.

Question about Revelation. Cobra answered that the Revelation was a vision that was given by an Angelic being to one of the Chirstian Fathers a little less than 2000 years ago. It contains descriptions of the battle between the Light Forces and Dark Forces and the pole shift. However, the actual plan (for humanity’s Ascension) has slightly changed since the Revelation was given. The plan for humanity’s Ascension was formulated 25,000 years ago.

Rochester was chosen as the location for the Cobra workshop because it is where the path of totality of the solar eclipse and the Old Atlantean/Goddess Equator intersect.

There was a question about the energy in Los Angeles changing, everyone there was confused. Cobra answered that there is a fight in Los Angeles between the Light Forces and Dark Forces. There is also a big fight going energetically and magically in San Francisco. These places currently have very polarized energy. Cobra said that if we reactivate the Los Angeles vortex then that will be huge. All attempts so far have failed.

Question about the Atlantean fear grid. Cobra answered that the Dark Atlanteans tried to implant some Lightworkers about 3-4 weeks ago. Some implantations were successful but the matter is now resolved. Cobra said that many dark Atlantean portals exist and they need to be closed. This will happen in the next few months. Cobra said that this is work to be done more at an individual level, and meditations can help with this later.

Cobra answered that women’s fertility will be improved after the Event. Even a 1000 year old woman can be pregnant if she so desires.

Cobra said that the tachyon satellite is orbiting around the Earth at a frequency of 2 hours per full revolution. Each time it passes above, the wormhole is being activated. There are very minimal oscillations between each revolution i.e. we don’t have to be concerned about the effectiveness of the tachyon chambers dropping with time.

Question about which star beings are present with us at this time. Cobra answered that there are Pleiadians, Sirians, and some Angelic beings present with us.

Question about the number 26,000. The person asking the question said that this number is linked to the radius of the galaxy (author’s note: the Earth is approximately 26,000 light years away from the Galactic Center). Cobra answered that the Cabal were receiving their orders through gamma rays from the black sun. They have stopped receiving instructions now.

Question about Benjamin Fulford. Cobra answered that the Chimera group is now gone. The Cabal are freaking out as they do not have any real strategy. Hence they are trying all sorts of tactics such as the coronavirus, war in Ukraine, war in Gaza. They will not be able to gain total control of the surface population since they don’t have guidance from the Chimera anymore.

Question about medbeds in the James Bond movies. Cobra answered that this is an old Galactic technology that is known to the Resistance movement, Pleiadians, and Agartha network.

The Black nobility wants to control the surface people through health problems. That’s why we are in an absurd situation where the Resistance movement has medbeds just 30 metres below the surface, but we don’t have them.

The Black nobility are old Roman families. 26,000 years ago, they moved from the Middle East to Turkey to Greece to Rome to other places. In their bloodlines there were both good and bad people incarnating.

New Atlantis is the codename given by Francis Bacon (i.e. Saint Germain) to humanity, since the fall of Atlantis.

There was much Light present on the Earth 26,000 years ago and before that. There were healing and ascension temples present on Earth until the Dark Forces corrupted the Atlantean priesthood. The Dark Forces started experimenting with implants. There were huge crystals in Atlantis. The whole Atlantis got submerged under the ocean due to an experiment gone wrong.

Saint Germain’s goal is to bring Atlantis back. The US has the foundation to create the New Atlantis. In France there were many Masonic lodges in the mid 18th century, from 1750-1780’s. Members of the French nobility were part of such lodges. There were many souls who incarnated in the French nobility. There were mystery schools in 1775 such as:

  1. 9 Sisters Lodge
  2. Candorra Lodge
  3. Philalethes Lodge
  4. Isis Lodge

Benjamin Franklin was a member of the 9 Sisters Lodge. There, he received instructions to build the US. He received instructions to write the US Constitution and Declaration of Independence to gain independence from the British. The French were favorable for an independent US. Saint Germain appeared a few times in the physical plane when these documents were being written. He wanted to ensure Liberty for the people of the US. The Dark Forces infiltrated the US and France through their Jesuit banking system. They have been trying to erode the US Constitution. Cobra said that this country will be free.

Many people incarnated in the US to bring new inventions and healing. In the late 19th century/20th century there were lots of spiritual revelations in the US.

After World War 2 there was a pact between the US military and the Reptilians, Draconions and Reticulans. Ashtar Command was forced to withdraw.

In 1952 there could have been open contact on TV between Ashtar Command and the US. But unfortunately that was not the path that was chosen. Instead, there were Secret Space Programs, breakaway civilizations, and underground civilizations. In 1996 the Dark Lords from Orion came to the Earth during the Archon invasion. The damage from this is going to be reversed in the next few months. Pluto in Aquarius opens the portals of Light.

What’s extremely important now is for people to remember Atlantis. During Atlantis there was lots of Light, healing crystals, Ascended Beings, it was a civilization of Light. We want the good Atlantis to be born again. After the Event there will be Islands of Light, med beds, and a new financial system.

It is the highest purpose for Goddess Temples to be built in the US.

A member of the audience said that on March 31 there was a Goddess Temple opened in Phoenix. Cobra said to send the information across so they can add it to the list of Goddess Temples worldwide. (Author’s note: the site with the list of Goddess Temples worldwide used to be this, but it seems to be down right now).

Anchoring Goddess Energy is key right now. This will greatly reduce the violence that might happen in the transition of this planet. People have so much suppressed anger and fear within them. People are plugged into the matrix system. Their knowledge is entirely from that system. They are saving for their retirement plan. Cobra said that we’ve not seen anything yet in terms of people’s reaction when the system collapses.

Cobra highlighted the importance of Sisterhood of the Rose groups as well as Goddess jewelry.

The Pleiadians have a lot of Goddess Energy. They are not working en masse with us right now due to this. Goddess Energy is the key to bring the New Atlantis. People can write books and remember their times in Atlantis. There’s a lot that needs to be recreated.

Pluto in Aquarius is the right time to forgive and release dark Atlantean energies. People feel guilty because of what happened in the last stages of Atlantis. They need to forgive themselves and recreate the civilization of Light again. There was too much pressure in the last stages of Atlantis. People had to deal with a lot of Dark beings.

Sedona is the vortex for the New Atlantis. You can go to parks in Sedona and meditate for memories of Atlantis.

At the moment of the solar eclipse you can make an individual and collective decision to bring Atlantis back. That is, to bring a New Atlantis of the Light back.

Especially in Sedona, people can go to various vortexes here and invoke the memory of Atlantis. Most of us have had incarnations in Atlantis. We can get visions and messages about Atlantis. In other parts of Arizona people can try doing the same, but those vortexes are not active yet. Sedona really is the key place for this.

Pluto will be in Aquarius until the beginning of September. Many Dark possibilities will collapse by then. Between September 1 to November 19 the Dark Forces will exercise their last attempt to create chaos. But by then there will be much greater presence of Light, which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the Dark Forces. Cobra should receive more intel in the next few weeks and also have greater clearance to tell us what’s going on behind the scenes.

Cobra asked us to visualize the New Atlantis again.

Question about “Vivian Chaway”(?). A person mentioned the The Stargate Experience channel on YouTube and said it was good.

Question about CERN being active on April 8. Cobra answered that it was an attempt by the Dark Forces to reopen a portal, and it might have minor success.

Question about where to place Cintamani stones in Southern California. Cobra answered: Santa Monica, (Pacific) Palisades, Malibu. And for Northern California Cobra answered that you can place them in the SF Bay Area, San Jose, and San Mateo. (Author’s note: I believe that Mt. Shasta can also be worthwhile to plant a GC at)

Question about Elon Musk being a White hat or a Black hat. Cobra said that he is a confused hat.

Question about Lightworkers facing extreme attacks in the last few weeks, starting from December onwards. Cobra said that the Light Forces are greatly reducing the power of those attacks and they are estimated to go down in frequency.

Cobra said that implantations will most likely not happen again.

Cobra said that the key is to get more people to do Lightwork. If there is only a small group of people doing this work then each person has to do more work.

Cobra said to tell people in Sedona what’s going on, but in simple terms. And to those who are open, you can share more information. Spirituality is part of the tourism here in Sedona.

The Agarthans will emerge after the Event and assist in building the New Atlantis.

Cobra shared with us some Atlantean Mantras. The first one is about 200,000 years old:

  1. Tu lay ayy ayyy


We sang this out loud for a few minutes.

Tulant Lapalan is the ancient name for Atlantis. Tu Lay is short for Tulant Lapalan.

  1. Tria Cho Ra Ko Fa Ro 


We sang this out loud for a few minutes.

This mantra is about 20,000 years old. It connects the mother, father and child. It can open the heart of the inner child within us. Tria sounds like the words ‘free’ and ‘trinity’. Cobra noted that the sounds of the most basic words haven’t changed since Atlantis. For example, mother used to be ‘ma’, and father used to be ‘sta’.

  1. Yō Dā 

HaYō Hā 

Wo-ay Yā

HaYō Hā


We sang this mantra together for a few minutes.

This mantra invokes the energy of all 4 elements. It invokes the energy of Source. The energy of Source has been manipulated on Earth since Atlantean times.

Some members of the audience shared their experience:

  • One person saw that they were in a tall cathedral with lots of gold everywhere. It felt like home. They were in a temple.

  • Another person felt like they were walking through trees on elephants. In the background there were mountains with snow. They felt this while reciting the second mantra shared above.

  • Another person felt like they were walking through caverns filled with crystals when reciting the third mantra.

  • Another person felt like they were swimming with whales and dolphins when reciting the 1st mantra. When singing the 2nd mantra they felt relaxed. When singing the 3rd mantra they felt that the power was very strong. They felt a dragon type of energy.

  • Another person felt like their inner child knew the meaning of each mantra before Cobra even told us their meaning. They felt like they were remembering singing them.

Question about which stone the people living in Sedona should work with. Cobra answered that there is a stone called Seraphinite which is found only in Russia. It is connected to the Seraphins who are Archangels. Cobra said that it will help you if you find that stone. Seraphinite stones will help a lot with energy work in Sedona. 

Cobra said that the Toltec tribe got their name from Tulant Lapalan.

Question about Druids. Cobra said that in Ireland there are both Goddess and Druid mysteries as well as white magic.

Cobra said that the crafts are showing themselves more now that Pluto is in Aquarius.

Question about a tribe in Gabon. Name was something like ‘aweeti’ (?). Cobra said that certain tribes have old Atlantean and pre Atlantean connections. Their shamans have oral traditions which are extremely old.

Question about Sanat Kumara. Cobra said that he came from the Galactic Central Sun region, then went to Venus and then the Earth. He’s staying here for 80 million years until the liberation of the planet.

Question about the Dao. Cobra said that the Dao also has the father – mother – child trinity.

Question about origins of the Olmec. Cobra said that they are an old Atlantean tribe. They have direct descendants from Atlantis. They are over 1000 years old.

Cobra said that it is now important to remember Atlantis. 99% information about Atlantis is disinformation, Pat can send links which have true information about Atlantis.

Question about Lemuria and Mu, as the person asking the question felt more connected to those civilizations. Cobra said that they were the previous civilization (i.e. before Atlantis). They will be activated at a later time.

Question about the work the Agarthan networks are doing before the Event. Cobra said that they are stabilizing the energies. After the Event there will be cultural exchange possible with them.

Question about Dragons. Cobra answered that Dragons are not the same as Reptilians. Dragons are also not the same as Draco’s. Physical dragons existed. Some were positive and some were negative.

Cobra shared with us a very useful protocol that we can use to close dark portals within us. The imprint of traumas is burnt into us. These dark portals within us also exist in the physical plane. We can use this protocol to clear our energy field from what happened to us in the past. We are forgiving persons or situations in order to release the imprint of trauma from our energy fields. We are forgiving those that harmed us. The protocol was as such-

First we say the following three times out loud:


I decree and I command

To release all my conflicts with my parents

With my children

With my partner

With other Lightworkers

With other people

With the Dark Forces

I decide forgiveness

) x 3

Then we should close our eyes and visualize a violet flame coming from the sky, rotating in an anticlockwise direction. We are releasing all our conflicts by putting them into this violet flame. We put our conflicts into the violet flame and just let them go. After a few minutes when we are ready we can open our eyes.

Question about the difference between forgiving someone and justice. Cobra said that the energy of justice is a very important energy. However, in many cases it is not possible to manifest the energy of justice. True justice will only be manifested after the Event. Cobra also said that if you cannot get justice then this energy can rot inside you. This can be very harmful. Cobra said that when the time is right then there will be reckoning. This is because one cannot grow as a Soul if one doesn’t understand what they did to others. When Lightworkers/Light Forces win then there will be justice.

One person said that they saw that they were experiencing separation sickness i.e. separation from God. They put that into the violet flame.

Cobra said that the above protocol can be a powerful experience. We should do it as much as possible, this is very recommended. It will help us close dark portals within us.

Next, we sang the first Atlantean mantra (the Tu Lay mantra) in groups. Cobra said that singing it in groups makes it much more powerful. We can sing it in groups in order to activate vortexes of Light. We need to stand together in a circle. The circle needs to have at least 3 people. The people need to stand together in a perfect circle (i.e. no ellipsoids/other shapes). All the people need to raise their hands up to about shoulder height. All people’s hands should almost be touching i.e. the circle needs to be tight. Then we began to sing the Tu Lay mantra together. After a few minutes, we switched to the Me Ta Tron (i.e. Metatron) mantra, while still keeping our hands at shoulder level. After singing the Metatron mantra for a few minutes, we could drop our hands and return to our seats.


Some people shared their experiences-

  • One person felt like Metatron helped them keep their hands up the whole time

  • Another person felt like their hands were super steady, and that it was a very powerful experience

  • Another person said they had had many intensely powerful experiences in the past, and this was up there with those experiences

  •  Another person felt like their heart was on fire. Cobra said that Metatron’s energy is that of a Fire of Light.

Cobra said that it was not time to give this mantra before. However, now is the perfect time to practice this mantra in Sedona.

  • Another person said that they felt heat and power, and that they felt happy

The 3-pointed triangle and the 12 pointed star are symbols of Metatron. Metatron brought the triangulation process into the Universe.

  • Another person said that they wanted to ground their hands while doing the Tu Lay + Metatron mantra. Cobra said that they could visualize that they were grounding themselves via their legs. They could imagine that their legs were anchoring them into the Earth.

Cobra said that this protocol is super powerful, and not to do it with people who aren’t ready.

  • Another person said that they saw purple light at the start. Cobra said that this can assist in clearing, and ensures that the energy stays balanced.

  • Another person saw an image of Atlantis. They saw a double spiral of Light going into the Earth.

Cobra said that playing a real Piano and listening to very soft music invokes Angelic energies. Real pianos were very fashionable in the 18th and 19th centuries. If we are able to listen to real piano music live then we should do that. Cobra invited volunteers to come play the piano at the front of the room. Three people volunteered and it was a very soft and pleasant experience.

Cobra said that there was strong opposition for this workshop. It took a lot of perseverance, planning and protection to make it successfully happen.

One person said that the Dark Forces were covering the skies with chemtrails.

Another person asked about how people can come together in Los Angeles to meditate. Cobra said that people can certainly gather in L.A. to meditate and plant Galactic Cintamani stones.

Another person said that they saw lots of synchronicities on their way to Sedona from Amsterdam.



Read in: Français

Disclaimer: These is a typed out version of the handwritten notes the author made during New Atlantis Conference in Sedona, AZ. The author does not claim the accuracy of these notes to be 100% true. Please use your own inner judgement and critical thinking. Some images and graphs may not be identical to those seen at the conference. The content of the notes is NOT an exact match to what Cobra spoke about. There may be mishearing, handwriting errors, or omissions in the process. Questions regarding the contents of this document will not be accepted.

Author’s note: We are raising funds to plant Galactic Cintamani stones in Los Angeles! If you would like to contribute, please visit the FundRazr page for this project. Thank you!
