From June 17, 1940 to June 22, 1941, Great Britain stood alone against the Nazi Third Reich which had blitzed mainland Europe and forged an alliance of convenience with the Soviet Union in splitting Poland asunder. Now, 75 years later, with the June 23 decision to leave the European Union, Great Britain has issued a clear challenge to a secret ‘Fourth Reich”, covertly established by breakaway Nazi groups in South America and Antarctica, who during WWII had established an advanced space program, and later exerted an increasingly powerful hidden influence over the European Union.
The roots of the infiltration of the European Union and its predecessors by breakaway Nazi groups after WWII can be traced to a decision taken by Deputy Fuhrer Martin Bormann on August 10, 1944 soon after the Allied armies landed on the beaches of Normandy. Bormann had secretly brought together leading German industrialists and told them the war was lost.
A U.S. Military Intelligence document called the “Red House Report,” dated November 7, 1944, describes how German industrialists were told to evacuate all available assets to neutral countries using thousands of shell companies designed to hide the massive out-flow of Nazi capital and industrial resources.
The source of the secret orders, according Paul Manning, author of the book Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile, was Bormann whose influence over the Nazi Party increasingly grew as Hitler became increasingly despondent over impending defeat.
Bormann was explicit that the financial assets sent out of Germany would be subsequently used to establish a Fourth Reich by covert economic means as relayed through his emissaryDr. Scheid:
From now on also German industry must realize that the war cannot be won and that it must take steps in preparation for a post-war commercial campaign. Each industrialist must make contacts and alliances with foreign firms, but this must be done individually and without attracting any suspicion. Moreover, the ground would have to be laid on the financial level for borrowing considerable sums from foreign countries after the war.
The report went on to describe Bormann’s plan for the emergence of a new German Empire, a Fourth Reich:
[I]t was stated that the Nazi Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically lost but that it would continue until a guarantee of the unity of Germany could be obtained. German industrialists must, it was said, through their exports increase the strength of Germany. They must also prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground as Maquis (in Gebirgaverteidigungastellen gehen). From now on the government would allocate large sums to industrialists so that each could establish a secure post-war foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the Party so that a strong German Empire can be created after the defeat.
What gave significant muscle to the covert project to establish a Fourth Reich by economic means was a secret space program established in Antarctica during World War II.
A number of credible whistleblowers have come forward to describe the building of a Nazisecret space program in Antarctica, which achieved incredible success in launching missions to the moon, Mars and elsewhere in deep space even while hostilities were occurring in mainland Europe.
Alleged Moon Base built by Nazi Germany and now belonging to a secret “Fourth Reich” space program called the “Dark Fleet”. Graphic: Sphere Being Alliance
Many of these whistleblower testimonies are described at length in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015). Since its publication, another witness, William Tompkins, has come forward to describe his participation in a covert US Navy program to penetrate the Nazi’s top secret aerospace programs during WWII, discover what they were doing in Antarctica, and to disseminate this information to U.S. think tanks and industry.
Tompkins has supplied documents to confirm his incredible testimony. Furthermore, two retired U.S. Navy officers have come forward to validate his expertise regarding “special projects,” which Tompkins ran from 1985 to 1999, involving advanced aerospace technologies related to to both Nazi and U.S. secret space programs that he had acquired during his career in the aerospace industry and covert Navy service.
Tompkins’ testimony confirms that the Nazi’s secret space program hidden in Antarctica beat back successive attempts by the British and the U.S. to eradicate the Nazi’s subterranean bases in both Antarctic and South America. Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump 1946/47 was the most publicized effort, but the British had also staged their own unsuccessful attempts using special forces in the Antarctic summer of 1945/46.
By 1952, the Nazi secret space program based in Antarctica had developed to the extent that they could now conduct overflights of major U.S. cities, including Washington DC., to pressure the Truman and Eisenhower administrations to negotiate a treaty.
The principal figure in the secret treaty negotiations was the then chief of CIA covert operations, Allen Dulles. In 1950, he was recruited by the CIA Director at the time, General Walter Bedell Smith, to become Deputy Director of Plans and Deputy Director of Central Intelligence – second only to Smith. Dulles was promoted to CIA Director in February 1953 upon Smith’s retirement.
During WWII, Dulles was the head of the Office of Strategic Services based in Bern, Switzerland, and specialized in forming secret deals with Nazi German officials for a negotiated end to military hostilities. “Operation Sunrise”, where Dulles negotiated with Waffen SS General Karl Wolf over the surrender of German troops in Italy, is the most well known of these secret negotiations.
What is not well known is Dulles’ involvement in a number of secret deals, with the approval of British Military Intelligence (MI6), which allowed prominent Nazi officials such as Adolf Hitler, Martin Borman, etc., to leave Europe for refuge in South America. Harry Cooper’s, Hitler in Argentina, provides extensive evidence that both Hitler and Bormann had indeed escaped to Argentina. In exchange, the Nazis facilitated the process by which some of their scientific expertise and technologies in Europe would be handed over to the Americans and British.
Surprisingly, Dulles himself hinted at the truth of such claims to Paul Manning regarding his research for Martin Bormann: Nazi in Exile. In his acknowledgements, Manning wrote about his personal meetings with Dulles prior to his death in 1969:
To Allen W. Dulles, for his encouragement and assurance that I was “on the right track and should keep going” after reading my German research notes in preparation for this book, during the afternoons we talked in his house on Q Street in Washington, D.C.
The extraction of 1500 Nazi scientists to the USA after WWII in Project Paperclip, and a similar removal of Nazi scientists to Britain, was merely one aspect of the secret agreements negotiated with the Nazis by Dulles and others.
Project Paperclip Nazi Scientists at Fort Bliss, Texas in 1946
What the U.S. and British intelligence communities were aware of, however, was that the Nazi’s most advanced weapons, scientific expertise and aerospace projects were hidden in Antarctica, and outside the scope of the secret agreements forged by Dulles and British Intelligence with Nazi officials in Europe.
In 1951, six European nations established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), aimed to foster free trade and to prevent a future European war. The ECSC would provide an ideal platform for the Nazis to covertly begin establishing a Fourth Reich through economic means, as Bormann had planned back in 1944.
Nazi capital could now be strategically moved to take over companies both in the U.S. and Europe that would covertly re-establish Nazi influence. According to Tompkins, this was especially the case in the U.S. aerospace industry where Nazi scientific expertise was highly valued by the Military Industrial Complex.
Tompkins has privately confirmed to me that some Project Paperclip scientists were allowed to secretly travel to Antarctica to learn about the latest technologies in the breakaway German space program. He said that the U.S. intelligence community hoped the Project Paperclip scientists would learn things that would help the emerging U.S. space program. Instead, the Project Paperclip scientists helped the breakaway Nazi groups sabotage and slow down U.S. efforts which began in the late 1940’s.
Dulles and the CIA were instrumental in creating the Bilderberg Group, which held its first meeting in May 1954. It would be an important tool for encouraging the development of a European super state, which would be gradually infiltrated and eventually taken over by a covert Fourth Reich.
The European Union was designed to accumulate power behind faceless bureaucrats, who would follow the dictates of leading European industrialists, who were increasingly being influenced by Nazi interests associated with the Fourth Reich. This concentration of power was achieved through the European Commission, which comprises a single representative from each member state – currently 28.
The European Commission website describes the Commission as the “EU’s executive body” whose main role is to “propose legislation,” and “enforce European law.” The European Union Parliament, the only truly democratic institution in the European Union, is described as a “co-legislator” with the authority to adopt or reject proposed laws.
Who then proposes ideas to EU Commissioners for new laws? Robito Chapwin, writing for the popular website Collective Evolution, provides a startling answer:
They come from the The European Round Table of Industrialists. The ERT consists of “around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies” and the ERT was formed with the express intention of shaping and furthering EU integration.
Chapwin’s answer is supported by what we know about the Red House Report where Bormann explicitly referred to German industrialists as the mechanism by which a covert Fourth Reich would be established after WWII.
Significantly, in 1983, the CEO of Volvo, Pehr Gyllenhammar, initiated the creation of the European Round Table of Industrialists. Volvo and its controllers, were identified by Dr. Steven Greer, head of the UFO Disclosure Project, as part of a shady international system managing advanced technology issues involving extraterrestrial life and secret space programs.
Here is the welcome message to the The European Round Table of Industrialists by its current chairman, BenoƮt Potier:
The European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT) is a forum bringing together around 50 Chief Executives and Chairmen of major multinational companies of European parentage covering a wide range of industrial and technological sectors. Companies of ERT Members are widely situated across Europe, with combined revenues exceeding € 2,135 billion, sustaining around 6.8 million jobs in the region. They invest more than € 55 billion annually in R&D, largely in Europe.
Thus the European Union was designed to concentrate power in arcane bureaucracies, rather than the parliamentary institutions created to represent the will of the European population.
Consequently, the European Parliament became at best a rubber stamp that approved decisions taken by European Union bureaucrats placed in power by behind the scenes deal making. The European Parliament became a charade for representing the will of Europeans, but was nevertheless lauded as a model for regional integration in other areas of the world.
Eventually a future World Union, featuring a Parliament and governing institutions modelled on the EU, would have been introduced, heralding the final stage in the covert plan for a ‘global’ Fourth Reich.
The decision by Britain to end its participation in the European Union puts an end to the fiction that the EU genuinely represents the will of the European populace. Brexit, furthermore, represents a major setback to the covert plan to establish a global Fourth Reich where the European Union would have been offered as a viable model for a “World Union”.
There should be no confusion that Brexit represents a major challenge to a covert Fourth Reich with its own secret space program, significant industrial assets spread around the world, and its long term plans for global dominance through covert economic means.
It does not appear coincidental that the year-long political process leading to the Brexit vote, occurred at roughly the same time a space war is reportedly being waged against the Fourth Reich and its allies, in Antarctica and Deep Space. If such reports are correct, as a May 26 letter by President Barack Obama to the U.S. Congress suggests, then Britain may once again, as it did 75 years ago, be leading the way in confronting a resurgent Nazi Reich as a global threat.
Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
[Update: 6/28. An earlier version of this article mistakenly identified Volkswagen and Volvo as the same company. The article has been revised to remove the error.]
(Since March the light forces have been cleaning the outer solar system where the Dark Fleet used to reside. The Chimera barrier is a huge fleet of space ships with strangelet bombs. This fleet prevents the energies coming from the galactic center to enter the solar system. The light forces are now removing it. The light forces are clearing everything layer by layer because it had been built in layers over the last 25,000 years. The light forces now deconstruct this huge fleet; the ones from the Kuiper belt have already been removed! All these ships were disguised and therefore invisible for physical instruments).
Situation Update - June 22, 2016
Clearing of the Chimera group continues. Removal of the remaining plasma toplet bombs has proven to be more difficult than expected, as they are protected with quantum potential chambers throughout the Solar System. Quantum potential chambers are directed scalar torsion fields that create an accretion vortex for as much primary plasma anomaly as possible to be gathered around the remaining toplet bombs. These chambers are more advanced version of quantum potential weapons that are already known for decades:
Plasma primary anomaly encompasses all possible combinations of negativity as the logical opposite of the Absolute, and only a small percentage of these combinations gets manifested onto the physical plane, as the Light forces mostly cancel them out before they can materialize from the quantum foam. The Light forces use advanced technology of Light pillars (ATVOR) to resolve the non-linear primary plasma anomaly using the mathematical principles of iteration:
Even using those advanced methods, a small unresolvable portion of the primary anomaly remains and then collapses into the accretion vortex around the toplet bomb. The Light forces then apply the ATVOR technology again until the critical mass of the primary anomaly gets resolved, and then they will annihilate the remaining toplet bombs once and for all.
That will be the moment of Compression Breakthrough, the Event. If you could see the etheric and plasma body of planet Earth at the moment of the Event, you would see something like this:
Although the above simulation actually depicts an exploding supernova, the energy dynamics of the Compression Breakthrough on Earth will be very similar.
As we are getting closer to the breakthrough, things are starting to get interesting on the physical plane.
The Rothschilds have contacted a certain Dragon group and began to negotiate:
The negotiations are proceeding and other groups are now involved in the process. For the first time in history, those negotiations have reached the point where certain agreements can be reached.
The key person in those negotiations is Nathaniel Rothschild:
There are many occult reasons why he is at the center of the negotiation process, let me just hint at the fact that his mother, Serena Dunn Rothschild, belongs to the Grail St. Clair bloodline from Rosslyn:
The Rothschilds are beginning to realize that their security is not flawless and they can be brought to justice. The flaw in their security was clearly seen already in 2003, when a „Robin Hood“ type of gang has broken into the Rothschild's Waddesdon Manor for two minutes and stolen gold boxes worth millions, never to be seen again:
Then in 2012, the Resistance has removed all Rothschild gold reserves and taken them underground, out of reach of surface population.
Since then, the Rothschilds have put their focus and hopes on the AI fuzzy logic computer program of the global financial system. Now, in 2016, even those hopes are crashing as their system is vulnerable:
The Rothschilds hope to survive the planetary liberation process intact, they push for partial Disclosure and blame the Rockefellers, Bushes and other Cabal members for everything that happened:
The Melanesians were shocked when American soldiers landed during World War II and began giving them advanced technology they called "Cargo."
The people believed these soldiers were gods, and created "Cargo cults" that exerted significant power for decades -- even in the face of contrary evidence.
Their devotion even took the form of building elaborate straw models of the exotic, super-high-tech craft they had witnessed.
The people of Melanesia couldn't imagine that there was any intelligent life outside of their own little cluster of islands.
The oceans surrounding those islands just went off into the great unknown, and had remained unexplored in their society.
They created elaborate systems of beliefs that were based on the few soldiers, planes and gadgets they had seen with their own eyes.
Tremendous numbers of assumptions were made. All of them appeared to be perfectly logical at the time, and formed the basis of new religions.
From our perspective in the "civilized world," we can see that their beliefs were very, very far apart from the greater reality that was surrounding them.
Similarly, we think the "island continents" of Europe, Africa, Asia and the Americas are the only places on, in and around Earth where any people live.
We do not realize how many more people surround us -- using various areas for living space, and technologies to keep themselves cloaked from our sight.
This includes as many as 2,500 different underground bases, often built into massive honeycomb-type limestone caverns deep beneath the Earth's surface.
These caverns can be 20 to 40 miles deep, and miles wide -- ready for mass habitation.
They are naturally lit by a bio-luminescent bacteria that grows on the upper areas of the caves.
They have naturally-occuring, weird flora and fauna that is mostly white, but life from the surface can also be brought in and do quite well.
They also enjoy excellent protection against floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and other natural disasters on the Earth's surface.
It is going to be quite a "rude awakening" for us to realize we were this clueless about such a massive presence of intelligent life all around us.
Whistleblower Sgt. Clifford Stone reported working on a UFO crash-retrieval team for the military in the 1970s and 80s, up until he got out in 1989.
He had a flip-book of 57 different types of human ETs that were operating in our airspace and could end up crashing anywhere on Earth.
They were jokingly referred to as the "Heinz 57," after the popular ketchup brand claiming to have manufactured 57 different varieties since 1869.
The flipbook had detailed information about the types of craft they would fly, what they looked like, and other necessary characteristics he needed to know.
One of the great mysteries, as he explained in the Disclosure Project back in 2001, was that each of these groups was human or humanlike in appearance.
This suggests a galactic or universal intelligence is steering the evolution of intelligent life along well-established tracklines, forming humanoid organisms.
It also appears these 57 different groups are not just popping in for a visit from outside our solar system.
They already live here along with the rest of us -- in other regions outside the "islands" of Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas.
They have lots of comfortable space in different places than what we are accustomed to thinking of as livable areas.
Their higher technology allows them to make use of areas we would normally consider to be inaccessible at this time.
There are a series of large, habitable regions underneath the ice of Antarctica that are host to certain groups, including those of the Cabal.
This works much the same way as an igloo in Alaska, where even though the walls are made out of ice, a small fire inside can keep it nice and warm.
Natural ice caves are created by the heat of sub-surface volcanic activity. There is land you can walk and build on, breathable air, and running water.
Here is an image commissioned by Corey Goode of one of the Cabal's own bases underneath the Antarctic ice, complete with buildings and exotic craft.
Corey Goode recently provided us with a map of six different naturally volcanic areas under Antarctica that are home to secret Cabal bases.
Each red circle corresponds to an area that has been developed and has people living there comfortably right now.
These areas also show up on heat maps of Antarctica as visible volcanic hot-spots.
Access to Antartica is strictly controlled, meaning we cannot just go and check it out for ourselves.
The freezing cold of the surface area also makes it very difficult for any indivdual or group from our ordinary world to try to go sightseeing.
According to the 94-year-old aerospace engineer William Tompkins, there are also two much larger habitable caverns off to the right of Antarctica.
Their combined landmass is quite significant, dwarfing the size of either of the largest two ovals on this map.
They are almost vertical, on a slight diagonal angle, and run from the top of the continent to the bottom -- creating a vast amount of livable space.
Both of these enormous strips of land are under the exclusive control of reptilian ETs known as the Draco.
According to Pete Peterson, and confirmed by Goode and others, the Cabal has often referred to this type of ET as Saurians.
They have vast, densely populated cities in these areas, composed of buildings that are far more high-tech than anything we see on the surface.
The Draco are on the losing end of a war througout the galaxy that has beaten them back into our solar system and a few neighboring ones.
The Draco have built vast cities in these two caverns below the Antarctic ice, with populations numbering at least in the millions.
Their total population numbers in our solar system could now be as many as seven billion -- comparable to our own native population on Earth.
We are protected from them by benevolent ETs that will never allow them to do more than we have invited by our own collective free will.
Furthermore, their time here on Earth is very likely about to come to an end.
According to Tompkins, the Draco cut a deal with the Germans before World War II, and offered the smaller areas in the above image as a concession prize.
This allowed the Germans to begin developing their own secret space program, using technology given directly to them by the Draco.
The plan was to create a "Dark Fleet" of ships and personnel that could go out and begin conquering other worlds, as the Nazis attempted to do here.
The Draco would be leading the effort, and needed the industrial might of the Germans to help produce a sufficiently large army to make it possible.
Again, I acknowledge how bizarre this sounds to most people, but there is a staggering amount of interconnecting evidence that suggests it is true.
Tompkins acquired this intel from over 1200 different embedded American spies he personally debriefed between 1942 and 1946.
[UPDATE: Dr. Michael Salla corrected me on this. It was 29 embedded spies with a total of 1200 debriefings over four years.]
The security was so high that he was the only person in America tasked with the job of interviewing these assets from within the German space program.
[UPDATE: Salla indicated Tompkins was the only one disseminating the intel, but he was one of five doing the interviews.
This included an Admiral and three Captains. There was also a stenographer taking dictation.]
I have now had many hours of conversation with him on the phone, exploring this fascinating subject, and his credibility is rock solid.
For people who really know this world, all we are doing here is giving a history lesson and updating it with the things that are happening now.
The white craft you see in the middle of the under-ice cave image is what we are calling a "bus," built by another humanlike group living inside the earth.
This group, who refer to themselves as the Anshar, have a much more accelerated perception of time than we do.
Thus, events that took place thousands of years ago, as we measure time, could be considered as fairly recent history for them.
Almost all of the things we cover on Ancient Aliens, including giant stone monuments and even Atlantis, are considered very recent by these standards.
The arrival of Jesus, and the angelic beings that helped guide us through those interesing times, was also a last-minute development from this vantage point.
This gives us a remarkably different perspective on how we see such civilizations.
[Continued from Part 1] At the same time the Soviet Union had deployed Cosmospheres in the 1970’s that competed with the National Reconnaissance Office and USAF for domination of the space around Earth, the U.S. Navy was developing its own secret space program called Solar Warden, which used huge cigar shaped spacecraft equipped with antigravity and temporal technology for distant off world operations.
Former aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, has disclosed that he provided the initial designs for these kilometer long secret space craft in a secret think tank at Douglas Aircraft Company in the 1950’s. According to both Corey Goode and Tompkins, Solar Warden became operational in the 1980’s and was highly compartmentalized, and therefore unknown to most USAF Space Command/NRO/Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) personnel who were told the vehicles in deep space or remote locations like Antarctica they were monitoring were merely prototype craft being tested.
Goode additionally explains that most NRO/USAF Space Command/DIA personnel are unaware of the Secret Space Program Alliance (an alliance between the Solar Warden program defectors from other secret space programs), whose operations Goode has been disclosing since late 2014.
Apparently, some of the intelligence released by Corey Goode over the last 18 months about secret space programs, was accurate enough to come to the attention of the “lower level secret space program,” as he described it, run by the NRO/USAF/DIA. Subsequently, he was subjected to a military abduction by one or more of these agencies, which he briefly described in his May 14 update:
Military abductions conducted by operatives of one or more unacknowledged programs occur. Chemical interrogation tactics are implemented. Body fluid and hair samples were taken, words and phrases were read off of a tablet to attempt to ascertain if I was a current asset of a known UNSAP [Unacknowledged Special Access Program].
While briefing me on June 15, Goode stated that he experienced a total of three different military abductions on a spacecraft that was clearly less advanced than those belonging to the SSP Alliance. The abductions happened just prior to or during the month of March 2016.
Artist depiction of room in spacecraft where chemical interrogations occurred
I asked Goode why he wasn’t protected by the “Sphere Being Alliance” (advanced extraterrestrials belonging to a Type III civilization), since they had previously intervened during an alleged incident on Mars that he described in a report back in June 2015.
Goode said that the Sphere Being Alliance will only intervene when his safety is in serious jeopardy, and not at other times since there are lessons to be learned for all involved. In the case of “negative experiences”, he says, these might have a larger purpose such as completing operational goals.
I also asked him why the SSP Alliance, which has superior technologies and clearances, couldn’t just tell the lower level SSP’s to back off, and not abduct Alliance operatives. Goode said that just before the time of his military abductions the ability of the SSP Alliance to conduct operations on Earth had been stopped, since they were denied clearance by the air and space traffic control at the Lunar Operations Center, as described in Part 1.
Goode interrogators could not find any information about him in their databases which is not surprising given the level of compartmentalization involved in the different classified programs. He said that all his records were scrubbed upon returning to civilian life in 1986 after being age regressed and sent back in time after he completed his 20 year tour of duty in 2007.
During one of Goode’s interrogations, attempts were made to brainwash him into believing that extraterrestrials weren’t real and that the “higher level space programs” he was discussing – Solar Warden, Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and Dark Fleet – did not exist.
During an interrogation, he also said that chemicals were used to get him to involuntarily reveal three high level operatives working within the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance:
A tablet with a camera was held in front of my face and academy type military photos were shown to me. The camera monitored my eyes and marked a photograph when it was detected that I recognized the person. This incident caused the outing of 3 high ranking SSP Alliance individuals and caused a further rift between myself, Gonzales and the SSP Alliance. Because of the chemical interrogation and the attempted blank slating of my memories of the incidents, I didn’t remember the full details until I was informed later of the security breach.
Artistic depiction of Goode under chemical interrogation where he involuntarily outs SSP operatives
One of the outed SSP Alliance individuals has subsequently dissappeared, another has been captured by the “lower level SSP”, and the third was Gonzales – Goode’s primary contact with the SSP Alliance.
Due to his involuntary ‘outing’ by Goode, Gonzales had to leave his civilian “cover” identity in Texas, and quickly found refuge with one of the Inner Earth civilizations called the ‘Anshar’, which he and Goode had previously met with on several occasions.
In particular, Goode had formed a special bond with an Anshar high priestess called “Kaaree”, with whom he experienced a mind-meld back in September 2015:
Gonzales had been staying with the Anshar for weeks with no explanation. I was receiving briefings from both Gonzales and Kaaree during this timeframe.
Next, Goode refers to the period immediately after Gonzales was outed, sometime in March 2016. Goode, describing one of the locations where Gonzales traveled to during his stay with the Anshar:
One of these briefings included information about a couple of recent trips that Gonzales and Kaaree made to an “Outpost” of working “Ancient Builder Race” technology, below the surface of Venus. Gonzales was turned away by the beings that inhabited that outpost. They then traveled to a temporal anomaly and embassy type space station in the vicinity of Saturn that I had attended Super Federation meetings at in the vicinity of Jupiter. There were no craft or occupants on this station other than the same beings encountered at the Venus outpost. Gonzales was turned away from there too. Later, Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had worked to make sure I was disinvited from these two trips. It was soon after this that I found out that Gonzales was one of the 3 people that was revealed during my chemical interrogation.
Goode says that the reason Gonzales had been turned away from the Venus outpost was because he [Goode] was not present. It is likely the “Venusians” were aware that Goode had been appointed delegate to the Sphere Being Alliance, and viewed his absence as awry.
Then Goode went on to explain what happened when he was taken to Venus, around May 13:
Kaaree takes me to visit the Working Ancient Builder Race Outpost on Venus. We arrive and are met by a giant, long narrow craft that had a blast shield over the windows of what would be the bridge of their craft. We sat there for about 20 minutes before Kaaree told me we had been turned back. As I looked I could see several other of these large narrow craft around Venus, with their noses pointed down toward the surface and the rear of the vessels pointing away from the planet into space. While waiting, Kaaree and I spoke about a few individuals, as well as how concerned the Anshar are with people actively reaching out for them mentally yet receiving contact from other beings.
Artistic depiction showing Goode’s bus-like spacecraft being intercepted and prevented from traveling to Venus by giant kilometer long cylinder space craft
The final information Goode shared relates to the Anshar. He says that they have requested a change to a treaty between all major extraterrestrial groups and Inner Earth Civilizations concerning open contact with humanity:
The reason the Anshar requested the meeting to make changes to the treaty is that they were considering a more active role with the surface populations. They are keeping an eye on the highly programmed nature of humanity and our response to knowing the Anshar exist. They have been troubled by some of the signs they have seen and some of their group has raised these concerns in their recent council meetings.
Back on May 14, Goode described a forthcoming meeting (since held) between different extraterrestrial and Inner Earth groups for a new treaty:
Kaaree informed me that Gonzales had informed her that the Anshar request for a meeting over requested ratifications to a treaty that was agreed to by all of the major ET players in the Solar System including those we would consider negative. This meeting is said to be occurring imminently.
In his June 15 briefing to me, Goode explained that the current treaty is referred to as the “Muhammad Accords” since it dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad (570-632 AD). Further Goode added that prior to the “Muhammad Accords,” extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations openly interacted with surface humanity.
It was decided that in order for surface humanity to evolve, open contact would end, and that extraterrestrials and Inner Earth civilizations would no longer openly intervene in human affairs.
Goode then said that the meeting referred to by Kaaree had been held, and the request for a new treaty had been opposed by the Draconian Federation – the dominant Reptilian extraterrestrial species in our galaxy, and other “Saurian” or Reptilian groups. According to Goode, both he and Gonzales had in mid-2015 met with the leader of the Draconian Federation in our sector of the Galaxy, a 14 foot Royal White Draco, as part of ongoing negotiations over full disclosure.
Due to the need for consensus among all the adherents to the original treaty, there consequently would not be a new treaty at this point. Kaaree said this was unlikely to be the end of the matter, but more likely the first step in a drawn out negotiation process.
Goode stated that he last met Raw Teir Eir on June 10, and was told that incoming cosmic energies are dramatically ramping up energy levels for the sun, solar system and the entire planet. People and groups are being easily triggered, which helps explains the elite exodus to Antarctica described in Part One, and upsurge of violent extremism around the planet.
While some may be greatly concerned over the possibility of a solar kill shot as predicted by remote viewers such as Major Ed Dames, it’s important to emphasize that this is merely one of many possible futures.
Previously Goode has said that according to Raw Teir Eir, the future and the kind of disclosure humanity is going to experience, will be determined by the collective consciousness and how well we react to unfolding events around us.
Goode has summarized the optimal response to an uncertain future in what describes as “the Message”:
Every day focus on becoming more “Service To Others” oriented. Focus on being more “Loving” and “Focus on raising your Vibrational and Consciousness Level” and to learn to “Forgive Yourself and Others” (thus “Releasing Karma”). This will change the Vibration of the Planet, the “Shared Consciousness of Humanity” and “Change Humanity One Person at a time” (even if that “One Person” is yourself.).
At a time of great change where global elites are finding refugee in remote locations amidst uncertainty over what the future holds for them, and extraterrestrials debate over whether to openly make contact, the choice is ours over what the future holds for us. We must remember the power of love and forgiveness in opening up positive possibilities for us all, including that of a peaceful full disclosure of the SSPs and extraterrestrial alliances that can greatly expand and enrich human destiny.