A New Era Begins
The last phase of the Transition into the New Age. Everything is following the Higher Plan. There will be no pain or suffering on the New Earth. We are in the first phase of our new journey into the 5D world. Ascension is a state of consciousness. From now on nobody will stay where he is not comfortable. Be grateful for everything, good or bad. Listen to what resonates with you and what does not. The financial part does not matter, but the atmosphere does. There, where unconditional love prevails. Be the change!
Beloved ones!
The changes that are taking place now, both on the Planet and on the collective human level, and especially within each individual consciousness, are something that has never been experienced before on Earth. In a sense, if it were not so, there would be no Planetary Transition at all.
We are currently living in the final phase of this Transition into the New Age that will soon be upon us. We are now in the most decisive years of change and all perspectives must be considered. Of course everything follows a Higher Plan, and nothing will happen that is not included in this divine plan.
As has been said here many times, the people who are now incarnated on Earth have had between 600 and 1,100 consecutive incarnations. They have had all the experiences and learned all the necessary lessons. They have experienced all the terrors that a limited consciousness can experience. They have experienced duality to the extreme, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other side of the coin. Although not everyone is ready to ascend now, what they have learned will not be lost.
All phases of life in a third dimensional world have been taught on this Planet. The 3D School has taught experiences within the Laws of Cause and Effect that prevail. Now, we are entering a Fifth Dimensional World, classified as the World of Regeneration. All Penances and Tribulations end in this Planetary Transition.
On the New Earth, there will be no pain or suffering. However, there will be learning that follows the ladder upwards, i.e. ascension, where the soul continues on the path to Source. This reversal has already begun and we are in the first phase of this new journey. We are going to experience great transition events in this phase home. But they will not be tests as before; they will be opportunities for confirmation and understanding of new Systems.
There will be two distinct groups of souls: those who are now making their ascension, who will receive all the opportunities to develop the new consciousness; and those who are not yet ready, who constitute the other group, that is, who will not change anything in terms of consciousness, because they wish to continue living, in worlds limited to the Third Dimension.
Today we shall speak of the first group, because all change is felt by those who are in it. There is no reason for those in the second group to feel anything, because it does not affect them.
The changes serve to raise the steps on the ladder that will elevate everyone to the level of Higher Dimensions.
Although they do not apply to everyone, some signs of ascension are very clear. We will list the most important ones here, so that you may recognise and act upon them yourself. Remember, not everything is felt by everyone. So, feel comfortable in every circumstance. Ascension is a state of consciousness; it is not physical. It is this state that makes you ascend, and not the many or all symptoms you may experience.
When you wake up in the morning, what mood do you feel? Watch out! Discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, uncertainty, etc. are much more common than you might think. If you have felt this, you need to look at some possibilities. These could include issues in your work. Are you satisfied with your current job? If not, start thinking about alternatives now. From now on, no one will stay where they don’t feel good. The financial part does not matter, but the atmosphere does.
Are you happy in your relationship? If the answer is no, then explore the possibilities, for the new vibrations are going to break all binding bonds. The energy that is now coming to Earth will dismantle anything that does not resonate in higher frequencies where unconditional love prevails. No one will be left in a situation that does not bring joy and fulfilment.
If you wake up in the morning in the house you live in and it makes you uncomfortable, regardless of the reasons, pay attention, and listen to what does and does not resonate with you. It is certainly an indication that you no longer belong. Then, as soon as possible, look at the possibilities for change.
If it’s the city you don’t like, it could also be a sign that another place is waiting for you. Do not overlook any possibilities, for no one will stay where he does not feel at home.
The Universe will guide everyone in their free will and choices. Let yourself be carried by it. Of course with responsibility, but without resistance.
Other opportunities will now be offered to those who are ready to make their ascension. Do not resist! I wrote a few years ago that resistance is the cause of 98% of the pain and discomfort you may be feeling right now.
The fear that has been built up in our memories during lives and lives after that, is still the big stumbling block. It motivates us to get rid of it and make the necessary changes. Remember, you have a lot of support. Nobody will go through what does not need to be gone through! Everyone will be where they are supposed to be! We have told this in detail in the past.
Have faith! The best is yet to come! Also remember that pain is an option, because the root cause is resistance. Go with the flow! Ride the crest of the wave! Reading through the concepts mentioned here does not mean that real change can be expected immediately. Often it is change without change. All that is needed is to make internal adjustments, which in practice can be even more decisive.
I am giving some suggestions here; and everyone can make a self-assessment in each individual case:
When you go to bed at night, evaluate your day. Be grateful for everything, whether it was good or bad. Good things give us natural satisfaction, so we should mention them and be grateful for them. Bad things, on the other hand, make us learn, because they show us the lessons that are still missing. Mistakes are our best teachers. Having said that, don’t blame, because there is no blame; it is learning. Learn from the lessons and be grateful!
Also, review relationships. Whether they are family, emotional, friendship or professional. These are the people who have been with you the longest. Therefore, they are the ones who work the most on your evolution. It is friction that smooths river stones. It is the hammer blows of the sculptor that create the most perfect work of art. It is the uncomfortable grain of sand in the sensitive body of the oyster that produces the precious pearl.
Be grateful to all those who have come into conflict with you, for this is the way for you to become the most beautiful work of art. Often it is not by running away that we become better, for we can deny ourselves the opportunity to learn the lesson that the situation offers us. See an opportunity in every situation! Always be grateful!
Thank the bed that welcomes you for the rest. Be grateful for the welcoming room. Be thankful for the opportunity for a well-deserved rest! Ask for the grace to have a night of blessed sleep and dreams. Surround the room with Blue Light and feel the lightness and security it gives you. Say thank you and relive the day that has passed!
When you get up in the morning, give thanks for the night that has passed. Give thanks for a pain-free night and a pain-free dawn. Do this act with gratitude and ask for support for the day that is beginning.
Ask! Ask! And ask fervently and confidently, for this is what our Angelic Helpers always encourage us to do. There is never a shortage of support! But it is necessary for everyone to do their part. Do your part too, and life will surely change! Trust in the Divine Plan!
The Earth is changing. The vibrations are changing. The energy is changing. The frequency is changing. Nature is changing. Your physical body is changing. Everything is changing! So what is still missing? You yourself has to change! And for that, just change your consciousness. And it does not take much! It only takes a few rules. And you can do it without much effort! Be the change yourself! The signs will guide you, be aware of them.
I am Vital Frosi and my mission is to bring the light.
Written by Vital Frosi, edited by Peter B. Meyer