Only three days after MacDill Air Force Base reopened from a mandatory evacuation due to Hurricane Irma, UFOs were once again photographed near it. This time, the UFO’s were cigar-shaped, and at least 100 meters in size according to the photographer, JP (a pseudonym), who I have known for nine years and is a very credible source.
On September 14, at around 3 pm (EDT) JP took a series of 11 photos and also video of the cigar-shaped UFO which appeared approximately two miles from MacDill AFB. Several orb-like objects were also moving around the cigar-shaped ship, which first appeared coming out of the clouds, according to JP’s eyewitness account.
Further, he says that during the six minutes of filming and photographing the incident, all city noises ceased around him and it became very quiet and peaceful. Yet that quickly changed after the cigar UFO disappeared back into the clouds.
What follows below is a short mp4 of the 11 photos JP sent to me, which show the cigar UFO and possible companion craft nearby in the first five photos of the series.
Below is a composite of three of the images which most clearly show the cigar-shaped UFO, with added close-ups at the top of the composite. The first image shows approximately five orb-like objects, which JP said were in the vicinity of the craft.
JP emphasized that he felt very calm and peaceful during the sighting as all around him turned quiet. This makes him suspect that the craft was extraterrestrial in nature since his feelings were very different during the flying triangle sightings he photographed from September 1 to 7.
As discussed in my first article on JP’s flying triangle photos, he first got in touch with me in 2008 to talk about his extraterrestrial contact experiences he had in Brazil. Later it became clear that this was a human-looking “Nordic” group of extraterrestrials communicating with him.
During his previous contact experiences, JP has told me that he had feelings of peace and calm, and his encounter with the cigar-shaped craft had generated a similar emotional impact on him. This is why he believes this photographed craft is extraterrestrial rather than part of the USAF secret space program.
Then something occurred after he took the 11 photos and video that was very upsetting for JP. He says that after the cigar UFO departed, the ambient noise returned and he received a phone call. The person on the line was very abrupt and threatening. The male voice told JP, “don’t put [out] no videos, delete [them]”, then he hung up.
Immediately after receiving the call, JP said it began to rain, and two lightning bolts struck the ground in succession about 20 feet (7 meters) from him. He felt very intimidated by the events and decided to delete the video, but to keep the nine photos which he soon sent to me.
As to who called him, a clue comes from another incident JP told me about which occurred on the previous day, September 13. JP had been assigned to visit a private residence for his job where he and the customer began talking. Here he received a veiled warning as he explains:
I was at a customer’s house and we were talking. We were talking about weather manipulation. I never actually talked to this customer before. He told me something really, really interesting. The house that is in front of his is the house of the commander of the CIA at MacDill Air Force Base… I got cold feet, cold hands, the customer said we’re watching you … He went inside.
What this exchange suggests is that CIA operatives are closely monitoring JP who is being allowed to photograph antigravity flying triangle craft near MacDill, which are operated by Special Operations Command.
JP knows a covert operative from MacDill who has befriended him, and who has been revealing details of various special forces operations involving the flying triangles out of MacDill. Further, JP says that he has also been abducted by the flying triangles on various occasions and taken to place where he has encountered human looking extraterrestrials.
It appears that a group of extraterrestrials, which are cooperating with Special Operations Command, are allowing JP to photograph their vehicles near MacDill AFB. What this suggests is that Nordic extraterrestrials are actively working with Special Operations Command to disclose the existence of antigravity flying triangles and also the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Such a scenario is bolstered by a leaked 1989 Defense Intelligence Agency document which discussed how Nordic extraterrestrials are friendly, and can be relied on as opposed to other extraterrestrial groups. The briefing document refers to four groups of extraterrestrial visitors which are listed in order of importance to our planet, and cites whether they are friendly or not:
There are four basic types of EBEs so-far confirmed. And they are listed here in descending order of their influences on our planet.
Earth-like humanoids. There are several variations more-or-less like ourselves. The majority of these are friendly and are the bulk of our EBE contacts. Most have a high degree of psychic ability and all use science and engineering of an advanced nature.
Small humanoids or “Grays”. The Grays, so–called for the hue of their skin possessed by most of this type, are a sort of drone. They are not unlike the worker ants or bees…. They are mostly under the psychic control of the Earth-like humanoids who raise them like pets (or a kind of slave). Assuming the Greys are under benign control, they are harmless.
Non-humaoid EBEs. These are in several classes and come from worlds where dominatnt morphology took a different evolutionary course. Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but because such creatures do not hold human life as sacred…. Thus far, contact has been minimal with only a handful of unfortunate encounters.
Transmorphic Entities. Of all the forms of EBE studied so far by Operation Majestic, these are the most difficult to understand or even to give a description of. Essentially, such entities are not “beings” or “creatures” … exist in some either dimension or plane which is to say not in our space or time. They do not use devices or travel in space…. In essence these entities are composed of pure mind energies. … They are said (by other EBEs) to be capable of taking on any physical form that they “channel” their energy … as matter.
This leaked document was the first time that any Majestic document had ever referred to “human looking” or a Nordic extraterrestrial group. The DIA document and JP’s experiences lead to the conclusion that the USAF is now actively working with a Nordic extraterrestrial group.
This Nordic ET – USAF/DIA alliance is opposed by other factions in the US military industrial complex which would help explain why Hurricane Irma was steered towards Tampa, where MacDill and Special Operations Command is located.
This Nordic/USAF/DIA alliance would also explain why JP has been chosen as the individual to take the photos of various craft in the vicinity of MacDill, while also being intimidated by another CIA linked group that wants to slow or prevent his disclosures.
JP believes that he will soon be allowed to share videos of the craft he is witnessing. That will occur as the decision for official disclosure is made at a very high level, likely involving President Donald Trump.
Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on September 15, 2017.
UAMN TV Published on Jul 2, 2017 The content of this documentary has massive implications for our entire planet. Deemed too controversial for TV, it is unlike many of the UFO “documentaries” found on network television nowadays, which contain far more speculation than fact, this film rigorously examines the officially-still-hidden history of UFO activity at nuclear weapons laboratories, test areas, storage depots and missile sites—using authenticated files and the testimony of vetted military eyewitnesses.
Aliens possessing tremendously advanced technology have monitored and even tampered with American and Russian nuclear weapons for decades. These stunning, nearly unbelievable developments must not be kept secret by a handful of government and military officials. We all have a right to know the facts. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions.
Thanks to Robert Hastings for this new documentary exclusive to UAMN TV.
PART ONE : William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.
This interview connects the dots on many topics discussed by Tompkins in other interviews including the collaboration of our Navy with Nordics (and reptilians) involving top aerospace companies such as Northrop, TRW, Boeing, Hughes, and many others.
He discusses what really happened during the Battle of LA, the beginnings of MJ12, how nearly all U.S. presidents have been ruled by Dracos and much much more....
It was expected that Irma will directly hit Tampa as a powerful category 3 or 4 hurricane with 130 mph winds:
Instead, weather station in Tampa recorded 19 mph winds at the moment of the closest approach of the storm:
Our success was easier because of high concentration of Lightworkers in Florida, two Tachyon chambers in Miami area and strong cintamani grids in Florida Keys, Miami and Tampa:
Hurricane Irma is approaching Florida and it would be good if as many people as possible join us tomorrow for the meditation. We will be having our main Hurricane Meditation tomorrow at noon 12:00 EDT.
As our regular Weekly Ascension Meditation is happening exactly at the same time, for this week only, our Hurricane Meditation will replace it due to extraordinary circumstances.
Those who feel guided to help more, can do the same Hurricane Meditation in any (or all) of the 4 hour intervals starting tomorrow at 8 am EDT, then at noon EDT, then at 4 pm EDT, at 8 pm EDT, at midnight EDT and then on Monday at 4 am EDT and at 8 am EDT.
You can convert EDT (Florida time) to your local time zone here:
A powerful grid of cintamani stones is already in place in Miami:
And Tampa:
These cintamani stones are anchor points of strong angelic beings that will influence the plasma currents of the hurricane, trying to minimize the impact of the storm and protect both cities:
EARTH'S Plasma? Is this how tornados and hurricane are Fueled?
In this anniversary special, we look back on the highlights of an amazing journey and reflect upon how far we have come in understanding the clandestine efforts to establish thriving human civilizations throughout the cosmos.
During this time, many secrets have been revealed as to the extent of the technological build out of our solar system, the extraterrestrial races which have helped our progress, and the organizations responsible for these advancements.
The Black Stone has been dissolved, and all primary anomaly that is associated with it is expected to be removed around the time of the September equinox.
What is remaining is whatever is left of the Yaldabaoth entity with toplet plasma bombs and plasma primary anomaly in its body.
Yaldabaoth entity is beginning to realize that its time is almost over and is reacting very strongly to the increasing incoming energies from the Galactic Center. This is the reason for extremely difficult energies and situations many are experiencing right now.
The Archons and the Cabal are misusing the excited plasma of the Yaldabaoth entity to increase the strength of plasma vortexes in order to trigger extreme weather.
They were planning that hurricane to become another Katrina with thousands of casualties but thanks to the strength of the New Atlantis grid, the Light forces have managed to weaken the storm as it made landfall and thus casualties were reduced by more than 95% from what the Cabal has originally planned.
Unhappy with the results, the Cabal have modified another hurricane that is now affecting Caribbean islands and will almost certainly make landfall in Florida with potentially drastic consequences:
The Light forces have asked us to meditate to dissipate hurricane Irma each day from now on until it dissolves. We will be doing this meditation daily at 12:00 noon EDT. This equals 9:00 am PDT in Los Angeles, 10:00 am MDT in Denver, 11:00 am in CDT in Chicago, 5:00 pm BST in London, 6:00 pm CEST in Paris and midnight in Taipei:
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of dissolving hurricane Irma.
3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.
4. Now visualize a soft pink light dissolving hurricane Irma, making it harmless. Visualize this soft pink light protecting all people and their property in the hurricane path. Visualize this situation resolving in the most positive way possible.
You need to understand that this planet is not liberated yet and planetary conditions will not significantly improve before the Event. Therefore it is still very important that we keep strengthening the New Atlantis energy grid around the planet with cintamani stones and meditations.
Before I finish this update, a little inspiration:
You might want to read this Cobra interview by Rob Potter: The interview was recorded just a few days before the Solar eclipse. Audio recording of the interview will be available soon and a link will be posted here. A short planetary situation update will be released a few days from now.
On Genetic Engineering:
This is a very broad subject. I will just say that it has been going on for a much longer time than just 30,000 years. Actually, genetic manipulation started almost 1 million years ago when the dark forces from the Orion star system came to this planet in Atlantis. And this genetic manipulation was quite extensive and was done by many races.
There was also, I would say, good, positive races that wanted to repair human DNA, and they have also added to this process in a positive way.
So now we have human DNA which actually needs a lot of healing, and most of this will be done after the Event, which is actually the moment when advanced technology that is required for that will be released. I don’t see this happening before the Event, really, because it’s quite a complex situation.
It was done similarly to what the medical cartel has done now with vaccinations. Everyone was obliged to take certain so-called ‘treatments’ in so-called ‘healing temples’ in Atlantis, and this is where DNA was manipulated with Atlantis technology.
And people were actually not exactly forced to go there, but it was advised strongly against not going there. So if somebody was not going there, there were repercussions. And the vast majority of the human population went through that process at a certain point in Atlantis.
The other aspect of this is that vaccination technology was used, or shall I say misused, in the last few decades to put biochips in the human body. And, again, almost everybody on the planet was affected by this.
And those biochips have been removed already by the Resistance Movement. So they are not existing in human bodies any more.
They used certain advanced technology to remove this, and this is the reason – one of the reasons – why we have this awakening right now, because one layer of the Matrix is gone. And it’s now easier for people to awaken.
Actually, this started after World War II. The biochips were developed in Nazi Germany by Siemens Company and were . . . This program started in 1945 and was very extensive in the 1950s and ’60s, actually.
On Vedas:
The Vedas themselves are a mixture, and part of this came from old legacy of Atlantis. Part of this came from Pleiadian sources. Actually, the seven Rishis are the seven stars of the Pleiadians.
And, actually, the other part of this came from Archon mind-programming. So Vedas are a curious mixture of truth and disinformation, like everything else on the plane.
On Syria:
There is much progress. Since our meditation for Syria in the spring, there has been much progress. Actually, the whole area of Syria and Iraq, when there is this huge vortex that is partially still under control of the Islamic state, much of this has been liberated.
Mosul in Iraq has been liberated. Large areas of land in Syria have been liberated. There was much progress in the last few weeks.
So now there are only two small enclaves of unliberated territory in Syria right now, and those two areas are getting smaller and smaller. And, actually, may people who have run away from Syria
because the situation there was intolerable, are returning back to their homes because in certain parts of Syria, life is getting back to normal.
On Donald Trump:
Basically, what’s happening here is he’s a man without a solid international policy, and he acts on his impulses combined with what he gets from his advisers. There are two groups that are fighting for his attention – the good guys and the bad guys.
Sometimes he listens to one group and sometimes he listens to the other group. So it’s a mixed situation, and the light forces are trying to do whatever they can to steer this whole situation towards the Light.
On North Korea:
There is a possibility of a limited war in North Korea, but the purpose of this would be to . . . Actually, the regime in North Korea is very, and extremely, suppressive.
That war would be engineered to destroy that regime and set the people free. And this can happen before the Event. So I would say there are certain interest groups in various countries that want to take that regime down and that is a possibility that this will happen.
And that would be a short and intense war, but without many casualties. And that would not spread to other regions. It would be limited to North Korea.
Here are various other agendas there, that some people want to grab the resources. It’s a mixed agenda. It’s not just to liberate the people. It’s more like to liberate the people and grab their resources, improve their standard a little bit and pose as the good guys and grab the country’s gold. Something like that.
On Angela Merkel and Europe:
She is connected to Hitler family, yes, and she’s connected to the Rothschilds.
Their plan is simply to destroy the European civilization. And the idea was to put near-Eastern and also North African countries into crisis so people will flee from there to Europe, and in that mass of migrants, you can . . . actually, they have hidden tens of thousands of people that are not refugees. They are actually militants.
And those have been infiltrated into Europe with the purpose of assimilating into European culture and then destroying it from within.
The light forces are aware of this plan and are counteracting this plan and will do certain things that this will not become reality.
Yesterday, I received a series of six photos of a triangular shaped UFO taken near MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, Florida. The photos were captured at approximately 8 am on August 31, by JP (pseudonym), someone I have been communicating with since 2008. These are not photoshopped or created by CGI, but genuine photos of a UFO that informed analysis suggests has design and technology characteristics similar to the TR-3B that is part of a USAF secret space air wing operating out of MacDill.
I spoke with JP after he had claimed to have had contact experiences with a group of Nordic extraterrestrials in Brazil and contacted me about them in early 2008. He said that he had many ideas for advanced technology downloaded into him, and began designing and building some of them.
He had no previous technical background and views himself as a budding musician. Subsequently, he was approached by operatives from one or more military agencies who wanted him to work with them in building these devices.
I gave JP advice on dealing with the sensitive situation he was in — given that the alleged extraterrestrials wanted him to build free energy and other technologies helpful to humanity, but the covert operatives would be unlikely to allow this.
JP claims that after a period of working with covert operatives in building several devices, he decided to stop. His extraterrestrial contacts continued, and he next began experiencing multiple military abductions.
Privately, JP has shared many of his ongoing experiences with me. According to JP, he has a “friend” at MacDill AFB who claims to be part of the USAF Secret Space Program (SSP), and has passed along sensitive information to him. I believe this friend is JP’s handler, and/or someone feeding him information for public dissemination.
MacDill AFB is the home of US Central Command and US Special Operations Command. It is a hub of multiple commands and specialized air units that makes it a very viable candidate for a USAF secret space program facility.
I am in the process of evaluating JP’s MacDill contact since the prospect of disinformation is very real, and I have delayed publicly discussing JP’s case while assessing how genuine his experiences are. I am confident that JP is being encouraged to come forward with his knowledge about ET’s and some elements of the USAF secret space program.
The photos he has been supplying me have been steadily improving in quality, and so I feel it is now appropriate to begin publicly releasing and discussing some of JP’s experiences and information.
JP wishes to remain anonymous given he has a wife and young family, and I have communicated with his wife by phone. She has had great difficulty in accepting JP’s experiences but acknowledges their reality and significance for him.
The six photos help establish JP’s credibility as a witness to extraordinary events. What they show is a triangular shaped craft that powers up with a circular energy pulse. The powering up is consistent with what we know from whistleblowers such as Edgar Fouche who describes how the TR-3B operates using highly pressured mercury based plasma at high temperatures rotating around a circular ring at 60k RPM or more.
Graphic: Courtesy of Edgar Fouche
Significantly, the six successive photos by JP show a triangular craft near MacDill AFB “powering up” after JP started taking photos. The way in which the craft moved and the energy pulse it created suggests it is not an airplane, but an antigravity craft similar to a TR-3B, as described by Fouche.
This is what JP wrote me in his Skype communication on August 31:
an amazing experience today I felt the urge of looking up and snapping a couple pictures of clouds, beautiful evidence spectacular I saw a Triangle UFO ship flying left to right, I guess it noticed that I saw it, it stopped it generated some sort of bright energy ring then it shot up to space into the blue Sky, nice technology … if I did get picked up I don’t remember…
I’ve created two composites of the six photos he sent me. The first composite shows the first three photos of a triangular shaped craft, that could be simply a plane of some kind. The third in the sequence shows the beginning of the power up described by JP.
It is the next composite showing a circular ring of energy appearing around the craft that indicates it is an antigravity craft of some kind powered by a glowing circular plasma ring similar to what a TR-3B generates for propulsion. JP described the crafts movements as darting around, becoming stationary, and finally shooting up. These are distinct characteristics of the maneuverability of antigravity craft, not conventional airplanes or military fighter jets.
JP also sent a google satellite image of the approximate area where he took the six photos, very close to MacDill AFB. During previous conversations, JP had described being abducted by triangular and oval shaped craft that are part of a USAF SSP, and having his memories wiped in some cases, but not always.
MacDill AFB is circled, path of triangular craft is in dots and arrow
Over the nine years that I have been interviewing JP, his information has been very puzzling. I believe that he is a genuine extraterrestrial contactee who is being closely monitored, and handled by the military intelligence community.
I have found no clear pattern to his experiences and abductions, and he himself is not clear about why these things have been happening to him. It’s possible that he has been fed misinformation by the military intelligence community to both confuse him, and anyone interested in researching JP’s case.