To start preparing for the post-Event and post-Contact society, the Pleiadians have asked me to release intel about soul families. Soul families are created when a group of Souls emerges from undifferentiated monadic essence and enters this universe through a seventhdimensional portal of the Galactic Central Sun, either in this galaxy or any other galaxy in the universe. Millions of highly evolved Souls that are now incarnated on the surface of this planet have mainly entered this universe either through the Galactic Central Sun in this Galaxy or its sister galaxy, the Andromeda galaxy. They have then gained their experience by traveling throughout the Galaxy through higherdimensional light filaments that crisscross the Galaxy and later focused their consciousness by gaining experience in portal star systems such as Pleiades, Aldebaran, Sirius, Arcturus, Vega (alpha Lyrae), Tau Ceti... At some point in their evolution path they have encountered Galactic Wars and they got involved and this is their main reason they found themselves on Earth. Either they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the interdimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into reincarnation cycle. It is of the utmost importance for all higherdimensional star beings incarnated on the surface of the planet to awaken now, remember their missions and carry the out. It is also of the utmost important for members of the soul families to start connecting with each other from higher perspective and not only as human beings being caught in Quarantine Earth. Soul family members create connection with each other based on fifthdimensional understanding of their own essence (manasic consciousness) and create true friendships. This is the cosmic origin of the friend archetype. Soul family members of the same soul family or of two adjoining soul families that create a very deep soul connection with sixthdimensional Soul Love positive interference pattern (buddhic consciousness) are called soul mates. This is the cosmic origin of the girlfriend /boyfriend archetype. Soul family members of the same soul family that are actually one being that has split into opposite female/male polarities as it has entered the fourth/third dimension, are called twin souls. Their connection reaches the seventh dimension (atmic consciousness) and is the cosmic origin of man/woman, husband/wife and hero/goddess archetype. The Soul Family is one of the central mysteries of the Sisterhood of the Rose: It is the One being which manifests in the physical:
All interlocking levels of connection within a soul family create a Clifford torus that breaks the Matrix: This is the reason why the dark forces have always wanted to destroy soul families. First hey did that by implanting star people to disconnect them from higherdimensional consciousness and from their Soul presence. This is called vertical implant programming and will be addressed in a special dedicated blog post when the time is right. Vertical implant programming is the basis for Quarantine Earth blockage. The second layer of programming is horizontal implant programming. The Pleiadians have asked me to address this now in order to start deconstructing the society programming that creates the Matrix. Horizontal implant programming misuses the fact that twin souls enter the fourth and third dimensional universe as a couple of male (electric) and female (magnetic) polarity. In its pure form, electric (kundalini) force of the male and magnetic (Soul) force of the female create attraction which in turn creates triangulation which is the force of evolution. When this electromagnetic force of female/male attraction is interfered with by the means of horizontal implant programming, it creates a distortion in the electromagnetic field of the society that is being programmed, and evolution of such society gets delayed, sometimes for many millennia, as is the case with the Earth surface society. The basic horizontal implant creates a split in female and male perception of sexual energy, as it has been explained in detail here: The most effective way to control a society and delay its evolution is to control female sexual energy. This is the reason why cultures that gave maximum sexual freedom to women were the ones that saw most progress. The most effective way to control female sexual energy in a given society is to infiltrate a critical mass of Orion/Draco/Reptilian sexual predators in that society and let them loose. This is what Archons did many times throughout human history. When a critical mass of women receives negative programming from those predators, this creates a Pavlovian reflex in subconscious female psyche of that society, thus effectively cutting off Goddess energy. In a society like this, females begin to live a double life, expressing themselves sexually only when they are away from the prying eyes of the Matrix. An extreme example of this is the society of Saudi Arabia: The key of liberation of such society is for the most advanced women of that society to gradually start expressing sensual, sexual Goddess energy: Archons are also absolutely allergic to deep Soul Love energy between a man and a woman, especially between soulmates and twin souls. By engineering the incarnation process, they rarely allow two twin souls to incarnate at the same time. Even if they do, they rarely meet each other. Even if the meet, they are rarely allowed to be together, the Archons engineering situations to prevent the union. This is why twin soul unions on the surface of the planet now are extremely rare, and most people who think they are twin souls are actually primary soul mates (soul mates that channel energy of the twin soul to each other). A deep Soul Love connection between soul mates on the surface of the planet happens a little more often, and if it does, Archons sometimes go to great extremes towards preventing that love, even resorting to killing one or both partners. After the Event and especially after the First Contact, the Resistance and the Pleiadians will start contacting the most advanced members of human society, especially those who are aware of soul families. This contact will inevitably bring tectonic cultural shifts into the human society. The Pleiadians and the Resistance have communicated that this contact will sometimes inevitable evolve into deeper romantic and sexual relations, especially between twin souls and soul mates where one of them is living on the surface and the other one is within the Resistance or belongs to the Confederation Fleet:
To be more prepared for those connections, the surface population needs to be aware that the Pleiadians and the Resistance have a very similar societal model that is based on soul families. Sometimes they are fully committed to exclusive sacred union with their twin soul or their primary soulmate, and sometimes they form open polyamoruos connections that are based on Soul Love and free flow of sexual energy. Same sex unions do happen among them, but they are free from any Archon interference that is so prevalent on the surface of this planet. These connections will be the final test of integration of surface population into the Galactic society. Victory of the Light!By COBRA (Compression Breakthrough) on 2 April 2018
In the last few months, there have been drastic shifts in the timelines and significant changes in the plan for the planetary liberation. Most of those changes need to remain deeply classified, I will reveal here as much as I can. In May we have shifted from beta timeline to gamma timeline. The new gamma timeline calls for direct physical intervention of the Light Forces in the lives of surface Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, as soon as possible without triggering the toplet bombs. Before the Event, some Lightworkers might be physically contacted by the Pleiadians according to Contact Dish protocols, and another small group of Lightworkers might be accepted into the Resistance as per Entry protocols. Some time after initial group, another group might be accepted into the Resistance and they will be able to take their pets with them. This second group will not be integrated into the Resistance society and a special colony is being prepared for them in a certain location underground. At a certain point, Resistance agents might establish physical contact with certain Lightworkers on the surface and offer assistance. Until physical intervention happens, the surface society is collapsing in full accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy in closed system is always increasing. This surface society collapse has come to the point that bodies of many Lightworkers can not handle the situation and are collapsing also. There are many incidences of strange illnesses, body function collapses, heart attacks (assisted with directed energy weapons) and unusual near death experiences. The Light Forces will need to understand that without physical intervention, the surface collapse will soon become an irreversible process, and they will need to take some risks, exert their free will, and physically intervene. The will of the surface population about this issue is very clear: Until physical intervention happens, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors need to hold the Light Grid as much as possible by: a) building the Cintamani grid b) building the grid of Tachyon chambers c) building the Soul Family connections grid d) building physical Sisterhood of the Rose groups e) preparing for physical contact with the Light Forces according to inner guidance f) refraining from interpersonal conflicts by choosing non-reaction and conscious positive action above reaction Victory of the Light! By Cobra (COMPRESSION BREAKTHROUGH)
AN conversion is a major process that our whole reality is going through. It is the process through which the Source, the One original creator, is bringing the whole of creation back into unity. The universe was created as a reflection of the One in which the One is exploring itself. The One is omnipresent in the universe, and yet at the same time it is beyond. The universe is only a mirror image of the One, which was created with a basic template : quantum dyamics. Quantum dynamics is a system in which the created matter oscillates between all possible potentials. The main factor that determines which potential manifests is Will. The One is by definition perfect, whole and absolute. Perfection and wholeness means that everything is designed with purpose. However, by creating a system of exploration of all possible potentials, a potential was logically created as an opposite to purpose : randomness, also called contingency: This universe that we are in now, as we have experienced it so far, is a result of combining both the One and contingency, purpose and randomness. Evil happened accidentally as a result of interaction between will and contingency. Accidents were possible in the universe because the universe is not the pure One, it is only a mirror image of it, and that image is not fully exact because it contains contingency, and therefore the One is not all powerful within the realms of the universe. Evil is a momentum in which will is submerged by contingency, loses connection with the Absolute, gets turned inside out, and starts to be used for the opposite purpose of what it is originally meant for. This is why 'evil' spells 'live' backwards. As part of the exploration process of all posible potentials, the universe was divided into several planes/dimensions (physical, plasma, etheric, astral, etc), each containing various proportions of contingency:
In this graphic, the higher the plane is, the less contingency it contains. All existing creation is created first on the highest plane, and then trickles down the planes one by one. All physical matter has come down through all the planes before becoming physical. The dotted line in the mental plane is the so-called Buddhi Manas membrane, which marks the shift where the amount of contingency becomes so high that reality is transformed quite strongly. Below that dotted line, evil has been possible. Above that dotted line, there is not enough contingency for evil to be possible, so these higher planes were always realms of pure Light and Love. Matter trickles down the planes in the form of codes of Light flowing through, containing the information about the Divine Will. The more contingency is present in a plane, the more this flow of Light is filtered. Therefore the lowest planes in which we now reside (physical, etc), have only received filtered Light, not the full spectrum, especially on this planet where evil has reinforced these filters. Therefore the reality we have experienced here contains a lot of distortions and does not correspond much to the original Will of the One. The One is pure Light and Love and does not have any evil in its nature, and therefore did not intend for evil to ever happen, it actually did not even imagine that it could happen. When seeing that the accident of evil happened, the One created a system to correct the anomaly, transmute all evil back into Light, and reconnect all contingency back with Divine Will. This system is the AN conversion.
The AN conversion is a system of direct transmission of Light that bypasses contingency filters, and therefore transmits the flow of Light in its fullness, all the way down the planes. This allows the Divine Will to be transmitted by Light, into the densest matter of all planes, transmuting, healing and reconnecting all reality back with the One. This AN conversion system progressively transforms the universe into a reality where the One is all powerful. When the AN conversion is complete, the universe will be an exact mirror image of the One. This AN conversion system was anchored on this planet on the 4th of April 2012 : and became fuly operational on this planet on December 21st of 2012 : The main anchor for the AN conversion is the AN stargate, located in the central star of the belt of Orion. The original accident that created evil happened in Orion, and therefore that constellation became the central point for transmutation of darkness. The AN stargate was always a portal of Light, and it is through this portal that many souls came down from the planes above the Buddhi Manas, down to the planes below it. These souls are the so-called star seeds, who came with the purpose of helping to anchor the Light in the lower planes, and transmute duality back into Oneness. Each star seed holds keys for the AN conversion. During their incarnations on Earth, star seeds have built many mirrors of the belt of Orion throughout the planet, to connect with the AN stargate:
The AN conversion will effectively end duality and transform our whole reality into a universe of pure Light and Love, where Abundance, Joy and Bliss are the state we exist in unconditionally. We are anchors of the AN conversion through the use of our free will to choose the Light. By doing so we align the quantum reality so that it can receive AN conversion, progressively healing all of creation. We can connect with the AN stargate in meditation, and also use the primordial sound AN, much like we use the sound OM, to invoke the AN conversion. Liberation Now!
Our Ascension conference in Taipei was an energetic continuation of the Budapest conference. Days before the conference, Pleiadian, Sirian, Andromedan and Arcturian Light cloudships have literally invaded Taiwan to prepare the energies for the conference:
We have activated another massive number of Sisterhood of the Rose groups worldwide and have anchored huge amounts of Light into the planetary grid, leaving many people deeply transformed. Here are relatively accurate transcripts of the Budapest conference: And of the Taipei conference: Meanwhile, clearing of the Chimera group continues. The remaining toplet plasma bombs are enmeshed in the surface population primary anomaly and the Light forces are carrying out their protocols to disentangle this mess without destroying the planet in the process. Nothing more can be said now about that. Since the activation of beta timeline in late January, the Light forces are working with full speed to expose the existence of directed energy weapons. Only two days after the death of Isis Astara, the involvement of Black Nobility / Archon families in directed energy harassment was exposed here: The same source, Ahuwahzeus blog, has exposed the Black Nobility / Archon network with great precision and with nearly 90% reliability. Therefore it might be a good idea to store the intel from that blog safely and repost it in case the original blog is shut down. The Chimera group is the real controller of the quarantine barrier, whereas Black Nobility / Archon families are the real controllers of the surface of the planet. Most of their bloodlines originate in ancient Rome. Black Nobility (aristocrazia nera) is described here: They control the Negative Military through the Knights of Malta (SMOM): They control the negative police and polarize political parties through Knights of Columbus:
They control the fabric of society through the Jesuits: They control business endeavor through mafia clans: Main Archon families are Massimo (Maximus) family: Breakspear (Lancelotti) family: Orsini (Ursus) family: Aldobrandini / Brandolini family: Colonna (Columna) family: Borgia (Borja) family: Pallavicini (Palatinus) family: Torlonia family (controllers of BIS): Theodoli (Theodosius) family (Theodosius 1st was an Archon who ordered the destruction of Goddess mysteries in 391 CE): Gaetani family (the gatekeepers, handlers of Donald Trump through the Five Families NYC mafia clans, and through Mercer family, which is a Black Nobility merchant guild family): All those bloodline families create an interconnected network that effectively controls the surface of the planet, as it is somewhat accurately described here: The Light Forces are carrying out their protocols to remove Archon families from power and liberate the surface of the planet. The only thing I can say here is that the same structure of “principalities and powers” exists on plasma and lower etheric plane and it is being dismantled daily. Victory of the Light! By COBRA ( Compression Breakthrough) on June 3, 2018
Just after midnight of June 6, 1968, Senator Robert Kennedy was assassinated in a backroom of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He had just been celebrating his victory at the California primaries, which made him the most likely Democratic nominee for the presidential election. His popularity was so great that Richard Nixon, on the Republican side, stood little chance. At the age of 43, Robert would have become the youngest American president ever, after being the youngest Attorney General in his brother’s government. His death opened the way for Nixon, who could finally become president eight years after having been defeated by John F. Kennedy in 1960. John had been assassinated four and a half years before Robert. Had he survived, he would certainly have been president until 1968. Instead, his vice-president Lyndon Johnson took over the White House in 1963, and became so unpopular that he retired in 1968. Interestingly, Johnson became president the very day of John’s death, and ended his term a few months after Robert’s death. He was in power at the time of both investigations. And both investigations are widely regarded as cover-ups. In both cases, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. We are going to sum them up here. But we will do more: we will show that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And we will solve them beyond a reasonable doubt. As Lance deHaven-Smith has remarked in Conspiracy Theory in America: “IT IS SELDOM CONSIDERED THAT THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATIONS MIGHT HAVE BEEN SERIAL MURDERS. IN FACT, IN SPEAKING ABOUT THE MURDERS, AMERICANS RARELY USE THE PLURAL, ‘KENNEDY ASSASSINATIONS’. […] CLEARLY, THIS QUIRK IN THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION(S) LEXICON REFLECTS AN UNCONSCIOUS EFFORT BY JOURNALISTS, POLITICIANS, AND MILLIONS OF ORDINARY AMERICANS TO AVOID THINKING ABOUT THE TWO ASSASSINATIONS TOGETHER, DESPITE THE FACT THAT THE VICTIMS ARE CONNECTED IN COUNTLESS WAYS.” John and Robert were bound by an unshakable loyalty. Kennedy biographers have stressed the absolute dedication of Robert to his elder brother. Robert had successfully managed John’s campaign for the Senate in 1952, then his presidential campaign in 1960. John made him not only his Attorney General, but also his most trusted adviser, even on matters of Foreign or Military affairs. What John appreciated most in Robert was his sense of justice and the rectitude of his moral judgment. It is Robert, for example, who encouraged John to fully endorse the cause of the Blacks’ civil rights movement. Given this exceptional bond between the Kennedy brothers, what is the probability that the two Kennedy assassinations were unrelated? Rather, we should start with the assumption that they are related. Basic common sense suggests that the Kennedy brothers have been killed by the same force, and for the same motives. It is, at least, a logical working hypothesis that Robert was eliminated from the presidential race because he had to be prevented from reaching a position where he could reopen the case of his brother’s death. Both his loyalty to his brother’s memory, and his obsession with justice, made it predictable that, if he reached the White House, he would do just that. But was there, in 1968, any clear indication that he would? Did Bobby plan to reopen the investigation on his brother’s assassination? READ MORE Breaking News: Israel did 9/11; Assassinated JFK & RFK all as a seamless war crimes policy