30 March 2016

Age Regression Used in Secret Space Programs Confirmed as Scientifically Feasible

MARCH 28, 2016

Due to recent breakthroughs in genetic research, the claims of three whistleblowers, who say they underwent an age-regression process in secret space programs, have become that much more plausible. The whistleblowers, Corey Goode, Randy Cramer and Michael Relfe, all say that they were age-regressed to become 20 years younger at the end of their respective tours of duty in secret space programs.

Recently, geneticists have identified the genes that control the aging process, and in stunning experiments, the results of which have been released in peer reviewed scientific journals, have demonstrated that they were able to reverse the aging process to varying degrees of success.

The results of these experiments make it plausible that the three whistleblowers did indeed undergo an age-regression process using classified medical technologies in secret space programs, as they claimed.

The lead genetic scientist in the publicly announced age reversal studies is Dr. David Sinclair, who discussed in an interview the results of his genetic experiments first conducted on mice:

We’ve discovered genes that control how the body fights against ageing and these genes, if you turn them on just the right way, they can have very powerful effects, even reversing ageing – at least in mice so far… We fed them a molecule that’s called NMN and this reversed ageing completely within just a week of treatment in the muscle, and now we’re looking to reverse all aspects of ageing if possible.

He explained how this process could also be done safely for humans:

We’ve gone from mice into early human studies actually. There have been some clinical trials around the world, and we’re hoping in the next few years to know if this will actually work in people as well … They show that the molecules that extend lifespan in mice are safe in people.

Professor Sinclair went on to say in his interview that drugs based on the nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) molecule could be successfully developed “to restore youthfulness in human cells.”

Sinclair’s view that NMN based drugs will eventually be developed for safe use by humans is stunning in its implications. He may well be in the midst of developing the fabled elixir of life, which accounts for him quickly being elevated into the world’s 100 most influential people according to Time Magazine.

It’s important to point out that Sinclair’s pioneering genetic research is open source and unclassified. This means that is very likely, if not almost certain, that classified research in the field of age reversal/regression technology is far more advanced than anything achieved by Sinclair and his peers.

In several private interviews with William Tompkins, a former U.S. Naval Intelligence operative who subsequently worked with leading aerospace contractors for more than four decades, he revealed that he worked on a classified study developed by the company, TRW, on age regression drugs from 1967-1971.

Tompkins said that he first came across the development of age-regression technologies when he participated in the debriefings of U.S. Navy spies, from 1942 to 1945, at the Naval Air Station, San Diego. These spies revealed the existence of age-regression studies that were then secretly underway in Nazi Germany.

At the time, Tompkins job was to distribute briefing packets to U.S. companies and think tanks with expertise in the areas used by the Nazis for developing their breakthrough technologies. Tompkins said that the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was among the academic research centers delivered briefing packets by him. Therefore it is possible that scientists at MIT have been aware of the Nazi age-regression studies since 1942!

Significantly, Sinclair’s breakthrough in age-regression studies was achieved while he was apost-doctoral fellow at MIT under Dr. Leonard Guarente at M.I.T. Was this merely coincidence, or was Sinclair helped or encouraged while at MIT to develop the insights into the age reversal potential of genetic manipulation?

Recently, Tompkins has privately disclosed to me that classified “age-regression” drugs have been developed. He says these drugs have been used for some time in the “20 year and back” tours of duty in secret space programs. This is consistent with the age-regression processdescribed by Goode, Cramer and Relfe, which involved medication administered to them over a two week period where they were physically immobilized.

Even more recently, Tompkins says the drugs have been refined so that they can be used for more extensive age-regression periods. For example, reversing a 90 year old back to where s/he has the physical body of a 27 year old is now possible. Tompkins says that there is a covert U.S. Navy sanctioned disclosure process underway to release these age-regression technologies into the public sector. It is, therefore, possible that Sinclair’s research may have been stimulated by this covert Navy initiative during his time at MIT.

At the very least, Sinclair’s pioneering age-reversal experiments and identification of the NMN molecule that can be used for developing “age-regression” drugs means that the claims of Goode, Cramer and Relfe no longer appear so outlandish, and are indeed scientifically feasible.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

27 March 2016

Situation Update - March 25, 2016

March 25, 2016

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The vast majority of plasma strangelet bombs have been removed and now the Light forces are focusing on removal of plasma toplet bombs, successfully using the same approach.

This has triggered a strong reaction of the Chimera group and they have ordered the Archons to turn up the volume of their technologies to attack and suppress the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors because the Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are the key to the Shift of the Ages. They use infrasound and plasma scalar waves:

The removal of plasma strangelet and toplet bombs is easing the tension inside our Solar System, opening up Quarantine Earth and speeding up Disclosure process for the surface population.

Many companies will soon offer relatively affordable trips to space:

There are serious plans to create a lunar base that will also accept tourists:

New Russian technology brings a manned trip to Mars much closer to reality:

And there is serious talk of asteroid mining:

The Cabal wants to control all those attempts by creating rules and regulations through their global vehicle, the United Nations:

Here I need to state again that partial Disclosure in NOT an option:

As you probably know, the Cabal is sabotaging the Full Disclosure petition:

This will not stop us. Sources close to Putin have communicated that in the last few years, Russia is supporting Disclosure by allowing Russian press full freedom in releasing intel about Disclosure. The only problem is that most of this is published in Russian and when Russian journalists try to approach Western media with the English translation of their articles, they are turned down. State-sponsored Russian institutes are researching and investigating UFO phenomena and are actively searching for working overunity technologies, but are stating that only about 5% of intel about free energy from Western sources is usable. Putin had a deep spiritual contact experience with the Pleiadians years ago that transformed him and this is the occult reason behind his steadfast fight against the Cabal.

The Illuminazi faction of the Cabal is beginning to realize that the game is over and that they will not be able to escape deeply underground or into the Solar System. Their plan is to avoid mass arrests at the time of the Event by leaving their strongholds in Texas, crossing the Mexican border, flying from Mexico to Argentina and from there go with submarines to Antarctica into shallow underground bases, using old connections from the time when Nazis did the same thing in 1945:

Their plans are leaking all over the intelligence community, as the latest Fulford's report shows clearly:

The other escape route to Antarctica goes through New Zealand and this is why the Cabal is buying real estate there fanatically:

To counteract those plans energetically we need to get a piece of Cintamani stone to Antarctica as soon as possible, and that needs to be done by the surface population. If someone is willing to do that and is also able to cover the costs of his trip, he can contact cobraresistance@gmail.comfor detailed instructions.

Speaking of New Zealand more positively, they have plans to introduce unconditional basic income:

The same is happening in Ontario:

And finally economists are starting to talk about a 4 hour workday and its beneficial effect on economy:

Those who would like to vote for Trump will be disappointed, because he is a Jesuit agent:

The Cabal wants to weaken the BRICS by destabilizing Brazil:

It is interesting to note that Erdogan has predicted the Brussels attacks a few days before they happened:

Of course he knew, because he is one of the masterminds behind the attacks:

Dragon sources have communicated that in the near future, Turkey may be the trigger for a short but intense military escalation just before the planetary breakthrough. If that happens, a mass meditation will be announced on this blog to counteract that.

Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra

19 March 2016

Scientists Identify Cosmic Energy Accelerator at the Galactic Center

March 18, 2016

Cosmic rays and high energy particles are continuously bombarding the earth, electrically charging our atmosphere, reacting with the electromagnetic fields surrounding the earth. Scientists have been looking for the primary source of this accelerated energy for decades, and the new age community has ascribed evolutionary significance to these energies, pointing to 2012 as a key moment when we can have full and direct access to this energy.

To scientists and spiritualists alike, there is deep curiosity about what is happening at the innermost reaches of our galaxy.

In an unprecedented scientific discovery, researchers have now verified that the black hole at the center of our galaxy is acting as an intense energy accelerator. The H.E.S.S. (High Energy Steroscopic System) Observatory in Namibia, Africa is run by an international collaborative team made up of 42 institutions in 12 countries, and has or decades been mapping the very-high-energy gamma rays emitted from the center of our universe.

“A detailed analysis of the latest H.E.S.S. data, published on 16th March 2016 in Nature, reveals for the first time a source of this cosmic radiation at energies never observed before in the Milky Way:the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Galaxy, likely to accelerate cosmic rays to energies 100 times larger than those achieved at the largest terrestrial particle accelerator, the LHC at CERN.” [Source]

A new mapping of these phenomenon identifies a relatively small concentration of super high energy gamma rays focused at the very center of the Milky Way, pointing to a link between energy acceleration and several key objects found in this region.

“Somewhere within the central 33 light years of the Milky Way there is an astrophysical source capable of accelerating protons to energies of about one petaelectronvolt, continuously for at least 1,000 years”, says Emmanuel Moulin (CEA, Saclay). [Source]

The evidence now indicate a massive black hole at the galactic center, known as Sgr A*.

The centre of our galaxy is home to many objects capable of producing cosmic rays of high energy, including, in particular, a supernova remnant, a pulsar wind nebula, and a compact cluster of massive stars. However, “the supermassive black hole located at the centre of the Galaxy, called Sgr A*, is the most plausible source of the PeV protons”, says Felix Aharonian (MPIK, Heidelberg and DIAS, Dublin), adding that, “several possible acceleration regions can be considered, either in the immediate vicinity of the black hole, or further away, where a fraction of the material falling into the black hole is ejected back into the environment, thereby initiating the acceleration of particles”. [Source]

Cosmic Energy and Human Consciousness

Many thinkers and spiritualists have attributed significant meaning to the cosmic radiation emanating from the center of our galaxy, often ascribing the evolution of human consciousness to the earth’s temporal relationship to the source of these energies. To many, the year 2012 was supposed to mark a turning point for humanity, as the earth was to begin moving closer to the galactic center, increasing our proximity and openness to cosmic radiation that would nourish consciousness and push us toward evolution.

“The Earth is leading the ascension of mankind. And she made her ascension on the 12-12-12 date. She is now positioned in such a way that she is drawing direct information from the Central Sun. Without such a perfectly orchestrated astronomical repositioning, universal information would remain restricted to the linear reality that currently exists.

On December 21, we suddenly gained access to all points within the Universe. This has automatically opened our world to the intelligence and information that has been present on these other worlds all along. It has opened the doorways to our infinite potential.” [Source]

While not exactly scientific, this viewpoint does compel the imagination to wonder what does lie at the center of our galaxy, and what is the central driving force of the intense radiation coming from? And most importantly, how does this information affect human consciousness?

17 March 2016

Time Traveling Presidential Candidate Releases 100 Campaign Proposals

MARCH 14, 2016

Andrew Basiago, who claims to have participated in two DARPA/CIA classified programs involving time travel and teleportation to Mars, has released 100 proposals on highly alternative issues for his 2016 Write-In Presidential campaign. In putting forth a policy platform based on his alleged experiences, he is offering a template for a future post-disclosure Presidential campaign to include public policy debates over the uses of highly advanced technologies and the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Basiago’s proposals contain many positive and progressive insights regarding classified programs that deserve widespread public support. His proposals concerning the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, classified technologies, secret space programs and the truth about Bush administration foreknowledge of the 911 attacks, make for refreshing reading given the more mundane public policy proposals of mainstream political candidates.

It is therefore worthwhile to examine a few of his key proposals in light of what other independent whistleblower sources and documents have revealed about classified space programs and exotic travel technologies.

First, it is important to point out that there are many who are still not convinced that Basiago is a genuine whistleblower and/or is part of a sophisticated psychological operation by the CIA and other agencies. In a series of articles (see here, here and here) investigating documentary and other whistleblower testimonies, I found impressive evidence to support his key claims of being a participant in two CIA/DARPA run classified programs.

My main reservation was that Basiagio, by his own admission, is part of a CIA sanctioned disclosure initiative to reveal classified time travel, teleportation and space program activities. His “grooming” as a predicted future President by CIA ‘White Hats’, who included his deceased father, Raymond Basiago, raises specific concerns about his 2016, and future, Presidential campaigns.

In particular, does Basiago’s perspective about the CIA’s historic role in classified advanced technology programs reflect an agenda to skew public perception in order to preserve the CIA’s existence in a post-disclosure world? By focusing on our volatile world’s intrinsic need for the CIA’s intelligence gathering using classified technology programs, he believes this makes it indispensable and worth reforming as a “super-university,” despite its nefarious history in covert operations and the abuses that occurred, as his following proposal advocates.

I have to disagree with Basiago. A more suitable policy would be to abolish the covert operations branch of the CIA (National Clandestine Service) and have its functions taken over by the U.S. military. Military officers, who swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, are more likely to maintain constitutional principles in covert operations than CIA operatives. The latter have participated in illicit activities including the drug trade, as documented by Garry Webb in his book, Dark Alliance.

Basiago’s major contention is that the CIA used time travel technologies for intelligence gathering purposes in a variety of scenarios, including predicting and influencing future Presidents. In this regard Basiago proposes:

Basiago’s proposal to disclose classified time travel technologies has much merit, and could lead to many benefits. In particular, his description of “Chronovision” technology – based on holographic interaction with possible future events – would bring in a predictive element into ordinary people’s lives that could help them make better career and personal choices. On the other hand, such technology could also be easily abused by a police state that decides to use it as a tool for law enforcement; to preemptively act against perpetrators of predicted crimes as depicted in the popular movie, The Minority Report.

Another of Basiago’s proposals elaborates on teleportation technologies. He says:

Basiago dates these secret teleportation technologies to the 1940’s, more specifically to the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. This is consistent with other whistleblower and researcher claims regarding how the U.S. Navy accidentally discovered teleportation allegedly during the development of a radar invisibility program.

In Basiago’s version of the historical development of teleportation technology, it was too dangerous to develop at the time and was shelved until better understood. It was roughly 25 years later that teleportation was operationalized as a safe means of transportation for personnel in classified programs.

Basiago claims that the breakthrough in developing teleportation technology for operational purposes came through the Ralph M. Parsons company that cooperated with the Advanced Research Projects Agency (later renamed DARPA) and the CIA. In an affidavit, he asserted that in 1967-68, teleportation became “fully operational in the secret realms of the US defense-technical community.” Basiago says that in 1967-68, he was the first American child to be teleported when his father, Raymond, inducted him into the Project Pegasus program.

According to Basiago, Mars soon became an important teleportation destination, and this allowed the development of colonies there whose existence ought to be disclosed as his following proposal advocates:

Basiago cites, as independent support for the development of teleportation as a means of space travel used in classified programs, the testimony of Michael Relfe. Relfe has claimed that in 1976, he was teleported to Mars in a 20 year and back program, which was documented in the two volume book, The Mars Records. Later, in 1980, Basiago claims that he was part of a CIA run teleportation program to Mars. Basically, Basiago’s version of teleportation technology as an operational program dates to 1967/68 when Project Pegasus began.

More recently, other whistleblowers have emerged that provide an alternative historical version of the development of teleportation technology and its operational use for traveling to Mars and elsewhere. Corey Goode claims that teleportation was first developed by scientists working for the Nazi SS and/or German Secret Societies during the Second World War. Subsequently, from hidden bases in Antarctica and South America, the Nazis used teleportation technologies to travel to the Moon, Mars and other distant locations. 

Goode described in some detail how the Germans relied heavily on the use of teleportation for transporting equipment before it could be safely used for personnel. After secret agreements had been reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the Nazi/German Secret Societies in the 1950’s, Goode describes extensive cooperation in the colonization of Mars through teleportation:

It wasn’t until the ’50s that they were able to start transporting people consistently without them suffering. I believe they called it temporal dementia. People would teleport intact from here to Mars. They would look fine, but then after a number of days, they would suffer some sort of dementia, they would call temporal dementia. And the Germans did a lot of work in this field that helped us figure out how to do this properly– them working alongside their ET allies.

Another more recent whistleblower, William Tompkins, publicly emerged in December 2015 with impressive documents to support his claims that Nazi Germany had achieved numerous technological breakthroughs. In a February 25 interview with the writer, Tompkins revealed that these breakthroughs included the development and use of teleportation technology.

Tompkins learned of Germany’s scientific achievements through Navy spies embedded in advanced technology programs run by the Nazis during World War II. In his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, Tompkins describes his attendance at debriefings of the spies at the Naval Air Station in San Diego from 1942 to 1945. Tompkins job was to subsequently disseminate the information in these debriefings to any U.S. industries, and think tanks capable of understanding and reverse engineering these Nazi programs.

If we accept Goode and Tompkins testimonies as accurate, then teleportation technology was successfully developed and operationalized in the 1940’s by the Nazi regime, 25 years before the onset of the CIA/DARPA run Project Pegasus program in 1967-1968. Getting the history right when it comes to the successful development and use of teleportation technology becomes relevant when another of Basiago’s proposals is examined. He says:

Here, Basiago is claiming that the CIA’s classified development and use of teleportation technology for off-planet travel occurred at the same time that NASA began operations in the 1960’s. He is suggesting that the real “secret space program” is run by the CIA and not NASA.

This claim raises a number of problems when it comes to genuine “Disclosure of Secret Space Projects” as Basiago’s above proposal is asserting. According to Goode and Tompkins, the era of secret space programs began with the Nazis/German Secret Societies in the 1930’s/1940’s, and then involved different branches of the U.S. military setting out to replicate these German technological achievements.

According to Goode, the U.S. Military Industrial Complex began cooperating with the German Breakaway space program in the 1950’s. In a similar vein, Tompkins says the Douglas Aircraft Company and other corporations and think tanks began working in the 1950’s on antigravity space craft, while being fully aware of the rival secret German space program operating out of Antarctica and South America.

Indeed, Tompkins describes in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, how the Nazis were sabotaging the Apollo program. Support for Tompkin’s claim comes from another veteran aerospace whistleblower, Clark McClelland, who says he personally witnessed Nazi SS general Hans Kammler at the Kennedy Space Center, and that Operation Paperclip scientists were being intimidated by the Nazi SS even during the 1960’s!

Despite Nazi infiltration and sabotage, the first U.S. Navy space battle groups would finally be deployed in the mid-1980’s according to Goode and Tompkins. They each say the Navy’s secret space program was called Solar Warden. Prior to the deployment of the Navy space battle groups, the Navy and U.S.A.F had successfully developed antigravity prototype spacecraft that could achieve short range space missions.

It is very likely that Basiago was simply not briefed about the real history of secret space programs and the role of the Nazis/German Secret Societies in pioneering teleportation and antigravity space craft, and of the U.S. military industrial complex playing catch up ever since World War II.

It is very concerning, however, that Basiago is making a case that the CIA was running the real “secret space program” via teleportation technologies since 1960’s. The truth is much more likely that the CIA program was an intelligence gathering operation that was also a useful cover for secret space programs associated either with the Nazi/German breakaway space program, or the Solar Warden program being developed by the U.S. Navy.

Basiago’s run for President evokes mixed responses from the UFO and exopolitical community. There are legitimate concerns about the role of CIA in grooming Basiago to run as a predicted future President, as allegedly also occurred with Barack Obama. This raises the possibility that Basiago’s experiences have been shaped over a long term period in a very sophisticated psychological operation designed to make him an advocate of a disclosure agenda supported by CIA ‘White Hats’.

On the other hand, Basiago is very sincere, educationally highly qualified, and an articulate spokesperson for the Disclosure movement, who very likely has genuinely been involved in classified CIA/DARPA programs for close to 50 years. Andrew Basiago’s 100 proposals for his 2016 Presidential campaign, therefore, deserve serious scrutiny and debate by all seeking the truth about the history of advanced time travel and teleportation technologies, and the origins of secret space programs.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


16 March 2016

Open Letter to Sec. Clinton - Redux, Redux, Redux

"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations." Joseph Pulitzer

Open Letter to Secretary Clinton - Redux, Redux, Redux - 3/15/16

March 15, 2016

Secretary Hillary Clinton
Post Office Box 5256 
New York, NY 10185-5256

Dear Secretary Clinton:

In March 1993 billionaire Laurance Rockefeller initiated an extraordinary approach to your husband's administration via the Office of Science and Technology Policy headed by Dr. John Gibbons. A memorandum from Mr. Rockefeller's attorney Henry Diamond dated March 29, 1993 conveyed a request to meet with Gibbons "to discuss the potential availability of government information about unidentified flying objects and extraterrestrial life." Rockefeller, a friend and supporter of you and your husband, wanted to meet with the President and inform him "there is a belief in many quarters that the government has long held classified information regarding UFOs which has not been released and that the failure to do so has brought about unnecessary suspicion and distrust," and that "Many believe that the release of such information on a basis consistent with national security would be a significant gesture which would increase confidence in government."

Thus began a three-year effort by a notable American to convince your husband to essentially be the "Disclosure President" and end a then 46-year truth embargo on providing the full facts to the American people regarding an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. This effort, which included meetings, reports, briefings, a book, draft letters to the President and more, came to be known as the Rockefeller Initiative

You were aware of this initiative from the beginning as was a key advisor to the President, John Podesta. You and your husband met with Rockefeller at his Wyoming ranch in August of 1995. Your husband tasked a close friend, Associate Attorney General Webster Hubbell, to look into the UFO issue at the Department of Justice and elsewhere. He tasked John Podesta, his eventual Chief of Staff, to reform and accelerate the document declassification process. You were kept informed of the ongoing initiative and helped draft a letter from Rockefeller to the President. It is notable that John Podesta, the founder and now CEO of the Center for American Progress, in 2002 and 2003 called for the release to the public of all UFO and related documents in government files. In 2004 Governor Bill Richardson, UN Ambassador and Secretary of Energy during your husband's administration, made a similar request for documents pertaining to the events in Roswell, New Mexico during July of 1947.

These facts are known from news articles, public records and, most importantly, from nearly 1000 pages of correspondence and documents obtained in 2000 by researcher Grant Cameron from the Office of Science and Technology Policy via the Freedom of Information Act. Additional relevant photos were later obtained from the Clinton Presidential Library.

From March 29, 1993 until the present day no member of the Clinton Administration involved in or privy to the Rockefeller Initiative has ever spoken publicly about it. Besides yourself, this includes President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Governor Bill Richardson, Secretary Leon Panetta, Mack McLarty, Webster Hubbell, John Podesta and the late Dr. John Gibbons.

In April/May of 2013 a mock congressional hearing was conducted at the National Press Club. Included in the 30 hours of testimony before six former members of the U.S. Congress were three hours of testimony on the Rockefeller Initiative. One year later, as your presidential campaign was being set up, the following series of events came about:

(April 2, 2014) President Clinton appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live and arranges to be asked about aliens.

(February 13, 2015) Upon leaving his post as advisor to President Obama, John Podesta tweets: "1. Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files. #thetruthisstilloutthere cc: @NYTimesDowd"

(March 13, 2015) President Obama appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live and arranges to be asked about aliens.

(September 29, 2015) Two weeks before the first Democratic primary debate referring to your interview with actress Lena Dunham, John Podesta tweets: "Great interview, @lenadunham. But Lena, ask her about aliens next time!! #TheTruthisOutThere hrc.io/1jusfxk cc: @HillaryClinton"
(October 6, 2015) President Clinton appears on the Late Show with Stephen Colbertand arranges to be asked about aliens.

(December 30, 2015) You make extraordinary statements regarding the ET issue to Conway Daily Sun reporter Daymond Steer while campaigning in New Hampshire.
(February 11, 2016) President Obama appears on the Ellen Show knowing he would be asked about aliens.

(March 1, 2016) While campaigning in Nevada prior to the Democratic caucus, John Podesta gives an interview to Steve Sebelius of KLAS TV Las Vegas when, among other comments, he confirms your statements to the Conway Daily Sun were serious.

It would appear there is an unprecedented political subtext pointing to an unstated agenda on the part of your campaign regarding an issue of profound importance. But this agenda remains deliberately obscure with repeated requests from the media regarding the matter ignored. 

It is your ambition to reach a significant milestone in American history by becoming the first President of the United States who happens to be a woman, or put another way, the 69th female head of state. While this would be an admirable legacy, what the American people need is less legacy and more truth. The people have lost patience with "in loco parentis" government that treats them like children and candidates with long lists of issues they can't discuss because it is not convenient to their campaign or the people "can't handle the truth."

Because you were introduced to these matters within the context of the White House, because you aspire to the highest office in the nation, you have an extraordinary opportunity and primary obligation to directly and unambiguously address what is easily the most significant issue of this or any other time - an issue with major national security and policy implications. 

Madam Secretary, If you choose to speak truth to power, it is not enough to select those truths which are convenient or safe or self-serving. You must speak the whole truth and nothing but the truth and place your fate in the hands of history.

Stephen Bassett
Executive Director

This Paradigm Research Group Update is archived HERE

15 March 2016

Partial Disclosure Is NOT an Option

Anyone who follows the information provided on this website PFC and all of its affiliated websites including and not in least The Portal will be shocked by the very idea that a partial disclosure could take place and that if – according to Corey Goodes message to him from the Blue Avians – if we don’t all pull together we will have a ‘partial disclosure’ scenario and another 100 years of control by the cabal. Although I have great respect for Corey’s work and his collaboration with D Wilcock I do not accept that the Blue Avians – these Angelic higher dimensional Beings – would express themselves to us in this way. Higher Dimensional Beings do not ‘threaten’ or spread fear like this. We who collaborate here on PFC do NOT believe in any partial disclosure timeline because we believe that the Resistance Movement will never allow that to take place. Here is a short excerpt from a recent update from Cobra about our situation;

“First, they (Resistance Movement) have put intel packages about Disclosure, secret space programs and criminal evidence against the Cabal into the computers of some major newspaper agencies around the world and into the computers of some selected private individuals worldwide. If the Cabal crosses a certain line, these intel packages will be remotely activated by the Resistance and will simultaneously appear as pop-ups on countless computer screens worldwide. This action is also to insure against any attempt to twist or suppress the Disclosure process. ONLY full and complete 100% disclosure will be allowed, and limited disclosure is NOT an option.”

Cobra reconfirmed this with me on Monday this week and has also promised that this partial disclosure talked about here will soon be further addressed by him.

David’s thoughts on what partial disclosure might look like:

So for those that might not have read David’s (Wilcock) article this is his description of how that ‘partial disclosure timeline’ COULD look IF it were allowed to happen.

“Although nothing is solid, and plans are completely flexible and ready to change at a moment’s notice, here are the most likely outcomes in the aftermath:

It will include 9/11 truth and the arrests of many high-level people we will be happy to see get brought to justice.

It will include a financial system reboot, and very likely some sort of tribute payments to everyone who was screwed by the system.

It will include the gradual release of “forbidden” technologies, including clean energy, anti-gravity and some new health breakthroughs.

It will include the revealing of a “lower level” military space program that already has the ability to travel around our solar system in cool new ships.

It will include, maybe not at first, the revealing of an “Ancient Builder Race” that left artifacts behind in our solar system millions of years ago.

It will attempt to include the idea that there are no living ETs visiting us now, and anything we thought we were seeing is the work of the now-defeated Cabal.

The first and second episodes of the X-Files miniseries reboot were a veritable manifesto for the partial disclosure roll-out. The rest were relatively unrelated………”

Why David’s Description of This is Important to Know About

David Wilcock is without a shadow of a doubt one of this planets greatest Lightworkers. It is hard to fathom just how much he manages to do and especially considering his health issues over these past few months. Of course he must be a major target because of his work on such programs as Ancient 
Aliens which are seen by millions worldwide and now his work with Cosmic Disclosure and other shows on Gaia network. “I am in almost every episode of Ancient Aliens, for a total of about 80 so far — and climbing. I now get recognized almost everywhere I go because of it.”

I was listening to that Project Camelot radio show 2-3 years ago when David came on their live in the middle of another show and broke down explaining about the threat he had just had on his life. So how come David is still alive you might wonder? In my mind he is protected by the Light Forces and somehow he manages to keep on working in the middle of a ‘war’ around his person between the dark and Light forces.

“………The Cabal groups are furious with Corey and me for interfering with this “partial disclosure” timeline. They would kill us if they could get it authorized.”
So let’s get to the point here; We should all of us be very aware of the so called ‘partial disclosure timeline’ plans of the cabal. The more people who understand this the better. We should all of us be aware of what is meant by full disclosure and the very idea now being painted of what a limited type of disclosure could look like, might just be what we needed to come forth and be discussed at this time, to help to enlighten ever growing numbers of humanity now waking up as to what we DO mean by full disclosure.

Secret Space Program

Cobra provided us with a first overview of the Secret Space Program on April 24th 2013; see links below. Many further updates on this subject from him have broadened the picture. Besides this David Wilcock along with Corey Goode have managed through their amazing work to bring huge amounts of secret information forth to millions worldwide. Yet the cabal being fully aware of this situation have of course many plans to try to fool humanity with a version that would suit their ongoing existence. Some quotes here from David’s recent update; (link below to original:)

“They are already grooming whistleblowers who will come forward as the heroic cosmic astronauts of a new age…….

Frankly, I do not see how it is even possible that they can get away with this, considering how much is already out there to know……….

In particular, their apparent plan to say there are no ETs here now — or at least none since Roswell — is completely outrageous………

The simple fact that Cosmic Disclosure already exists as a show for anyone to watch should make it almost impossible for this plan to work………
Furthermore, he say’s …….

“I do not believe we were told about the difference between the partial and full disclosure timelines if we were doomed to fail this test…….

I think it is very likely that there are many ways we can win the full disclosure — and it really just takes each of us caring enough to do something about it.”

A Short Cabal Structure Overview

At the top of the cabal pyramid structure we have the 2 archon controlling groups along with their connected AI intelligence. One of these groups is called the Chimera and the other is to be found among the so called Black Nobility Families. The group working directly beneath these archon leaders is the core Jesuit group which was created 500 years ago and has literally been running the entire show on this planet since then. Below the core Jesuit group are the two main illuminati groups namely the Rockefeller’s and the Rothschild’s. (For detailed information on the cabal rulers see link ‘dark cabal rulers’ below)

95% of all wars on this planet in the past two centuries have been inaugurated by the Jesuits to divide and conquer. Their influence is to be found worldwide and they have infiltrated teaching institutions, religious groups and politics, etc. everywhere with the aim of controlling us all, through the divide and conquer method. You need have no doubt that as far as ‘partial disclosure’ goes they have covered ground everywhere you can imagine, to infiltrate the situation so that they can continue to be in control on this planet. So remember that IN EVERY AREA where we want a full disclosure of truth they have been polishing their far going plans for decades as to how they can remain in control and hijack the disclosure process. We need to be extremely wary and truly understand that they are beyond experts at infiltration, manipulation and control.

‘News’ on TV + Benjamin Fulford Updates

On our so called TV ‘news’ we see little ‘snippets’ about what’s going on behind the scenes. We see about 2-3 % of the truth behind the control battles that are raging. I am aware that close to 40% of the Swedish TV news is mere disinformation. Benjamin Fulford weekly updates about the ongoing infighting and control struggles between the various cabal groups and the pressure being exerted on them from an evermore very coordinated, cooperating and anonymous alliance of light forces is the closest we can get to real news on this planet on an ongoing basis. The allied light forces have clearly shown the cabal that they will not be allowed to ‘run the show’ on this planet for much longer. We are seeing increasing signs of this every single day. You and I now know that the cabal have no way of going back to the control they once had. In my mind I’m getting about 80-85% of the truth on Bens updates. I will have to admit that it is indeed no easy task to try to connect all of the dots between the myriad pieces of information that Ben provides. It seems to become more and more complicated too as each week passes by. Approximately a year ago it seemed as if the Rothschild’s had plans to throw the Rockefeller’s under the bus in an effort to save themselves. They were most likely reminded by the Jesuit controllers that this would lead to a domino effect quicker demise for everyone including themselves. So whether they like it or not they have had to hold together.

Secret Space Program Technology

We should be aware that as far as technology goes the cabal has had access to just about everything you could imagine. While we drive around in dinosaur like fossil fueled cars and get heat and electricity (the 40-50% of humans who have access to this) from fossil and nuclear sources they have had access to aircraft that can leave New York at 4 PM – travel around the entire globe and get back to New York at 4:20 PM the same day. They have had access in their underground facilities to free energy, anti-gravitational techniques and so on.

What We Can and Should Expect from Full Disclosure

Here are some details to show what is meant by Full Disclosure.

Full disclosure will include the arrests of ALL of the high level people controlling us in every single area. The Masterplan for this has been in place for decades. The Resistance Movement knows exactly who these people are. Their every move – indeed their every thought – is being monitored by the 
Resistance Movement. Their arrests will be accompanied by a revelation in mass media worldwide providing detailed information and clear proof about all of their crimes against humanity including 911, 311, WW1 and WW2 and much much more. They will be given fair trial.

Full disclosure will be accompanied by the closing down entirely of the old financial system and the stock market. This will be replaced by a new, fair, fully transparent, financial system. There will be justice and abundance for humanity worldwide.

Full disclosure will be accompanied by the release of previously suppressed technological solutions including free energy and the introduction of thousands of other earlier usurped patents of technological developments that will make our lives so much easier.

Full disclosure will reveal the truth about so called modern medicine and how it is used by the cabal as part of our control. We will have information and access to cures for almost everything

Full disclosure will include the entire truth about the Secret Space Program. The introduction to humanity of our Galactic Family and knowledge of how they have supported our very existence and the safe liberation of this planet, this will happen at a pace that humanity as a whole can deal with: quote here from Cobra’s recent update re ‘the Ascension Plan’ – link below:

“After the completion of the Cabal arrest process and after the majority of humanity overcomes the initial shock, the Light forces will begin to contact certain individuals directly. This will most likely start a few weeks to a few months after the Event. At that time, contact zones will be created. Contact zones are areas on private property where the owners will dedicate part of their land for the contact experience. These owners will then experience a physical contact with the Pleiadians that will land on their land in a small beamship. Those individuals will go to the mass media and report their experience, therefore preparing humanity for the reality of the Contact. These contact zones will become more and more numerous until a certain critical mass will be reached for the First Contact. First Contact is the beginning of official diplomatic relations between Earth humanity and positive ET races. This is planned to occur roughly a year after the Event at the United Nations (restructured) and will be broadcast through the mass media worldwide.

After the First Contact, the positive ET races will begin to distribute their advanced technologies that will quickly bring the Earth humanity into the fifth dimensional golden age.”

Correct Focus Now Will Lead to the Event

I believe that The Mother the Divine Feminine aspect of the One is orchestrating this transition time on earth so that the Galactic superwave that we are expecting will reach us at the perfect time to initiate The Event. As Cobra said on March 7th re this extra special superwave “……. Yet it will be strong enough to dust off all darkness from our Solar System, peel it off from the surface of the planet and trigger the Event.”

So I figure why be concerned at all as to which day, week or month that this will occur. Why not decide from this moment on to live in total and utter trust that The Event will take place at the perfect moment in ‘time’.

By being in a place of trusting that this Transition will be coordinated perfectly at the perfect moment will prevent us from allowing ourselves to sink into fear. There is no death! There is no end! Through a myriad of incarnations, we have come and gone! Any information that spreads fear has in some way or other been infected by the cabal. It’s their main and favorite weapon to control us. Do not give your power away! We lose our power – we give away our power – when we allow the fear tactics of the cabal to defeat us. The more of us that now exist in a place of calmness and trust the easier this transition will be for everyone on the day. We need to be in that place of trust and calm NOW:

We humans are each and every one of us created in the image of the One, we are created out of Love and our true harmonic self is most in harmony when we focus our thoughts on gentleness, kindness and in so doing increase our ability to experience more blissful states and to spread that energy to everyone around us.

I am sure that many of you are feeling the palpable development of more harmonious and loving energies around you. She our Divine Mother always encourages that we release any concerns / worries about our lives to Her loving care.

Maybe this would be the perfect time to release any concerns that we might have regarding full disclosure and The Event into Her care. Maybe the greatest way to show that we care right now about a future Golden Age for everyone here on Gaia is through living in total trust that this vision is in a process of being realized and that there is no doubt whatsoever that it could possibly fail to materialise at the perfect moment. If we sincerely insist upon the very best the chances are that we will get it. Let’s keep our sights on the highest of outcomes nothing less – then we cannot lose.

Some links that might be of interest:

Just Say No to Partial Disclosure – David Wilcock http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1195-partial-disclosure

Dark Cabal Rulers

The Secret Space Program

The Alliance Fleet

Secret Space Programs Disclosure Petition

The Ascension Plan:

Worldwide Reset Imminent – Video – available in many languages

March 12, 2016

Written by Therese Zumi Sumner

14 March 2016

Death Star-tling snap of moon

THIS astonishing photo had stargazers thinking they had seen Darth Vader’s Death Star.

The amazing picture — which was beamed back to Earth from outer space — bares a striking resemblance to Vader’s fearsome planet-shaped headquarters in the Star Wars trilogy.

But in fact the black and white image is a spectacular snap of one of Saturn's moons, Mimas.

The international Cassini space probe took the photo — detailing the massive88-MILE wide crater on the moon’s surface.

The incredible Herschel Crater spans about one-third of the entire moon's width.

Jia-Rui Cook, from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, US, said the images revealed the crater's walls are three miles high and parts of the floor are six miles deep.