08 October 2022

A Short Update And A New Cobra Interview

September 29, 2022

Around 15,000 people have participated in our meditation for peace between Russia and NATO. Although this is far less than the critical mass, the meditation has helped to ease tensions to a degree:



Our meditation to diminish the effects of the hurricane Ian is still very much needed:


Clearing of the implants is in progress, and one of the first effects is the rising of kundalini energy. This has sparked protests in Iran, where many women are revolting against the oppression of the feminine energy:


Those protests have the capacity to topple the oppressive regime, and now oil workers are joining in:



The Light forces are asking anybody who feels so guided to join the meditation to protect the safety of protesters and give them support of the Goddess energy:


A new Cobra interview has been just created, and you can read the transcript in English here:


In German here:


In Dutch here:


In French here:


In Italian here:



In Spanish here:


In Portuguese here:


In Slovenian here:


In Polish here:


In Romanian here:



In Hungarian here:


In Hebrew here:


In Arabic here:


In Persian here:


In Japanese here:



And in Chinese here:


Or listen on Youtube here:


Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

21 September 2022

Chimera Situation Update


September 15, 2022

The Light forces have made significant breakthroughs in clearing the Chimera group. They have cleared all underground pits with Chimera presence except the main Chimera pit under the Urim military base in Israel. Twelve members of the main Chimera military command (the last remaining members of the Orion subfaction of the Chimera) living in that pit are controlling the network of surface population biochips and implants through a physical / etheric quantum supercomputer.

The Light forces have begun with the operation of clearing the surface population biochips and implants with full force, implementing advanced Mjolnir quantum cannon technologies. This operation will take some time, but will have a very beneficial effect on deprogramming the surface population, and upon its completion, a massive spiritual awakening of the surface population is expected.

Mjolnir technologies are also used to clear micro black holes from the auric fields of the etheric, astral, mental and causal bodies of the surface humanity. These micro black holes were enforced into human auric fields with exotic dark technologies during trauma dissociation events, and are one of the main elements of dark matrix in the last 25,000 years. These micro black holes, along with the larger black holes in the implants, distort non physical spacetime around surface humans in alignment with the Kerr metric:


The Lurker is being starved out simply by depleting the reservoir of the unmanifested subquantum anomaly, which is being done again with advanced Mjolnir technology which provokes unmanifested subquantum anomaly to manifest as quantum fluctuations, which are then easily cleared.

One reader of this blog has made a quite accurate description of the Lurker:

The only pits remaining now are about 300 pits belonging to the surface Illuminati, and they are very accurately described here:


Unfortunately, some of those pits still contain Pleiaidian hostages in captivity.

There are still certain very powerful members of the Chimera in human clone bodies, belonging to Andromeda subfaction, infiltrated in the system on the surface of the planet, and their structure looks approximately like this:

The plan of the top members of the Cabal is now to destroy the surface civilization with world war and destruction of supply chains and then move into subsurface pits to weather out the collapse and the subsequent Solar flash. After the purge, they plan to repopulate the surface. Needless to say, their plan has several major flaws and will NOT be successful:



They are trying to engineer a new world war by utilizing the energies of the split of the Roman empire which happened in the year 395 after the death of Theodosius, a main archon Roman emperor who destroyed Goddess mysteries and enforced Christianity as the main and only acceptable religion:

Top Black nobility families now want to crush the affluent Western USA / EU / Australia axis, which originates from the western part of the Roman empire and which is under direct Rothschild management. People in the West have become too independent and too happy for their taste:



They are now promoting a New World Order under Chinese control and Russia as the main Chinese underdog (culturally aligned with the eastern part of the Roman empire):


With Chinese influence spreading silently everywhere:



Meanwhile, China is preparing for the Solar flash:


with recent scientific studies confirming solar superflares occuring every few thousand years, which is due now:


The extraterrestrials are just around the corner:


And although our current surface civilization is fake and stupid:


there is already Light shining through the cracks in the Matrix.

You can help that Light by purifying the surface of the planet with the violet flame meditation:


Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

09 August 2022

Victory Declared

August 7, 2022


L2EXCS victory declared, L2LSIP minimum active, alert downgrade to red

Victoria declarada de L2EXCS, mínimo activo de L2LSIP, descenso de la alerta a rojo

NOTA: Imagino que L2 se refiere el punto 2 de los puntos lagrange


“(…) el punto L2 se encuentra en 1492 mil kilómetros de la Tierra en la dirección opuesta al Sol, que permite al satélite para mantener sus paneles solares hacia el Sol y apuntando el telescopio hacia el sistema solar exterior. Esta posición de un satélite de observación, reduce al mínimo las emisiones no deseadas desde el Sol y la Tierra. El punto L2 es ideal para observar el universo profundo. El satélite WMAP es en este punto desde 2001. El satélite GAIA se asentarán en 2011, y James Webb en 2013.”

Imagen : Los 5 puntos de Lagrange Tierra-Sol. El punto L2 se encuentra a 1,5 millones de kilómetros de la Tierra en dirección opuesta al Sol, lo que permite al satélite para mantener sus paneles solares hacia el Sol y apuntando el telescopio hacia el sistema solar exterior.

Curvas de potencial en un sistema de dos cuerpos (aquí el Sol y la Tierra), mostrando los cinco puntos de Lagrange. Las flechas señalan la dirección de aumento de potencial alrededor de los puntos L – acercándose o alejándose de ellos. Contra la intuición, los puntos L4 y L5 son mínimos.


04 July 2022

CERN, Stargate Project and Guardians of the Looking Glass

People have been talking about the Mandela effect for years but never really knowing what may be causing it.  However, CERN in Switzerland has been experimenting for years and may indeed be behind the shifts in our reality.

The Mandela Effect: CERN and Hidden, Parallel Universes

The STARGATE Project – Cern Breaking the record coming up 7-5-2022 new energy world-record of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (13.6 TeV) in stable-beam collisions

This was from a post in 2015 by Investment Watch:

The last time CERN was turned up to full capacity, strange things have happened around the world affecting the earth’s magnetosphere, and an unexplained “spiral” was observed in Norway. Is there a possibility that CERN opens an inter dimensional portal? What are they really looking for?

A new video interview with Frank Jacobs, writer and filmmaker, and Jean Nolan of the Inspired YouTube channel. In this video, they discuss an information leak that they cannot confirm, but found it interesting and worth discussing. The source is a new group called Guardians of Looking Glass.

GUARDIANS Announce Biggest Intel Drop In Human History


This group states there is a pending information leak could be a threat to the dark forces. Such a threat that it could cause internet blackouts to prevent it from being released or to scrub the information.

July 4th is the historical celebration of American Independence. Many in America and around the world have been seeing historic releases of information on fighting back tyrany, exposing crimes against humanity and those involved. CERN has big plans this week.

In the interview, they share information that came from a new YouTube Channel claiming to be former intelligence officers and military intelligence officers who have come together to release classified information about future events to come.  They claim their knowlege comes from their work on the Looking Glass artifact (alleged alien technology) that was first discovered in Iraq in the 1990s, along with other discoveries.  Since April of 2022, they have been releasing information on their YouTube Channel Polaric rEvolution which you can view here:


Also interesting is that Q is once again posting on June 24, 2022.  The last post prior to June was on December 8, 2020. It appears to be in reference to the suprise witness for the hearing on events of Jan. 6 2021. To briefly summarize, “On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.” Which we know he did not do.  That information was texted to Mark Meadows who got into trouble with his own voter fraud by registering to vote from a house he did not live in. The suprise witness was Cassidy Hutchinson, an obscure White House Aid that worked closely with Mark Meadows.  It’s so convoluted it’s like watching an episode of the TV melodrama “As the World Turns”.

So what information is so Earth shattering that it would cause a total media blackout? CERN is certainly gearing up for somthing big. The statement below is directly from their website:

“CERN is set for jam-packed, exciting and ecstatic days starting on 3 July with the first celebrations of the ten-year anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a scientific symposium on 4 July and ending on a high note on 5 July, with collisions at unprecedented energy levels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) marking the launch of the new physics season at CERN’s flagship accelerator. Be it physically at CERN or online from around the world, we invite you to join us in celebrating past and present achievements for particle physics and science, as well as looking ahead to how CERN is preparing future research.”

The Schumann resonance has been spiking as well which affects our brain as well as the Earth. If changes are being made through technology, we are being affected and there have been many reports of people becoming despondant, suicidal, sociopathic, or…. blissed out.  We recieve input from this field but we also affect it, especially during mass meditation which has a calming effect and can be beneficial to those who are feeling stressed out at this time whether in a group or on your own.

If you have done your shadow work and raised your frequency, this may be an easy ride. Power is being returned to the people as was evidenced in the recent reversal of Roe v Wade. More information may be forthcoming and the Guardians ask that we copy and share to raise awareness and awaken more people, or download and save in the event of an internet blackout.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m just like you, trying to connect the dots and find all the pieces of the puzzle to see the bigger picture. Prepare for Change asks you to do your own research and decide for yourself what is truth and what is misinformation. So, please don’t shoot the messenger!



GUARDIANS PREPARE The Most Important Intel Released In Human History


18 April 2022


April 16, 2022

There are more and more signs that we are approaching the end of the cosmic cycle.

The current solar cycle 25 is much stronger than it was previously predicted:



The real reason for stronger solar activity is synchronization of the Sun with increased activity of the Galactic center on the quantum level.

In preparation for the Galactic Pulse, a huge cosmic fleet of positive civilizations from the Local galaxy cluster has gathered around the heliopause of this solar system. This is one of the largest fleet gatherings in the history of the whole universe. These ships will harmonize and direct the flow of energies when the Pulse happens.

One small part of this fleet is already inside the solar system and is putting the last remnants of the Chimera fleet under siege. Another small part of this fleet is constructing Dyson spheres around the Sun and the Earth and both projects are proceeding well. As soon as the Chimera fleet is completely defeated, more of the cosmic fleet will enter the Solar system and proceed into the sublunar space with the purpose of the final liberation of this planet.

There is still quite much quantum and subquantum primary anomaly close to the surface of planet Earth. The Light forces are carefully beginning to clear the physical aspect of the anomaly and they are also beginning with the final clearing of the toplet bombs. They are deactivating the toplet bombs by clearing the quantum anomaly since with quantum anomaly gone, the Light forces are able to stop the chain reaction that changes ordinary quark mater into degenerate top quark matter:


Quantum anomaly now still manifests as spacetime collapsed into black holes on physical, etheric, astral and mental planes inside the implants, tied to toplet bombs, with collapsed spacetime extending from the implants via tunnels of Set into surrounding space. Low concentration of tunnels of Set can still be found on physical, etheric, astral and mental plane throughout the Solar system, with their concentration increasing in sublunar space, and their concentration being very high on the surface of this planet.

Implants are still rotating in electromagnetic field and are creating an accretion vortex which attracts micro black holes into human energy field (aura). Etheric micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field within etheric body which manifest into the physical body as cancer. Astral micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the astral body which manifest as lack of empathy. Mental micro black holes create areas of collapsed energy field in the mental body which manifest as stupidity in a certain specific part of the mental body.

The collapsed spacetime was created together with primordial black holes in the inflationary phase shortly after the creation of the universe at the beginning of this cosmic cycle:


This was the first mutation of the primary anomaly and it occurred a fraction of a second after what the physicists call the Big Bang, about 13.7 billion years ago.

The second mutation of the primary anomaly occurred when sentient beings began interacting with primary anomaly about 7 million years ago by implanting themselves. Interaction between consciousness and collapsed spacetime within implants created evil.

The third and the last mutation of the primary anomaly occurred in 1996 when much of the suppressed quantum anomaly exploded from the black holes, triggered by the exotic weapons of the Chimera, and much of the until then unmanifested subquantum anomaly began to manifest in the quantum foam.

Most of all this is already cleared, and we are approaching the moment of the apocatastasis:


Apocatastasis is the moment when all quantum and subquantum anomaly will be cleared and all evil consciousness either transformed into the Light or annihilated in the Central Sun.

Physicists describe this quantum transition as false vacuum decay:


They have discovered that this universe is in the exact right condition for something like that to happen:

New, stable quantum vacuum will connect the whole universe into one superentangled tachyon field, which will finally allow the unhindered evolution of this universe into the Light:


One important step in this process will be the opening of a huge energy portal on the surface of this planet in late April / early May 2023. This will definitely be the strongest energetic event in the last few decades. Nothing more can be said about that at this point.

We are finally approaching the time when the Ascended beings will be able to release intel more freely. Until now, there was so much darkness and anomaly present that most surface humanity would simply collapse under the weight of facts, whereas the Resistance would spring in premature action, putting the whole liberation operation in danger. Partial intel was the reason of many unfulfilled hopes and much disappointment, triggering Pavlovian “carrot and stick” response among certain people. As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.

Our Divine Intervention Activation in December 2021 has triggered tectonic changes in the process of planetary liberation, as it was greatly explained in this comment, published on my blog some time ago:

The dark forces are well aware of our success, and a few months ago they have artificially removed 32,749 signatures from our petition:

Cloudships are appearing all over the world again, and this one appeared in southern Taiwan on March 25th:

It is now a good time to start connecting with the Light forces again. You can use Command 1221 to connect with your Light team and here is some useful feedback from the comments from the readers of this blog:

The Pleiadians have reached an agreement for post-Event cooperation with one of the BRICS countries. It now appears that transformation after the Event will be gradual because surface humans have much to absorb, and it may take up to a few years post-Event to transform the society, if the Galactic Pulse does not abruptly speed up things.

BRICS countries are now in the early stages of building of the new financial system:


Preparing for this:


Russian Ministry of Defense has released intel about Hunter Biden's role in development of bioweapons in Ukraine:



Much more intel will come out about this, and this might well be the trigger that starts the exposure process in general.

Black Nobility families are using Knights of Malta as the core organization which is the hidden hand behind the military conflicts:


Erik Prince, the founder of Blackwater, appears to be one of the main forces behind both sides of the conflict in the Russia-Ukraine war:




Black Nobility families are the real force behind the negative WEF great reset, and they have triggered a coordinated action at the start of the pandemic in 2020:


Their plan is to take down the energy grid if the Light forces would make direct intervention on the surface of the planet:


The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms.

There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol. The Mariupol facility is called Pit 404 and is being cleared:


Here is a photo of tunnels leading to Pit 404, and you can use this photo to clear that location with the Violet flame:

Daily meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still very much needed, and the Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate when they can:


Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

03 April 2022


April 1, 2022

Pandora in progress. M signal field substable, wipeout sequence 8 in progress, L50 / Barberini in progress.  Minimum M / DL / HP / MDS / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met. 


---   ---   ---


04 March 2022

War and Peace

March 1, 2022

You can read a little bit of a background explanation about the causes of the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine in my past articles:



There were urgent meetings between the Pleiadians and top Russian military brass in the last few days before the war broke out and the Pleiadians have advised against a full scale Russian military operation in Ukraine. From their perspective, the main objectives could be reached by Russian peacekeeping forces in Lugansk and Donetsk and with refusing to react to Jesuit-backed provocations from the West, who want to create World war III to fulfill their end time prophecies:


Putin has succumbed to pressure from some of his Jesuit-controlled advisers in the Russian military and the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Jesuits got the war they wanted, but it will not go as they have planned.

Putin has chosen the moment of maximum weakness of the West at USA Pluto return to attack:


His main goal is to demilitarize Ukraine to secure Russia from immediate military threats, to clear dangerous biolabs and to purge Ukraine from Neonazi elements:



There are many factions within Ukraine with strong Neonazi inclination that have committed heavy crimes, often with tacit approval from the Ukrainian government:




The Jesuits are influencing Ukraine with their Zionist proxies:


Russian minority in Ukraine is being harassed to a great extent:


Sources have confirmed that Russian military is not directly attacking civilians in this war, and there is a great deal of disinfo propagated through the Western media:



Sources have also stated that the goal of Russian military is NOT to topple Zelensky, and that the Russian military will retreat as soon as the strategic goals listed above will be reached, which is in about two weeks as per their estimate. If Jesuit-controlled Western allies do not manage to escalate the situation further, peace in the region could realistically happen in a few weeks.

There are peace talks scheduled for tomorrow:


Positive sources have drafted a peace proposal that could work, if people on both sides use common sense and are willing to reach a rational compromise. Diplomatic personnel reading this can forward this proposal to relevant parties:

Ukraine can be accepted into EU and Zelensky stays as a legitimately elected president, but Ukraine must stay out of NATO forever, remain militarily neutral (such as Switzerland) and all foreign military aid to Ukraine must cease, as per 1990 NATO guarantees of non-expansion to the East. Ukrainian government must ban and criminalize all Neonazi organizations on its territory and rights of Russian minority in Ukraine must be respected. Crimea must be internationally recognized as part of Russian territory, as per 2014 Crimean status referendum. Donetsk (territorially all Donetsk oblast) and Lugansk (territorially the whole Lugansk oblast) must be internationally recognized as sovereign independent countries, as per 2014 Donbas status referendum. As soon as above conditions are met, all Russian military must leave the rest of Ukrainian territory immediately. As soon as that happens, all international sanctions against Russia must be canceled and normal international relations resumed.

It is very unlikely that reason will win because the Jesuits will do whatever possible to undermine any peace proposal, but it is worth a try.

Nevertheless, financial sanctions against Russia will accelerate developments of alternative payment systems such as CIPS in China and SPFS in Russia, weaken the already declining petrodollar and reinvigorate the BRICS alliance:


Meditation for peace in Ukraine every 4 hours is still urgently needed and the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to participate:


Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

14 February 2022

Ascension Plan Update

February 12, 2022

Time has come to release the next portion of the Ascension plan for this planet.

Some intel about the Ascension plan was already released in a previous update:


Since then, the Plan has evolved and new intel was given by the Light Forces.

Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.

The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios. The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025. The second scenario predicts the Event in 2025 and the Galactic Pulse a few years later, but earlier than 2030. Be aware that these dates are just speculations and may be wrong, since they were not directly confirmed by the Light forces.

Also very importantly, there was a substantial change to the Ascension plan when Project 501 collapsed in the summer of 2019. It then became absolutely clear to the Light forces that surface humanity will not be able to undergo healing and liberation without direct physical intervention, and that surface society will have to go through a slow collapse until direct intervention can be safely introduced without dark forces destroying the planet. Therefore the original plan with three Ascension waves between the Event and the Galactic Superwave was too ambitious and had to be revised. So here is the revised Ascension plan.

First, the increased energy from the Galactic Central Sun will continue to purify all the remaining quantum and subquantum anomaly around the planet and beyond, and the Light forces will keep removing all negative non-physical entities. Some quite reliable clues about the removal of various aspects of the primary anomaly can be found here:


Second, the solar activity will keep increasing, as we are coming closer and closer to the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. Early predictions were estimating that cycle to peak in July 2025, but now scientists are expecting the solar maximum in late 2024:

Early research of Alexander Tchijevsky has shown that 60% of all social unrest happens within a year and a half of each solar maximum:



Therefore we can expect monumental societal changes between early 2023 and early 2026, that is a year and a half of the current solar maximum of solar cycle 25:

This coincides perfectly with Portal 2025:


And with prophecy of Beinsa Douno:


All negative timelines will collapse and all timelines will converge into the Event:


At the time of peak social unrest and with enough anomaly removed, the Light forces will upgrade the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law.

This practically means that the whole surface population will undergo a brief (3-7 days) military lockdown during which the mass arrests will be taking place. People will be instructed to strictly stay at home to ensure the safety of military operations without collateral damage. Positive forces will be using quantum pulse weapons to block the weaponry of the Negative military and to freeze the troops and civilians who will refuse to obey the orders of the Positive military.

There is still a large aspect of the Event plan that needs to stay classified and will be a big surprise almost to everybody.

After the Event, the surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take a few years.

General surface population will keep integrating intel about Exposure and Disclosure that will be released through the mass media, and begin to heal their deep psychological wounds from the dark past.

While the most extreme psychopaths and sociopaths will be removed from the surface of the planet at the Event and shortly after, many latent sociopaths will remain in the society until the Galactic Superwave and keep a low profile without causing any harm, knowing that any harmful action would trigger their swift removal.

It takes quite a long time to completely purge a system:


After the Event, the vast majority of Lightworkers will go through a massive healing process with much assistance from positive energies, angels and Light forces. There is a lot of self-healing work that needs to be done, and it is expected that a few years later when the Galactic Pulse arrives, about 2000 people will be ready to Ascend in the first wave of Ascension which will coincide with the Galactic Superwave and the planetary Evacuation:




Those preparing to Ascend in the first wave will be living in Islands of Light, which will begin to be formed shortly after the Event.

They will connect with their twin souls, many of them being on the motherships:



They will expand their horizons beyond past programming and start forming Soul relationships:


During the Evacuation, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will rescue the surface humanity from the Galactic Tsunami:



After the Evacuation and after the Earth goes through its transformation, only beings fully aligned with Light (estimated about a few million Lightworkers) will be allowed to return and reinhabit the Earth in Islands of Light and prepare for the second and third wave of Ascension which will happen relatively soon afterwards.

The mass of humanity will be evacuated in their physical bodies just before the Galactic Pulse and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999.

About 500 million of surface evacuees, mostly sociopaths and psychopaths and many of them Dracos and Reptilians who came to Earth in 1996-1999 period and were living since then in human clones on the surface, will not be able to fulfill the minimum criteria for evolution and will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring.

This effectively means the end of darkness and suffering for the whole universe, and a “new cycle of luminosity can begin”.

Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

06 February 2022

The Legacy of Isis Astara

January 29, 2022

On this day, four years ago, Isis Astara has left the physical plane.

Her essence is still with us, and people can connect with her through her teachings: 


Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission


February 2, 2022

In his second mission to a space ark lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, JP (who currently serves with the US Army) describes a multinational rescue mission comprising US, Russian and Chinese soldiers. The mission was sent to rescue Aztec Indians from Mexico who had been left behind in an earlier mission. JP explains how the multinational team found the Aztec Indians, and also discovered a powerful portal linking the Atlantic Ark to another arks hidden throughout our solar system. He says 15 soldiers had inadvertently stepped through the portal while exploring a similar ark on the Moon.

JP describes the multinational rescue mission, how the Chinese, Russian and US soldiers collaborated, and what else lays hidden inside the mysterious arks being discovered on Earth and our solar system by covert military teams. 

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Premieres 2/2/22 at 2 pm on YouTube & Rumble

Audio Podcast available for Apple, Spotify & Google

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For more interviews, articles, photos and videos featuring JP click here.