25 July 2017

They Live!


Reliving vital insight delivered in the 1988 movie "They Live" directed by John Carpenter which symbolically shows the world as it is when the third eye is open versus when it is closed. Ideas of a super elite and subtle programming such as MK-Ultra are uniquely displayed.

Tech Billionaires are Secretly Funding a Plan to Break the Human Race out of The Matrix

On the southwestern edge of Lake Titicaca, Peru, there is an ancient 23-foot doorway known as the Aramu Muru.

Local natives call it the "Puerta de hayu Marca," the gateway to the lands of the gods and immortal life. Throughout their history, the natives have described people disappearing and appearing at this doorway.

In 1998, purported extraterrestrial contactee Jerry Wills claimed a tall blonde humanoid named Zo taught him how to access Aramu Muru and enter "another universe."

Jerry Wills further claimed that Zo illustrated to him how our universe is an experimental simulation within his species' universe. They built it to understand their own reality, which is itself nested inside a larger universe.

The next year, in 1999, the blockbuster science fiction film The Matrix came out and forever emblazoned into our collective subconscious the idea that our existence is a simulation created by a more advanced race of beings.

Incidentally, the film also made long black trench coats, black sunglasses, and my last name all the rage, but I digress…

A few years after the release of The Matrix, philosopher Nick Bostrom published the Simulation Argument, a concise paper entitled "Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?"

It presented a trilemma, a mathematical breakdown of why at least one of three provocative scenarios must be true.

the human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a 'posthuman' stage

any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof)

we are almost certainly living in a computer simulation. It follows that the belief that there is a significant chance that we will one day become posthumans who run ancestor-simulations is false, unless we are currently living in a simulation

The "posthuman civilization" to which Bostrom refers defines a period of time after which humans have merged with technology.

This is sometimes referred to as post-Singularity, with the 'Singularity' describing futurist Ray Kurzweil's designation of a society in which humans are post-biological, living synergistically with artificial intelligence.

The Simulation Argument presupposes the development of this posthuman civilization, at which point, Bostrom states, advanced humans or AI (Artificial Intelligence) might develop simulations of the past in the same way that current scientists create test environments; some of the simulations would likely be for entertainment reasons, as well, in the same way humans currently create video games and movies.

In recent years, a number of high-profile figures have come out to state their belief that we are living in a simulation.

Chief among them is tech magnate Elon Musk, who has stated that the video game No Man's Sky confirmed his belief that someday simulations would approximate reality so comprehensively that they would be indistinguishable from reality.

Apparently, he was sitting in a hot tub with friends when he finally converted.

Musk is the CEO and brains behind,





In recent years, he has expressed bold plans for his companies that he believes will advance the human race:

-with Tesla, he wants to spearhead a transportation infrastructure that doesn't rely on burning hydrocarbons

-with SpaceX, he wants to assist-in humanity's gradual extraplanetary migration to Mars

-with Neuralink and OpenAI, he wants to facilitate humanity's merger with advanced computer technology

When he was asked about whether humans are living inside a computer simulation, Musk made headlines last year by saying he thinks the chances are one in billions that we aren't.

"The strongest argument for us probably being in a simulation I think is the following: 40 years ago we had Pong - two rectangles and a dot," Musk stated.

"That's where we were. Now 40 years later we have photorealistic, 3D simulations with millions of people playing simultaneously and it's getting better every year. And soon we'll have virtual reality, we'll have augmented reality.

If you assume any rate of improvement at all, then the games will become indistinguishable from reality, just indistinguishable."

Here Musk is referring to the exponential growth of technology, the lynchpin of the Singularity theory.

If in 40 years we've gone from the two-dimensional pong to the cusp of augmented and virtual reality, imagine where we'll be in another forty, or a hundred, or 400.

Provided the human race survives, one may assume we will achieve the ability to produce simulations with sentient beings.

Already, the Department of Defense has created the Sentient World Simulation, a real-time,

"synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information, such as major events, opinion polls, demographic statistics, economic reports, and shifts in trends," according to a working paper on the system.

In recent years, other scientists have conducted research and even experimentation in attempts to show actual evidence of the Simulation.

Heads turned last year when theoretical physicist S. James Gate announced he had found strange computer code in his String Theory research.

Bound inside the equations we use to describe our universe, he says, is peculiar self-dual linear binary error-correcting block code.

A team of German physicists has also set out to show that the numerical constraints we see in our universe are consistent with the kinds of limitations we would see in a simulated universe.

These physicists have invoked a non-perturbative approach known as lattice quantum chromodynamics to try to discover whether there is an underlying grid to the space/time continuum.

So far their efforts have recreated a minuscule region of the known universe, a sliver of a corner that is but a few femtometers across.

But this corner simulates the hypothetical lattice of the universal grid, and their search for a corresponding physical restraint turned up a theoretical upper limit on high-energy particles known as the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, or GZK cut off. In other words, there are aspects of our universe that look and behave as a simulation might.

With news that there are two anonymous tech billionaires working on a secret project to break us out of the Matrix, it's hard to know whether we should laugh or scream in horror.

Simulation talk is great epistemological fun and metaphysical amusement of the highest order, but it may speak to an underlying anxiety regarding the merging of our reality with machines, or an underlying existential loneliness. It's even been posited as a solution to the Fermi Paradox.

Why haven't we met aliens? Well, because we live inside a world they built.

Our earth is marooned in a cosmic void so vast it would take our current Deep Space I propulsion system an astonishing 81,000 years to reach the nearest star - in a galaxy of hundreds of billions, which is, itself, just one of hundreds of billions.

The thought that it's all 1s and 0s rendered by a futuristic microprocessor is philosophically sexy but, perhaps, sociologically lazy.

That there is anxiety about reality being manufactured in a society obsessed with simulated pleasure and mediated experience isn't altogether surprising.

It's the ultimate, though perhaps accidental, expression of resistance to a culture steeped in consumerism and artificial growth.

by Jake Anderson
July 12, 2017
from TheAntimedia Website


Consciousness and Science

24 July 2017

Return to Light

There is significant progress and if all goes according to the plan, I will be able to release new update about the status of Yaldabaoth entity / Black Stone situation in about a week.

An important communication channel between the Resistance and the surface population has been opened:


The Resistance has read all those letters and they are now realizing that the amount of suffering of the surface population is even greater than they imagined.

For this reason, they have prepared a few instructions that can make the pre-Event time easier for the awakened part of the surface population.

First, the vast majority of suffering has its root cause in the so-called primary implant. Primary implant is the implant that we have all received upon our entrance in the quarantine Earth area many thousands years ago. This implant is positioned in the frontal lobe of the brain on the plasma and etheric plane, is filled with charged rotating anomalous plasma and has the primary message that we are separated from the Source / Love / Light. This primary disconnection from the Source then attracts situations that reflect that disconnection and create more suffering. Since our free will then aligns with the implant, the Light forces can not intervene in our life, the prayers do not get answered, the protection is lost, the trust is gone.

Those implants were created by the Chimera group millions of years ago and were reinforced by the Chimera in the Great Forgetting of 1996 in order to prevent planetary Ascension. When a critical mass of those implants is dissolved, the whole reality construct of duality / evil / suffering will collapse and the Light will return.

On an individual and collective scale, the key to resolve this situation is primarily for us to be aware of the existence of those implants. Mere awareness of the implant and the mind program associated with it will speed up its dissolution. Then the Light forces will be able to intervene in our lives more directly and requests and prayers like this one will be more easily answered:


The easiest and most effective way to dissolve this (and in fact any) mind program is the Clearing technique brought to humanity by Charles Berner (Yogeshwar Muni):


To summarize, we can dissolve this mind program by disassociating our Self from the program. This can be done by putting our mind alternatively into the state associated with the program (I am separated from the Source) and its opposite (I am one with the Source). If you alternatively write down these polar affirmations (perhaps 10 minutes each day), your mind will disassociate from both polar mental states (separate from the Source / one with the Source) and the mental program will start falling apart, the rotating plasma will dissipate, the implant will start dissolving and your connection with the Source / Love / Light will be naturally reinstated.

You need to be aware that also the positive dual polarity of the program in your mind (I am one with the Source) will dissipate and will be replaced with genuine connection with the Source. There is a huge difference between a mental belief in the connection with the Source and the real connection itself.

The Resistance have also communicated that in order to decrease suffering, you need to create positive moments every day. Simple methods to do that include 1) spending time in nature, 2) focusing on beautiful and inspiring, 3) pursuing a hobby, 4) decreasing your exposure to electronic media, which includes less exposure to alternative truther websites, 5) listening to music, 6) spending quality time with other people.

The Resistance is also aware of difficult financial situation of many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. For this reason they have asked me to dedicate a big part of my Ascension conference to give tools for manifesting abundance. I did that in Taiwan this year in March, and if anyone has notes from the second day of that conference, please send them to cobraresistance@gmail.com and I will publish them in my blog. These tools alone are enough to resolve your financial situation if you will take time and effort to implement them.

The Resistance is aware of the amount of attacks that Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are experiencing. Some useful guidance for that situation is posted here:


The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:


Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra on July 21, 2017

14 July 2017


Two Cobra Interviews

Here is the June monthly update Cobra interview by Prepare for Change. The transcript and the audio version are available here:


You can submit questions for the next interview here:


We are getting far more questions that can be answered in a one-hour interview. We will ask as many Cobra questions as can be answered in the hour allotted.

Another Cobra interview by Essayenya Mosteenya has been posted here:


Victory of the Light!
(July 13, 2017)

July 6 Cobra Second Interview

The interview is conducted by Essayenya Mosteenya. Thanks Cobra for taking the time to do this interview. And a special thanks to Ada for volunteering to do the transcript. The Q&A is all posted here with the exception of one question. The host and Cobra both agree to have it not posted until the time is right.

EM: We were told that for the Earth to be liberated, the critical mass needs to be reached; however, in the recent conference, you say from now on, we no longer need so many as long as there is ONE single person who is fully connected with their I AM presence. What has happened for the Light Forces to have this message delivered to us?

C: Okay. These are two aspects of the same situation. One thing is the global critical mass which assists a lot in the planetary liberation and the other thing which is also true is that with just one person with a perfect connection to their I AM presence and with a complete understanding of the situation can liberate the planet so usually it’s a combination of both factors that can assist in transformation.

EM: Where should people start if they want to reach this fullest state of connection to their I AM presence? By being honest with their souls?

C: This is a good start, yes.

EM: In Godfre's “Unveiled Mysteries”, it said people used to know their origins, the used to know their Source, and they were carefully guided and protected by their I AM presence. Would you say that when this FULL connection with the I AM presence takes place, people will, at least, know they are no longer alone, though they might still have some doubts about how protected they are and whether the Light Forces are always around? Can this kind of knowing, in spite of some doubts, count as a form of full connection?

C: Gradually as your connection with your I AM presence improves there will be no longer any sense of loneliness and the protection will increase as your connection with your I AM presence increases. This is why it is very good to connect with your I AM presence with a pillar of light - as I have posted a link to that some time ago on my blog. There was a very nice article about a pillar of light…column of light…connecting with your I AM presence and that connection is one of the strongest forms of protection against any negativity that people [inaudible] can do on this planet.

EM: You said St. Germain was not aware of the planetary situation enough, and that to have complete success in this mission by having one single human liberate Earth via full connection with his/her I AM presence, one needs to be aware of many facts that St. Germain was not aware of at that time. How is knowing the planetary situation enough going to assist in this mission? Why do people need to be aware of the many facts that St. Germain was not aware of at that time?

C: Okay. You don’t need to be aware of those facts to connect with your I AM presence. But if you are aware of those facts and at the same time connected with your I AM presence, your I AM presence will begin transforming those facts. And that’s how you can be more efficient in the planetary liberation.

EM: What do you mean by FULL connection with the I AM presence? Could you give us an example of how this full connection will manifest, if a person is to be aware of many facts that St. Germain was not aware of at that time?

C: That full connection can manifest in different ways. It depends on the individual because your I AM presence will always give you guidance about how it will manifest so this is a very individual situation – it’s not the same for everybody.

EM: So, it (the FULL connection with I AM presence) varies from person to person?

C: Yes.

EM: Is it true that what really preoccupies the Great White Brotherhood is the relationship that man has with his almighty God self?

C: The purpose of the ascended beings is to improve the conditions of every human being in two ways. Number one: by increasing their connection with their I AM presence. Number two: by improving their outer life conditions. So it’s both (of these things).

EM: Is it a good idea to interact with Ascended Masters and even our Higher Selves in the way we would interact with our friends? For instance, besides sharing our bitterness with them, we could also share some funny anecdotes in our lives, and maybe make fun of them like we do with actual friends?

C: Yes, you can interact with them as with your friends. Exactly.

EM: Is there a certain level of bonding that happens in this kind of interaction?

C: Yes, of course. There is always a heart connection which happens in the interaction with ascended beings.

EM: During these years, although we might have some quarrels with our family, it doesn't necessarily mean we don't love them. When we calm ourselves down, we just move along and cherish the time we spend together. Some people are asking whether this form of relationship can be applied to the relationship with our I AM presence and even to the Light Forces?

C: Yes.

EM: Have the Light Forces (even for Ascended Masters, and Source) ever worried that if the Event should be delayed further, they will run the risk of losing some Star Seeds?

C: They are fully and completely aware of that situation.

EM: Do they every worry?

C: I would not say worry in a human sense but they are aware of it and they do whatever they can to improve that situation.

EM: Is it true that throughout all the years of Galactic Wars that some beings in both Light and Dark Forces have grown tired of this battle that seems never end, and they have come to the realization that unity could not be obtained by controlling and subduing the opposite polarity?

C: I would say that it is not possible to reconcile those polarities in a harmonious way because the Dark Forces have no [inaudible] intention of cooperating. So the only way that this can be resolved is by transporting certain of those beings into the Galactic Central Sun. There is no other way. The Light Forces were trying to resolve that conflict in a peaceful way for a very long time – even for too long a time – and it was not successful. So the only way out is that certain beings will simply have to be disintegrated.

EM: Are we now in the third attempt – according to some websites - to achieve unity by having the Light to integrate their own shadows, and SIMULTANEOUSLY by having the Dark to embrace their inner Light?

C: No. As I have said, those attempts have been finished. Now the only thing that is remaining is removal of all darkness as soon as possible and liberation of every sentient being from the grip of the Dark Forces as soon as possible in a safe way.

EM: Did certain factions of the dark forces come to realize that what they’ve done to us is completely wrong, and sign the peaceful contract to end the Galactic war with the Light Forces back in 1996?

C: Okay. There were certain factions that actually have surrendered to the light in the time period between 1994-95 until 1998. There were some massive surrenders taking place but unfortunately this did not include all the dark forces – just one faction.

EM: Did these beings that signed the peaceful contracts use to be at the upper ladder like the Chimera or Archons are? Or were all of them below the Chimera or Archons?

C: No. It was simply another faction which surrendered.

EM: With their knowledge of the weapons they made, wouldn’t it help the Light Forces remove the bombs much easier if these factions were to surrender?

C: It would actually be much easier if there were not a hostage situation but there is a hostage situation on this planet and that’s why the Light Forces need to be very careful how they deal with the toplet bombs. Otherwise, this situation would be resolved much faster.

EM: So what we are dealing with over these years is the remaining factions who are quite upset about the contracts to end the Galactic War, and still want to maintain quarantine Earth, want no peace in the universe, and certainly want more slaves by twisting some teachings in the “Law of One”?

C: Yes.

EM: Are the Creator God and the Prime Creator God waiting for the Galactic Confederation of Light to clear the bombs and the black stone, or have some secret operations been authorized to prevent the Event from being further delayed and ensure the final breakthrough?

C: There are many layers. This is actually one big operation that has many, many layers and some of those layers are classified and I am [inaudible] (prevented) from talking about them so I am talking about them as much as I can without jeopardizing the success and safety of the operations but there is much more going on than is being posted.

EM: What's the "original" meaning of the ‘Law of One” from the perspective of Light Forces?

C: I cannot comment on that channeled material because neither I nor the Light Forces can completely agree with what is written there.

EM: If the removing of toplet bombs proves to be so much more difficult than the Light Forces expected, then how come beings from a much higher dimensions waited until now to intervene? Is it because of the hostage-retaliation mechanism once again?

C: Actually it was always quite challenging to intervene on this planet because of this hostage situation and in the last 25,000 years the Light Forces always needed to be very careful in all their operations. And the situation is still not resolved because when the situation is resolved we will have the breakthrough. We will have the final liberation.

EM: Are these much higher dimensional beings one of the Seven Tribes of Light?

C: I cannot answer this question because I do not agree with Seven Tribes of Light – with that description.

EM: In view of the control over the flow of intel by the Chimera group, is it true that even for Resistance Members, they themselves also underestimated the quarantine Earth status, and are as shocked as we are?

C: Yes, they also underestimated the situation and it was quite a surprise for them as well. Not as much as for the surface population but still they were not expecting this to be so difficult and they were not expecting this to be taking so long.

EM: Even for the Galactic Confederation of Light, the Ascended Masters, and the Sphere Being Alliance, they all experience the same setbacks and can certainly understand the frustration and pains of the surface population?

C: I cannot comment on the Sphere Being Alliance because I either do not have contact with that group or I perceive those things differently but yes, for the Ascended Masters, even they were not expecting something like this. Actually nobody in this Universe was expecting the darkness to go so far and nobody was expecting the situation to be so difficult and so challenging so nobody was prepared for this really.

EM: What about Source?

C: Source – of course the Source was and is aware of this. But communication with the Source is never perfect in this dimension of the Universe. And understanding of the cosmic situation is never perfect because of the primary anomaly so this is why this perception from the Source did not completely transmit into the manifested Universe.

EM: Would you agree that even for Wingmakers, they have experienced the same setback?

C: They have experienced the same setback in a different way. Not so directly, not so drastically but more as the frustration of not being able to transmit the divine plan more efficiently to the Galactic Light Forces and to intervene more directly in the planetary situation. Their original plan was more direct contact with the surface population, more disclosure, and faster liberation.

EM: Is it true that Source with its all-seeing eye knows every scheme of the Dark Forces, but with hostages being held, the Source has to allow the control of the intel flow? Correct?

C: Unfortunately, yes, that is true.

EM: So the Source knows every scheme of the Dark Forces?

C: Yes.

EM: Can people ask the Source to intervene much more in view of the control of the intel flow?

C: It is good to ask Source for more direct intel flow and more direct intervention. That’s actually a very good idea.

EM: What would happen now if the Light Forces intervene with MILITARY FORCE to liberate Earth instead of focusing on removing the remaining bombs and disabling the black stone?

C: Okay. There is a certain possibility that the bombs would get detonated which would be – I would say – a global planetary cataclysm that I don’t think anybody would be able to survive. And the risk is still too great for that.

EM: So the Light Forces can’t intervene with military force because the bombs would explode?

C: Yes. Actually I would say that one faction is quite impatient right now and they would just like to intervene directly but they are being held back because the risk is still too big at this point.

EM: With the intel-compartmentalization, it might be hard for some to regain their faith in the Light Forces. What can be done if these people still want to assist the Light?

C: If people understand the situation more they will gain trust in the Light Forces again – and especially they will gain trust in the Light Forces when the Light Forces will be able to intervene more directly and more efficiently. Then that trust will be reinstated again.

EM: How does the Sphere Being Alliance assist the liberation?

C: Again, I cannot speak about that particular group because I have no connection with it. From my perspective I would describe this group as the Galactic Central Race and the Galactic Central Race is Number One – directing the flow of energies from the Galactic Center to the Solar System and it’s also directing the flow of Galactic Liberation energies from the Galactic Central Sun through every individual and group that is assisting in the planetary liberation, supporting them as much as possible directly and indirectly.

EM: Have the Light Forces also been integrating their own shadows over these years to help shut down this hologram of separation?

C: The Light Forces are always integrating their shadow as much as possible.

EM: Even Source, the Ancient Guardian Races and the Ascended Masters?

C: Yes. Their shadow does not manifest as darkness but simply as a lack of complete cosmic understanding and they’re always working on improving their understanding of the situation and doing whatever they can.

EM: What are the methods of shadow integration? Could you give us some examples?

C: Basically the principle is very simple. It’s to be honest with yourself, acknowledging all shadow aspects within and just observing them and being a loving witness to them and then they will get transformed.

EM: Before incarnation, we also sign contracts with the Light Forces. Are those contracts mainly dealing with protection?

C: Okay, basically one of the major contracts was done about your mission. So you made your agreement with the Light Forces that you will carry your mission and also major protection and life course agreements were made but the problem is here that many people did not follow up with those agreements and this is one of the reasons why this planetary situation is taking so long.

EM: So most of them don’t even follow their protection contracts with the Light Forces?

C: They don’t follow any of the agreements that were made, and that’s the main problem here. One of the main problems on this planet.

EM: So even with safety contracts with the Light Forces prior to birth, it certainly wouldn’t hurt if we ask again a FULL protection from them as we awake during the transition, right?

C: Yes, but what I’m saying here is that the people who were incarnated did not follow up with their contract. They did not follow the agreements and this is why the protection grid has collapsed on the surface of the planet.

EM: Among Sanat Kumara's various incarnations, did he, as a human, ever question himself about the value of this exile before his ascension?

C: Every human individual before the ascension had those moments.

EM: How did he overcome this bewilderment?

C: This always happens with the connection with the I AM presence.

EM: Do all Lords of Fire yearn to live in happiness with their multidimensional selves again after the Even just as the day they used to live together in previous Golden Age?

C: Okay, all Lords of Fire have ascended a long time ago and they are always living in a state of happiness.

EM: Oh, they have left this plane?

C: They are all ascended and they live in a state of happiness.

EM: According to “Unveiled Mysteries”, humans were intended to lead a life in prosperity and abundance with God and that was the very reason why humanity were created at first so as to live as Father and Son, but humanity at that time felt they were "less perfect" than Gods, disregarded Gods' warning about their impending adversity during cycle after cycle and worse, were later manipulated by the dark forces to doubt the Source, and thus they were not so ready to shoulder their responsibility as a co-creator? Is that correct?

C: Yes, that is correct.

EM: Is that why shadows must be integrated now if people wish to take that sovereignty back?

C: Yes, of course.

EM: But how did humans have those flaws when they were created? Were they created by Gods?

C: They were created with very advanced creator races, if we are speaking of the human evolution that belongs to this planet. But there are some people on this planet that came originally from the Source through the Galactic Sun birth process.

EM: But why do humans have those flaws?

C: Because of the interaction with the primary anomaly.

EM: Is it true a new type of being would come into emergence as a result of this shadow integration? A brand new kind, called the Man of the Sixth Race?

C: Basically the Man of the Sixth Race is the next stage of evolution which has already started a few centuries ago and this new stage of evolution is having a quantum leap right now and will have the biggest quantum leap at the time of the Event.

EM: You were threatened by the cabal years ago. How did you get past those traumas?

C: Basically there was a need for a lot of healing and integration which took quite a long time and what also helped was that I received intel that explained to me exactly what was going on, why it happened, and how to protect myself in the future. I have received very powerful protection protocols that protected me from that time on and basically I was contacted by the Resistance at the time of those attacks and shortly after those attacks with very direct and precise instructions about what to do to protect myself.

EM: Is it true that if certain intel is too overwhelming for some people to take in, that intel will become extremely shocking for them, and they then, psychologically speaking, “subconsciously” begin playing the movies, such as alien invasions, devil possessions, and going crazy, in their heads without consciously being aware of it?

C: Basically when the big changes happen and when a lot of very challenging intel is released, there will be a lot of support from the Light Forces and not so much of a negative influence and this is the reason why it will be easier for people to integrate all those disturbing pieces of intel. So it will not be as hard as some people are afraid it will.

EM: If a person asks to be protected by the Light Forces, but still sinks into their own doubt, that person will continue thinking this way, and even if the Light Forces are actually offering help, they still won’t feel it. So for the protection to work, our shadows of doubt and fear must be integrated to a certain level where we will no longer get mired down in them, is that correct?

C: This is one part of the situation but not the only part of the situation. It’s always good to integrate the shadow. But the Light Forces cannot completely protect us at this point. The do not control the situation completely but it always helps to integrate your shadow and clear your fears because fear is a doorway through which the dark forces can enter. The more of the fear that you process, the easier it is for you to be protected.

EM: Before these Ascended Masters ascend, do they also have their fair share of mind control as we do?

C: Yes of course. They have this.

EM: How do they liberate themselves from all this mind control? By loving and accepting themselves more?

C: Basically the situation with mind control was much easier in past centuries. And especially before WWII, it was much easier to ascend and most people have achieved their ascension before that time.

EM: Should people learn to be more grateful for what they have, and have sympathy for others, instead of being constantly mired in guilt?

C: Gratitude is a very healing emotion. If you are able to have it, that’s a good thing but don’t force yourself into this. So positive emotions tend to improve your state of consciousness and tend to improve your life conditions always. And negative emotions tend to attract more of the same negativity.

EM: Can all this mind programming be healed pretty fast by using the technology from the Light Forces?

C: Yes.

EM: Should people be worried about what they've done in past lives, or should they ask the Light Forces to infuse unconditional love and light to all their deeds in past lives on their behalf?

C: It is always good to ask the Light Forces for unconditional forgiveness and to release the past, learn from it, understand it, and then move on.

EM: Corey revealed that the Blue Avians won’t respond to Agarthans’ telepathy and he said during one exchange between the Agarthans and the Guardians, the Guardians personally told the Agarthans that they do not tend the Earth as well as the Guardians think they should, and the Guardians are quite upset about them. Do you think that it might be genuine how these Guardians feel?

C: Okay, I cannot confirm that particular part of Corey Goode’s intel.

EM: Do the Light Forces have any “special” gifts for mankind and the Starseeds after the Event?

C: There will be many special gifts and many wonderful surprises as humanity after the Event begins to enter the Galactic Society. So it will be the beginning of something wonderful that we have all been waiting for and that we have all been dreaming about and manifesting consciously and working for.

EM: Could you talk about some of the gifts right now?

C: It is not time yet.

EM: Okay. There used to be a specific Ascension group in a certain country. Where could people find these beings?

C: There was a very specific Ascension group in the United States in the years between 1994 and 1998, yes, and this group has ascended and is no longer present on the surface of this planet.

EM: Who are the other six Kumaras, the remaining six (13 in total)? Who are they?

C: They are simply very advanced beings that are assisting in transmuting the energies from the Galactic Central Sun to Planet Earth and stabilizing the situation here.

EM: Do all these 13 Kumaras have higher selves back in Source?

C: They are their higher selves, actually, and they are connected with the Source.

EM: Do all the 13 Kumaras have daughters and sons?

C: They are not incarnated human beings so they do not have daughters and sons in that particular way.

EM: So Lady Meta is not the daughter of Sanat Kumara?

C: No.

EM: Then who is Lady Meta?

C: A certain ascended being that is part of the soul group of Sanat Kumara.

EM: How do we connect with them?

C: There are many different ways of connection and I will not name them because they are all over the internet and each particular being has her or his own way of connecting.

EM: If we see a person suffering financially on the news, we often later learn that that person is offered a job by a local owner of a factory. Why does the same kind of assistance not happen to lightworkers and lightwarriors?

C: Sometimes this happens, but there are two factors here. The first one is the willingness of that particular lightworker to manifest abundance and the second one is the level of interference that happens. In the case of the lightworkers, the Dark Forces usually tend to interfere more with their lives.

EM: What do you mean by "Be you. The world will adjust." in your ATVOR Project post?

C: It means simply being yourself, being sincere with yourself, doing what you feel is the right thing to do, and not surrendering to the controlling factors around you. And if you are yourself, then this will create a very powerful manifestation vortex which will begin to adjust the reality around you to your own I AM presence more and more.

EM: How do some strong occult positive forces dissolve the energy background of the old system which was enabling spiritual slavery that was happening on this planet?

C: The Light Forces, what they are doing, is they are working with a planetary energy grid as I have explained in my post on Atlantis. This is a very good explanation of what’s going on.

EM: Will shadow integration assist the Light Forces to dissolve the energy background of the old system?

C: Yes.

EM: That would be all. Is there anything you want to add?

C: Nothing in particular. I would just say for everybody to keep the vision. Hold the vision. Visualize a better life for all of us. Visualize liberation for humanity. And the other thing I would repeat again – train yourself in teamwork. Teamwork is very important in this stage.

EM: Thank you for taking time to do this interview.

C: Okay, thank you very much.

(End of transcript)


11 July 2017



After the unexpected appearance of an alien spacecraft on the Ellipse in Washington D. C. in 1951. A meeting was "said" to take place at Holloman air force base in 1954! They have been interacting with the powers that be for thousands of years! And if this were actually the case, why would a treaty ever need to be signed? You decide!

Published on Jul 10, 2017


07 July 2017

Say Hello to Yaldaboath, Lord of the Archons

"THE GREAT UNMENTIONABLE EVIL at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolved - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god religions. They are, literally, patriarchal - God is the Omnipotent Father - hence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates.

"The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is not just in place for one tribe, but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately, totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-god's purpose.

"Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and those of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at home…"

Long before the birth of Christianity, monotheism was an anomaly.

Europe and the Near East flourished under the divine guidance of Sophia, the ancient goddess of wisdom. The Earth was venerated as the embodiment of Sophia and thus sacred to the people who sought divine fulfillment in her presence.

This ancient harmonious, nature-based philosophy was threatening to the emerging salvationist, sacrificial creed of Christianity which was based on patriarchal dominion over the Earth and demanded personal suffering as a path to the afterlife.

The old ways could not be tolerated by this alien intruder, and so during the early centuries of the 1st millennium the Christian hordes obliterated every trace of the ancient spiritual traditions, casting Europe into the Dark Ages…

Hypatia was a Neoplatonist philosopher, astronomer and mathematician, whose murder by a Christian mob in 415 AD marked the end of the Classical Era and the beginning of moral and spiritual decline under the tyranny of Christianity.

In the Gnostic Gospels of Nag Hammadi, written in the 1st Century, the writers warn us about the god of the Bible. Known as the "Demiurge" or "Yaldabaoth", he is described as an insane, demented imposter deity who works against humanity.

He is,

"a self-deified inorganic phantom, deluded about his own identity."

The word "Demiurge" literally means "half-working" or "half-powered" - so called because he can originate nothing, but must imitate what already exists.

The leader of the extraterrestrial Archon race, he is also ,

Saklas ("fool")

Samael ("blind")

Yaldabaoth to the Gnostics

This is the biblical father god of the Old Testament, Yahweh or Jehovah - the god still worshiped by millions of Jews, Christians and Muslims today!

Yaldabaoth is a demented pretender god who claims to be the creator of the material world, and demands slavish obedience from his human subjects, while he works to undermine the evolution and destiny of humanity.

According to the Gnostic writings,

"Yaldabaoth himself chose a certain man named Abraham, and made a covenant with him",

...and so began the devastating salvationist, misogynistic religions of monotheism that have so devastated our world.

Archons are predatory cyborgs, lacking creativity, but can imitate with a vengeance. Their expertise is simulation ('HAL', virtual reality), and the Demiurge fashioned a heaven world, copied from the Sophianic original, but completely fake.

This Archontic heaven is the afterworld for countless humans who are duped by the simulation presented by messianic, salvationist religion (Christianity).

"They (the Archons) sought to overpower humanity in its psychological and perceptual functions… For indeed their delight is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their triumph is in deception, leading astray, for their own structure is without divinity."
"The Apocryphon of John," from the Nag Hammadi Codices

This fake 'salvation' by superhuman powers, rather than through the divine potential innate to humanity and aligned with the planetary goddess Sophia, is the hallmark of extraterrestrial religion.

It is the root cause of most of the problems that currently beset humanity.

Were ancient, Bronze Age civilizations taken over by sophisticated, parasitic extra-dimensional entities who manipulate the human mind to this day for their own evil purposes?

Gnostic texts from the time of Christ may hold the key to the greatest conspiracy in ALL human history!

Taken from "Not in His Image" by John Lash

THE ARCHONS - Alien Invaders From Space - FILM

06 July 2017

It's not just about lights in the sky - It's about lies on the ground

"Our Republic and its press will rise or fall together. An able, disinterested, public-spirited press, with trained intelligence to know the right and courage to do it, can preserve that public virtue without which popular government is a sham and a mockery. A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself. The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations." Joseph Pulitzer

In this instance Disclosure refers to the formal acknowledgement by world governments of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race, but could well refer to a long list of concerns the truths of which still lie behind walls of secrecy. The purpose of World Disclosure Day is to provide a focal point for people and organizations to come together to assert their right to know and demand cosmic truths being withheld from them by their governments. World Disclosure Day also helps broaden public awareness of the Disclosure process and those organizations advocating for the truth on behalf of all citizens.

On July 8,1947 General Roger Ramey held a press event at the 8th Army Air Force Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas in which he changed the just released story of a recovered crashed disk near Roswell, New Mexico to that of a retrieved Rawin weather balloon. This was the informal beginning of the now 69-year truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence. For this reason in 2011 PRG selected July 8 as World Disclosure Day to "close the circle" and emphasize the need to reverse that now inappropriate policy.

It's not just about lights in the sky. It's about lies on the ground.

Since 2001, July 2 has been designated as World UFO Day. This date was chosen as it was a suggested candidate for the Roswell crash event. However, the era of the UFO is long over, and now we are in the era of exopolitics - the political engagement of the past, present and future of extraterrestrial related phenomena. WDD thus completes the historical symmetry with these two dates bracketing the annual festival celebrated in Roswell, New Mexico in early July.

There is considerable material on the Internet regarding the Disclosure truth movement. Search on "disclosure" and "exopolitics" or "UFO" together.

Note: WDD is not a prediction that Disclosure will happen on July 8. It is a designated day to draw focus on the issue. Think Earth Day. However, on the day the first nation comes forward to finally and formally acknowledge the extraterrestrial presence, that date will then become World Disclosure Day historically recognizing the most profound event in human history.

Note: The concept for a WDD in this context was originally put forward by Steve Beckow and Geoffrey West in August of 2010.

To read what people around the world think about World Disclosure Day


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