There have been so many prophesies about these times it is not as if we were not warned. No rock shall be left unturned, all the inequities will be shouted from the roof tops, the world of opposites where who we thought were the good guys turn out to be the dark hearts. Some call this end time madness. As we move into the Age of Aquarius the consciousness and energy shift will reveal everything. There is a lot of in house fighting within the UFO and Spiritual communities some with merit others venting their own personal problems within the communities. Still others are succumbing to some very dark divisive energies. There are those going off in their own personal crusade to make a name for themselves trying to take down others avoiding their own shadow side projecting it on others. This is not a new problem it is a very old problem.
I personally have so many knives in my back there is no more room for another. Now it has become well earned armor where I don’t even take the time to listen to those who believe they are my advisaries. I have been accused of sorcery by sorcerers, those using black magic on myself and others, fakery by the fakers, deception by the deceivers. In the past those who have participated in the character assasinations in most cases were people who were not successful in their own manipulations, coups, stole money from the Sanctuary or were tossed off for breaking the no drug or alcohol rules. In some cases this opened the door to unseen negative entities which created havoc at the ranch. When all is said and done all I have been is a divine mirror to the accusers own iniquities and actions. To be honest this is really getting old. What is surfacing now is a war between the posers and the authentic. Those with self-serving agendas in it for the fame and money verses those in service to others ushering in the greater family of man. Those truly in contact and working with our spiritually and technologically advanced off world brothers and sisters. We all have to keep a constant vigil concerning personal motives and agendas keeping the spiritual ego in check. There is some very ancient wisdom true today as it was in the past. Many use these bits of ancient wisdom in their teachings today. Before spreading any rumors or gossip ask yourself do you have personal firsthand knowledge. What is the source of your information? Is it beneficial or harmful? We cannot depend on the mainstream news or social media to form opinions. They have been proven to be social engineering programs using tactics learned and administered by MK Ultra and other agencies with devious agendas.
Sad to say the UFO community is replete with shills, planned opposition, ego driven competitive people. Those who are authentic are far and few between. The spiritual community has the same problem. Both communities are filled with posers and unfortunately those who are not authentic with self-serving agendas rise to the top. They have the support of an extremely compromised system set up to control the narrative. This will change in the very near future. There are some who have fallen so far as to participate in Satanic and Luciferian rituals so decadent we will not go there. They claim power over others, seek fame and wealth often through ritual in ignorance of Universal Law. The mind in which you seek is the mind in which you connect and some have connected to some very dark, trespassing abusive entities. In their desire for fame and wealth, the ability to control and manipulate others they themselves have lost control and are manipulated by the very entities they called in. Of course they be lie ve they are on the side of good. Anyone that does not blindly follow, questions their motives or align with their goals becomes the enemy. Spiritual ego gives way to narcissist behavior followed by possession if not checked.
What is sad is some have deadly charisma utilize magic, unseen entities to have their way. There are many gullible even innocent people that fall into their web. These dark hearted misguided people are at war with the ones who are authentic, the truth tellers and light bearers. They are threatened by those who are authentic’s knowledge of who they are and their true agendas They have their minions in league with some very dark unseen negative influences spreading rumors and gossip, falsehoods to undermine the character of the authentic lightworkers.
This is all going to change and there will be a lot of _hit slinging during the process. This is not aligned with Universal Law nor is it frequency specific to the awakening and healing process well underway as we speak. By pointing this out many will say you are not enlightened this is judgement, fear porn. Enlightenment means being in knowledge of, all of it, both sides of the coin. The ability to observe without attachment knowing as an eternal soul you have been all of it. We all have a shadow side, self-mastery is knowing our shadow, keeping it in check. Look up the Cherokee story about the two wolves fighting.
It is extremely important to not allow your own spiritual evolution to get derailed during this process. We have to drop into the heart, use our own inner sensitivity to discern what is true for us.
There are three kinds of business, your business, other people’s business and Gods business. Other people’s business is Gods business. Karma works don’t let victim patterns pull you into other people’s business. The only reason anyone has any power over you is because you want something from them. Be it love, acceptance, approval all of this needs to be found from within. This is also true with security. Security does not come with dependency. Security comes from sovereignty.
On another note one of the problems with today’s society is they do not know their history. There are those who want to be taken care of, come from a sense of entitlement and will gladly give their power away to others. The false promises of security, freebies, utopia always come with a price. Someone has to pay that price and eventually when the money they have taken from others who have lost all incentive runs out guess what history has proven will be the outcome? Poverty, loss of freedom, then riots followed by genocide. You will have no way of protecting yourself because socialists took your guns. Sound unspiritual? Is it spiritual to watch a civilization fall, decline into poverty disease, lose all freedoms and say nothing? What if things devolved to something like Road Warrior and you never said nothing. What if George Orwell’s 1984 was not fiction but a warning? How about Fahrenheit 451? These should be standard reading. Socialism is Orwellian, always easy going in hard getting out, “alive”.
This is another major division playing out and it is playing out in every field. Did you ever wonder why the movie industry, music industry, political, business, educational and religious institutions have become so anti America? Do you think Antifa, BLM other anti-American groups were organized and funded organically? They were funded by the global elite and CCP, Communist China. Look at all the ties to China now with politicians, the honey traps CCP members which have infiltrated every institution. Have the democrats ever denounced the violence? Which politicians have accepted the most money and have the greatest ties to China? Soros and China are working hand in hand to take down America. They are responsible for most of the division and unrest in America and now America is waking up.
The question so many have not asked is why are the global elite and China so threatened by America. Is it not obvious? America stands in the way of the socialist and communist dictators plans for world domination. They want total domination, total control. Why would they call the voting machines used in the latest election dominion, allegedly used in banana republics to insure socialist dictators remained in control? The global elite were using global warming to control the world, that failed. Now they are using covid with an average 99.98% survival rate, most people asymptomatic to shut down Americas thriving economy.
In order to control the people, you have to keep them sick, stupid and in poverty. There is no science behind the lockdowns, other countries that did not enforce masks or lockdowns faired well, they are back in business. Most of the people who died during the Spanish flu died of secondary bacterial pneumonia from wearing masks, not from the flu. Other countries that had malaria and dengue fever problems used hydro chlori quil and other over the counter inexpensive methods on a regular basis. They had little or no problem at all. Check out Africa.
What is the real agenda behind the disease and the heavy handed measures? All you need to know is the agenda of the global elite and China. This will also expose those who have sold their souls and America to the global elite and China. This is not a democrat or republican thing it affects all of us. It is an American thing.
I fully support those who have been exposing and fighting against this agenda. Now you know why I root for Trump. He may not be perfect but he is the perfect man for the job. The global elite, CCP, mainstream and social media owned by the global elite and corrupt politicians all hate him. Why? Because a strong America is the exact opposite and in direct opposition to their plans for global dominion. They are not after him, they are after you. Trump, the military and the white hats are only standing in the way. Best to stand with them and don’t sweat the small stuff. Especially the character assassinations and demonization of the corporate main stream media. If you knew who you are it is all small stuff. The cry for freedom and the end to tyranny is being heard around the world. The rest of the world will follow America. Some countries are actually out in front as far as taking a stand.
The greatest weapon against tyranny is knowledge and unity.
Apply critical thinking, do your own research, stay away from the lame stream, social highly compromised media controlled by the global elite. Unify do not allow the division games to separate you from friends and family. Transend all cultural and religious boundaries into Unity Consciousness. It is where the universe is going. We all have a choice.
Merry Christmas, Happy Soltice etc etc.
Be well,
James Gilliland
ECETI Stargate Youtube