24 January 2025

How Suppressed ET Technologies are being Released

January 23, 2025 

Elena Danaan reveals how the release of exotic technologies long suppressed by the Deep State are being released through a process whereby these are claimed to be new inventions. This process is part of a disclosure plan developed jointly between the Galactic Federation of Worlds and the Earth Alliance delivered to the head of US Northern Command in January 2023, according to Danaan’s chief Federation contact, Thor Han Eredyon.

Danaan also explains the different types of craft that make up the mystery drone phenomenon, which despite Deep State efforts to confuse and distract the general public, is leading inexorably toward the public realizing many of the drones are, in fact, antigravity spacecraft belonging to extraterrestrial civilizations and the Earth Alliance. She further explains the real reasons why Elon Musk wants to bypass the Moon and go straight to Mars to set up manned colonies.

Finally, Danaan gives an update on the discovery of abandoned transportation craft containing hundreds of millions of Gray-human hybrids and the failed Gray hybrid agenda, along with the creation of an advanced space station in orbit around Jupiter that is very similar in function to the station depicted in the popular Sci Fi show, Deep Space Nine.






Elena Danaan’s website is ElenaDanaan.org

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