28 September 2018

This nightmare will be over, soon!

September 26, 2018

There is increased activity in the Galactic Center, leading to the final purification of all darkness and to completion of the Galactic network of Light, the Central Race bringing galactic high culture even to such backward places as planet Earth.

The Galaxy is a multidimensional mandala of Light and our Solar System sits at one of the more important intersection points of this mandala.

As a result of increased activity of the Galactic Central Sun, the tectonic plates in the Earth's crust are becoming restless:

And the wealthy “elite” are becoming increasingly afraid of the Event:

Throughout the Galaxy, in our stellar neighborhood and inside our Solar System, Galactic Confederation fleets are positioning themselves for the final liberation:

Unfortunately, the dark forces are masters of deception, and they were able to funnel anomalous plasma from the Galactic halo located in the outskirts of the Milky Way galaxy through plasma filaments (tunnels of Set) into the implants of beings inside our Solar System, since the Archon invasion of 1996 until very recently. This was one of the main reasons for many delays and one of the main reasons why many things went wrong:

This problem was recently taken care of and things will now proceed more rapidly.

What is now remaining are plasma toplet bombs close to the surface of the planet, remnants of plasma Yaldabaoth head and remnants of many lesser plasmoid entities, especially spider plasmoid entities that correspond to cities of surface human population.

Spider plasmoid entities are energetically connected with castles, palaces and leaders of Black Nobility:

Many Black Nobility castles have huge cellars and vast underground tunnel networks close to the surface that are used as child abuse centers.

They are using Khazarian negative vortex, which is located between Black Sea and Caspian Sea, to build facilities for Adrenochrome harvesting (warning, graphic material):

Chimera- and Archon- controlled Negative Military is still also holding many extraterrestrials captive in extremely harsh conditions, thus enforcing one aspect of the Quarantine Earth:

The Archon Black Nobility families are using Trump to artificially polarize the public into the left/right paradigm, and to focus them away from the real source of the problem :

Trump is being partially controlled by his Jesuit/SMOM/Gaetani handlers:

Partially, he is (rarely) also listening to guidance of the Positive Military Intelligence, and the Positive Military Intelligence is tactically stroking his ego by encouraging Trump worship in alternative media through QAnon and other alternative channels, as opposed to Trump criticism in the Rothschild controlled mainstream media. This makes Trump more willing to follow the suggestions of Positive Military Intelligence.

Left/right paradigm is artificial. Both parties are controlled by the dark forces. As I have already said years ago, the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits are throwing Rothschild and Rockefeller factions under the bus to survive the transition intact, and current political divide is serving exactly that purpose.

Political left (Rothschild-controlled) is more inclined towards libertarian Luciferianism which is based on deep occult misunderstanding on the use of free will (Thelema), which they interpret as the permission to do whatever they want for selfish purposes. Luciferians are outcasts of mystery schools that did not pass the initiation tests.

Political right (Vatican-controlled) is more inclined towards Satanism, which occulty worships darkness as a principle. They believe in free will as a sacrifice to that darkness.

There is a brilliant plan of the Light Forces to end all this, and they have requested absolute radio silence about that Plan since the end of January 2018.

That request was not respected for the first time in late August when QAnon leaked intel about hacking of the spy satellites (Operation Keyhole). Later, David Wilcock released a few breadcrumbs about the Plan in his latest article, thankfully nothing significant. The Light Forces have communicated that they understand enthusiasm which comes when important operations are completed, but it is not over until it is over, and we all have to keep absolute silence about operations of the Light Forces that are underway.

This nightmare will be over, soon.

Victory of the Light!

by COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

19 September 2018

Healing Emotional State Protocol

18 September 2018

It has been communicated by Pleiadians that we are now entering a new stage of Planetary Liberation where our emotions will be heavily triggered to create conflicts in our lives. This will be done through the veil/implant technology by planting pictures and ideas in our minds against each other.


It is revealed that our individual emotional weaknesses are known by the controllers and our online communications will become a primary battleground designed to create a collapse in the Lightworker Community. Our relationships which are not associated with this community may also be affected.

Therefore, Pleiadians are asking us to minimize the use of online communications and to focus our attention on remaining calm at all times.

Although we usually believe that we are clear in our online communications, a lot of times these communications are misunderstood by others because of past-traumas/emotional-programmings as well as exploitation of language/cultural barriers. So as Cobra has stated in the post below, it is now very important to refrain from interpersonal conflicts by choosing non-reaction and conscious positive action instead of reaction to events around you.


It is of the utmost importance that we put forth our intention daily towards having harmonious communications.

If you start to feel fear, worry, resentment, guilt, anger, hate, shame, jealousy and other negative emotions, you can use the following technique to heal your emotional state.

1. Bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness by giving your attention to your deep breathing for a few minutes.

2. Visualize yourself in a golden sphere. Visualize that the golden light in this sphere is warming up your whole body, your solar plexus area and healing all emotions causing you pain. Visualize that this golden light is shining on your face like you are watching the sun at sunrise. Imagine all external thoughts and pictures are dissolving in this sun light. Stay in this sphere as long as you are so guided. You can also invite others into this sphere for healing.

3. Now you can use 'connecting to your higher self protocols' to bring yourself to a higher level of understanding to heal lower emotions:


You can also listen to the "Love Signal" sound track while working on this clearing: 

Please be reassured that everything will be okay. Stay calm and use this period to perform inner work and clear your energy bodies.

12 September 2018

Ex-military unveils a sinister extraterrestrial prison hidden by elites


Shocking revelation, which points to the existence of a military base that houses an extraterrestrial prison, the ex- military Raymond Szymanksi indicates that the extraterrestrial ones were given to a secret base of Dayton, Ohio, to be analyzed and imprisoned in vaults and tunnels; in fact, according to the man, several of them are still alive.

Article published at https://www.ufo-spain.com/2018/09/11/ex-militar-destapa-una-siniestra-carcel-extraterrestre-ocultada-por-las-elites/

Just a year ago, a former member of the United States Air Force surprised with a shocking revelation, which points to the existence of a military base that houses an extraterrestrial prison, for the aliens who survived the Roswell incident in 1947.

Source: https://www.ufo-spain.com/2018/09/11/

Read here: https://helenastales.weebly.com/

02 September 2018

Preparing for The Event - Message from the Pleiadian


September 01, 2018

The process of planetary liberation has entered a new phase. It can be seen in various sources and a series of coded messages for the Resistance Movement from Cobra.



Changes are indeed happening in an accelerated manner.

It has been communicated from the Pleiadian that each awakened individual needs to hold the Light and continue their daily meditations and light works as much as possible.


Also, the Pleaiadian suggests each awakened person to buy the following items if they are able financially:

7 kg rice
4 kg dry beans
enough salt and water.

This is the minimum required for a family of 4 people. If there are babies, small children and elderly please make sure to have the items that they require for at least 2-3 weeks.

Even if you are single or if there are less than 4 people in the family, you should still buy this amount so that you can share them with your neighbor.

Gas for cooking, prescription, medicinals etc. are also good to have at hand.

Here is a supporting evidence on why you should be stocking up on dry rice and beans


Victory of the Light!
by Hoshino