26 April 2017

The cabal has turned to electronic warfare

Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:

they have turned to electronic warfare.

Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal's plans to create global war.

Directed energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:

These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:

Also, the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity. These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the target with a directed energy weapon:

A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally. They 'shoot first and ask questions later.' They have issued a warning, stating that 'anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.' They have also stated that an 'international diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.'

Another source has stated that 'the King has declared the opening of the hunting season'. Regarding this statement from the 'King' it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from Maat:

Last Monday, the Pleiadians have contacted top Russian military personnel about the directed energy weapons issue. If the attacks on the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare operation. The first two targets mentioned were DARPA and Raytheon. 

Russian electronic warfare capabilities were tested on Tuesday, when Russian electronic warfare system Khibiny has successfully paralyzed NORAD across Alaska, as you can read in this partially correct report:

Here I need to say that while NORAD was down, the Pleiadians took certain action on the surface of the planet.

The following article was issued as a warning to negative factions within DARPA and US Air Force:

Also, power outages in San Francisco, LA and New York were NOT a coincidence:

Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested beyond limits. Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:

The other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs and your social networks:

Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted countless situations before.

Victory of the Light!
by Cobra
April 22, 2017

20 April 2017

Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized as Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts and New Weapons Heats Up

A multinational effort to excavate key regions of Antarctica in search of artifacts from a flash frozen alien civilization created by refugees is destabilizing the continent’s massive ice shelves, according to secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode. He furthermore reveals that secret military bases in Antarctica are using some of the artifacts for weapons development in violation of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, which stipulates that the continent’s resources will be only used for scientific purposes.

This article is the third in a series [click for Part One and Part Two]. Corey’s written contribution to this final installment has led to it being our first collaborative writing venture. To identify who is writing for the reader, I [Michael Salla] will take the role of the narrator and distinguish when Corey is directly contributing in his own words, as opposed to me paraphrasing his briefing material.

Disclosure of the Antarctica ruins is still imminent, Corey reports, as a number of key variables impact on when and how much is to be revealed to the world about the discoveries while maintaining secrecy about the ongoing military programs to weaponize alien artifacts.

In a detailed briefing given to me on March 16, 2017, Corey shared additional details about the “Pre-Adamite” civilization supplementing the data he previously put out. This new information was originally slated for release in an article, “Endgame III”, as the sequel to the popular Endgame II article and video which focused on secret Antarctica excavations.

Corey said earlier that the extraterrestrial civilization, identified by him as Pre-Adamites, first arrived 55,000 to 60,000 years ago and established outposts all over Antarctica which notably has a land mass almost twice the size of the contiguous United States. He described them as standing approximately 12-14 feet in height and possessing elongated skulls.

Corey also described how they created a hybrid species, Homo Capensis according to anthropological classification, which became ruling elites, or demigods, in ancient South American, Asian and European societies.

In the March 16 briefing, Corey began by explaining that the Pre-Adamites had established their main base right over “Ancient Builder Race” technology, which included a “stargate” or “wormhole” device very similar to that depicted in the popular Science Fiction show, Stargate SG-1.

Corey said that this show was an example of a soft disclosure in which the U.S. Air Force took the lead in revealing key elements of the technologies developed by the Ancient Builder Race, who had established a travel grid throughout the galaxy using traversable wormholes hundreds of millions, if not billions, of years ago.

When the Pre-Adamites first arrived in Antarctica, they quickly asserted control through their advanced technologies over this area populated by human settlements at the time.

With their advanced medical technologies, the Pre-Adamites then began many genetic experiments, and created hybrids that became a servant class. Corey previously released his description of the flash frozen bodies of the bioengineered hybrids (Homo Capensis) during his latest visit to Antarctica in early January of this year.

Permission, Sphere Being Alliance

Corey explained that the Pre-Adamite programs interrupted 22 genetic experiments being run by human-looking extraterrestrials first established 500 thousand years ago. In a prior report, Corey elaborated that a “Super Federation” comprising 40-60 of these races had established competing genetic engineering programs with surface humanity.

Corey also described how the Pre-Adamites engaged in conflict with the human-looking ETs running their 22 genetic experiments, as well as Reptilians doing likewise, for global influence.

Given that the Pre-Adamites had established a physical presence on Earth, this gave them an advantage in establishing ruling bloodlines over the Americas, Asia and Europe, as explained in a previous article.

At the same time, humans who had escaped into the Earth’s interior to avoid multiple surface catastrophes monitored how the different extraterrestrial races competed against each other for influence and power over surface humanity who was still recovering from global catastrophes.

One of the Inner Earth races that pride themselves on their pure human bloodlines, the Anshar, had a historic connection to the human settlements in Antarctica. However, the Anshar did not cooperate with the Pre-Adamites because they considered them to be sociopaths in terms of their treatment of the native Antarctica population and other regions of surface humanity where they had established colonies.

Corey said that the Pre-Adamites treated humans in antiquity in a similar manner to how modern humans treat dogs in terms of cross-breeding for multiple purposes. The Pre-Adamites, along with the Reptilians, were a big problem for all humanity.

The Anshar were part of a confederation of worlds that sought to make things better on the planet by providing knowledge and technological assistance as described in Sumerian cuneiform texts.

In a previous article, I discussed how the Anunnaki (as described by Zecharia Sitchin in his Earth Chronicles series) involved the Anshar and other off world groups, according to Corey’s sources. To help clarify this point, Corey adds:

Anunnaki was a generic term that meant ET or those that come from heaven. This definition will upset some people, so be aware… The Reptilians, the Nordics, The Ebens and the Anshar were interacting with the ancient Sumerians to assist them in the recovery of their civilization after the great catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis. The Anunnaki were indeed the Reptilians, but the other groups that interacted with them were also referred to by this same name (according to my info in the programs).

Corey said that a small number of Pre-Adamites survived the catastrophe that flash froze Antarctic regions by going inside stasis chambers located in the largest of their three motherships. These ships are miles long, and not 30 miles long as reported earlier.

The additional information released by Corey suggests there are many risks in waking up the Pre-Adamites who would likely attempt to reassert their authority by utilizing their advanced technologies, including the little understood “Builder race technology”. Here, Corey adds:

The groups in charge of these excavated locations are taking precautions, i.e. Mini-Nukes with “deadman’s Triggers”, in case these beings become hostile (for reference, see the movie Prometheus).

This leads us directly to the secret excavations currently underway of the Pre-Adamites’ bases and ships.

Secret Antarctica Excavations

Corey disclosed that excavations are occurring in multiple places in Antarctica by different nations, which in some cases are in direct competition to get the most advanced technologies. The goal is to eventually disclose some of these, but many technologies, especially those that are clearly extraterrestrial in origin will be not be released, at least to begin with.

Corey said that all the nations involved in the Antarctica excavations are capable of making a disclosure announcement on their own, but they are all participating in negotiations to do so in a coordinated manner.

Corey thinks the Antarctica disclosures will begin in tandem with prosecutions of the elites involved in pedophilia, human trafficking and other crimes, which includes the blackmailing of leading politicians, academics, industrialists and military officials. He says that the recent Trump administration action to sack 46 District Attorneys was due to their inaction in moving forward with such prosecutions.

Alternatively, the Russians, the Chinese, or smaller nations could begin the Antarctica announcements, if negotiations drag out and the U.S. fails to move forward. The former nations are part of what Corey describes as the Earth Alliance. This group has rapidly grown in prominence with economic power mounting in Asia as global Cabal/Illuminati’s power centers in Europe and North America continue to gradually wane.

This is best illustrated by a battle that took place over Antarctica skies in early 2016. It began when Teardrop-shaped ships came out of the sea in the Ross Ice Shelf area and sought to escape into deep space. These ships flew out of bases belonging to a corporate run space program called the “Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate”.

Battle over Antarctica which Corey Goode was briefed about

The ships in turn belonged to the Cabal/Illuminati, who are allied to another program called the “Dark Fleet”. They were filled with global elites seeking to escape anticipated global chaos caused by upcoming Solar events.

Dozens of delta-shaped craft suddenly appeared as the Cabal/Illuminati’s Dark Fleet vessels reached the upper atmosphere. The teardrop-shaped ships were badly damaged in the battle and had to turn back and return to their Antarctic bases. Corey said the delta-shaped craft inflicted far more damage than thought possible by such small craft.

Corey also stated that the only thing known for certain about the attacking delta-shaped craft was that they were built using Earth based technology on par with that possessed by the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. This technology solely came from Russia/China and Asian syndicates belonging to an Earth Alliance. Thus, the battle revealed that the Earth Alliance had succeeded in bridging the technological gap with the most advanced space technologies recognized to exist.

On a map of Antarctica [see below], Corey has marked six bases belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, which he was taken to visit by an Anshar spacecraft in early 2016. The largest of these bases is the size of small industrial city and located near Pre-Adamite ruins. More ruins, some of which are poking out of the ice, are not too far from other bases marked by Corey. 

The bulk of the secret excavations are occurring within the Ross Ice Shelf. This shelf exists over land rather than ocean and drilling is occurring through more conventional science research projects like ANDRILL.

Corey described two processes which are simultaneously occurring that are having a powerfully destabilizing effect on the Ross Ice Shelf and other ice shelves across the continent.

One process utilizes a natural phenomenon that involves harnessing powerful geothermal vents caused by volcanic activity deep below Antarctica’s landmass. The vents are releasing enormous quantities of heat that are being directed to melt the ice cover, and are forming large caverns under the ice shelf. This has led to geothermal tunnels being formed all the way to the surface.

One of these tunnels, caused by geothermal vents that reach the surface, is located roughly 5 miles from the South Pole. It is the same tunnel/hole witnessed by an anonymous Navy officer and flight engineer, Brian, who first reported his experience to Linda Moulton Howe in a letter on January 2, 2015. She has subsequently interviewed him and gained more information about his Antarctica experiences.

In short, he described flying a rescue mission from Davis Station to West Antarctica where he overflew the South Pole. He and his colleagues witnessed a large hole in the ice, as he described in his original letter:

Another unique issue with South Pole station is that our aircraft was not allowed to fly over a certain area designated 5 miles from the station. The reason stated because of a air sampling camp in that area. This did not make any sense to any of us on the crew because on 2 different occasions we had to fly over this area. One time due to a medical evacuation of the Australian camp called Davis Camp. It was on the opposite side of the continent and we had to refuel at South Pole and a direct course to this Davis Camp was right over the air sampling station. The only thing we saw going over this camp was a very large hole going into the ice. You could fly one of our LC130 into this thing. 

Corey said that he saw the bottom of the same hole when the Anshar took him into Antarctica in January 2017. 

The other process, which is also destabilizing the Ross Ice Shelf, is the use of large pressurized steam hoses to reach the Pre-Adamite ruins. Corey elaborates:

They are connected to large pressurized tanks in which large bags of water are hit with microwave beams to cause them to explode with steam—opening large areas. Fine tuned excavations have been done with men holding pressurized hoses shooting steam. The melting ice is causing rivers to run under the ice shelf and lubricate it, causing it to slide even more, as well as producing collapse from the weight of the ice above as the ice heats up from the geothermal activity.

In addition, there are excavations being conducted by other nations across Antarctica, which again are having a destabilizing effect on all of Antarctica’s ice shelves. Basically, the base temperature of the ice shelves are on the rise leading to ice melting, and adding to the resulting water sludge acting as a lubricant for the ice shelves to move.

According to research scientists with the Mandrill project, the Ross Ice Shelf is moving at one foot per day. This is creating problems as the shelf moves over the Pre-Adamite excavation sites because the tunnels created to reach these have to be constantly lengthened as the ice shelf moves.

Corey was told that disclosure announcements will begin with sanitized releases about the excavations of the Pre-Adamite ruins by leading scientists that have been working on the excavations since 2002. Documentaries of it will feature only the terrestrial elements of the Pre-Adamite civilization (all evidence of alien life and technology has been removed and will be kept secret).

The Antarctica disclosure was to be followed by a limited disclosure initiative concerning the Military Industrial Complex Secret Space Program (MIC SSP) comprising the U.S. Air Force, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency.

As discussed in Part One of this series, however, Corey explained that a senior official in the MIC SSP, dubbed “Sigmund”, now suspects that a more advanced Navy space program exists and wants to uncover the truth before the limited disclosure initiative moves forward.

Consequently, while there is growing momentum behind a “limited disclosure” of the Antarctica excavations, there is also uncertainty over how this will occur. Will it begin with the prosecutions of U.S. elites involved in human trafficking, the Earth Alliance revealing its own Antarctica discoveries, or will there be some wild card events such as the Ross Ice Shelf melting far more quickly than anticipated, revealing more of its hidden mysteries involving a Pre-Adamite civilization?

Corey has added important information about the Pre-Adamites and their connection to the “Homo Capensis”. World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes first identified this group as a non-human species secretly exerting global influence. Corey explains:

I recently received confirmation that the scrolls that were removed by the Inner Earth group were very important genetic/bloodline databases that are super important to the human/Pre-Adamite hybrids that control much of the world through religion (Vatican) and the financial system (London). Didn’t Karen Hudes say she knew of a person with an elongated skull in London?

The Elite had planned on making an announcement in the future that these ET’s were gods and they were demi-gods and we should worship and serve them. They were going to use the bloodline scrolls to prove their lineage and setup this system. 

Military Bases in Antarctica and Weaponizing Alien Artifacts

Corey points out the major violations occurring in terms of breaking the Antarctic Treaty, which proscribe the weaponization of Antarctica. Article I in the treaty says:

1. Antarctica shall be used for peaceful purposes only. There shall be prohibited, inter alia, any measures of a military nature, such as the establishment of military bases and fortifications, the carrying out of military maneuvers, as well as the testing of any type of weapons. 

Furthermore, Corey points out that:

… the R&D installations (much like Project Iceworm) are highly against the Antarctic Treaty that states no weapons will be tested or developed in Antarctica. Also, for over 50 years ‘American Shadow Government Groups’ have controlled a former NAZI base for their secret space program and turned it into a major ‘Space Port’ that not only houses advanced ICC spacecraft, but also manufactures and repairs certain types of these vessels.

These Antarctica bases form an Antarctica version of Area 51. Significantly, Lockheed Martin, the same corporation that helped establish Area 51 as a secret aerospace development facility in the mid-1950’s, was in 2011 given a two billion dollar contract to manage Antarctica operations for the National Science Foundation. This suggests that Lockheed Martin is using its National Science Foundation contract, as a cover for a highly classified and illegal aerospace weapons development program in Antarctica’s Area 51.

What Corey reveals above is indeed a violation of the Antarctic Treaty which also states in Article X:

Each of the Contracting Parties undertakes to exert appropriate efforts, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations, to the end that no one engages in any activity in Antarctica contrary to the principles or purposes of the present Treaty. 

This is where provisions in the Antarctic Treaty become problematic since there are a number of non-signatory groups that operate military bases in Antarctica. Corey explains:

There are a number of other space ports in Antarctica that belong to breakaway Nazi remnants, as well as ‘Non-Terrestrial’ groups that have huge bases down there. It is not just the Reptilian, as has been reported in the past. The Reptilians inhabit giant caverns in Western Antarctica.

This situation clearly creates problems once a group like the Cabal/Shadow government/military begin cooperating with one or more of the non-Treaty parties operating in Antarctica in developing advanced weapons systems.

Corey says that revealing the extent of military activities in Antarctica …

will make some Alliance people very happy and a lot of the negative human groups very worried. This is a major violation of that treaty that could have huge ramifications (Cuban Missile Crisis type responses). We are already amidst a shadow civil war that is in extreme danger of becoming an overt civil war that some plan to lead into a world war as a last ditch effort to depopulate the planet, and consequently reassert their control over the survivors. The negative groups have never been so close to defeat.

In closing, it is important to emphasize that ongoing scientific excavations of the Pre-Adamite civilization has enormous implications for the planet. The alien artifacts, which include Pre-Adamites in stasis chambers, are highly sought after by various groups. Some want to use these artifacts to disclose a sanitized version of an advanced “human” civilization that was flash-frozen in Antarctica to kick start the world economy, and arguably act as a distraction from upcoming criminal investigations.

Other groups (Cabal/Shadow Government) want to gain access to the alien artifacts in order to create a new world religion where the Pre-Adamites are revived and even presented as Gods to be worshipped. Finally, there are military groups that wish to weaponize the alien artifacts for use in ongoing space programs, and for a decisive advantage in facing a possible future world war.

Despite these contentious situations, it is important to focus upon the best possible outcome and as Corey states, “The negative groups have never been so close to defeat.”

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. and Corey Goode.

[This article is the third in a series – click for Part One and Part Two].

Further Reading

16 April 2017

Cosmic Reset

The lessons that our Higher Power bestows upon us can be challenging yet breath-taking in the same sense. Currently, we have a lot of cosmic energies going on that’s triggering a lot of emotional turmoil that is resurfacing to be released. It’s such a beautiful thing that we are experiencing these events so we can clear our precious vessels of anything and everything that is holding us back, have us stuck and stagnant, and repeating the same cycles over and over again so we can embody our Higher Selves. This is happening because of our limiting beliefs and perceptions and old wounds from childhood and other life experiences.

I feel what’s taking place right now is a cosmic reset. Starting off fresh to experience our new beginnings in the highest vibration of all so that we can create a new paradigm of experience.

What does this mean?

Well, with the spring equinox we just experienced, and as of date, the four planets that’s in retrograde (Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn), this means it’s a whole lot of activity going on.

I would like to mention that I am not an astrologer, but I do like to follow the latest planetary moves to confirm that I am right on track with how I am progressing as an individual. I know I am very sensitive to energy and aware to my consciousness, so I may feel certain emotions come up, or see certain things take place. Then a sense of knowing comes to me and informs me of what’s going on. I’m well past the stage of thinking I am crazy for seeing and knowing things that may seem unknown or unbelievable, but I still need a little boost in confidence to really be sure.

Now, in my own words and what I feel, the spring equinox has set fire to our spirits, and granted us the ability to take action into our new beginnings. The retrograde in Venus is allowing us to look within and allowing us to experience the self-love we deserve and standing up for ourselves. We all know about the infamous Mercury Retrograde, some may say that it leads to miscommunications, electronics malfunctions and delays. Which is true. But it also serves a bigger purpose, to slow you down into a more thoughtful exchange of communication with others, as I see it. Then there is the Saturn Retrograde, which is about being mindful about karma. What goes around, comes around… and being mindful and thoughtful enough to correct your actions especially if you are operating from a place of limiting beliefs and judgments. And finally, my favorite…. Jupiter retrograde, which is the planet of luck. This planet is manifesting things almost instantaneously. Also might I add, we had a full moon in Libra on April 11th, which is releasing and bring things into balance.

So with all of this planetary movement , I am seeing our karma is being returned to us instantly, rather good or bad, especially in regards to our self-beliefs about ourselves and others, and even the way that we speak, and how we express our beliefs about others and our environments, due to the perceptions on how we view things. So this stuff is coming up and out to be release for once and for all.

We have been dealing with this energy to help make us aware of what our limiting beliefs are. Which you may see this manifested in many ways. You may notice that you are getting irritated for having to wait, and then notice you are waiting longer than expected. Or you many cast judgment on someone, and in turn being judged yourself by someone else. Or even saying something or doing something nice for someone, and it being returned back to you.

Also, there is a greater deal of light that is entering the planet, and with the urge to start loving and honoring yourself more, you may have noticed an extreme in emotions. Some days are awesome and others are terrible. This is a fight within. Light is being shed on all those dark places and it is resisting to transmute in love . Fear vs. Love. And this is okay. Be easy on yourself.

Being mindful, aware, compassionate, forgiving and allowing, brings on a whole new perspective to life.

The biggest thing at this time is to allow yourself to experience this. This is part of the human experience. Feeling. Forgiveness is huge as well. Forgive yourself and others. Breathe. Get fresh air, sunshine and water. And ground yourself. Most importantly honor yourself. Whatever it is that you may be feeling. If you are feeling that a certain situation or person isn’t serving your highest good any longer, release and surrender that person or experience to Source and trust that Source has your back in manifesting your greatest good.

We are in a great time of change. Things are shifting. People are shifting. We are all moving into the light. Darkness can no longer hide or our feelings. We are becoming more heart centered beings. And operating from a place of light, we are able to complete the work that is within each of us. We are experiencing our new beginnings and fulfilling our soul’s mission.

May love and light cover you!

I love you guys!

Signing off until next time……

Source: In5D Esoteric | by Elocin Ned’RAH

About the Author

Elocin Ned’RAH is Psychic Medium, Intuitive Life Coach, Spiritual and Energy Healer, Teacher and Writer. Her intuitive and healing abilities help many realize and assist in reaching their highest potential in becoming their BEST VERSIONS. You can visit her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ReadingsbyLadiiEl/ or visit her website at http://ladiielthegreat.wixsite.com/moderndaysage

15 April 2017


PHILOSOPHICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Peace Meditation Report: April 13, 2017 Although the critical mass has not been reached, our Peace Meditation was a huge success. Given the fact that we ha...

08 April 2017

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces are intensively clearing the head of the Yaldabaoth entity with all plasma anomaly and plasma toplet bombs and all plasma scalar technologies of the Veil. Realizing that they are going to lose, the Chimera have stepped up the plasma attacks on the key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that are beyond brutal.

On Wednesday, the Light forces of the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command have begun full force active removal of all plasma negativity near the surface of the planet. Every direct intervention of the Confederation forces inside the quarantine Earth provokes retaliation by the Chimera and they started first by trying to provoke nuclear exchange between USA and North Korea:

Although there was limited nuclear exchange on Wednesday in one of the underground bases, vaporizing a certain number of Dracos working for the Chimera, the Light forces do NOT allow nuclear exchange beyond the scope of mini nukes on the surface of the planet.

Realizing that they will not be allowed to go nuclear, the Chimera have resorted to trying to trigger a global war with conventional weapons.

Through the Archon and Jesuit network, they have pressured Trump to attack Syria:

Trump did this without approval from the Congress, which is a clear violation of the Constitution:

This military action helps the Archons in their attempt to retake Palmyra, a crucially important vortex point within the Syria pentagram:

The plan of the dark forces is to involve Turkey and Israel in the conflict, and expand it throughout the Middle East:

They are hoping of provoking Putin, but he is in contact with brilliant Pleiadian military strategists and most likely he will play it wisely, using diplomacy, international public opinion and military support to Syrian army rather that direct confrontation with the United States.

The international public is becoming more and more aware that the chemical gas attack in Idlib, which Trump used as a pretext to attack Syria, was a false flag:

Involving White Helmets:

Now Trump worshipers are finally beginning to sober up:

The Light forces will do whatever they can to limit the escalation of this military conflict as much as possible. Dragon sources have reconfirmed that this will be a short, intense but limited escalation. The Resistance is expecting the situation reaching its peak next Tuesday.

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

PS. Just as I wanted to post this update and the next update which will be even more important, blogger went down for a few hours worldwide, delaying my post:

An interesting „coincidence“.

Victory of the Light!

Posted by Cobra 

Friday, April 7, 2017