MARCH 14, 2016
Andrew Basiago, who claims to have participated in two DARPA/CIA classified programs involving time travel and teleportation to Mars, has released 100 proposals on highly alternative issues for his 2016 Write-In Presidential campaign. In putting forth a policy platform based on his alleged experiences, he is offering a template for a future post-disclosure Presidential campaign to include public policy debates over the uses of highly advanced technologies and the existence of extraterrestrial life.
Basiago’s proposals contain many positive and progressive insights regarding classified programs that deserve widespread public support. His proposals concerning the disclosure of extraterrestrial life, classified technologies, secret space programs and the truth about Bush administration foreknowledge of the 911 attacks, make for refreshing reading given the more mundane public policy proposals of mainstream political candidates.
It is therefore worthwhile to examine a few of his key proposals in light of what other independent whistleblower sources and documents have revealed about classified space programs and exotic travel technologies.
First, it is important to point out that there are many who are still not convinced that Basiago is a genuine whistleblower and/or is part of a sophisticated psychological operation by the CIA and other agencies. In a series of articles (see here, here and here) investigating documentary and other whistleblower testimonies, I found impressive evidence to support his key claims of being a participant in two CIA/DARPA run classified programs.
My main reservation was that Basiagio, by his own admission, is part of a CIA sanctioned disclosure initiative to reveal classified time travel, teleportation and space program activities. His “grooming” as a predicted future President by CIA ‘White Hats’, who included his deceased father, Raymond Basiago, raises specific concerns about his 2016, and future, Presidential campaigns.
In particular, does Basiago’s perspective about the CIA’s historic role in classified advanced technology programs reflect an agenda to skew public perception in order to preserve the CIA’s existence in a post-disclosure world? By focusing on our volatile world’s intrinsic need for the CIA’s intelligence gathering using classified technology programs, he believes this makes it indispensable and worth reforming as a “super-university,” despite its nefarious history in covert operations and the abuses that occurred, as his following proposal advocates.
I have to disagree with Basiago. A more suitable policy would be to abolish the covert operations branch of the CIA (National Clandestine Service) and have its functions taken over by the U.S. military. Military officers, who swear allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, are more likely to maintain constitutional principles in covert operations than CIA operatives. The latter have participated in illicit activities including the drug trade, as documented by Garry Webb in his book, Dark Alliance.
Basiago’s major contention is that the CIA used time travel technologies for intelligence gathering purposes in a variety of scenarios, including predicting and influencing future Presidents. In this regard Basiago proposes:
Basiago’s proposal to disclose classified time travel technologies has much merit, and could lead to many benefits. In particular, his description of “Chronovision” technology – based on holographic interaction with possible future events – would bring in a predictive element into ordinary people’s lives that could help them make better career and personal choices. On the other hand, such technology could also be easily abused by a police state that decides to use it as a tool for law enforcement; to preemptively act against perpetrators of predicted crimes as depicted in the popular movie, The Minority Report.
Another of Basiago’s proposals elaborates on teleportation technologies. He says:
Basiago dates these secret teleportation technologies to the 1940’s, more specifically to the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment. This is consistent with other whistleblower and researcher claims regarding how the U.S. Navy accidentally discovered teleportation allegedly during the development of a radar invisibility program.
In Basiago’s version of the historical development of teleportation technology, it was too dangerous to develop at the time and was shelved until better understood. It was roughly 25 years later that teleportation was operationalized as a safe means of transportation for personnel in classified programs.
Basiago claims that the breakthrough in developing teleportation technology for operational purposes came through the Ralph M. Parsons company that cooperated with the Advanced Research Projects Agency (later renamed DARPA) and the CIA. In an affidavit, he asserted that in 1967-68, teleportation became “fully operational in the secret realms of the US defense-technical community.” Basiago says that in 1967-68, he was the first American child to be teleported when his father, Raymond, inducted him into the Project Pegasus program.
According to Basiago, Mars soon became an important teleportation destination, and this allowed the development of colonies there whose existence ought to be disclosed as his following proposal advocates:
Basiago cites, as independent support for the development of teleportation as a means of space travel used in classified programs, the testimony of Michael Relfe. Relfe has claimed that in 1976, he was teleported to Mars in a 20 year and back program, which was documented in the two volume book, The Mars Records. Later, in 1980, Basiago claims that he was part of a CIA run teleportation program to Mars. Basically, Basiago’s version of teleportation technology as an operational program dates to 1967/68 when Project Pegasus began.
More recently, other whistleblowers have emerged that provide an alternative historical version of the development of teleportation technology and its operational use for traveling to Mars and elsewhere. Corey Goode claims that teleportation was first developed by scientists working for the Nazi SS and/or German Secret Societies during the Second World War. Subsequently, from hidden bases in Antarctica and South America, the Nazis used teleportation technologies to travel to the Moon, Mars and other distant locations.
Goode described in some detail how the Germans relied heavily on the use of teleportation for transporting equipment before it could be safely used for personnel. After secret agreements had been reached between the Eisenhower Administration and the Nazi/German Secret Societies in the 1950’s, Goode describes extensive cooperation in the colonization of Mars through teleportation:
It wasn’t until the ’50s that they were able to start transporting people consistently without them suffering. I believe they called it temporal dementia. People would teleport intact from here to Mars. They would look fine, but then after a number of days, they would suffer some sort of dementia, they would call temporal dementia. And the Germans did a lot of work in this field that helped us figure out how to do this properly– them working alongside their ET allies.
Another more recent whistleblower, William Tompkins, publicly emerged in December 2015 with impressive documents to support his claims that Nazi Germany had achieved numerous technological breakthroughs. In a February 25 interview with the writer, Tompkins revealed that these breakthroughs included the development and use of teleportation technology.
Tompkins learned of Germany’s scientific achievements through Navy spies embedded in advanced technology programs run by the Nazis during World War II. In his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, Tompkins describes his attendance at debriefings of the spies at the Naval Air Station in San Diego from 1942 to 1945. Tompkins job was to subsequently disseminate the information in these debriefings to any U.S. industries, and think tanks capable of understanding and reverse engineering these Nazi programs.
If we accept Goode and Tompkins testimonies as accurate, then teleportation technology was successfully developed and operationalized in the 1940’s by the Nazi regime, 25 years before the onset of the CIA/DARPA run Project Pegasus program in 1967-1968. Getting the history right when it comes to the successful development and use of teleportation technology becomes relevant when another of Basiago’s proposals is examined. He says:
Here, Basiago is claiming that the CIA’s classified development and use of teleportation technology for off-planet travel occurred at the same time that NASA began operations in the 1960’s. He is suggesting that the real “secret space program” is run by the CIA and not NASA.
This claim raises a number of problems when it comes to genuine “Disclosure of Secret Space Projects” as Basiago’s above proposal is asserting. According to Goode and Tompkins, the era of secret space programs began with the Nazis/German Secret Societies in the 1930’s/1940’s, and then involved different branches of the U.S. military setting out to replicate these German technological achievements.
According to Goode, the U.S. Military Industrial Complex began cooperating with the German Breakaway space program in the 1950’s. In a similar vein, Tompkins says the Douglas Aircraft Company and other corporations and think tanks began working in the 1950’s on antigravity space craft, while being fully aware of the rival secret German space program operating out of Antarctica and South America.
Indeed, Tompkins describes in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials, how the Nazis were sabotaging the Apollo program. Support for Tompkin’s claim comes from another veteran aerospace whistleblower, Clark McClelland, who says he personally witnessed Nazi SS general Hans Kammler at the Kennedy Space Center, and that Operation Paperclip scientists were being intimidated by the Nazi SS even during the 1960’s!
Despite Nazi infiltration and sabotage, the first U.S. Navy space battle groups would finally be deployed in the mid-1980’s according to Goode and Tompkins. They each say the Navy’s secret space program was called Solar Warden. Prior to the deployment of the Navy space battle groups, the Navy and U.S.A.F had successfully developed antigravity prototype spacecraft that could achieve short range space missions.
It is very likely that Basiago was simply not briefed about the real history of secret space programs and the role of the Nazis/German Secret Societies in pioneering teleportation and antigravity space craft, and of the U.S. military industrial complex playing catch up ever since World War II.
It is very concerning, however, that Basiago is making a case that the CIA was running the real “secret space program” via teleportation technologies since 1960’s. The truth is much more likely that the CIA program was an intelligence gathering operation that was also a useful cover for secret space programs associated either with the Nazi/German breakaway space program, or the Solar Warden program being developed by the U.S. Navy.
Basiago’s run for President evokes mixed responses from the UFO and exopolitical community. There are legitimate concerns about the role of CIA in grooming Basiago to run as a predicted future President, as allegedly also occurred with Barack Obama. This raises the possibility that Basiago’s experiences have been shaped over a long term period in a very sophisticated psychological operation designed to make him an advocate of a disclosure agenda supported by CIA ‘White Hats’.
On the other hand, Basiago is very sincere, educationally highly qualified, and an articulate spokesperson for the Disclosure movement, who very likely has genuinely been involved in classified CIA/DARPA programs for close to 50 years. Andrew Basiago’s 100 proposals for his 2016 Presidential campaign, therefore, deserve serious scrutiny and debate by all seeking the truth about the history of advanced time travel and teleportation technologies, and the origins of secret space programs.
Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
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