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Showing posts with label STARGATE PORTALS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label STARGATE PORTALS. Show all posts

04 July 2022

CERN, Stargate Project and Guardians of the Looking Glass

People have been talking about the Mandela effect for years but never really knowing what may be causing it.  However, CERN in Switzerland has been experimenting for years and may indeed be behind the shifts in our reality.

The Mandela Effect: CERN and Hidden, Parallel Universes

The STARGATE Project – Cern Breaking the record coming up 7-5-2022 new energy world-record of 13.6 trillion electronvolts (13.6 TeV) in stable-beam collisions

This was from a post in 2015 by Investment Watch:

The last time CERN was turned up to full capacity, strange things have happened around the world affecting the earth’s magnetosphere, and an unexplained “spiral” was observed in Norway. Is there a possibility that CERN opens an inter dimensional portal? What are they really looking for?

A new video interview with Frank Jacobs, writer and filmmaker, and Jean Nolan of the Inspired YouTube channel. In this video, they discuss an information leak that they cannot confirm, but found it interesting and worth discussing. The source is a new group called Guardians of Looking Glass.

GUARDIANS Announce Biggest Intel Drop In Human History

This group states there is a pending information leak could be a threat to the dark forces. Such a threat that it could cause internet blackouts to prevent it from being released or to scrub the information.

July 4th is the historical celebration of American Independence. Many in America and around the world have been seeing historic releases of information on fighting back tyrany, exposing crimes against humanity and those involved. CERN has big plans this week.

In the interview, they share information that came from a new YouTube Channel claiming to be former intelligence officers and military intelligence officers who have come together to release classified information about future events to come.  They claim their knowlege comes from their work on the Looking Glass artifact (alleged alien technology) that was first discovered in Iraq in the 1990s, along with other discoveries.  Since April of 2022, they have been releasing information on their YouTube Channel Polaric rEvolution which you can view here:

Also interesting is that Q is once again posting on June 24, 2022.  The last post prior to June was on December 8, 2020. It appears to be in reference to the suprise witness for the hearing on events of Jan. 6 2021. To briefly summarize, “On January 6, 2021, Vice President Mike Pence, as President of the Senate, should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all.” Which we know he did not do.  That information was texted to Mark Meadows who got into trouble with his own voter fraud by registering to vote from a house he did not live in. The suprise witness was Cassidy Hutchinson, an obscure White House Aid that worked closely with Mark Meadows.  It’s so convoluted it’s like watching an episode of the TV melodrama “As the World Turns”.

So what information is so Earth shattering that it would cause a total media blackout? CERN is certainly gearing up for somthing big. The statement below is directly from their website:

“CERN is set for jam-packed, exciting and ecstatic days starting on 3 July with the first celebrations of the ten-year anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a scientific symposium on 4 July and ending on a high note on 5 July, with collisions at unprecedented energy levels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) marking the launch of the new physics season at CERN’s flagship accelerator. Be it physically at CERN or online from around the world, we invite you to join us in celebrating past and present achievements for particle physics and science, as well as looking ahead to how CERN is preparing future research.”

The Schumann resonance has been spiking as well which affects our brain as well as the Earth. If changes are being made through technology, we are being affected and there have been many reports of people becoming despondant, suicidal, sociopathic, or…. blissed out.  We recieve input from this field but we also affect it, especially during mass meditation which has a calming effect and can be beneficial to those who are feeling stressed out at this time whether in a group or on your own.

If you have done your shadow work and raised your frequency, this may be an easy ride. Power is being returned to the people as was evidenced in the recent reversal of Roe v Wade. More information may be forthcoming and the Guardians ask that we copy and share to raise awareness and awaken more people, or download and save in the event of an internet blackout.

I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’m just like you, trying to connect the dots and find all the pieces of the puzzle to see the bigger picture. Prepare for Change asks you to do your own research and decide for yourself what is truth and what is misinformation. So, please don’t shoot the messenger!


GUARDIANS PREPARE The Most Important Intel Released In Human History

28 October 2019

Scientists watched storms unfold on Saturn, unlike any seen before

26 Oct, 2019

'Astronomers witnessed a strange new kind of weather system break out over the surface of Saturn, which brought a frenzy of larger-than-normal cyclones, including one that lasted an incredible 214 days.

The storms lashed Saturn’s north polar region last year, but research on the extraordinary event has only now been published in Nature Astronomy.

The big patches of bright clouds were spotted four times between March and October 2018. This system is peculiar in being much more significant in size and duration than the typical storm on Saturn, yet smaller than the known pattern of major storms that break out there periodically.

About once every year on Saturn (the equivalent of about 29 years here on Earth), a spate of swirling storms dubbed the ‘Great White Spots’ erupt during the north’s summer period. However, the 2018 storms don’t fit the pattern nor the intensity of these, and this new avenue of research could offer key insights into not just Saturn’s weather, but our own.

“This adds an important piece to the giant puzzle” surrounding Saturn’s atmosphere, Cassini Project Scientist Linda Spilker, who was not part of the study, told PBS’ Nova. “By learning more about [Saturn’s storms], we can maybe understand more of the weather on our own planet as well.”'

David Icke - Saturn Isn't What You Think It Is Either

05 May 2017

The Positive/Negative Realms Of Higher Densities

In the higher densities, the Name of the Game is Consciousness.

This simply means that the higher densities of existence, whether positive or negative in orientation, all recognize that the business of all being and existence everywhere is always that of Consciousness… becoming more and more “Aware.” Awareness is related to “density” of consciousness, so to say.

The STS (Service To Self) way of achieving “density of consciousness” is to “gain weight” by assimilation of other consciousness units. This is generally promoted as “All is One” and refers to “evil” as a “rebellion” or a fault or something that will ultimately be “done away with.”

STO (Service To Others), on the other hand sees “gaining weight” in a different way.

It sees that an acknowledgement of the consciousness of “other self” as equal to its own consciousness, in spite of completely different manifestation of that being, is the way to “network” the consciousness so that the Whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

The difference is that the STO guys recognize consciousness as being an “integrative” activity of mutual networking and interdependence because they view all others as self, even if they are different, and therefore seek to help and assist because the other IS self in an absolute internal sense.

In this way, Absolute Consciousness, or God is “glorified” by a marvelous diversity of being if you wish to put it in those terms.

The negative guys, on the other hand, play the game in terms of domination, subjugation and absorption of other consciousnesses into “One.”

But, they too, understand that the rules of the game posit that in order for them to truly “absorb” into their being these other “consciousnesses,” that the “other” must choose to become part of their “self-aggrandizement.”

An unwilling “food” is, in essence, not “nutritious” so to say. If the consciousness does not choose, it becomes a “poison” to the consciousness that seeks to “eat it.” And so they must promote “Oneness” in a very particular way.

Note that both sides acknowledge “Oneness,” but in very different ways.

So, we have to understand here that the true Negative Realm agenda is to “eat consciousness.” So, this actually prevents an overt “take-over” in literal, physical terms.

If an “invasion” was detected, this would mean that the veil would be lifted and all would see the “man behind the curtain” and would be disgusted and turn away. Just as in the “Wizard of Oz,” those Ruby Slippers have to be obtained VERY CAREFULLY!

Gathering the essence is an art of great subtlety! The “negative alien plan” is, in its purest sense, STALKING.

The aim of Stalking is to create a completely controlled artificial environment composed of thoroughly predictable human behaviors – made predictable because they have been programmed to respond to cues of conditioning [inculcated through centuries of lies and obfuscations presented in the form of religions] and all of this revolves around a ’story’ that is actually untrue, and wholly misrepresentative of the real negative aim.

For centuries these programming signals have been being set up – either because of time travel capabilities, or because of actual historical presence.

Various prophets or religious leaders have been influenced to preach, or teach or prophesy philosophies designed to lay a foundation for later take-over – possibly in our present time.

When people begin to get wise, the Negatives simply go back into the past, add something more to the soup to “cover up” the new awareness. This then act as a domino effect and influences our present.

Time loops and all that. A lot of people think that the “alien invasion scenario” is a ruse concocted by the government to create the impression that there is a forming “threat,” thereby enabling the institution of a hierarchy. But, this idea is based on a misrepresentation of the process just described.

The important thing to remember is this: there is NOT a “unified conspiratorial activity” going on here in the hierarchy of government.

The “divide and conquer” effect is also manifest at this level and suits the alien purposes to a “T.”

Such activity at ALL levels is consistent with their program of STALKING, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Stalkees.

Yet, at some deep level there may be a direct conspiratorial interaction between the “secret government” and the negative aliens… but it is unlikely that any name of those involved would be recognized by anyone, no matter how “in the know” regarding the subject.

These “secret superiors” are just that: SECRET. Any organization you can name, or about which you are AWARE, are merely “outer circles.”

What is the designed objective of this STALKING? It is two-fold.

First, the effect of Stalking is sort of like stampeding a herd of cattle. Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a “negative mode” which consists of the idea of “us vs them.”

Even though, on the surface, it may seem that this “mode” is positive or STO, (i.e. save the world because it is “wrong” or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever) the very fact that it is formed in the “dominator” mode of perceiving salvation “outside,” means that it can more easily be “taken over” body, mind and soul at a level that is “unseen and unseeable.”

In other words: Satan CAN and most often DOES appear as an Angel of Light!

It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic ’antagonism’ and ’self- protection’ roles.

They believe that “sending love and light” to those “in need” is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes again, “us vs them.”

There is evidence that extensive implant technology may be used to ensure influenced obedience; yet, a degree of freedom must be conserved through the consciousness due to the essential fact that the valued commodity is consciousness.

A totally drugged, surgically altered and thoroughly programmed psyche is only good for robotic slave-service (and this may also be going on also, by the way). It is in this understanding that we find our way out of the trap. It isn’t easy, but it is a way.

The primary object of Negative stalking is to persuade through strongly influenced, but not robotic, behavior patterns, the Free Choice of the targeted CONSCIOUSNESS to align with negative higher-density existence.

Because, in the Long Run, the object is the “eating” of functioning units of consciousness by the negative hierarchy, with Free Will intact! It is not good food otherwise!

And this is where physics comes in again… because the CONSERVED ELEMENT OF TRUE CONSCIOUSNESS is the irreducible value of Free Will. The mind of the subject must retain Free Will which distinguishes consciousness as such.

The instant the negative polarization is chosen as a result of true prerogative of Free Will, the “subject” immediately becomes functionally a “part” of the higher-dimensional entity responsible for having induced the choice in the first place, regardless of the deceptive means employed, or the persuasive misrepresentations used in conditioning the terms through which the fateful choice is made.

In other words, confusion, physical and/or emotional/mental pain, exhaustion, blackmail, and even forms of torture are legitimate modes of “persuasion.” Of course, the more subtle the means used, the more value is retained.

A “tortured” consciousness is the equivalent to being “overcooked.” Many higher level Beings of Darkness are veritable connoisseurs! They particularly relish the subversion of those who are truly pure and strong willed!

There’s an immediate PSYCHIC BOND in this relationship to the higher density negative being who is the “handler” of the human “agent” who is now a functional part of his “eater/master,” and, the negative hierarchy is proportionately enhanced with every “induction/absorption” of additional members.

In other words: the negative hierarchy is a pyramidal food chain… the apex of the pyramid is comprised of the most persistent of the negative graduates, the one who has stuck it out against every evidence of diminishment, and is the ultimate example of “wishful thinking.”

This “Ultimate Wishful Thinking” means that they/it cannot SEE that they do not become God by assimilation and control of other selves… but that the real result is a gradual compaction and implosion and dissolution into primal matter and NON-being.

And here is where physics comes in again to help us get a handle on this conflict: Without duality, there would be no existence to discuss. From the One there is bilateral emergence. Exactly one half joyfully seeks life and creation and play and exploration… a sort of “love of adventure.”

The other half expresses a fundamental fear of “losing self” in this play and exploration. This causes it to recoil upon itself and this establishes the “tension” of polarization which is the stuff of which the cosmos is constructed..

This can be more easily understood as “Love of God through others,” i.e. by loving others unconditionally, as God, since all are one, even though differentiated; as opposed to “Love of God through self” i.e. believing that love of himself IS love of God, therefore others must love him too!

The one view sees all others AS SELF, and loves All and seeks to serve others.

The other sees only SELF and seeks to appropriate all others to Self to restore equilibrium… to “go back to the Cosmic Sleep of Oneness,” so to speak.

One analogy would be the difference between a free and adventurous child that is full of the sense of adventure as opposed to a child that wishes to “own the mother” and cling to her and incorporate her to himself; i.e. Jealousy.

The “Darkness” is, in fact, a State of Consciousness that has existed from the very beginning of individuation and which COVETS ATTENTION FOR ITSELF ALONE.

This consciousness hates, fears and deeply distrusts Creation, and just wants to effectively “roll over and go back to sleep” in eternal union with the “mother/father.”

An important point here is: this Negative consciousness arises from the “self viewing self” at the instant of creation and is, therefore, an integral part of creation. It cannot be separated from it because it exists only because of Positive creative inception. Neither can exist without the other. It’s that simple.

Negative consciousness is the SELFness of creation – the gravity that draws all that exists back to itself. It is the aspect of the ONE involved in contemplation and rejection of creativity in its own heart, frozen in that moment of “vertigo” experienced at the outrush of creative energy.

And, because this “state of consciousness” occurs in conjunction with, and precisely because of, Creative potential, or OTHERness, and is, in fact, identified through that factor, it cannot be “done away with” without ALL returning to The ONE and just “going back to sleep.”

Thus we see that the efforts to “save the world” via “punishment of the wicked,” or “conversion to the light” or “spiritualizing matter with love,” are all expressions of the fundamental desire to UNDO CREATION; to KILL GOD!

Through the idea that “evil/darkness” is a rebellion, a fault, a thing to be done away with, the “twist” is introduced that lays the groundwork for domination and absorption.

This is why, even though promulgated “Christian principles” seem to be good and uplifting, and, in fact, CAN be, the fundamental raison is flawed and also expresses itself in Christian history in such ways as the many slaughters that have been instituted in the name of Christianity.

So, the bottom line is: this other “half” of the All, born along with the Creative upsurge, becomes focused on actualizing its own impulse – to undo creation – for it realizes that only then can it be at “peace.”

The only way it can achieve that ideal narcissistic withdrawal into itself in infinite Self-contemplation is through reclaiming all Attention and consciousness that is, in effect, “borrowed against” the inconceivable magnitude of Consciousness in Cosmic Sleep.

Darkness becomes, in effect, an incurable insomniac!

The consciousness of STS/Darkness feels that it must tear apart the creative fabric of existence thereby liberating those units of energy involved in the creative functions, and “swallow” them back into itself, erasing their differential properties and powers so as to restore the One AS ONE.


However, this is not clearly seen at the lower densities until the masks are stripped away. The deepest implications of this are hidden by many veils… And even the 4th and 5th density participants do not necessarily comprehend this ultimate dissolution.

Sort of the “Ultimate Light Eater” preaching the gospel of Devolution as “Salvation.”

By Michael Topper, from Cassiopaea Website

11 June 2016

Stephen Hawking: Black Holes are a Portal to Another Universe

June 10, 2016

In a newly published paper, the eminent physicist has theorised that black holes, which scientists still know little about, could be a portal to another universe.

It had been thought that black holes have such a strong gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from them and that they are all consuming of everything within their reach.

However, the 74-year old has now said that they might not be as dangerous as previously thought and may just be a door to another universe.

Writing in a paper, alongside Andrew Strominger from Harvard and Malcolm Perry from Cambridge University, Hawking addressed the belief that black holes have “no hair”…

What goes into a black hole might come back out

The study, Physical Review Letters, said that anything that went into a black hole was lost forever.

However, the basic laws of the universe state that anything that has ever been in the universe is preserved via its “information”.

This led to a paradox as it was assumed that anything that fell into a black hole was gone.

But since last year, Hawking has been stating that all is not lost inside a black hole.

He said last year: “Black holes are not the eternal prisons they were once thought.

“If you feel you are trapped in a black hole, don’t give up. There is a way out.

“The existence of alternative histories with black holes suggests this might be possible.

“The hole would need to be large and if it was rotating it might have a passage to another universe. But you couldn’t come back to our universe.”

His latest paper states that black holes do indeed have “hair” which either stores the information on the boundary or the event horizon.

This would mean, according to the paper, that if you were looking at a black hole in the right way – in the distant future for example – you would be able to see the hairs of a black hole which store the information.

09 June 2016

A message from Telos and Inner Earth

Good day Earthlings!

The portals between our worlds are open, we now mingle amongst you all and we fully blend in your appearances. We have chosen to assist you all in this planetary shift as we are here for Gaia and her growth into the deepened levels of Light. Our love for this planet, Her Being and nature is our devotion and service.

The gates and portals between your world and ours have opened and this brings along another frequency to join the merging and bring forth co-operation. Our doors have always been open but were not accessible for all. Only those who were chosen or were sharing the same frequency alignment as our Being were able to perceive us at full sight. Now it is made available to you all to start processing our energies and come into a greater and deeper alignment with nature and with our Being so that you too can perceive our essence.

You will all have a different way of perceiving us and of addressing our energy for we are seen in many ways and forms. Coming from the heart of Gaia, residing in her inner Being, we are Stellar consciousness now as we have risen our frequencies, like you all, together with Gaia. We now are coming out of this inner resort which is our light world, to incarnate or take on forms that are a part of your outer reality. You shall see and recognize most of us as part of the nature kingdoms; others are chosen to serve in human forms. Those of us in human forms are passionate gardeners, conscious of Earth being a living Being, sharing a great Love for the environment and nature, having respect for all living beings, in love with everything that makes up this planet as beautiful as she is, devoted to cleanse this world and make a difference, sensitive to Earth changes, and a warrior when it comes to defend the beauty of this planet. We are the keepers of her beautiful kingdoms in a sense as soon as we come up to the surface.

For a long time we preferred hiding in our light cities as we awaited the frequencies to rise up to a higher level. Now we are needed and wanting to join you all in this occasion to elevate the consciousness of this entire planet. We serve Gaia with you and we are in Love with all that she represents.

Your world is merging with ours and so beauty will prevail and all that needs to be restored shall be restored in the process. We bring 4 light torches with us that will be handed over to the elementals which are the keepers of your climate, your weather and the make up of this beautiful world. These light torches consist of new information for the planet and all of her consciousness on it to further unfold the regeneration process in order to restore her pristine beauty.

Each light torch has encodements and light language information that are planted as seeds within the human consciousness as well as within Gaia’s Soul, as you raise your vibration together. Each Light torch is being placed at their point of connection related to your four cardinal directions. One at the north pole, one at the south pole, one in the East and one in the West at their center point of your planet. Moreover we are interconnecting with the spirits of the Devas, the Fairies and the elementals to ensure that these light torches with information are being implemented as they should.

Your Earth’s beauty shall arise again and become pristine as once before, this is our intention and devotion to fulfill this together with you. It is therefore that the human consciousness is receiving those encodements as well so that the awareness of this planet’s Being can birth within those who have no sense of this yet.

Those of you who have already this awareness may even begin to feel called by nature and Gaia’s kingdoms, to participate more consciously and to assist where you can. Gaze upon your environment and nature and give it your love and attention. This way you nurture Gaia’s Heart as she will feel even more loved and appreciated. Colors shall come through at a rate you could not perceive before as you stare into the consciousness of a conscious living Being.

You will be welcomed by and absorbed into Her beauty and you will exist in a moment of timelessness. These super frequencies are arising on your Planet now and they will take you into journeys not experienced before. And we now join you on this ride with pleasure and delight while we nurture your hearts and Gaia with our great love for all life.

We help you to understand nature and to see her beauty within yourself and through your own eyes. We are with you now and we will come increasingly more and show you what we are all about. The inter dimensional journeys from your world and your realities to ours are open and available. Join us in this moment so that we can celebrate the beauty of this planet to return to the way she once was.

The connection lies here and it is open, you only need to make the step by intention and feed yourself with our essence of deep love and care for this planet. Our technologies are based on this love and care frequencies as we work with the resources of Gaia’s Presence. The natural elementals.

Find us within your own hearts and you will come to find us in others too. We appear and do our work in serenity and silence, yet we are strongly present and available as well. You will know who we are as you gaze into our eyes and see the world reflected into our Being.

See us in you as we see you in us.

Telos and Lemuria

The Lemurian Age took place approximately between the years 4,500,000 BC to about 12,000 years ago. Until the sinking of the continents of Lemuria and later of Atlantis, there were seven major continents on this planet. The lands belonging to the gigantic continent of Lemuria included lands now under the Pacific Ocean as well as Hawaii, the Easter Islands, the Fiji Islands, Australia and New Zealand. Also lands in the Indian Ocean and Madagascar. The Eastern coast of Lemuria also extended to California and part of British Columbia in Canada. For a very long time before the fall in consciousness, the Lemurians lived in a fifth dimensional frequency or dimension, and were able to switch back and forth from fifth to third at will, without any problem. It could be done whenever it was desired, by intension and the energies of the heart.

The Lemurian race was a mixture of beings that came mainly from Sirius, Alpha Centauri and a smaller number of them from other planets as well. Eventually, as these races mixed together on Earth, they formed the Lemurian civilization. To say the least, it was quite an awesome mixture. Lemuria was really the cradle of civilization on this planet, the “Motherland” who assisted in the eventual birth of many other civilizations. Atlantis came about at a later time.

The continent of Lemuria thrived in a state of paradise and magic for a few millions years. Eventually, as a result of wars between the two major continents, great devastation took place on Lemuria and on Atlantis. Twenty five thousand years ago, Atlantis and Lemuria, the two highest civilizations of the time were battling each other over “ideologies”. They had two very different ideas about how the direction of other civilizations on this planet should go. The Lemurians believed that the other less evolved cultures should be left alone to continue their own evolution at their own pace according to their own understandings and pathway.

The Atlanteans believed that all the less evolved cultures should be brought under sway and controlled by the two more evolved civilizations. This caused a series of thermonuclear wars between Atlantis and Lemuria. Later on, when the wars were over and the dust had settled, there were no winners.

During these devastating wars, people who were highly civilized stooped to quite low levels, until they eventually realized the futility of such behaviors. Ultimately, Atlantis and Lemuria became the victims of their own aggression, and the homelands of both continents became greatly weakened by those wars. The people, through the priesthood, were then informed that within less than 15,000 years their continents would sink completely. In those days, because people lived an average of 20,000 to 30,000 years commonly, they understood that many who have caused the havoc would live to experience the destruction.

In the time of Lemuria, California was part of the Lemurian land. When the Lemurians realized that their land was destined to perish, they petitioned the Shamballa-the-Lesser, the head of the Agartha Network, for permission to build a city beneath Mount Shasta in order to preserve their culture and their records.

In order for them to be granted the permission to build a city and becoming part of the subterranean Agartha Network, they had to prove that they had learned their lessons of war and aggression. They also had to prove this to many other agencies such as the Galactic Confederation of Planets. They also had to prove that they had learned their lessons of peace in order to be accepted again as members of the Confederation. When permission was granted to build their city, it was understood that this area would survive the cataclysms. There was already a very large dome cavern existing within Mount Shasta.

The Lemurians constructed their city, which they called Telos, who was also the name of this whole area at the time, including California and a major part of the U.S. we now call the South West. Telos also included the lands North of Mount Shasta along the west coast, up to part of British Columbia. Telos means Communication with Spirit, oneness with Spirit, understanding with Spirit.

When Telos was constructed, it was meant to contain a maximum of 200,000 people. When the cataclysms started, only 25,000 people made it on time into the mountain and were saved. This number is approximately what was left of the Lemurian culture in the third dimension. Already the records had been moved from Lemuria to the underground city of Telos and the temples had been built. When the blast that destroyed the continent manifested, it came a bit earlier than anticipated, and this is why so many people did not make it “on time” inside the mountain. It is known that Lemuria, the beloved Motherland, went down overnight. The continent sank so quietly that nearly everybody was totally unaware of what was happening. Practically all were sleeping during the occurrence. There was no unusual weather condition that night. According to a transmission given by Lord Himalaya in 1959 through Geraldine Innocenti, El Morya’s twin flame, he explained that a great part of those of the priesthood who had remained faithful to the Light and their sacred calling, like captains on a sinking ship, kept their posts, and fearless to the end, they sang and prayed as they went down beneath the waves.

“Before the Lemurian continent sank, the priest and priestesses of the Temples were warned of the coming cataclysmic changes, and various Focuses of the Sacred Fire were transported to Telos, and others were transported to other lands which would not be affected. Many of these Flames were taken to the continent of Atlantis to a specific location and were sustained there for quite a period of time by daily spiritual applications. Just before Lemuria sank, certain of these priests and priestesses returned to their homes on that continent and volunteered to go down with the land and Her people, giving the assistance of their radiation and extending comfort and fearlessness. They offered this help to counteract the fear, which always comes with cataclysmic action. These loving benefactors, by the radiation of their God controlled energies and their sacrifice, literally surrounded the auras of the people in a blanket of peace and assisted in creating a freedom from fear so that the etheric bodies of those lifestreams would not be so severely scarred, thus saving those people in future embodiments, from having to experience greater tragic consequences”.

From Lord Himalaya to the “Bridge to Freedom” dispensation in 1959 said:

“Many members of the priesthood placed themselves in small groups strategically in various areas and they prayed and sang as they went down beneath the water. The melody they sang was the same as is known today as “Auld Lang Syne”. The idea behind this action was that every horrifying experience leaves a very deep scar and trauma in the etheric body and cellular memory of the people, and it takes several embodiments to heal. Through the action and the sacrifice of those of the priesthood, choosing to stay together in groups and singing to the very end, much fear was mitigated, and a certain level of harmony was maintained. This way, the damage and trauma to the souls who perished was greatly diminished. It was said that those of the priesthood, along with the musicians, sang and prayed until the waves and the water had risen to level of their mouths. It is then that they also perished. During the night, while the masses slept, under a starry blue sky, it was all over; the beloved Motherland was submerged beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean. None of the priesthood had left their post, and none had evidenced any fear. Lemuria went down with dignity!

Auld Lang Syne” was the last song ever heard on the land of Lemuria.

The song they sang, some people on Earth have brought this song forth again through the Irish people, and very prophetic words have been put into it such as. “Should auld acquaintances be forgot”. Indeed, we are these old acquaintances reuniting again, those of us from the physical realm with those of our beloved ones, former friends and family members of Telos, “yet invisible” to our present sight, and hopefully, not for too much longer.

Hear this well in your heart my friends, these next couple sentences. Before our Beloved Lemuria sank completely, it was prophesized that one day, in some far distant future, many of us will gather again as a group and sing this song again, with the absolute knowingness that the “Earth’s Victory” is won. The time we are now living in brings the celebration of this long awaited day, and the fulfilling of that incredible prophecy. We are now initiating the beginning of the long awaited “Reunion”.

It is almost with tears in my eyes that I am letting you know from Adama that many of you reading those words were among those brave souls who sacrificed your life for the great benefit of the collective. Lets applaud your bravery then, and now lets rejoice for our return together, once again, to continue our great Lemurian mission of assisting the planet and humanity into her glorious ascension.

In Telos, one aspect of their mission has been to keep the balance and energies of ascension consciousness for the planet until such a time that surface dwellers can do this for themselves. Now the time has come for our two civilizations to do this together as “One Heart”.

Earth after the Sinking of the two Continents

At the same time Lemuria was going down, Atlantis started shaking and loosing parts of its land, and it continued for 200 years, until the final stage, where the rest of the continent completely sank. For 2,000 years after the Lemurian and the Atlantean catastrophes, the planet was still shaking. For the Earth to loose two large land masses within 200 years, plus the planet was still witnessing the effects of the thermo-nuclear weapons, the Earth had suffered such a major setback and trauma, that it took several thousands years to balance out again and be hospitable. For hundreds of years after the destruction of both continents, so much debris had been thrown into the atmosphere that the Earth never became bright in daylight. The atmosphere became very cold because the sunlight was not able to penetrate properly through the thick toxic atmospheric debris and very little food could grow. A large percentage of the animals and plants perished.

Why is there so little evidence today of the remains of these two great civilizations?

The reason is that the cities on the planet that did not sink were shook to rubble, or were wiped out by earthquakes or by huge tidal waves that would often go as far as 1,000 miles inland and destroy most cities and habitations in their pathway. The human conditions in the civilizations that survived those cataclysms became so harsh and difficult by this constant earth activity and people became so frightened that the quality of life of those civilizations deteriorated very fast. For those who survived all those calamities, hunger, poverty and disease were their legacy.

The original height of mankind on this planet was approximately 12 feet tall. The Hyperboreans were and still are 12 feet tall and none of them live on the surface at this time. By the time Lemuria sank, the Lemurians were reduced to 7 feet tall and still are 7 to 8 feet tall to this day. And there has been still a further lowering of height on this planet, for most of us on the surface are 6 feet tall or less. As our civilization evolves, this will be restored. Even now, people on the surface of this planet are becoming much taller than they were only 100 years ago.

Government of Telos

In Telos, there are two forms of government. The king and queen of Telos, Ra and Rana Mu, ascended masters who are also twin flames, form one aspect of the government of Telos. They are the ultimate rulers of Telos.

The second form of government is the local Council, called the Lemurian Council of Light of Telos, consisting of 12 ascended masters, where 6 men and 6 women serve on the council to balance the divine masculine with the divine feminine. A thirteenth member, the head High Priest of Telos, at this time Adama, officiates as the leader of the council to make the final decision when there is an even vote in the decisions made by the council.

Members of the council are selected according to the level of spiritual attainment they have reached, inner qualities, maturity and area of expertise. When a member of the council decides to move on to another level of service, the vacancy is made known to our people and those who desire to take a seat on the council may apply. All applications are carefully studied by the council, by the members of the priesthood and the king and queen of Telos. The king and the queen have the final word about who is chosen among the applicants to be on the council.

The City of Telos

Telos is a fairly large city, there are approximately one and one half millions of us living here. Also we are not divided in several villages and we all share the local government, many of us live in various areas. What we call the city of Telos is divided in 5 levels of several square miles beneath Mt. Shasta.

The first level: The large percentage of our people live beneath the dome on the first level. This is also where the administrative and public buildings and several temples are situated. In the center of this level stands our main temple, called the temple of MaRa, a pyramid shape sort of structure. It will seat 10,000 people at a time. This temple is dedicated to the priesthood of Melchizedek. The pyramid is white, with the capstone, called the “living stone” donated to us from Venus.

The second level: This is where all the production and manufacturing for the need of the people and the city takes place. It is also an area for several schools for the children and adult classes. Many more of our people live on that level as well.

The third level is consecrated totally for our hydroponic gardens where all of our food supply is grown on about 7 acres of land, producing a diet that is very interesting and fun, offering much variety. Our methods of gardening are so effective that seven acres of land is all that is needed to grow abundantly a very large variety of food to feed one and one half million people, creating strong, healthy bodies that do not age.

The hydroponic gardens are able to produce crops on a constant basis. We can grow food much faster, using advance hydroponic technology with very little soil and much water without the use of chemicals like you do on the surface. Our food is totally organic with the highest vibration. Our form of gardening does not need fertilizers and does not deplete the soil. We do place organic minerals into the water for the plants. Our crops are also enhanced and quickened by the great light, energy and love vibration of Telos. This is the magic of our 5th dimensional consciousness that you will soon discover, most likely in this decade or early on in the next.

The fourth level contains some hydroponic gardening, some manufacturing and a large area for nature, park like setting with small lakes and fountains.

The fifth level is totally consecrated to nature. There are tall trees, lakes, park types atmosphere and this is the place where we keep all our animals. In this nature level, many plants and animals have been preserved that you no longer see on the surface. Our animals are all vegetarians and do not eat each other. They live side by side in total harmony, without fear and without any aggression towards people and towards each other. Telos is really the place where the lion and the lamb lay side-by-side and sleep together in total confidence.

Blessings from the Keepers of Gaia from Telos inner Earth.

28 December 2015

Jump Room to Mars: Did CIA Groom Obama and Basiago as Future Presidents?

December 26, 2015

In Part One of this series, it was shown that Andrew Basiago’s run for the 2016 Presidential election is partly based on his belief that he was pre-identified as a future U.S. President in a CIA/DARPA run time travel program called “Project Pegasus.” The Project’s main purpose was to gather intelligence from past and future world events, including the election of upcoming Presidents.

Subsequent to his involvement in Project Pegasus (1969-72), Basiago claims that from 1980 to 1984, he was recruited into a second CIA-led project that involved the use of teleportation technology for travel to Mars. These “Jump Rooms” led to him and others traveling to the Red Planet on multiple occasions witnessing indigenous life on Mars, as well as secret bases there.

In 1980, at the start of the CIA Mars Jump Room project, Basiago claims that he learned that Barack Obama had also been pre-identified as a future President and even Basiago himself was destined to become a U.S. President:

Barack Obama also was told; because when he and I were serving in the Mars Jump Room Program, we were being trained under Ed Dames in the summer of 1980, at College of the Siskiyous, in Weed, California. His Presidency and mine were being openly discussed by who was present …

Basiago further claimed that in 1980, he and Barack Obama actually were roommates while being briefed about upcoming jump room teleportation to Mars:

So, Barack Obama was not only aware of his Presidency when we were being trained in 1980, when he was 19 years old – and just turned 19 in August of ’80 – but when we were rooming together briefly, a couple of days – at the College of the Siskiyous. He was reading briefing documents that they were giving him to groom him for the Presidency. [emphasis added]

Importantly, Basiago is here declaring that the CIA was actively grooming Obama for the Presidency by giving him access to briefing documents. In other words, according to Basiago, Obama is a CIA sanctioned U.S. President.

Basiago is not alone in claiming that Obama was groomed by the CIA to become a future President. Investigative reporter Wayne Madsen was the first to make such a claim in August 2010 in a three part series of articles. He followed this up in a 2012 book titled, Manufacturing a President: The CIA’s Insertion of Barack H. Obama, Jr. into the White House.

Basiago added an unexpected twist to the Obama CIA relationship, Obama’s Presidential grooming began during a covert program involving teleportation to Mars. This predictably has resulted in much controversy over Basiago’s claims, and has led to him being ridiculed as evidenced by a Colbert Report on October 11, 2012 examining his Mars Jump room testimony.

However, there have been other whistleblowers that have made similar claims of teleportation technologies that enable travel to Mars. Whistleblowers such as Michael Relfe and Henry Deacon (aka Arthur Neumann) have gone on the public record to claim that they used similar teleportation technologies for travel to Mars.

Another whistleblower, Corey Goode, claims that teleportation technologies were first developed by Germany and used as early as the 1940s for transporting equipment to secret bases on Mars. He says that these German bases were later greatly expanded in collaboration with the U.S. military industrial complex.

Basiago’s claims about participating in a classified CIA teleportation project to Mars in 1980, is plausible given what other independent whistleblowers have claimed.

If Basiago is correct in his core claims about the two classified projects he participated in, is it possible that he is also correct that Obama was groomed by the CIA to be President during a Mars Jump Room project? If so, has Basiago also been groomed by the CIA to be a future President, and his 2016 election bid is part of a CIA sanctioned disclosure program?

Has the CIA Groomed Andrew Basiago to be the U.S. Disclosure President?

A Plesiosaur on Mars according to Andy Basiago’s analysis of NASA photograph PIA 10214

Basiago’s claims have led to much close scrutiny and criticism by veteran UFO and exopolitics researchers. I have critiqued claims by Basiago of being himself the discoverer of life on Mars, which he based on his analysis of Mars Rover images in a paper he published in December 2008.

I found his claims to be both unconvincing and unprofessional for a practicing attorney, because he refused to consult independent image analysis experts to corroborate his paper’s findings. His refusal led to me criticizing him as a “crackpot by design.”

After his initial public emergence in 2008, Basiago came forward again to reveal his involvement in the CIA and DARPA run Project Pegasus in November 2009. He followed this up with his revelations about the Mars Jump Room program in August 2011. To his credit, Basiago has done a lot of subsequent work in finding additional whistleblowers, witnesses and documents to support his controversial claims.

There have been a number of individuals who have come forward to claim that they were also part of the CIA’s teleportation program to Mars. Brett Stillings and Bernard Mendez attest that they were part of this program. They have corroborated Basiago’s claim that in addition to Obama, other prominent public individuals such as Regina E. Dugan, Mary Jean Eisenhower and Admiral Stansfield Turner were also part of these programs.

Basiago has conducted numerous independent investigations to corroborate his testimony, and has given details of additional evidence he has discovered in interviews. Included here are comments by David Baker, a former engineer from the Parsons company.

Baker corroborated Basiago’s account of the different engineers that Basiago claimed to have met who worked at Parsons. This makes for powerful corroboration that Basiago was indeed present during his father’s dealings with other Parsons company engineers in “special projects” that were highly classified.

In reviewing the extensive details and evidence supplied by Basiago over his participation in Project Pegasus and Mars Jump-room projects, I have found little to cast doubt on Basiago’s version of events as he has narrated them. Indeed, the evidence he has supplied to corroborate his testimony is impressive in its scope, and leads to the conclusion that Basiago is sincerely telling the truth about events he personally witnessed and experienced in great detail.

Basiago, therefore, does not appear to be lying when he claims to have worked in classified joint CIA and DARPA run projects dealing with time travel and Mars teleportation technologies.

However, there is an important caveat here which needs to be considered when evaluating his reliability as a whistleblower and Presidential candidate. Basiago is on the record as saying that he and Barack Obama were pre-identified by the CIA as future Presidents. He has said that Obama was subsequently groomed by the CIA to be President. This suggests that Basiago has similarly been groomed, and is part of a CIA sanctioned disclosure program.

Is Basiago part of a CIA Sanctioned Disclosure Program?

It is natural to assume that the time travel technologies used by Basiago, to provide intelligence for the CIA, would also be used for operational security purposes. Among these would be determining Basiago’s reliability, as far as maintaining secrecy in the future was concerned.

Basiago’s later decision, as an adult, to become a whistleblower was almost certainly anticipated very early through psychological profiling. This would have very likely led to the same CIA operated time travel technologies being used to identify him as a future whistleblower.

Basiago says that he heard Donald Rumsfeld reveal plans that he and other Project Pegasus participants would, after completing High School, go the Naval Academy in Annapolis. As a Navy officer, Basiago was to continue working in covert programs as he recalls Rumsfeld saying:

Secretary Rumsfeld was explaining to my father – he literally said: “What we plan to do with the kids is in high school, we’re going to admit them to the Naval Academy, as first-year plebes, when they graduate from high school; and we’ll use that as a pretext for involving them in future project activities.” So there, in 1971/72, they were already planning for what our destiny was going to be in the fall of 1979. And Rumsfeld was aware of what the major plan was.

However, Basiago states that he rebelled against this plan, which he was expected to follow, and chose a civilian life instead:

… my Dad sat me down in high school and told me I was going to the Naval Academy – which I ultimately rejected as an option …

It’s important to keep in mind here that as a 17/18 year old in 1979, Basiago had refused to follow the advice of not only his father, but also a former Secretary of Defense – Rumsfeld held this position during the Ford Administration from 1975 to 1977.

Screenshot from Andy Basiago lecture where he is discussing Donald Rumsfeld’s involvement in Project Pegasus

Due to his refusal to pursue a Naval career, psychological profiling would have revealed that Basiago was a future security threat for the Project Pegasus program. This predictably would have led to additional security screening using the time travel technologies, which would have revealed Basiago’s role as a future whistleblower.

Yet during his undergraduate study at UCLA, Basiago says he was recruited into another CIA project. The leads to a troubling question. Why would the CIA ignore the red flag raised by Basiago’s refusal to follow a DARPA/CIA sanctioned career path, and instead reward his rebellion with access to yet another CIA project, this time involving jump-room technologies to Mars?

From his time as a participant in this second CIA classified program, Basiago describes an incident that provides an answer. He says that in 1983, as a 22 year old, he was asked by his CIA handler, Courtney Hunt, to travel to an elementary school to meet with a 10 year girl called Hesper Natalie. Hunt was aware that 27 years later, in 2010, she would help publicly confirm that Basiago had participated in Project Pegasus, and was a genuine whistleblower.

We also have other theories, possibly of what Hunt was doing. Hunt may have had… may have taken Hesper’s name from my Montauk Chair writings – my file that pertained to travelling to the future in the Montauk Chair as a child – and then decided to have me meet her as a child; because then when we met in real time, that would basically improve my involvement in the program.

This is where Basiago reasons that Hunt, along with his father, were in fact “White Hats” in the CIA wanting to publicly disclose the truth about teleportation technologies in the future:

So it may have been actually something basically positively serepetitious [sic] that Hunt was doing to undermine the secrecy of the project. But nonetheless, we not only have one of the Montauk girls here, but we have somebody from my past who knows I’m telling the truth – because the CIA had me go and meet her – what was it, Hesper, 27 years before we met in real time [2010]?

The above quotes need to be carefully considered in evaluating Basiago’s testimony. What they reveal is that Basiago’s handler, Hunt, and therefore the CIA, was well aware of the possibility that Basiago would become a whistleblower and disclose classified programs that he was involved with.

Rather than take steps to prevent this, the CIA would instead actively help him by arranging for meetings to occur, such as meeting Hesper in 1983, so that later in 2010, she would meet him again and therefore support him as a bona fide whistleblower.

This leads to the conclusion that Basiago was identified as a future whistleblower by the CIA, and was therefore exposed to events, people and circumstances that would shape and influence his later testimony. This suggests that Basiago’s whistleblowing activities are part of a long-term CIA sanctioned disclosure program, which is based on pre-identifying and grooming future Presidents.

To Be Continued in Part III

Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice

Further Reading

24 November 2015


The effects of the Paris atrocities felt throughout the world, and no greater than with the relatives and friends of the murdered people, serve as a warning to the intent of world psychopaths. I totally accept that those that committed the atrocities had a religious/fundamental agenda but who was in their minds? Who was manipulating them? I do not for one moment believe that they were aware of the important planetary alignment at the very moment they started the terrible crimes. The situation in Paris was one big sacrifice designed to release traumatic energy which combined with the hadron collider at full power might well have removed humanity from its connection to source. I know when I have said this previously some have laughed saying that no force can break our connection to the creator. But do we really want to put that to the test?

No sacrifice is a good thing, the sacrifice in Paris from a magical perspective was tainted with evil intent. The crime was so great that source itself entered the hadron collider and a ‘pushing contest’ ensued with unbelievable amounts of energy being expended. Source manifested itself within the colliding tubes of the device, the operators of the device ramped up the power in an effort to expel what they perceive to be a foreign body. Source matched this energy output until finally extensive damage was caused to the whole installation. American security services who are not part of the Cabal estimate that it will take 10 years to repair the collider, my own information is it’s more like 5 years. The Cabal can either pretend that nothing has occurred or that they will mothball the device because in their words it has achieved what they set out to achieve. We know these will be lies for why else would the Chinese have just announced that they themselves will build a collider larger than Cern.

When Connecting Consciousness undertook the Global meditation we demonstrated our connection to love and proved that humanity can triumph over evil and I personally believe that this allowed Source to play a more active roll in what is now a war - a war for the salvation of humanity.

My thoughts and the thoughts of all the team at Connecting Consciousness go out to all people who have suffered at the hands of a criminal psychotic group of murderers, it is for all good people to ensure that such people never gain control of the human race.

Much hope, more strength, much love​!


Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen (Bases edit)
In Part 1-3, the Hadron Collider at CERN, and its ‘synchronised’ junior devices across the planet were discussed. The basic narrative being that this massive device was being used for nefarious purposes to open a worm hole allowing ‘Draco’ ETs, who have been on earth for thousands of years (Aka Demons) to have massive reinforcements, in a great space war above our heads.

Thus the term Draco. The issue here being that the Draco should not have space flight/or ‘gate technology’ or even be here. They are not the bad guys here. They are manipulated by an “A-I” Articfical intelliegence, found in the sentient fluid from another location or source in the universe. Found in crude oil, (Falklands War), it is extremnely dangerous substance that pulls down higher conscious beings and makes them into homicidal killers (Nazi Germany).

In this Tek Chat, Patty Brassard gives a basic run down of the temporary shut down of the Collider, and the detailed images obtained to show the beams go off focus, and the damage starts. Preceded by a brief chat with Karen MacDonald, who introduced us to Sgt Daniel for the first time. A major whistle blower with an long list of agencies to his name.

(USAF number and data is on file) As with Bases we listen to what people have to say, and then draw conclusions as best we can. A further 2nd interview with Sgt Daniel is planned. Basically no public word has emerged from CERN, as to what has been reported in these interviews.