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Showing posts with label SOLAR SYSTEM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SOLAR SYSTEM. Show all posts

03 August 2023

Overcoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth


July 31, 2023

Sacha Stone is a former rock musician and artist who decided to focus on global humanitarian initiatives for a New Earth with sustainable technologies that would protect the global environment and unlock human potential. In 1999, he established his first non-government organization, Humanidad, which quickly gained international prominence. This led to him being given a senior position within the United Nations to coordinate international humanitarian efforts by non-government organizations. After two years, however, he resigned from his position due to incompetence and high-level corruption within the UN system.

Stone has ever since worked tirelessly to expose corruption and global manipulation by a satanic group of elites; to bring about a more ethical, peaceful world; and to stop all forms of child and human trafficking. He is dedicated to empowering the latent “God-King” potential in human DNA connected to humanity’s Anunnaki creators, particularly the Enki faction. In this Exopolitics Today Interview, Stone discusses how his research and activism relate to extraterrestrial life and technology both in the ancient and modern world.

Watch on Bitchute

Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google

Sacha Stone’s Website is:

Related Interviews/Reading 

Epstein Murdered to Hide Satanic Pedophile Network Manipulating Global Elites

Epstein Arrest Supports Q Anon Claims of Global Satanic Cult blackmailing Political Elites

QAnon on the Rothschilds & Satanism – Trump’s Secret Alliance with Putin

QAnon reveals Vatican Rothschild Reptilian Connection behind the Deep State

Hidden Hand Dialogue reveals Extraterrestrial factor in Illuminati control of Earth

27 July 2023

Declassified Photos From Venus By The Soviet Union

Neil deGrasse Tyson Just Revealed Declassified Photos From Venus By The Soviet Union

Future Space 

July 26, 2023

If you were to take a peak at NASA’s records from the 1960s, you’d notice the space agency calling Venus a planet from hell. At the same time, Mars became our destiny. Such careful labeling of the innermost planets isn’t a coincidence. 

During the turbulent space race of the same era, the Soviet Union was fixated on sending costly missions to Venus. The hellish planet showed little to no prospects for life. Yet the Soviet Space Program didn’t decommission the Venera Program until the fall of the empire. 

And thanks to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, we finally know why. Join us as we break down the declassified photos from Venus taken by the Soviet Union. 

This is Future space! Where we cover science and technology news, from unanswered historical mysteries and the inner workings of the human body, to scientists shocking discoveries hidden in sand and findings frozen in snow, to stunning and terrifying trips to space, new instruments and technological advances used to uncover the secrets of the world around us.

10 July 2023

The Universe Is COLLAPSING, Not Expanding!


The Universe as we know it now began as a tremendously hot, tiny, and dense singularity that expanded some 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, it hasn't stopped expanding, but what if it did? We previously believed the Universe to be unchanging before Edwin Hubble's observation of the expansion of the universe in the 1920s. Hubble Space Telescope data from several years later confirmed that the expansion of the Universe was accelerating.

29 April 2023

Bringing Anti-gravity and Quantum Healing technology to the World

In 2021, Dave Rossi began receiving information downloads after an extraterrestrial contact experience that activated advanced mental abilities to understand and develop complex mathematical equations. He suddenly understood the scientific principles behind a range of exotic technologies which he was able to envisage or was exposed to. Rossi’s surprising new abilities came to the attention of top scientists working on advanced technology projects who sought assistance with problems they were encountering. He has since been working with several scientists and investors to solve problems in classified programs, and is simultaneously developing advanced technologies that can be released into the public sector.

Rossi recently applied for several patents, two of which he shared with Dr. Michael Salla concerning antigravity and quantum healing inventions. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Rossi explains the principles behind the antigravity and quantum technologies he is developing and the timetable for releasing these patents to the general public. In his special announcement, Rossi explains how he is working with individuals ready to understand and build similar antigravity and quantum healing technologies for public release. He has created a Patreon channel to support his and others’ efforts to develop and build advanced technologies that otherwise would remain hidden in classified programs. He believes this is the most effective means of circumventing the draconian secrecy orders used to suppress more than 6000 patent applications through the US Patent and Trademarks Office.

Watch on YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute & Odysee

Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google

Dave Rossi’s Generation Zed podcast is available here, and his Patreon account is available here

Written by Dr Michael Salla on

Related Reading/Podcasts

24 April 2023

Cobra Interview With Sisterhood of the Rose about the Portal of Light

April 23, 2023

A new Cobra interview about the Portal of Light activation by the Sisterhood of the Rose has just been released:

You can listen to the video version here:

It has been translated into several languages.














And Vietnamese:

Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

16 April 2023

Planetary Shift: The Greatest Opportunity of Existence is NOW!

You’d be forgiven for looking out in the world and seeing only the dark veils of intervention and control. You might pray at times for an easier journey and wonder why you ever incarnated here in these complex and confusing times. You might wonder when the planetary “Event” we’re concluding to will wash it all away. But you’d also be missing the point of the shift. We manifested this spiritual gym. We were seeded for it. Plenty of us have sailed through similar a zillion times. It’s the greatest opportunity of existence. Here’s how.

A Terraforming World: how to Cope?

The world is terraforming around us day by day. As one karmic veil after another gets activated and manifested in the external, it feels at times like a veritable assault-course of pushback, challenge and turmoil. Take now, for example, the major changes happening in the financial sector, that which underpins the old karmic construct and plenty of our lives. You might well wonder, how do I cope?

In these kinds of situations, it’s utterly essential to intuit the movement of the quantum field itself, and to align yourself with it. That will ALWAYS be the resolution.

So what’s going on exactly?

What we’ve incarnated into is a karmic construct going back to Atlantean times when Homo Sapiens was hybridised by an interdimensional intervention to be enslaved within a civilisation of an alien agenda and purpose. 11,700 years ago it was obliterated in a solar nova event that blasted the casing off the pyramids and sent a deluge of meltwater from the last ice age around the globe. It spawned a zillion planetary myths, but all were built upon this underlying truth. The evidence is abound.

Check out this video by the Egyptologist Robert Shock

Don’t miss the heavenly glory!

Since then the intervention has gathered itself back together, reformulated its strategy and rebuilt itself into the high-tech agenda we’re moving rapidly into today. Just like before it will fail, due to another 12000-year convergence of galactic, solar and earth pole-shift cycles. Based on experience, these intervention powers know what’s coming. That’s why they’re now ramping up their various machinations of the metaverse to go off-planet with a swathe of humanity encapsulated within it. It’s seen what’s coming and is desperate. That’s why its measures are becoming increasingly extreme and outlandish – just look at the current White House incumbent to see the ridiculousness of the situation!

But it is essential for evolving people to realise this is just one side of the coin.

We must be aware of it, yes, because it can impact daily life. But if that’s all we focus on, then we’ll miss the other side of the coin and the enormous opportunity the times present. In short, we’ll miss all the heavenly glory!

The intervention is ramping up its efforts BECAUSE of the tremendous infusion of galactic energy. It’s trying to dumb swathes of humanity down BECAUSE of the tremendous widespread awakening.

What we also need to hoist on board, is that we now exist within a hybrid reality. The controllers are ushering in new measures in the 3D daily. But the light is also breaking through. Take cryptocurrency for example. Despite all the shadow’s attempts to repress and control, new developments are springing up daily. It matters not whether you’re tech literate – there’s a veritable army of developers all beavering away at the liberation of humanity as we transition the storm; from which, we’ll all get to benefit, providing we stay tuned in and go with this emergent flow. They will not fail. Just like you, they were seeded for this. The shadow will not be able to put this genie back in the bottle.

The Grand Galactic Convergence

Many now realise we’re moving toward to an extraordinary “Event” – the culmination of Grand Galactic Cycles which will set the planet free into a New Paradigm. BUT, what I witness is that too many are waiting for it to happen, not realising that this Shift is now. And in order to go with this gigantic wave, is to flow with it now, as much as you can, in each daily activity and action.

In any given day you’ll need to appreciate you’re likely seeing reality through a karmic veil. Perhaps that of poverty consciousness, as the way you’ve created life from the old version of you gets progressively unravelled. Many try to hunker down, or go into fear and anxiety about what the future may bring – like the realignments in the current financial system for example.

You are much more than these fears and anxieties. You’re an extraordinary being of expansive consciousness. But where you go into fear and contraction you artificially limit this limitless possibility. You don’t even realise you’re doing it to yourself. But that’s where the massive opportunity exists – providing your orientation in these times is aligned. Providing you’re turning into the karmic contractions and expanding through.

By that I mean you’ve got to own the internal impact of the contraction. This is where you’re identifying with the physicality of the world – whether a challenge in resources or in transforming relationships for example. This is where we can inadvertently choose to be small. We must turn into these fears and contractions, express them out around us so we can illuminate the attachment. Then work to unravel through and out. This is the spiritual gym we’re each being invited to occupy on a daily basis now.

You might at first resent it and hunker down again, go into fear about the terraforming 3D. But at some point you catch yourself, realise this smallness isn’t you, and work diligently to process through – where’s your attachment? Where’s your fear? How are you identifying? Work in and let it go.

The Extraordinary Illuminescence of You

That’s when you’ll experience the tremendous revelation of the next iteration of you. Sometimes that will come as a simple sense of knowing. Sometimes it will come as a peak experience. Each time you’re peeling back a layer, integrating a new aspect of soul and expanding out into a world of new possibilty.

THIS is how we transform our reality. THIS is the extraordinary power we hold within. Reality crystallises around this new emergent beingess by what you express and unleash out in the world. It’s high time to stop holding our light under a bushel!

Yes, the playground bully is getting increasingly loud. But it’s all bluff and BS. Don’t focus on that, it’s designed to distract and contract. Instead, use every daily situation that presents, in relationships, at work and general living, to unleash the next grandest version of you – that which is being invited and called for.

And wait not for the culminating Event, sometime when. The Event is now. The energy is shifting now. It’s impacting you now, on multiple levels. So in any given day, seize the moment, work with what density is coming up, then unravel through. Now you’re infusing amazing new energies of the shift. What’s more, you’re being supported by the proximity of the Star Being Nations positively willing you on to your emergence and freedom.

The Times of the Merkabah

You have the capacity to create differently now, from your infusing higher consciousness and your establishing Merkabah. It’s built for transformation through terraforming multidimensional landscapes like this one. It’s built to thrive.

When you catch yourself for a moment and contemplate all the different civilisations you must have incarnated in, all the challenges, all the break downs, and all the Shifts through – then you just have to pinch yourself and realise the enormity of your being. Not in a grandiose or arrogant way. But the deep inner knowing of your existential capacity to thrive.

Now is the time to pay daily attention to these immaculate aspects of you; to outstretch your wings, and positively soar through these incredible times of transformation.

If you’d like to seize the opportunity these extraordinary times present, if you’d like to unleash your soul from the old karmic construct, then get involved with the groundbreaking work of Openhand. It was purposefully crafted for these times…

Dive into the Openhand Ascension Portal

Bright blessings to all


05 February 2023

2023 – Rise of the Earth Alliance

This is the trailer for the “What’s Coming in 2023: Global Revolution & SSP/ET Disclosure” webinar to be held on Feb 18, 2023. Trailer covers how the Deep State’s planetary control agenda is increasingly being exposed. What were once major issues that were opaque and difficult to understand, are now being clearly seen and exposed by a growing coalition of people all over the planet. Dedicated truth tellers investigating core issues are daily releasing their findings through alternative media sources.

The Deep State’s imminent collapse will facilitate major disclosures in 2023 about secret space programs, flourishing undersea and underground cities, artifacts from ancient civilizations, and visiting extraterrestrial life, all of which have long been kept secret by the global control system.

Michael Salla, Ph.D. on .

Watch on Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon, or Odysee (YouTube/Vimeo)*

More webinar info is available here

Date: Feb 18, 2023, at 1 pm East Coast / 10 am Pacific

Length: 2 hours plus 30 min Q & A

New Platform: Crowdcast

*Note: This video trailer was deleted by YouTube allegedly for “content that glorifies or incites acts of violence” and led to my Exopolitics Today channel receiving a strike with posting privileges suspended for a week.Vimeo followed suit a few hours later removing the video as “conspiracy-related content”! You be the judge of whether YouTube/Vimeo are preventing violence/conspiracy theory or protecting the Deep State through censorship. This deletion is a reminder for why its important to subscribe to my Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon, or Odysee channels, which protect freedom of speech, and registering for email updates from

06 February 2022

Atlantic Space Ark Rescue Mission

February 2, 2022

In his second mission to a space ark lying at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle, JP (who currently serves with the US Army) describes a multinational rescue mission comprising US, Russian and Chinese soldiers. The mission was sent to rescue Aztec Indians from Mexico who had been left behind in an earlier mission. JP explains how the multinational team found the Aztec Indians, and also discovered a powerful portal linking the Atlantic Ark to another arks hidden throughout our solar system. He says 15 soldiers had inadvertently stepped through the portal while exploring a similar ark on the Moon.

JP describes the multinational rescue mission, how the Chinese, Russian and US soldiers collaborated, and what else lays hidden inside the mysterious arks being discovered on Earth and our solar system by covert military teams. 

By Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Premieres 2/2/22 at 2 pm on YouTube & Rumble

Audio Podcast available for Apple, Spotify & Google

Related Articles/Podcasts

For more interviews, articles, photos and videos featuring JP click here.

29 October 2021


28 October 2021

A New Era Begins

The last phase of the Transition into the New Age. Everything is following the Higher Plan. There will be no pain or suffering on the New Earth. We are in the first phase of our new journey into the 5D world. Ascension is a state of consciousness. From now on nobody will stay where he is not comfortable. Be grateful for everything, good or bad. Listen to what resonates with you and what does not. The financial part does not matter, but the atmosphere does. There, where unconditional love prevails. Be the change!

Beloved ones!

The changes that are taking place now, both on the Planet and on the collective human level, and especially within each individual consciousness, are something that has never been experienced before on Earth. In a sense, if it were not so, there would be no Planetary Transition at all.

We are currently living in the final phase of this Transition into the New Age that will soon be upon us. We are now in the most decisive years of change and all perspectives must be considered. Of course everything follows a Higher Plan, and nothing will happen that is not included in this divine plan.

As has been said here many times, the people who are now incarnated on Earth have had between 600 and 1,100 consecutive incarnations. They have had all the experiences and learned all the necessary lessons. They have experienced all the terrors that a limited consciousness can experience. They have experienced duality to the extreme, sometimes on one side, sometimes on the other side of the coin. Although not everyone is ready to ascend now, what they have learned will not be lost.

All phases of life in a third dimensional world have been taught on this Planet. The 3D School has taught experiences within the Laws of Cause and Effect that prevail. Now, we are entering a Fifth Dimensional World, classified as the World of Regeneration. All Penances and Tribulations end in this Planetary Transition. 

On the New Earth, there will be no pain or suffering. However, there will be learning that follows the ladder upwards, i.e. ascension, where the soul continues on the path to Source. This reversal has already begun and we are in the first phase of this new journey. We are going to experience great transition events in this phase home. But they will not be tests as before; they will be opportunities for confirmation and understanding of new Systems.

There will be two distinct groups of souls: those who are now making their ascension, who will receive all the opportunities to develop the new consciousness; and those who are not yet ready, who constitute the other group, that is, who will not change anything in terms of consciousness, because they wish to continue living, in worlds limited to the Third Dimension.

Today we shall speak of the first group, because all change is felt by those who are in it. There is no reason for those in the second group to feel anything, because it does not affect them.

The changes serve to raise the steps on the ladder that will elevate everyone to the level of Higher Dimensions.

Although they do not apply to everyone, some signs of ascension are very clear. We will list the most important ones here, so that you may recognise and act upon them yourself. Remember, not everything is felt by everyone. So, feel comfortable in every circumstance. Ascension is a state of consciousness; it is not physical. It is this state that makes you ascend, and not the many or all symptoms you may experience.

When you wake up in the morning, what mood do you feel? Watch out! Discouragement, sadness, anger, fear, uncertainty, etc. are much more common than you might think. If you have felt this, you need to look at some possibilities. These could include issues in your work. Are you satisfied with your current job? If not, start thinking about alternatives now. From now on, no one will stay where they don’t feel good. The financial part does not matter, but the atmosphere does.

Are you happy in your relationship? If the answer is no, then explore the possibilities, for the new vibrations are going to break all binding bonds. The energy that is now coming to Earth will dismantle anything that does not resonate in higher frequencies where unconditional love prevails. No one will be left in a situation that does not bring joy and fulfilment.

If you wake up in the morning in the house you live in and it makes you uncomfortable, regardless of the reasons, pay attention, and listen to what does and does not resonate with you. It is certainly an indication that you no longer belong. Then, as soon as possible, look at the possibilities for change.

If it’s the city you don’t like, it could also be a sign that another place is waiting for you. Do not overlook any possibilities, for no one will stay where he does not feel at home.

The Universe will guide everyone in their free will and choices. Let yourself be carried by it. Of course with responsibility, but without resistance.

Other opportunities will now be offered to those who are ready to make their ascension. Do not resist! I wrote a few years ago that resistance is the cause of 98% of the pain and discomfort you may be feeling right now.

The fear that has been built up in our memories during lives and lives after that, is still the big stumbling block. It motivates us to get rid of it and make the necessary changes. Remember, you have a lot of support. Nobody will go through what does not need to be gone through! Everyone will be where they are supposed to be! We have told this in detail in the past.

Have faith! The best is yet to come! Also remember that pain is an option, because the root cause is resistance. Go with the flow! Ride the crest of the wave! Reading through the concepts mentioned here does not mean that real change can be expected immediately. Often it is change without change. All that is needed is to make internal adjustments, which in practice can be even more decisive.

I am giving some suggestions here; and everyone can make a self-assessment in each individual case:

When you go to bed at night, evaluate your day. Be grateful for everything, whether it was good or bad. Good things give us natural satisfaction, so we should mention them and be grateful for them. Bad things, on the other hand, make us learn, because they show us the lessons that are still missing. Mistakes are our best teachers. Having said that, don’t blame, because there is no blame; it is learning. Learn from the lessons and be grateful!

Also, review relationships. Whether they are family, emotional, friendship or professional. These are the people who have been with you the longest. Therefore, they are the ones who work the most on your evolution. It is friction that smooths river stones. It is the hammer blows of the sculptor that create the most perfect work of art. It is the uncomfortable grain of sand in the sensitive body of the oyster that produces the precious pearl.

Be grateful to all those who have come into conflict with you, for this is the way for you to become the most beautiful work of art. Often it is not by running away that we become better, for we can deny ourselves the opportunity to learn the lesson that the situation offers us. See an opportunity in every situation! Always be grateful!

Thank the bed that welcomes you for the rest. Be grateful for the welcoming room. Be thankful for the opportunity for a well-deserved rest! Ask for the grace to have a night of blessed sleep and dreams. Surround the room with Blue Light and feel the lightness and security it gives you. Say thank you and relive the day that has passed!

When you get up in the morning, give thanks for the night that has passed. Give thanks for a pain-free night and a pain-free dawn. Do this act with gratitude and ask for support for the day that is beginning.

Ask! Ask! And ask fervently and confidently, for this is what our Angelic Helpers always encourage us to do. There is never a shortage of support! But it is necessary for everyone to do their part. Do your part too, and life will surely change! Trust in the Divine Plan!

The Earth is changing. The vibrations are changing. The energy is changing. The frequency is changing. Nature is changing. Your physical body is changing. Everything is changing! So what is still missing? You yourself has to change! And for that, just change your consciousness. And it does not take much! It only takes a few rules. And you can do it without much effort! Be the change yourself! The signs will guide you, be aware of them.

I am Vital Frosi and my mission is to bring the light.


Written by Vital Frosi, edited by Peter B. Meyer

07 October 2021

Galactic Federations, Councils and Secret Space Programs

6-hour Webinar Intensive

Saturday, October 9, 2021

-4 ½ Hour Presentation by Dr. Michael Salla (includes 30 min audience Q&A)

-1 ½ Hour Panel Discussion Hosted by Dr. Salla with Elena Danaan & Megan Rose (includes 30 min audience Q&A)

Although the development and use of nuclear weapons by different countries was one of the reasons why extraterrestrial civilizations began visiting Earth in the World War II era, a more significant and far reaching reason exists. Due to its disturbing nature, however, it was not shared for decades.

Only today we know the full truth: The Earth had unwittenly become the epicenter of a temporal war involving a future galactic tyranny, whose origins lay in a secret agreement reached by Nazi Germany with a group of extraterrestrials called Draco Reptilians.

This agreement resulted in the establishment of a breakaway German colony in Antarctica that soon after gave birth to the nefarious Dark Fleet (Nachtwaffen), which aligned itself with the Draco’s masterplan for galactic conquest.

After detecting the sudden emergence of galactic tyranny 350 years in the future, a group of extraterrestrials known as the Andromeda Council notified the Galactic Federation of Worlds and other freedom loving extraterrestrial organizations about the threat posed by contemporary events happening on Earth, its Moon and Mars.

Thus, a temporal war began involving different extraterrestrial federations, councils and secret space programs, each striving to steer long term events on Earth to prevent or bring about this sweeping tyranny that could overtake the galaxy.

Both sides have used time travel technologies to influence key individuals, events, and movements on Earth. Operatives from each side have been embedded into different countries, and especially into aerospace companies to help humans build advanced technologies for different secret space programs.

Today we are witnessing the final stages of this decades-long temporal war involving multiple timelines that compete, co-exist, and ultimately converge with one another.

As we approach the end of this temporal war, with the Earth as the epicenter of what would have been a future galactic tyranny, the truth is emerging about these events and the different galactic groups and organizations that have played significant roles.

In his final webinar for 2021, Dr. Michael Salla will give a grand tour of the different extraterrestrial groups and secret space programs involved in the temporal war that has been silently raging around us, unknown to most of humanity. Importantly, he will highlight current events that are leading to the fulfillment of a very positive and exciting galactic prophecy.

A special panel will be included in this webinar with contactees Elena Danaan and Megan Rose as guests to discuss topic raised in Dr. Salla’s presentation and share their latest intel.

Learn about:

-The Andromeda Council and how it detected a galactic tyranny emerging 350 years from now.

-The role, actions and goals of the Galactic Federation of Worlds on Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

-How the Council of Nine, the Council of Five, the Saturnian Council and other high level galactic councils factor into global events.

-Find out what the Law of One Material has to say about the different galactic organizations intervening in human affairs.

-High level government and corporate insiders who have revealed the intervention of different galactic organizations.

-In addition to the USA, discover how Russia, France, Israel, China and Japan have been visited by different rival extraterrestrial groups and built their own secret space programs.

-The Jupiter Agreements, and the involvement of leading Aerospace Corporations in building and releasing advanced technologies to humanity.

-The plan of the Galactic Federation of Worlds in releasing advanced aerospace and healing technologies to humanity.

-How the “Earth Alliance” has been nurtured by galactic organizations to build a Star Trek Future equipped with a powerful ‘Starfleet’ that is able to protect Earth from future infiltration and invasion.

-How galactic organizations have helped awaken humanity to bring about a global revolution where the power of the Deep State, 4th Reich, ruling bloodline families, etc., is broken.

-Finally, how humanity steps into its full power as universally connected sovereign beings in fulfilment of galactic prophesy, and much more!

We are not alone in our fight for freedom on Earth. Many stand with us to defend a future within our galactic community that we can all wish to inhabit.

6-hour Webinar Intensive

Saturday, October 9, 2021

More info is available here.

03 October 2021

Have Tall Gray alien leaders just been captured by the Galactic Federation?


On September 30, I received an update from Elena Danaan and her extraterrestrial contact, Thor Han Eredyon, concerning a contingent of Tall Gray alien leaders from Orion who had just been captured by the Galactic Federation of Worlds. It was claimed that the Tall Grays were the same aliens that had in the 1950s reached an agreement with the Majestic 12 Group without President Eisenhower’s approval, and selling out humanity in the process. If accurate, the capture marked a major step forward in humanity taking back control of the solar system.

What follows is the update I received from Elena about the capture of the Orion Tall Grays:

[Elena] Thor Han connected to share with me telepathically where he was: in a dark room with other personnel of the Federation, looking at high transparent cylinders containing a blueish gel. Nine of them contained each a tall Grey in stasis. I could identify in the room High Commander Ardaana, the science commander Denethor, some Ummites, and other beings from different races.

[Thor Han] – These are Eban, a very rare and exceptional catch, Thor Han said. ([Elena]I knew that the Eban are at the head of the Orion Nebu group and the ones responsible for the treaties with MJ12 & MIC). It is extremely difficult to catch them, he continued, as they play with frequency shifts, interdimensional jumps and temporal hide-and-seek games. And when we happen to catch one, it discorporates instantly. As you know, we found the frequency to lock all their portals in this star system. This is how we caught these ones, trying to escape via one of the portals near Saturn.

It’s important to emphasize here Thor Han’s intel that the Ebans are the leaders of the Orion Nebu, Tall Grays from the Orion constellation, and it was this group that met with and made agreements with the Eisenhower administration. These meetings and agreements with the Tall Grays were first discussed by William Cooper in his 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse. He wrote:

Later in 1954, the race of large nosed Gray Aliens which had been orbiting the Earth landed at Holloman Air Force Base. A basic agreement was reached. This race identified themselves as originating from a Planet around a red star in the Constellation of Orion which we called Betelgeuse. They stated that their planet was dying and that at some unknown future time they would no longer be able to survive there

Elena later added that the captured Ebans come from Betelgeuse, matching what Cooper had earlier revealed. It’s also worth pointing out that the ability of the Tall Grays to transport themselves via “frequency shifts, interdimensional jumps and temporal hide-and-seek” explains the need for a frequency grid being created around the planet.

In a previous update from Val Nek (received from Megan Rose), it was described how new technologies were being provided to US Space Command to prevent the Tall Grays and other negative groups from using such sophisticated means to infiltrate Earth, and create havoc here.

Elena continued the update she received from Thor Han:

[Thor Han] It is a great catch for the Galactic Federation because for the first time, we are about to triangulate their brain frequency in an attempt to neutralize the frequency transmission from their queen-consciousness, and get to it. As you know, the Nebu function as a hive-consciousness; for the first time in the history of this galaxy, we are going to crack this code. They won’t stay here on this ship, they are about to be transported to a safer place.

[Elena] -Why are they kept in the dark?

[Thor Han]-They thrive on ultraviolet light. Our regular light harms them, we need to preserve them alive. All the Nebu try to leave this system. Many have already, hoping to gather forces and come back. Hence comes the need for deactivating their central consciousness. Once disconnected from it, they will be useless, neutralized.

This is a point that both Elena and Megan have made about the Draco Reptilians and Orion Grays now departing our solar system due to intervention by the Galactic Federation upholding their Prime Directive.

The Dracos and Grays have the intention of returning with new allies, and time was short for humanity/the Earth Alliance to prepare advanced planetary defense technologies and a powerful space fleet to protect the rest of the solar system.

In Thor Han’s update, I was intrigued by the parallels with the Borg as depicted in the Star Trek series and how brain frequencies were used for individual members to link with the collective. I asked Elena about it, and what follows is the Q & A between us:

[Michael] That is good news Elena. So they are like the Borg. Once separated from the hive mind, they are useless since they haven’t developed individuality.

What is it about their brain frequency that connects them to the Queen mind? We are talking about something very different to implants, right?

[Elena] Oh yes, totally. All Greys with a reptiloid genome, such as the Eban, Zeta, Grail, Solipsi Rai, Do-Hu etc…, are on a hive type social structure. Yes, like the Borgs! No, we are not talking about implants, it is something totally different.  There is no technology involved. We are talking about consciousness. Although they have individual thinking of their own, their minds are calibrated on a specific same brain frequency connected to a central consciousness called the “queen”.

When orders come from this centralized “queen”, they cannot resist and they obey, just like the Borg. I am not sure if it is a real “queen”, it may be a super-computer or a sort of supra-AI I don’t know, but it is called “queen”. This “queen” is located in the Orion M42 nebula. They have individuality but it is very basic. When the “queen” sends an order, imagine a quantum spider at the center of a web: everyone receives it and it takes over the brain functions and the basic individual thinking. Once disconnected from the queen, and so from the hive, they are lost and useless.

So the Galactic Federation is trying to hijack this queen. Exciting.

The Nebu agenda was to do the same thing with humanity.

This was a fascinating answer, the Tall Grays were linked through consciousness with a queen, and implants were not part of their communication process. This means the communication process is similar to bees and other insect species where the hive mind is conveyed through consciousness alone, allowing the queen to control the collective.

Importantly, implants would be used by Tall Grays for tracking purposes rather than communication, as exemplified in the abduction phenomenon where millions of human abductees have been implanted over decades.

The Gray implants appeared to be more sophisticated than the crude RFID chips that were mass produced by major companies such as Siemens to track humans abducted and/or taken into the slave trade, as I explained back in December 2015.

An abduction happened to Elena when she was nine years old, and the Gray implant was repurposed so it could act as a communication device with Thor Han and the Federation.  

Elena’s update from Thor Han appeared to be very good news. The same group of Tall Gray leaders that had reached agreements with the Majestic 12 Group were now in custody. I was intrigued by what their fate would be and asked Elena/Thor Han some questions about it. Here’s the relevant Q and A with Thor Han [TH].

Michael: There were 9 of them in capsules. Are they part of a governing Council of some kind or just one or two leaders and their minions?

TH: “They are the equivalent of officers, part of a special high command. They were fleeing Dulce base and trying to escape by the Saturn portal, located near their former Saturn base. They are not part of a council. We need to examine them first, and when we reach satisfaction, we will revive them and take them through the usual procedure. No negotiation. Nebu don’t negotiate, they kill the elements of the hive who have been “infected”, to use the term they employ.”

Michael: Also, will there be negotiations for their release, a trial of some kind, or will they just be experimented on to crack the code, etc?

TH: They have security brain shields we need to crack through. As long as they remain stunned, they can’t send a signal to the hive, which would result in their remote removal.

Elena: Removal?

TH: Their consciousness would be instantly removed from their body-envelops and merged back into the global consciousness of the hive, in Uru An Na. It’s the equivalent of killing them remotely, getting rid of them before they release more info.

Thor Han’s response makes clear why the Orion Grays are a formidable force in space that operates much like the fictional Borg collective does when it comes to terminating the lives of its captured personnel. The reference to Dulce base is also significant since that is the same location identified by the whistleblower, Phil Schneider, who described a 1979 firefight there that led to a significant number of US special forces being killed by the Tall Grays.

What supports Elena’s latest update is that long-time contactee Alex Collier has just come forward in an interview corroborating the information being released by Elena and Megan Rose about the recent liberation of the solar system from the Orion Grays and Draco Reptilians. Alex gave a timeline for how this is playing out today, and how negative extraterrestrial groups such as the Tall Grays are being captured:

Somewhere around the middle of December, before Christmas, this should be over. In other words, the battle between the light and the dark, at that point it will just be cleaning up, rounding up, tribunals, things of that nature but the war itself would be over. Most of the regressives [Orion Grays and Draco Reptilians] that have been on the planet have been removed, and those who were still here hiding, they virtually have surrendered because they have no choice.

The information from Alex’s Andromedan extraterrestrial contact, Mornay, directly supports the information that the Orion Grays are losing their temporal war with the Galactic Federation, Andromeda Council, and allied extraterrestrial groups.

The apparent capture of this group of Tall Gray leaders involved with the agreements reached with the MJ-12 Group is yet another sign of a profound shift in terms of humanity’s expansion into space. This suggests that the underlying power structures behind space exploration have been altered in fundamental ways, as Elena and Megan have been reporting, and as we are witnessing today with the rapid expansion of space operations by the US military and aerospace corporations to bring about a Star Trek Future.

I wish to thank Elana Danaan for relaying Thor Han’s update and answers to my questions. Her YouTube channel is here.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

[Video Version of this article is available on YouTube and Rumble]

Related Articles and Podcasts

For a complete list of articles and interviews concerning the Galactic Federation and/or featuring Elena Danaan, Megan Rose,  and other sources click here.

26 September 2021

Elon Musk Tweet Reveals Solar Warden/Earth Alliance Spacecraft

September 25, 2021

On September 23, 2021, Elon Musk tweeted a picture taken from a SpaceX civilian mission into low Earth Orbit. A close up of the picture reveals at least six cigar shaped craft traveling in formation. According to Thor Han Eredyon of the Galactic Federation of Worlds—as relayed by Elena Danaan—the craft belonged to the US Navy’s Solar Warden program and are now part of the newly formed Earth Alliance.

I have been told that Musk is constrained by Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) from revealing what he knows about the Earth Alliance, diplomatic meetings on Jupiter, extraterrestrial life, etc., but is allowed to leave clues so we can figure it out by ourselves. 

Video of the spacecraft formation is available on YouTube and Rumble

For more articles, videos and podcasts featuring information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds as relayed by Thor Han/Elena Danaan and Val Nek/Megan Rose, click here.

For more articles, videos and podcasts featuring information about the Galactic Federation of Worlds as relayed by Thor Han/Elena Danaan and Val Nek/Megan Rose, click here.

09 January 2021

The Rise of 144,000 Warriors of Light

The 144,000 Lightworkers and Lightwarriors were mentioned in the book of Revelation, on the Esmeralda tablets, by the Ashtar Command, Sananda, Native Americans and many others. A great call was sent to all lightworkers in the known universes to come here to help and guide this planet through the process of Ascension. They are one of the most mysterious groups mentioned in the Bible. 

But who are the 144,000?

The Revelation book and the Emerald tablets predict the arrival of 144,000 Lightworkers who will save Earth from the "Dark Forces" during the Kali Yuga END OF TIME. Most of the 144,000 Lightworkers are now here and in the process of "Awakening" for their Divine purpose and mission on Earth. Most of the 144,000 are star seeds incarnated from more evolved planets, although some of the 144,000 are advanced native souls on Earth.

Ashtar Command:

The Ashtar Command predicted that those who ascend on the first wave will have the opportunity to return to Earth in an ascended state, to awaken the rest of humanity to the opportunity for ascension. The book of Enoch supports this prediction by speaking of the sudden appearance of 144,000 Ascended Masters on Earth, who will transform the world and reject clouds of darkness and despair.

Native Americans:

The appearance of 144,000 teachers is also predicted in Native American prophecies. In April 1983, the master of medicine, Harley Swiftdeer, declared that 144,000 enlightened masters of the Dance of the Sun would awaken fully in the body of their dreams. They will begin to gather in their own feathered snakes or winged serpent wheels (Merkabah) and will become a great force of light to help the rest of humanity to dance their waking dreams.

Book of Revelations:

This would also provide an explanation for the 144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation. Revelation chapter 7 refers to countless numbers of each nation dressed in what John regarded as a white robe. This could have been his perception of the light bodies that adorn the crowd, following the trail of 144,000, to ascend the second and third waves of ascension. John also said that these were the ones who were purified in the time of great distress, a seven-year period of great tribulation. This would correspond to the natural disasters that were predicted as necessary for the Earth to purify itself from industrial civilization and pollution before its own ascent.

Kali Yuga:

Earth takes a 360-degree journey through the galaxy every 25,920 years. Each complete cycle is known as Yuga. There are four parts to Yuga. Two parts (180 degrees) of ascending consciousness and two parts (180 degrees) of descending consciousness. This cyclical rise and fall of consciousness on Earth has been occurring since its creation, and this explains the rise and fall of the great civilizations on Earth. The Kali Yuga is the last quadrant of the descending consciousness within the Yuga. The Earth is now on the edge of the Kali Yuga. The biblical name for Kali Yuga is the end of time. The end of time will not be the end of the Earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earth, and the dawn of the Seventh Golden Age of Enlightenment.


Most of the 144,000 are now in the process of "Awakening", coming out of their long mental and spiritual hibernation, realizing that they are here to assist in the great transformation of the Earth. Cellular memories of the 144,000 were planned, timed and activated to "leave" at this time and awaken to their true identity, mission and purpose to incarnate on Earth at this crucial time in Earth's history.

We arrived and entered the 11th hour of the Great Change taking place on Earth, and it was time for each and every one of the remaining 144,000 to wipe the dream of half-life from their eyes, hit their foreheads and undo the dream of materialism. wake up and dedicate yourself to the titanic task of saving this planet!

The sleep masses of the Earth will not save the planet. Only the 144,000 Lightworkers can save the planet. But ALL 144,000 Lightworkers MUST take their place and take it NOW! The time for confusion, hesitation and procrastination is over! There is a planet to save. And we are the ones who signed up to save you! A member who does not find and does not assume its publication may jeopardize the entire Mission. If that sounds galacticly serious, it is. If you think we are on another "routine mission", think again. This is the largest mission that the Great White Brotherhood has undertaken in the past 200,000 years. The eyes of the entire galaxy are upon us. Looking to see if we made it or not. Observing whether the Earth will be saved or destroyed. In the End Light will be Victorious!!!”

Order of the Light