16 January 2022

Situation Update and a New Cobra Interview

January 13, 2022

Since our Divine Intervention Activation, the war to liberate this planet on the non-physical planes has really escalated. While the dark forces are attacking whenever they can, the Light forces are clearing dark networks and have already managed to clear the majority of primary anomaly on the astral plane.

The main focus now is the clearing of the primary anomaly on the lower mental plane and the so-called Invisibles. Invisibles are Archontic entities which inhabit the lower mental plane around the surface of the planet and are the ones creating and manifesting the false ideas matrix. They are the beings responsible for ideas such as karma, prime directive, purposeful suffering, omnipotent God, purposeful duality, flat Earth, second law of thermodynamics as the ultimate truth, speed of light as the maximum speed, monogamy as the only choice, global warming, woke ideology, critical race theory, etc.

Invisibles are entities that are almost transparent, creamy opaque blobs, and are almost undetectable even for advanced clairvoyants on the mental plane. Since the Archon invasion in 1996, they have managed to invade the auric field of the mental body of almost every incarnated being on the surface of this planet.

The Light forces are estimating there are about 500 humans currently incarnated on the planet with their mental body fully intact, without Invisibles infestation. Everybody else is at least partially mentally possessed, ranging from small areas of the mind where the person acts irrationally, to the full possession where the person has almost completely lost free will and ability for common sense and rational thinking. The key here is to acknowledge the possession, which will be extremely hard to do for most people, expel the entities with decrees, purify the mental body with the violet flame, and reclaim lost mental abilities and exercise common sense.

Clearing of Invisibles network will continue with full speed for another month or so, and peak stupidity on the global scale is expected in about two weeks:


The Light forces will then begin to massively clear the energy imprint of the suppressed trauma complex of the surface humanity, and many situations that could not be healed before, will suddenly heal easily.

More and more members of the dark forces are beginning to realize that their defeat is near, and Chimera-controlled DARPA had no other choice than to throw Fauci under the bus:




Many independent sources are claiming that Omicron variant was developed by the positive factions to end this pandemic once and for all:


With the pandemic ending, the dark forces are left with their usual strategy of trying to manifest World War 3. Now they are trying to do this by engineering a conflict between Russia and NATO:


Russian top brass has already meet a few times this year with their Pleiadian advisers deep within the underground complex of Yamantau, built in the early 1990s and expanded in 1996, which is one of the two main Pleiadian contact sites for the Russian military:



Russian military has started developing trust issues against the Pleiadians towards the end of last year, when they begin to realize that Pleiadians are there not only to protect Russia against foreign invasion, but to actually and literally liberate the planet. This prompted Putin to search for stronger alliance with China, which is his first big geopolitical strategic mistake:


Now that things are getting serious, the Russian military is again listening to Pleiadians a bit more, especially since their last meeting on January 6th.

They have managed to abort a color revolution attempt in Kazakhstan:


And are now expanding Russian influence towards Venezuela and Cuba to counterbalance NATO:


The Pleiadians have communicated that nuclear escalation will NOT be permitted and all missiles will be intercepted, but they are still asking people to meditate for peace between Russia and NATO to avoid any unnecessary violence:


The Light forces are also asking for everybody who feels guided to participate in our monthly Divine Intervention Meditation at the exact moment of the full Moon on January 17th at 11:48 pm UTC.

Instructions are here:


And livestream video here:


And guided audio meditation videos in 39 languages here:


A new Cobra interview about Tachyon chambers has just been released by our French team.

Transcript in English is here:



And in French here:



Victory of the Light!

COBRA (Compression Breakthrough)

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