11 January 2017

Will President Trump Break the Secrecy Policy on Secret Space Programs?

JANUARY 10, 2017

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States. Among the most important policy questions he will be facing is how to respond to classified briefings about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life. Will President Trump maintain the status quo of secrecy on the grounds of national security, or will he support official disclosure as complimentary to his vision to “Make America Great Again”?

One of the perennial questions confronting UFO and exopolitics researchers is, “how much are U.S. Presidents briefed about classified programs concerning secret space programs and extraterrestrial life?” According to some experts, U.S. Presidents are told relatively little, and run into institutional roadblocks when they explore alternative routes to the truth.
It is well known for example that President Bill Clinton asked his close personal friend, Webster Hubbell to get answers to two questions:

If I put you over there in justice I want you to find the answer to two questions for me: One, who killed JFK. And two, are there UFOs.

There is no reason to doubt the accuracy of Hubbell’s recollections. This suggests that soon after being elected President in November 1992, Clinton had concluded he was being given the institutional run-around in learning the truth.

In contrast, Canadian researcher, Grant Cameron, states that U.S. Presidents are told quite a lot. If so, this might explain references by President Obama during an interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live, apparently in jest, that aliens would not allow him to disclose the truth. 

The aliens won’t let it happen. You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us.

According to Andy Basiago and three other purported first-hand witnesses, Obama had learned as early as 1980 about a covert CIA program involving jump room teleportation technologies that allowed covert missions to Mars. If true, that would mean that Obama, upon becoming President, already knew about one secret space program, but chose not to reveal this either out of national security concerns, or alien threats.

Sometime after his January 20 inauguration, President Trump will receive a classified briefing on the extraterrestrial topic. Regardless of how extensive the briefing(s) will be, he will have to make a decision about what to do with the information. Will he decide that national security arguments used to maintain the decades-long secrecy policy are compelling and worth preserving, or will he adopt a new approach based on his desire to restore high paying manufacturing jobs to the American people.

According to secret Space Program whistleblower, Corey Goode, Trump was quietly backed by a consortium of institutional actors, the “Alliance”, wanting to disclose the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life.

Donald Trump is indeed being backed by the Alliance. Trump is certainly not entering into this battle free from his own baggage. He has said and done a variety of things that are upsetting to people. He does not, however, represent a group that actively seeks to kill billions of people by starting World War III as soon as possible. 

Goode’s information suggests that key figures and leaders in the Alliance have decided that Trump will back disclosure initiatives since he is unlikely to submit to being pressured or blackmailed into remaining silent. Trump’s background in large scale real estate construction projects predisposes him to supporting disclosure of classified technologies that help restore the industrial manufacturing capacity of the U.S.

Trump’s desire to create American jobs through resurrecting its latent manufacturing capacity, is going to find a perfect outlet when he is briefed about the advanced technologies used in secret space programs. Arguments to continue keeping these technologies hidden due to national security concerns are unlikely to persuade him. Threats made against him are also doubtful to succeed given his success in warding off all kinds of negative publicity and attacks during the Presidential campaign.

Consequently, this leads to the question of what kind of disclosure will Trump support. Will it be “full disclosure” or a form of “limited disclosure”?

Goode states that in late 2016, agreements had been reached to go forward with a limited disclosure initiative which would reveal the existence of the U.S. Air Force based secret space program involving two Earth orbiting stealth space stations, and antigravity vehicles used to service these such as the TR-3B. 

During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Wikileaks released emails by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chair, which revealed that two retired U.S. Air Force Generals and the head of Lockheed’s Skunkworks, are part of a group of ten senior advisors working directly with Rock Star, Tom DeLonge. They are backing DeLonge’s disclosure initiative which he describes in his co-authored book, Sekret Machines.

In an extensive two part book review of Sekret Machines (see here and here), I have shown that the information DeLonge has received is part of a limited disclosure initiative backed by the USAF. In short, DeLonge provides a sanitized version of the history of secret space programs in which the main national security threat from Russia, which possesses its own fleet of destructive antigravity spacecraft responsible for abductions, interference with U.S. nuclear weapons facilities, and UFO sightings.

I contrasted DeLonge’s “limited disclosure” initiative with a “full disclosure” initiative backed by the U.S. Navy, which is far more revealing of the full range of space assets secretly developed and deployed over the last six decades. Importantly, full disclosure covers nefarious activities, such as a space slave trade and the key individuals that made this trade possible.

In December 2015, retired aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, came forward to disclose how the U.S. Navy developed eight space battle groups, which were first deployed in the 1980’s as part of a covert program called “Solar Warden”.

According to Tompkins, a number of top Aerospace corporations played key roles in designing and developing kilometers long antigravity spacecraft used in Solar Warden. He says that the Navy’s eight battlegroups are now antiquated and a new generation of 12 space battle groups is currently under development, and is expected to be deployed in the 2030’s.

Upon learning the full extent of the USAF and US Navy secret space programs, and the existence of multiple extraterrestrial visitors, some of whom have reached agreements with elements of the Military Industrial Complex, Trump will be confronted with highly significant policy choices about how much and when to disclose. What can be predicted with certainty is that Trump will seek to strike a deal of some sort, and then move forward with his final policy.

Trump is a man with huge ambitions and has a reputation for getting his way, as is well illustrated through his successful Presidential campaign despite great opposition. On the other hand, there is a seven decades long secrecy policy that is deeply entrenched in the national security system.

This brings us to the paradox of what happens when an unstoppable force [Trump] meets an immovable object [secrecy]? There are certainly going to be fireworks, as we are already witnessing in the run to Trump’s January 20 inauguration. My best guess is that Trump will stamp his name on an official disclosure policy on secret space programs and extraterrestrial life that results in massive scale industrial projects designed to “Make America Great Again”.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.


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