29 March 2020

Benjamin Fulford and Cobra Return: Critical Corona Virus and War Updates


Prepare for Change welcomes back Cobra and Benjamin Fulford for a very important conversation about the Corona Virus and escalation in the war for planetary liberation.

We include several vital messages for our Prepare for Change community that we urge you to listen to for a little more perspective of what’s going on and for the need to react calmly to reject the Cabal’s dark agenda.

Our conversation with Benjamin and Cobra thoroughly goes through all the rumours regarding the Corona Virus and focuses the attention squarely to the Cabal perpetrators. We take up how they are reacting and what the White Hats response is and will be over the near future. Cobra gives us an update from the higher planes perspective and we also set up the mindset of the dark brotherhood for those new to this message.

While it’s very important to hear the message and be prepared as well as vigilant, it’s also important to know these higher truths as this premeditated biological attack is one that is beyond the pale, in plain sight, and perhaps necessary for the public to observe to further wake up and take part in demanding change. Now is the time to firmly put out your intent.

We also urge viewers to do their own investigating of our claims as well as investigate the MSM claims regarding overflow hospitals. Hospitals are proving to be drastically empty. Go walk into the emergency room of your nearest local hospital and you’ll notice they are quieter than usual because with so many people now staying at home in “quarantine”, therefore there are far fewer road and work accidents. Using you common sense: Do you hear any ambulances sirens anywhere? Then stop buying into their fear mongering. Does this align with MSM narratives?

We have prepared a global meditation “Ascension Timeline – End of the Corona virus global meditation” on April 4th and 5th (depending on which part of the globe you live) This meditation is to End this “coronavirus” madness and instead bring Peace, Health and abundance to our planet for good! You may find the link with all the details of this important meditation here:


This “Ascension Timeline- End of the Global Coronavirus” meditation has been translated in many different languages and again, you may find those videos at Cobra’s website below:


You can find instructions and time zones and links to video guided meditations in all languages here:

For the guided meditation in English, find it here:

Finally, please find information regarding the Prepare for Change Community Leaders Briefs and do what you can to distribute the information.

For a list of our past interviews with Benjamin, please go here: https://prepareforchange.net/category/interviews/benjamin-fulford-interviews/

Keep on seeking the truth, rally your friends and family and expose as much corruption as you can… every little bit helps add pressure on the powers that are no more.

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