Debra: Zerohedge recently announced that China suspended debt repayment for 77 developing countries. What is that all about?
Cobra: China has very strong interests, especially in Africa. They have a strong connection with Africa, they want to invest in Africa, they want to have this as their sphere of influence. With this debt forgiveness program, they tied those countries to China because they can then invest freely. They give some minimal aid to the countries and then of course follows the second wave of investment, which ties those countries to China. It’s a part of Chinese strategy. Chinese strategy now is expansion. They were quite contained in the last few centuries within their borders, but now it’s the second phase of the Chinese plan, they are aiming at world domination basically.
Debra: Can you tell us more about the new financial system that many, including Ben Fulford, are saying is being negotiated right now? What do you know about that?
Cobra: There are many negotiations, negotiations that are actually taking place for years now, and we don’t have any results yet because there are many interest groups with their own agendas and there is no consent yet. And of course the cabal wants to stop this, so we are not there yet. I’m quite skeptical this moment that there will be a breakthrough very soon. There are rumors, of course, there are people hoping for it in the next weeks or so, but I don’t think we’re there yet.
Debra: You’ve said in the past that the final financial crash will happen right before the Event; has what this looks like changed according to the current timeline, or is it how you’ve described it before?
Cobra: This stays the same. The plan stayed the same. The light forces will trigger the crash when it’s time to trigger the crash.
Debra: What about mini crashes before that, are those possible? What does it look like? Or are we actually experiencing one now due to the effects the coronavirus situation has had on our economy?
Cobra: There was a mini crash in the stock market in February/March, and of course then it recovered artificially. Things like that might continue to happen because the feds will not be able to control the situation indefinitely. So there might be many crashes like that happening in the future in various financial sectors throughout the planet.
Debra: But you don’t see it where we go to the stores and there’s no food on the shelves or anything like that?
Cobra: No, I’m not expecting this.
Debra: Okay, good. This is a curious question that multiple people have asked; recently #JFKJrReturns was trending on social media. Is he still alive?
Cobra: Okay, I ask people a few times to use common sense.
Debra: So use our own common sense around that one. And what is the story about the recent UFO event in Brazil? Was it connected with the cabal and did light beings die in the crash?
Cobra: It is one of the, I would say, collateral damage in this war that’s happening in sub lunar space between the Galactic Confederation and Draco fleet.
Debra: But there actually was a light ship that crashed in Brazil?
Cobra: Well, my sources are not saying it was a light ship. It was the other ones, the Dracos.
Debra: Okay, I got ya. And a question about the Schumann resonance, is it an indicator for any underground activity or quantum activity?
Cobra: Schumann resonance actually reflects the collective plasma field around the planet. Plasma field can be influenced by consciousness, can be influenced by solar activity, can be influenced by volcanic eruptions, big earthquakes, many different sources of many different causes.
Debra: How would you explain all of the activity lately from the Schumann [resonance]?
Cobra: How you define lately?
Debra: It just seems like over the last few months there’s been a lot of spikes and things.
Cobra: Of course. There were a few meditations, which were quite influential in the energy field, and there have been some changes in planetary consciousness as well. And the sun was quite inactive, this was a solar minimum time; the sun is now beginning to waken again so there might be some changes as well in that regard.
Debra: Okay. I’d like to ask you a couple of questions about the Ascension timeline and the Event. You said that the May 7th full moon was a trigger through which Archangel Metatron would activate our solar system into an Ascension portal connected to the galactic center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which needs to be remained buffer to a degree. Does this mean that the rest of the solar system started ascending? And when will sublunar space and Earth be able to connect to this Ascension portal?
Cobra: I will not say that the rest of the solar system start ascending, but I would say that the rest of the solar system started to transmit ascension energies gently towards the planet and the sublunar space so the transformation can begin here. And the transformation in the sublunar space can only begin when there are some definite victories needed for the Galactic Confederation fleet against the Dracos, which have not happened yet.
Debra: And then we’ll be able to connect to this portal?
Cobra: It will be then much easier to connect with that portal and feel then those energies coming in.
Debra: There were some questions from readers after your post about the Ascension portal of 2025, about whether the three waves of Ascension must be completed by the time of the Ascension window closing in 2025, or if they could take place after? And is it possible that the first wave could happen prior to the event, especially if the event continues to be delayed?
Cobra: This plan has changed a bit, and I will update the surface population with a new plan when the time is right.
Debra: We look forward to hearing that! So, well, my next question was about the cleansing tsunami, if that was still the plan after the waves of Ascension?
Cobra: Yes, when the big solar flash of galactic pulse happens, of course, there will be a purifying tsunami. This cannot be avoided. This needs to happen. This final purification of Earth is necessary for the planet to reach the ascended state.
Debra: So just to clarify for people—there is the solar flash of the Event, but then there will be a larger cleansing solar flash after that.
Cobra: Yes, actually we have two pulses. The first one is triggering the Event, and the second one is triggering the planetary ascension.
Debra: I understand. Will there be a series of natural disasters after the Event? It is said that many people will lose their lives possibly. Can these damages be slowed down or avoided?
Cobra: We are not expecting any drastic cataclysms at the Event or shortly after the Event, but as we get closer to the final, big solar and galactic flash, there will be more and more shaking of the Earth and more and more of the earthquakes and reaching the final moment of the polar shift.
Debra: After 2025, what will happen in our world? Is it true we won’t be able to live on the Earth in our physical bodies?
Cobra: I would not fix any predictions to a certain date, but I would say after the polar shift, only those who are in Islands of Light will be able to remain here.
Debra: I know you’ve said that before, so again, we look forward to your update about those waves of Ascension. Some people, like Sandra Walter, have shiny particles on their hands. Is this one of the Ascension symptoms?
Cobra: I didn’t check that so I cannot answer this question. I would need to see a photo and check everything so then I can answer this question.
Debra: Understandable. What final steps are still necessary in order for us to trigger the Event?
Cobra: What is necessary is, number one, to clear the sublunar space of all Draco fleet, and then to create conditions on the surface of the planet to make the Event possible. So after the Draco fleet is removed, things will go on quite, quite fast and then we can expect the Event to happen.
Debra: And we can help by keeping our own vibrations high and participating in mass meditations, correct?
Cobra: Oh, that’s for sure, because we stabilize the planetary grid and then it is much easier for the light forces. They can be much bolder in their actions, because we have this hostage situation and when we as hostages on the surface create a resonance field, then it’s much easier for them to push much more directly towards the liberation.
Sisterhood of the Rose Interview with Cobra "Age of Aquarius Activation Part 2"
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