11 October 2020


July 27, 2020
Hello friends, 
This video was produced to pay tribute to Commander Ashtar Sheran. 
In this video, you will discover a large majority of the illustrations of portraits made with the effigy of Commander Ashtar that I could find on the Internet. Obviously, not all illustrations will appear in this video. So I was forced to select the illustrations that spoke to me the most, the most famous and the best done to date. 
Some illustrations are very vintage, sometimes dating back to the 1960s. At that time, the Internet did not yet exist and information did not circulate as easily as it does today. The achievements vary between the realization on paper / drawing (pencil stroke), painting on canvas, illustrations made with much more modern tools that can be found in computer graphics such as "Adobe Creative Suite", "Photoshop", "Illustrator", "After Effects" etc... 
All the artists presented in this video have produced their works, by channeling, direct intuition, mental image, inner guidance, telepathy ... The majority of them are already in contact with Commander Ashtar. Whether it's on a physical level or in a more subtle way. Whether they are aware of it or not. Nothing is ever left to chance with Commander Ashtar! 
For this special occasion and for the very first time on my Youtube channel, you will have the opportunity to watch this video in "4K high-resolution" format. To do this, don't forget to change the viewing quality by turning on "4K" in the "Settings" menu at the bottom right of the player. 
I took great pleasure in making this montage. I hope this will be felt through the images, of the sound environment and that you like the end result. In the meantime, relax, make yourself comfortable and enjoy the trip. 
I wish you all an excellent viewing. 
"I would particularly like to thank David Boller, Yuset Ocampo and Frédéric (webmaster of the site:" ashtar.sheran.free.fr ") for their kind participation and collaboration in this project." 
Victory of light ☼ 
Ashtar : "Your liberation is near!"

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