03 August 2023

Overcoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth


July 31, 2023

Sacha Stone is a former rock musician and artist who decided to focus on global humanitarian initiatives for a New Earth with sustainable technologies that would protect the global environment and unlock human potential. In 1999, he established his first non-government organization, Humanidad, which quickly gained international prominence. This led to him being given a senior position within the United Nations to coordinate international humanitarian efforts by non-government organizations. After two years, however, he resigned from his position due to incompetence and high-level corruption within the UN system.

Stone has ever since worked tirelessly to expose corruption and global manipulation by a satanic group of elites; to bring about a more ethical, peaceful world; and to stop all forms of child and human trafficking. He is dedicated to empowering the latent “God-King” potential in human DNA connected to humanity’s Anunnaki creators, particularly the Enki faction. In this Exopolitics Today Interview, Stone discusses how his research and activism relate to extraterrestrial life and technology both in the ancient and modern world. 


Watch on Bitchute

Audio Podcast on Apple, Spotify, or Google

Sacha Stone’s Website is: 


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