24 November 2015


The effects of the Paris atrocities felt throughout the world, and no greater than with the relatives and friends of the murdered people, serve as a warning to the intent of world psychopaths. I totally accept that those that committed the atrocities had a religious/fundamental agenda but who was in their minds? Who was manipulating them? I do not for one moment believe that they were aware of the important planetary alignment at the very moment they started the terrible crimes. The situation in Paris was one big sacrifice designed to release traumatic energy which combined with the hadron collider at full power might well have removed humanity from its connection to source. I know when I have said this previously some have laughed saying that no force can break our connection to the creator. But do we really want to put that to the test?

No sacrifice is a good thing, the sacrifice in Paris from a magical perspective was tainted with evil intent. The crime was so great that source itself entered the hadron collider and a ‘pushing contest’ ensued with unbelievable amounts of energy being expended. Source manifested itself within the colliding tubes of the device, the operators of the device ramped up the power in an effort to expel what they perceive to be a foreign body. Source matched this energy output until finally extensive damage was caused to the whole installation. American security services who are not part of the Cabal estimate that it will take 10 years to repair the collider, my own information is it’s more like 5 years. The Cabal can either pretend that nothing has occurred or that they will mothball the device because in their words it has achieved what they set out to achieve. We know these will be lies for why else would the Chinese have just announced that they themselves will build a collider larger than Cern.

When Connecting Consciousness undertook the Global meditation we demonstrated our connection to love and proved that humanity can triumph over evil and I personally believe that this allowed Source to play a more active roll in what is now a war - a war for the salvation of humanity.

My thoughts and the thoughts of all the team at Connecting Consciousness go out to all people who have suffered at the hands of a criminal psychotic group of murderers, it is for all good people to ensure that such people never gain control of the human race.

Much hope, more strength, much love​!


Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen (Bases edit)
In Part 1-3, the Hadron Collider at CERN, and its ‘synchronised’ junior devices across the planet were discussed. The basic narrative being that this massive device was being used for nefarious purposes to open a worm hole allowing ‘Draco’ ETs, who have been on earth for thousands of years (Aka Demons) to have massive reinforcements, in a great space war above our heads.

Thus the term Draco. The issue here being that the Draco should not have space flight/or ‘gate technology’ or even be here. They are not the bad guys here. They are manipulated by an “A-I” Articfical intelliegence, found in the sentient fluid from another location or source in the universe. Found in crude oil, (Falklands War), it is extremnely dangerous substance that pulls down higher conscious beings and makes them into homicidal killers (Nazi Germany).

In this Tek Chat, Patty Brassard gives a basic run down of the temporary shut down of the Collider, and the detailed images obtained to show the beams go off focus, and the damage starts. Preceded by a brief chat with Karen MacDonald, who introduced us to Sgt Daniel for the first time. A major whistle blower with an long list of agencies to his name.

(USAF number and data is on file) As with Bases we listen to what people have to say, and then draw conclusions as best we can. A further 2nd interview with Sgt Daniel is planned. Basically no public word has emerged from CERN, as to what has been reported in these interviews.


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