A consortium of extraterrestrial races conducting long term genetic engineering of humanity has been told to end its historic interference according to Secret Space Program insider Corey Goode. As a result of this, and related “galactic diplomacy” developments, he says that humanity is about to embark on a thousand years of uninterrupted peaceful development as a fully autonomous member of the galactic community.
Goode has just released an extensive update with his latest experiences involving extraterrestrials, Inner Earth entities and secret space programs in a joint article written with New York Times best selling author David Wilcock. While Goode’s update may read like a science fiction space opera, his Cosmic Disclosure Gaia TV interview series with Wilcock has generated hundreds of thousands of views, and a devoted following convinced of the veracity of his claims.
In my own research of Goode’s claims since March 2015, I have not found any evidence of fraud or deception. Instead there has been much circumstantial evidence supporting his claims which have been detailed in a number of articles, and more extensively in a 2015 book comprehensively examining his claims in light of such evidence along with corroborating witness testimony.
The most recent examples of circumstantial evidence concern Goode’s revelations of extensive underground facilities in the Moon where large bases had been secretly built. In 2017, scientists confirmed the existence of massive lava tubes in the Moon which could support large cities. The size of the Moon’s caverns were large enough to fit a large metropolitan city, as illustrated in the following diagram showing how Philadelphia could easily fit inside one of them.

The city of Philadelphia is shown inside a theoretical lunar lava tube. A Purdue University team of researchers explored whether lava tubes more than 1 kilometer wide could remain structurally stable on the moon. (Purdue University/courtesy of David Blair)
In his latest update, Goode discusses being taken into the Moon where he traveled through its network of lava tubes.
There is an extensive amount of information in Goode’s portion of the joint article which is over 10,000 words. Given the extensive material, I will focus on arguably the most significant event, which concerns what he was told about the extraterrestrial consortium, the “Super Federation”, being compelled to end its long term genetic experiments.
To read the other issues raised by Goode in his update, you can visit the latest post by Wilcock on his Divine Cosmos website. All quotes that follow are extracted from the joint Goode and Wilcock article.
Goode begins by describing how he was taken to a Super Federation meeting:
In one of these dream-state communications I was told that I should prepare for a series of meetings with the Super Federation and the “Council at Saturn” in the next few days.
On Saturday, December 16, 2017, at a little after 3:30 AM, a blue orb appeared in my room. I got up and put on the nice clothes that I had laid out next to my bed the night before….
I then faced the orb and indicated that I was ready to be transported.
Goode described being taken to a temporal anomaly near Jupiter housing a large diplomatic facility where the Super Federation conducts its regular Assembly. He has previously discussed participating in various roles as part of an Earth delegation in the Assembly.
In his update, Goode discussed his new role where he would address the entire Assembly as a spokesperson for the Sphere Being Alliance, a recently arrived group of higher density extraterrestrials (6th-9th) whose abilities and technologies far exceed those of the extraterrestrials running the long term genetic programs on Earth.
I was starting to get a bit shaky when I figured I would just get it over with. I thought to myself, “I am ready.” Immediately, Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle Being were standing behind me, very much in the same manner as when they had first appeared with me in front of the SSP Alliance at the LOC.
Goode has previously described Tear-Eir as a 6th density being who has mentored him since 2013, and appointed him to play the critical role as the Sphere Being Alliance’s delegate at a meeting at Lunar Operations Command (LOC) in March 2015, before a consortium of human space programs called the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance.

Corey Goode as he appeared at LOC in March 2015. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance.
Goode states that the process of appointing a normal citizen to represent the Sphere Being Alliance in diplomatic negotiations with the major space powers and extraterrestrial groups in a solar system has been repeatedly followed in our local stellar cluster of 52 star systems.
It appears that this diplomatic formula has been used to overcome the usual power disparity where the will of normal planetary citizens are ignored by planetary elites and their extraterrestrial patrons. Goode certainly appears to be a good choice for such delegate as he has a common touch that appeals to many watching his interviews.
Goode was chosen by the Sphere Being Alliance, to overcome this power disparity on Earth, and give the normal citizenry of our planet a voice in diplomatic negotiations concerning their future:
Tear-Eir addressed me and said “Repeat everything exactly as I communicate it to you,” to which I nodded in agreement. I then turned to the delegation once more and began to speak.
I then spoke the words “We greet you in the love and light of the one infinite creator” at which time both Tear-Eir and the Golden Triangle being put their palms forward and bowed. I mimicked what they did. I felt a very deliberate yet loving energy coming from Tear-Eir….
He was having me address groups of beings by both their name and where they came from. Tear-Eir began to discuss cosmic agreements over these programs that have been made and broken over oceans of time. It seems that each of the 52 stars in our local star cluster have gone through similar programs.
Tear-Eir then announced that the Super Federation as they knew it would soon be disbanded, as had been done in countless other star systems in accordance with Comic Law.
Tear-Eir further stated that soon 2 more Guardian Races would come to replace the Blue Avians and Golden Triangle Beings. At that point, the new Guardians would guide the Super Federation through consolidating and closing down these programs.
Goode then described a vehement protest by the extraterrestrial races in the Assembly, who were then reminded of the superior technological power possessed by the Sphere Being Alliance (aka Guardian Group) that had been militarily exercised in previous past situations:
Tear-Eir then had me say “remember the Ponce System.” I had a flash of some sort of military conflict between a few of the Super Federation groups and a Guardian group that was enforcing a similar situation in a far-away star system, long ago.
The incident seemed significant to everyone present, except the Earth Delegation and myself. The delegates returned to their seats and waited for me to address them again.
What Goode just described appeared to be a veiled threat by the Sphere Being Alliance/Guardians that basically forced the Super Federation to accept the terms that had been laid before them. He went on:
Tear-Eir then had me state, “Humanity has had much to overcome. In this new phase, this council will soon disband.
“Humanity’s “Cosmic Family” will assist them in healing and guiding them through the management of their own genetic and spiritual growth.
“This council will attend to its members incarnated on Earth, until which time humanity requests that you remove them.
“Humanity will be offered an official seat at a new Super Federation Council.
“These Cosmic Family members will use their experiences as a part of these programs to help guide this council in further ongoing programs across this Galaxy.”
Soon after, “Gonzales”, a pseudonym for a U.S. Navy officer that has worked closely with Goode in his space encounters since 2015, spoke about the significance of the development:
He said “Do you know what this means?” I looked at him and said, “Humanity will not be controlled and experimented on by dozens of ET races who think they are gods?”
He smiled and said, “They are the gods from our myths…. But, yes. And it means that the Galactic Federation, which the Sphere Being Alliance is a part of, will now assist us with the Draco Empire.
“They will not remove them for us, but will provide support that allows us to clean up our own house. We will really only have to contend with the AI threat until the series of solar events clear them from the Sol System.”
Goode was next informed about a 1000 year galactic energy anomaly that will make possible an era of unprecedented human evolution and development:
I was shocked and said, “The Sphere Being Alliance is non-violent; how will they confront the reptilians?” He said, “I think we will have to watch that play out together. After the series of solar events, the Draco will be energetically expelled from this system.
“An incompatible energy will emanate from the Sun for about a thousand years.
“Many reptilians will try to remain hidden on Earth in temporal fields and within heavily shielded bases deep in the Earth, as they have for prior cycles.
“Humans will be responsible for rooting them out of their hiding places.
“During that time, the Draco will be unable to return to this system.” …
I asked, “Why for only a thousand years?” Gonzales looked at me and said, “Sounds Biblical, doesn’t it?
“The Earth is near a Super Gate. Those are quite special. The only alternative is to block their access to a system the super-gate is near. After Humanity has been through disclosure and the solar events, the reptilians will be of little threat.”
I asked “Who manages this energy field for the thousand-year period?”
He stated, “The thousand-year energy fields seem to be a natural part of the cosmic web’s cycles and energy flow.”
He stated that according to his info, this thousand-year cycle is “not something set up by Galactic Federation assets.”
Goode has not offered any hard evidence to support his claims. Aside from some circumstantial evidence and corroborating claims by insiders such as the recently deceased William Tompkins, Dr. Pete Peterson, and others known to David Wilcock, there appears little to corroborate his incredible claims.
The lack of hard evidence has led to some critics claiming Goode is a fraud, and even led to an extreme form of character assassination against him and his closest associates. However, a close examination of two of the most well-known critics shows they deliberately omitted and skewed important background data that supported Goode’s professional background. This doesn’t prove Goode’s testimony to be genuine, only that persistent efforts to discredit or debunk him fail to be persuasive.
Goode’s testimony is ground breaking and until there is clear evidence showing him misrepresenting or concocting events, he deserves to be taken seriously given the strong public interest in his case, and growing fan base. If his testimony is accurate, as I continue to believe is the case, then he may just have participated in major off-planet diplomatic meetings that directly impact humanity’s future, and ushers in an unprecedented 1000 year age of freedom from extraterrestrial interference.
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on January 12, 2018.
Further Reading
Military Abduction & Extraterrestrial Contact Treaty – Corey Goode Briefing Pt 2
US Air Force Officials Investigate Claims of Secret Navy Space Program
Illegal Military Research and Development in Antarctica
Antarctic Ice Shelf Destabilized as Race for Ancient Alien Artifacts & New Weapons Heats Up
Antarctica’s Secret History – Extraterrestrial Colony Created Elite Bloodline Rulers
Astropolitics and the Exopolitics of Unacknowledged Space Activities
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