January 17, 2018
On Saturday morning January 13, residents of the Hawaiian Islands received an emergency alert that warned of an incoming ballistic missile and instructed everyone to take cover. Residents near Honolulu, the expected ground zero of any nuclear attack, fled for their lives to more remote areas of Oahu expecting the worst.
This is what appeared on peoples’ cell phones at 8:07 am local Hawaii time:

Then after 38 minutes of sheer terror for many all over the Hawaiian islands, residents were notified by the emergency alert system that it was all a false alarm.

Someone had pressed the wrong button according to local State authorities. Residents were supposed to be reassured that the responsible individual would be reassigned. An inquiry has been launched by the Hawaii Governor David Ige.
Mainstream media coverage has exclusively focused on Hawaii State authorities explaining that the problem was one person pressing the wrong button. According to an official timeline of events, U.S. Pacific Command notified Hawaii State authorities that there was no missile launch at 8:10 am.
Local authorities subsequently attempted to inform the public via a number of means that the ballistic missile alert was a false alarm. But it was only at 8:45 am, 38 minutes after the initial alert, that a second emergency alert was sent over the Public Alert and Warning System announcing the mistake.
Was the long delay between warning and the warning retraction received by Hawaii residents simply the unprecedented foul up of an emergency alert sent by State authorities, or was something else happening?
My wife and I have lived on the Big Island of Hawaii since 2004, and during our time here there have been a steady number of emergency alerts issued for hurricanes, tsunamis, flash flooding, and lava flows. Sirens regularly wail at the start of the month to test the emergency alert system for these kinds of events, and more recently for a possible nuclear missile attack from North Korea.
The regular occurrence of destructive events and their consequences in the region have led to an emergency alert system that is second to none when it comes to providing timely and accurate information to Hawaii residents in potentially life threatening circumstances.
We regularly receive emergency alert updates after the initial event described in an emergency alert. So the explanation that it took 38 minutes to issue an update to the initial false alarm is very hard to believe.
The chances that the ballistic missile alert was a simple mistake by one person even further strains credulity. One writer points out how the system is designed to prevent this precise mistake:
There is no “button” that could be accidentally hit. There are five fail safe procedures in the Hawaiian Emergency Alert Management System, the last being a two key system such as are present in US missile silos and on US nuclear missile submarines. Two keys, eight feet apart, requiring two different individuals to simultaneously and positively trigger the alert.
This is why alternative media reports of an intercepted nuclear missile attack needs to be considered, since it raises another scenario that better fits the sequence of events on that Saturday morning.
The first alternative news report appeared on the Operation Disclosure blogsite on January 13. It was headed RV/Intelligence Report and said:
Missile launches were detected in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii.
The launches originated from the same anomaly detected yesterday, Jan. 12.
The missiles were immediately intercepted and destroyed.
The anomaly was revealed to be a nuclear stealth submarine.
The nuclear stealth submarine was located and destroyed shortly after the attempted attack.
On January 16, another author came out saying that the Hawaii event was an intercepted nuclear missile attack. After explaining how the emergency alert system is designed to prevent the kind of human error claimed by state authorities, s/he wrote:
There was a missile. Probably fired from a submarine under the control of individuals loyal to the Deep State, possibly Israeli or German. The missile was not fired from North Korea or by North Korean forces. The missile was intercepted. Then the coverup began.
[Update 1/17/18] An additional alternative news media source corroborating key aspects of the thwarted missile attack against Hawaii is veteran journalist and orthopedic surgeon, Dr Dave Janda. He commented in a radio interview about what a “Deep Level source”, who has never been wrong over the years he has known him, had told him about the Hawaii missile incident:
What this source told me was that , and again I’ve never found this source to be wrong, was that there was actually a missile fired. The missile was brought down by the United States … antimissile program…. It was a submarine based missile and … it was from a Chinese sub…. This was a renegade faction within the Chinese military that was in charge of this sub that fired this missile, and in fact the Chinese Navy, supportive Xi Jinping [Current President of China] was the ship that then took out that submarine.
If the above scenario actually happened then it makes sense that an alert was generated after the initial missile launch. Then, once the missile had been intercepted, local and federal authorities were informed immediately, only three minutes later.
The additional 35 minutes was probably due to the “short time” it took to find and take out the missile launch system, likely a submarine, to prevent another missile launch. The all clear was then given to issue the additional emergency alert to Hawaii residents while covering up the nuclear attack and take down.
What adds credibility to this alternative scenario are photos of a number of UFO’s seen over Hawaii 31 minutes after the second emergency alert. The photos show UFOs that display an advanced technology that may be craft belonging to a USAF run Secret Space Program that has broken away from Deep State control.
Another explanation is that the craft were extraterrestrial in origin and following a decades-long policy of secretly intervening to forestall nuclear weapons incidents, as contended by the author, Solaris Modalis, who provided the photos’ genesis.

While extraterrestrial intervention is possible, it is more likely that the highly advanced state of a USAF-run Secret Space Program was all that was needed to intervene to thwart the intended false flag attack. In either case, the photos may explain how the incoming ballistic missile was shot down.
If our alternative scenario is correct, this raises a number of critical ‘who’, ‘why’ and ‘where’ questions. As to the ‘who question’, both alternative news sources refer to a stealth submarine with ballistic nuclear weapons technology.
Clearly this could only have been achieved by a nation or entity in control of submarines equipped with nuclear ballistic weapons. The Deep State is referred to in the reports as the most likely culprit, possibly using a nation state proxy to be able to pin the blame on North Korea in a false flag event.
As to the ‘why question’, a possible answer lies in the December 21 Executive Order passed by President Trump to freeze the financial assets of all involved in human rights abuses and corruption in the US and around the world. By cutting off the life blood of major Deep State actors and proxy groups, the U.S. Military that is the real power behind the Trump Presidency, has declared financial war against the Deep State.
Furthermore, alternative news reports of Guantanamo military prison being expanded in late December 2017, to host Deep State VIP’s detained by U.S. Special Forces, may have also been a catalyst for the Deep State to react.
It’s very possible that the Deep State responded to these recent developments by launching a nuclear weapons attack against Hawaii, which hosts the largest concentration of U.S. military assets anywhere in the world. If so, it is fortunate that the attack was thwarted and the culprits taken out, most likely by antigravity spacecraft belonging to a Secret Space Program.
This raises the question of whether there might be future “false flag” attacks by Deep State assets to initiate major regional conflagration and a possible World War III. Such a possibility was alluded to by the anonymous whistleblower, Q Anon, who posted a cryptic warning on January 14 that implied the Hawaii event was one of a major false flag events this coming week.

On January 16, a New York Times report referred to another false alarm, this time in Japan where residents were warned by a major TV broadcaster to take shelter from an incoming ballistic missile:
Japan’s public broadcaster on Tuesday accidentally sent news alerts that North Korea had launched a missile and that citizens should take shelter — just days after the government of Hawaii had sent a similar warning to its citizens.
Could the Hawaii and Japan false alarms be the first two attempts at major false flag events orchestrated by the Deep State that have been thwarted by the U.S. military and its “off-world” allies?
It’s also possible that what really happened on January 13 (and Jan 16 in Japan), including the mainstream media explanation of human error, may have been intended as a threat to the U.S. military and Trump Administration to step back from the financial war and the extraction of Deep State VIPs taken to Gitmo.
It’s hard to imagine the U.S. military and Trump backing down after their initiatives in late December 2017, especially if there really was a missile attack against Hawaii. The possibility of potential false flag military attacks orchestrated by the Deep State gives powerful incentive to government authorities to cover up what really happened on the morning of January 13, and possibly also to Japan on January 16.
The possible involvement of a Secret Space Program, most likely acting alone or with extraterrestrial assistance, in thwarting false flag attacks on Hawaii and/or Japan provides confidence that future false flag attacks using conventional military technologies are unlikely to succeed.
Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
Further Reading
Global Elite taken to GITMO by US Special Forces – Full Disclosure Implications
Trump Executive Order targets Deep State & Opens Door to Full Disclosure
Did President Trump Endorse Q Info on Secret Indictments of Pedophile Network?
Secret Presidential Memorandum issued to Declassify Anti-aging & Free Energy Technologies
US Special Forces Arrest Satanic Pedophile Group – the Antarctica Connection
Trump to Use Space Weapons against North Korea to begin Secret Space Program Disclosure
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