05 February 2023

2023 – Rise of the Earth Alliance


This is the trailer for the “What’s Coming in 2023: Global Revolution & SSP/ET Disclosure” webinar to be held on Feb 18, 2023. Trailer covers how the Deep State’s planetary control agenda is increasingly being exposed. What were once major issues that were opaque and difficult to understand, are now being clearly seen and exposed by a growing coalition of people all over the planet. Dedicated truth tellers investigating core issues are daily releasing their findings through alternative media sources.

The Deep State’s imminent collapse will facilitate major disclosures in 2023 about secret space programs, flourishing undersea and underground cities, artifacts from ancient civilizations, and visiting extraterrestrial life, all of which have long been kept secret by the global control system.

Michael Salla, Ph.D. on .


Watch on Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon, or Odysee (YouTube/Vimeo)*

More webinar info is available here

Date: Feb 18, 2023, at 1 pm East Coast / 10 am Pacific

Length: 2 hours plus 30 min Q & A

New Platform: Crowdcast

*Note: This video trailer was deleted by YouTube allegedly for “content that glorifies or incites acts of violence” and led to my Exopolitics Today channel receiving a strike with posting privileges suspended for a week.Vimeo followed suit a few hours later removing the video as “conspiracy-related content”! You be the judge of whether YouTube/Vimeo are preventing violence/conspiracy theory or protecting the Deep State through censorship. This deletion is a reminder for why its important to subscribe to my Rumble, Bitchute, Brighteon, or Odysee channels, which protect freedom of speech, and registering for email updates from Exopolitics.org.

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